clone your own copy | download snapshot


A webapp to mirror gitlab hosted repositories on OSP server.

It starts a webserver listening for gitlab webhook pushes.

Snapshots | iceberg

No images in this repository’s iceberg at this time

Inside this repository



Alex Leraysang

— Basic primitive version

Monday, 18th July 2016 - 15:57


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Requirements

Monday, 18th July 2016 - 16:08


Alex Leraytold

— ignore python junk

Monday, 18th July 2016 - 16:27


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Wsgi module

Monday, 18th July 2016 - 16:28


Alex Leraytold

— Fixed some variables and made the script a module

Thursday, 11th August 2016 - 23:15


Alex Lerayadmitted


Thursday, 11th August 2016 - 23:30


Alex Leraybabbled

— Readme update, mainly to test the script.

Thursday, 11th August 2016 - 23:36


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Test

Friday, 12th August 2016 - 00:07


Alex Lerayemited

— Test

Friday, 12th August 2016 - 00:13


OSP Websiteshouted

— It should be fully working now

Wednesday, 11th January 2017 - 15:45


Alex Lerayargued

— Merge

Wednesday, 11th January 2017 - 15:47


Alex Leraysaid

— Script to install hooks

Wednesday, 11th January 2017 - 15:48



— Adapted the script to welcome a change on other branches than 'master'

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 11:32