
The tools we use shape our practices. The practices we have shape our tools. This website itself is one of them.



Simon Brownespilled the beans

— updated text

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - 20:21


Simon Brownedisclosed

— updated text

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - 20:15


Simon Brownepeached

— updated text

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - 20:13


Simon Brownepeached

— updated text

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - 20:11


Simon Brownecomitted

— removed images

Tuesday, 4th June 2024 - 18:59



Stephanie Vilayphiouconfessed

— updated to python-qt5

Tuesday, 1st November 2022 - 23:08


Stephanie Vilayphioupublished

— merge?

Tuesday, 9th November 2021 - 16:10


Stéphanie Vilayphioucried

— write_sfd was looking for 6 params, 4 only were given. Fons is back on track\!

Friday, 5th February 2016 - 17:23


Stéphanie Vilayphioublabbed out

— remove the cheking of potrace install

Friday, 5th February 2016 - 17:06


Stéphanie Vilayphioulet out

— add python-fontforge dependency

Friday, 5th February 2016 - 17:06



Stephanie Vilayphioutold

— Updated foundry archive download link schema as it seems Gitlab has changed their templates.

Thursday, 9th September 2021 - 14:15



— Update about.html

Sunday, 30th August 2020 - 12:50


Stephanie Vilayphioubabbled out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 7th July 2020 - 16:55



— Update about.html, link added

Tuesday, 28th January 2020 - 00:09


Stephanie Vilayphioucried

— activity reports 2018 and 2019

Tuesday, 7th July 2020 - 16:55




— start print

Friday, 20th August 2021 - 15:26



— relink the localhost to the file document.html. No need anymore to use the polyfill file

Thursday, 26th May 2016 - 13:07


Stéphanie Vilayphioucomitted

— region-break adapted for polyfill

Thursday, 7th April 2016 - 16:26


Stéphanie Vilayphioupublished

— an image in the content of the 'examples' folder

Thursday, 7th April 2016 - 16:25


Eric Schrijverrendered

— Add some structure to the HTML content document so it is clear it is HTML

Thursday, 7th April 2016 - 16:12




— Update

Tuesday, 26th May 2020 - 23:09



— Update with Ce qui brûle

Wednesday, 6th May 2020 - 07:40


Pierre Huyghebaertdivulged

— moving files

Wednesday, 6th May 2020 - 07:29



— Upload New File

Wednesday, 6th May 2020 - 07:07



— Upload New File

Wednesday, 6th May 2020 - 07:06



Stephanie Vilayphiougave away

— Front-end changes.

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 17:00


Stephanie Vilayphioushouted

— Format date (in js) in the blob history

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 15:37


Stephanie Vilayphioubabbled out

— Managing date formatting for commit lists and last_activity_at and
created_at (the latter two were already date objects)

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 15:29


Stephanie Vilayphiouadmitted

— Added Jinja filter "datetime" to format dates in templates.

{{ committed_date|datetime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M") }}

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 15:20


Gijs de Heijbabbled

— A first version with cache invalidation.

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 15:31



Ali Rayunwrapped

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 13th March 2020 - 12:20



— Update

Friday, 13th March 2020 - 11:54


Ali Raysaid

— Converting a PDF from RGB to CMYK (overprint or not) now works!

Based on this StackOverflow post: <>

Created an ICC profile for images (RGB) and another one for text and
graphics (black) zith the tool collink (from ArgyllCMS)

The new icc profiles are on the repo and how to address them is in the
file `control.txt`.

Friday, 13th March 2020 - 12:18


alexandrebrought out

— Replacing "convert" with "magick" for better compatibility with macos and windows versions of image magick.

Friday, 13th March 2020 - 11:37



— Update

Friday, 13th March 2020 - 11:36




— Update requirements.txt

Tuesday, 12th November 2019 - 11:44



— Update

Friday, 8th November 2019 - 15:45



— Update

Friday, 8th November 2019 - 15:44



— Update

Friday, 8th November 2019 - 15:43


sarahbrought out

— Update to make it work with python2

Friday, 8th November 2019 - 14:17




— Update README.txt

Thursday, 11th July 2019 - 12:16


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— An example of a collaborator committing files in a git repository,
visible on OSP's website to the public.

