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Inside this repository




— test

Friday, 31st March 2017 - 10:58



— test

Friday, 31st March 2017 - 11:41


Alex Leraywhispered

— Started to create the parser using PegJS

Friday, 31st March 2017 - 11:47



— test

Friday, 31st March 2017 - 17:36


Alex Lerayexpressed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 31st March 2017 - 22:45



— test commit

Tuesday, 18th April 2017 - 12:32


Alex Leraygave away

— Merged in the django project

Tuesday, 18th April 2017 - 12:35



— prototype

Tuesday, 18th April 2017 - 15:53


Alex Leraytattled

— Group proof of concepts under prototypes directory

Tuesday, 18th April 2017 - 15:55



— partition réparé

Tuesday, 18th April 2017 - 16:02


Alex Lerayuttered

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 18th April 2017 - 16:07


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— A first prototype of sortable lists

Wednesday, 19th April 2017 - 09:06


Alex Lerayexposed

— A minimal backbone example

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 12:14


Alex Leraycomplained

— modified the django models to allow for hierarchy

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 12:15



— partition avec exemple fonctionnel

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 11:59


Nicolaslet out

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 12:00


Alex Leraystated

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 12:16



— iteration sur les prpopriétés de l'objet

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 17:03


Alex Lerayadmitted

— api >< backbone with nested models

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 16:47



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w


Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 17:06



— Avec essai couleur pour la profondeur

La liste des couleurs différentes vient d'ici:

Tuesday, 25th April 2017 - 18:47


Alex Lerayspoke

— Renders a tree using marionette and restframework

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 13:34


Alex Leraytalked

— added the sortable code, roughly

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 15:08


Nicolas Malevegave away

— backbone model update, fichiers découplés

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 14:59


Nicolas Malevestated

— bouton éditer sur les axes

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 15:00


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 15:09


Alex Leraysang

— On sait éditer les axes! Youpi!

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 15:14


Alex Leraystated

— More precise instructions to bootstrap django

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 15:29


Alex Lerayexposed

— Added djangorestframework-recursive to the requirements

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 15:37


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Crsf is working

Tuesday, 2nd May 2017 - 16:30


Alex Leraysaid

— Work with fixtures for now

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 10:55


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Conditional children number

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 11:26


Alex Leraydiscovered

— Slider view and a few css styles

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 14:30



— changements à partitiion

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 10:56



— app modifs temnporaires

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 10:58



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w


Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 11:29



— merged app.js

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 11:32



— ajout boutons interface

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 14:30


Alex Leraypeached

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 14:35


Alex Leraywhistled

— John Cage in da place

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 15:46


Alex Leraysaid

— a few styles

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 15:53



— de aspect à alternative

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 15:48



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w


Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 15:51


Alex Lerayverbalized

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 16:01



— commencement tags

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 16:27


Alex Lerayadmitted

— A few quick design fixes for screenshots

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 16:26



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 10th May 2017 - 16:27



— ajout de tag dans axe

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 10:17


Alex Lerayuttered

— A method to get the depth of the children tree

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 22:39


Alex Leraydivulged

— Some cleaning

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 22:40


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Slide event à la Marionette

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 22:43


Alex Leraybrought out

— More verbose views and models instanciation

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 22:44


Alex Lerayemited

— Display the slider

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 22:45



— navigation au clavier

méthode focusin de jquery empêche l'axe de s'effacer quand le focus est
sur un élément enfant.
Quand la selection se fait avec le clavier (pour sélectionner une case à
cocher), il y a ré-écriture de l'axe donc perte de la classe injectée.
Comment intégrer cela dans marionet ou backbone au moment de la ré-

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 18:33


Alex Lerayclaimed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 16th May 2017 - 22:45


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Changed models and DB to use PostrgreSQL JSONField

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 14:46



— retour au score clavier initial

Monday, 22nd May 2017 - 15:05



— contenteditables et boite d'infos

Monday, 22nd May 2017 - 17:06



— changer les tags sur le même niveau

Difficulté à accéder au parent. Résolé par un fix qui associe un objet à
un nouvel attribut parent. à voir comment améliorer.