Thank you Catherine!

Thursday, 3rd April 2014 - 17:04


Stéphanie Vilayphioutattled

— A simple script to download the text from the pad, and insert a link to
a CSS file.

NOTE: I plan to test OmegaT to translate the document, but keeping the
layout as it handles HTML tags and versioning (that's why the English
text is in a "source" directory).

Saturday, 22nd March 2014 - 18:00




— Adapted the script to welcome a change on other branches than 'master'

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 11:32


Alex Lerayverbalised

— Script to install hooks

Wednesday, 11th January 2017 - 15:48


Alex Leraytalked

— Merge

Wednesday, 11th January 2017 - 15:47


OSP Websiteshouted

— It should be fully working now

Wednesday, 11th January 2017 - 15:45


Alex Lerayuttered

— Test

Friday, 12th August 2016 - 00:13




— Update

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 10:35



— script d'install de qtwebkit personnalisé pour OSPkit

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 10:30



— Upload New File

Tuesday, 14th May 2019 - 23:00



— Upload New File

Tuesday, 14th May 2019 - 23:00



— Upload New File

Tuesday, 14th May 2019 - 23:00



Ali Rayspoke

— u001 font

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 12:31


Ali Raydisclosed

— Junicode test

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 12:15


Ali Rayblabbed out

— Initial commit

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 11:57



Stéphanie Vilayphioudiscovered

— Updated the script. Now it converts an RGB PDF into a CMYK
PDF without or with overprint, with no washed colors as we've seen in
Médor 3.
Thanks to Lionel Maes (La Villa Hermosa) to have debugged this together!

Friday, 19th August 2016 - 16:04


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— added usage for overprint export

Wednesday, 20th July 2016 - 14:43


Stéphanie Vilayphioubrought out

— The was a symbolic link. Here it is for real.

Friday, 6th May 2016 - 11:00


Stéphanie Vilayphioupublished

— Update to preserve true black, with overprint option.

Thursday, 25th February 2016 - 13:02


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— Merge pull request #1 from docteurem/master

ça merge ou quoi?

Thursday, 2nd April 2015 - 16:38



Eric Schrijverlet on

— Use 'og-image' custom field to specify preview image for social networks for specific posts

Saturday, 7th May 2016 - 18:08


Eric Schrijveremited

— The single post templates somehow show different sidebars so other stuff to hide

Saturday, 7th May 2016 - 17:55


Eric Schrijverblabbed out

— Mobile optimised

Saturday, 7th May 2016 - 17:43


Eric Schrijvergave away

— Remove the sidebar: a 460px wide design!

Saturday, 7th May 2016 - 17:34


Eric Schrijversaid

— Update OSP e-mail address

Saturday, 7th May 2016 - 17:21



Pierre Marchanddivulged

— new command


Wednesday, 23rd March 2016 - 17:20


Pierre Marchandsang

— casual update

alter includes to match Qt5 naming
render to SVG is made optional (it is very slow sometimes)
export to PNG

Wednesday, 23rd March 2016 - 12:23


Stéphanie Vilayphiouspoke

— some archeological images from Vietnam: drawing typeface in the street by motorbike, reporting instructions on Literal Draw, in Vietnamese. Turtle style.

Tuesday, 10th March 2015 - 22:45


Stéphanie Vilayphioudivulged

— screenshot de Literal Draw avec un dessin de Pierre-Barick Fogue Kake

Monday, 9th March 2015 - 20:49


Stéphanie Vilayphiouargued

— small description. install instructions

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 - 12:23



Pierre Marchandlet the cat out of the bag

— fixed newer versions of GMP do not implicitly cast mpf_class to double

Tuesday, 5th January 2016 - 15:50


Pierre Marchandblabbed out

— updated boost.filesystem dependency

Friday, 16th October 2015 - 11:26


Pierre Marchandwhistled

— Added a sample python plan, note that it's still a prototype

Wednesday, 8th May 2013 - 10:03


Pierre Marchandwhistled

— ReaderPython - Added translation point as the base point for rotation.
It simplifies a lot rotation computation for intuitive plan composition,
but possibily brings limitations.

Saturday, 12th January 2013 - 12:25



— Avoid formation of invalid tokens when concatenating content streams

Wednesday, 20th June 2012 - 01:45



Eric Schrijververbalised

— Allow to use local file instead of web address

Friday, 25th September 2015 - 17:19


Eric Schrijveruttered

— OSP Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

Wednesday, 6th August 2014 - 23:06


Eric Schrijverpublished

— Screenshot + known bugs

Thursday, 31st July 2014 - 16:15


Eric Schrijverrevealed

— Now it goes all the way! Use phantoms to automatically create screenshot, then add the browser window around it

phantomjs shot.js screenshot_test.png 1000px*2000px

see also README.txt

Wednesday, 30th July 2014 - 15:15


Eric Schrijversaid

— another example

Wednesday, 30th July 2014 - 14:22



Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— more pictures

Friday, 20th March 2015 - 12:02


Stéphanie Vilayphioudeclared

— archive + observe

Friday, 20th March 2015 - 11:15



Eric Schrijvercried

— The changes to d-codemirror were merged upstream

Tuesday, 24th February 2015 - 17:53


Eric Schrijverspoke

— Merge branch 'master' of

Monday, 23rd February 2015 - 15:50


Eric Schrijverspoke

— Rename README.txt to

Pain in the heart!

Friday, 6th February 2015 - 20:46


Eric Schrijverblabbed out

— Use <base> tag to make relative file paths work both in read and in raw mode

like <img src="final.gif"/>

Monday, 23rd February 2015 - 00:27


Eric Schrijvertold

— Title tags!

Saturday, 21st February 2015 - 14:11



Stéphanie Vilayphioustated

— some iceberg images

Thursday, 15th January 2015 - 14:33


Stéphanie Vilayphiouexpressed

— Rm ipdb.

Takes png|gif input according to convert/no-convert parameter.

Friday, 12th December 2014 - 13:46


Stéphanie Vilayphioulet on

— rm old bash scripts

Friday, 12th December 2014 - 13:46


Stéphanie Vilayphioublabbed

— python2 → python

Friday, 12th December 2014 - 13:34


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— mege

Friday, 12th December 2014 - 13:31



Pierre Marchandsaid

— A new option to output recognized text

Monday, 20th January 2014 - 16:06


Pierre Marchanddeclared

— Now that we found the version of tesseract with which
fonzie can deal (r659), reactivate some includes

Wednesday, 25th September 2013 - 07:24


Pierre Marchandsaid

— pfff, on peut plus rigoler

Sunday, 22nd September 2013 - 16:31


Pierre Marchandexposed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 7th February 2013 - 19:12


Eric Schrijverargued

— The README lacked a title

Saturday, 19th May 2012 - 16:03


Stéphanie Vilayphiouinterpreted

— Titles, sections, lists taken care of

Monday, 20th January 2014 - 11:49


Stéphanie Vilayphiourevealed

— As we start, with Femke Snelting and Madeleine Aktypi, a shared mediawiki for our courses, I couldn't just leave the default skin with these infinite lines...

Just some basic changes as I didn't want to spend too much time digging
into the skin, the idea is to flatten things: less similar colors, less
gradients, a more comfortable line length, a typeface to change of the
monotonous Mediawiki feel & look?

Please continue to change it!

Tuesday, 14th January 2014 - 12:32



Stéphanie Vilayphiouconfessed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 - 12:46


Pierre Marchandunwrapped

— fixed wrong reversed glyph indexing when loading document

Tuesday, 25th June 2013 - 16:57


Stéphanie Vilayphioulet out

— install instructions

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 - 12:46


Pierre Marchandpeached

— universal delete/backspace glyph removal

Tuesday, 25th June 2013 - 15:47


nik gaffneydiscovered

— linux freetype compatibility

Tuesday, 25th June 2013 - 15:04



Pierre Huyghebaertlet loose

— Merge branch 'master' of

Sunday, 21st April 2013 - 10:39


Pierre Marchandsaid

— _

Thursday, 19th July 2012 - 18:14


Pierre Marchandtalked

— fork

Thursday, 19th July 2012 - 18:08


Pierre Marchandsaid

— _

Thursday, 19th July 2012 - 16:11


Pierre Marchandpeached

— _

Thursday, 19th July 2012 - 16:09



Stéphanie Vilayphioudeclared

— ok, let's put the orginal book in pdf, might be useful

Thursday, 18th April 2013 - 10:11


Stéphanie Vilayphioutattled

— read me, please do

Thursday, 18th April 2013 - 10:05


Stéphanie Vilayphiouspilled the beans

— the missing figures: chapter 1 to 4 completed. chapter 5 to finish

Thursday, 18th April 2013 - 10:02


Stéphanie Vilayphioudisclosed

— original file of metafont book + macros to run it → still haven't figured out how to compile it

Thursday, 18th April 2013 - 10:01


Stéphanie Vilayphiouconfessed

— gitignore: tex logs

Thursday, 18th April 2013 - 09:52



Eric Schrijverargued

— Now includes commiter name in the commit message

Saturday, 30th March 2013 - 16:04


Eric Schrijveremited

— Create an iCalendar file based on the commits in a git repository.

( prettyPrint prints to stdout, it doesn’t return; had to use .serialize() )

Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 - 23:19



— _fix setup.py_

Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 - 21:09


Eric Schrijverdivulged

— First tentative for this package

( I didn’t get the lucky chance to try it out
yet. I will have to get into the OSP server
for that.. )

Wednesday, 23rd January 2013 - 18:43



Eric Schrijverdivulged

— Remove the django version from the Ruby branch

Friday, 5th October 2012 - 21:54


Eric Schrijversaid

— Remove bobo/disputio

Disputio has its own home,
and the bobo folder represents experiments in python/libgit2
that have ended up in the django version

Friday, 5th October 2012 - 21:40


Eric Schrijvertold

— Add example setting to VC path

Friday, 5th October 2012 - 13:00


Pierre Marchanddivulged

— Got the frog back :)

Friday, 5th October 2012 - 03:32


Pierre Marchandexposed

— Almost there with osp home page, still some glitches in the visual culture but still we can see icebergs

Friday, 5th October 2012 - 03:10



Eric Schrijversaid

— Makefile make OSP files in simplified file hierarchy

Generated files are ignored by git

Thursday, 21st June 2012 - 08:55


Eric Schrijvershouted

— No more docs

Lets try to keep all this as simple as possible

Wednesday, 20th June 2012 - 18:25


Eric Schrijvercried

— Removing all these pesky shiny bordery things

Wednesday, 20th June 2012 - 18:12


Eric Schrijverironized

— Univers Else

Wednesday, 20th June 2012 - 18:10


Eric Schrijversaid

— NotCourierSans for code

Thursday, 26th April 2012 - 18:12



Pierre Marchandemited

— everything's almost there ***

Sunday, 19th February 2012 - 20:42


Pierre Marchandblabbed out

— everything's almost there ***

Sunday, 19th February 2012 - 19:13


Pierre Marchandunwrapped

— everything's almost there **

Sunday, 19th February 2012 - 18:54


Pierre Marchandblabbed out

— everything's almost there :)

Sunday, 19th February 2012 - 18:10


Pierre Marchandpeached

— Arf, fake JS class inheritance...

Sunday, 19th February 2012 - 18:08



Johnbrought out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 15th February 2012 - 21:02



— gr

Friday, 10th February 2012 - 18:45


Johnlet loose

— andy is with us

Wednesday, 15th February 2012 - 21:02



— we needed bigger samples

Monday, 13th February 2012 - 18:29



— first test cases

Friday, 10th February 2012 - 18:12



Ludivine Loiseautalked

— beta book

Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 22:38


Ludivine Loiseauverbalized

— Open House run

Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 22:36


Eric Schrijverexpressed

— Add the fonts via the foundry website

Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 10:43


Ludivine Loiseaupeached

— 20 meters later

Tuesday, 10th January 2012 - 13:34


Ludivine Loiseauironized

— tests with several jobs

Tuesday, 10th January 2012 - 12:57