Tuesday, 30th May 2017 - 17:37



— essai de changer de branche

Tuesday, 30th May 2017 - 17:41



— Amélioration des contenteditables

Tuesday, 30th May 2017 - 19:59



— edit alternative

honteux copier-coller. Pour penser le type de widget nécessaire.

Tuesday, 30th May 2017 - 21:03


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w into feature-jsonfield

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 15:03


Alex Lerayspilled the beans

— Sets the sibling tags

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 15:43


Alex Leraycomplained

— We nned some psycho PostgreSQL

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 15:46


Alex Lerayspoke

— Added a step to HACKING.md

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 15:49


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— Added the test data for the record

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 16:31


Alex Leraydivulged

— Working App + Router.

http://localhost:8000/playground/score/ creates a new score
http://localhost:8000/playground/score/#3 loads score with id 3

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 18:31



— quick commit

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 15:09



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w


Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 15:25



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 16:35



— marionnettiser les infos

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 18:02


Alex Leraylet on

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 1st June 2017 - 18:32


Alex Leraytattled

— on peut éditer et enregistrer des partitions!

Friday, 2nd June 2017 - 14:07


Alex Leraycomplained

— Splitted the js code accross several files

Friday, 2nd June 2017 - 14:29


Alex Leraytattled

— Clean HTML

Friday, 2nd June 2017 - 14:48


Alex Leraygave away

— Cleaned views.js

Friday, 2nd June 2017 - 19:06



— axe contingent et alternative

Saturday, 3rd June 2017 - 15:47



— condition impérative

Tuesday, 6th June 2017 - 00:43



— fix bug déplier ne fonctionne qu'une seule fois

Wednesday, 14th June 2017 - 13:37


Alex Lerayclaimed

— Prod requirements

Tuesday, 6th June 2017 - 17:27


Alex Leraylet out

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 6th June 2017 - 17:28


Alex Lerayuttered

— Typo + petite

Tuesday, 6th June 2017 - 17:48



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 14th June 2017 - 13:37



— séries de bugs édition

éditer titre et mise
boucle indéterminée (la boucle se comporte comme l'alternative)
alternative sans bouton inclusive/exclusive
bouton ajouter ne passe plus par un prompt

Wednesday, 14th June 2017 - 17:16


Alex Lerayspoke

— Django list view for the scores

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 14:55


Alex Lerayspoke

— listview en backbone

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 16:06


Alex Leraylet on

— List + create views

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 17:39



— effacer

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 14:57



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 14:57



— tout déplier et suppression d'un axe

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 16:07


Nicolaslet out

— vues conditionnelles

un début

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 17:33


Alex Lerayshouted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 17:39


Alex Leraycried

— fix score creation. Turns out the solution was to be found in Backbone


This was useful as well:


Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 22:03



— switch vue edit

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 17:43



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 17:43



— première vue nettoyée

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 19:12


Alex Leraypublished

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 15th June 2017 - 22:04



— bug tout déplier, maintenant attaché à la vue

Friday, 16th June 2017 - 11:47


Nicolaslet on

— chahgements suite au retour Joris

- éviter bouton ”(dé)plier" en mode vue (clic n’importe où sur l'axe)
- (i) en noir et indications au survol (mode vue)
- ne pas noter l’alternative ("entre n et p axes") dans l’axe supérieur
- marquer les axes contingents comme barrés
- marquer les axes modulés comme soulignés

Friday, 16th June 2017 - 20:50


Nicolaslet out

— vue suite

- amélioration du soulignage
- rajouter après l’axe (dans la même police et couleur), un symbole pour
l’aspect : duratif →, itératif ~, sémelfactif↓

Saturday, 17th June 2017 - 08:41



— close infos en vue reste passif

Saturday, 17th June 2017 - 08:45



— amélioration de l'édition de la boucle

On peut se contenter de cocher l'option boucle sans renseigner ses

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 08:40


Alex Lerayconfessed

— Cleaning

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 12:16


Alex Leraysaid

— Some cleaning again

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 22:04


Alex Leraylet loose

— Sortable seems to work!

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 23:19



— tag noir, alternative défaut 1 et 1

- en mode vue que le ”(i)” n’apparaisse que quand le champ ”indication”
a été renseigné.
- le tilde (pour itératif) plus gros ou remplacer par --- si compliqué
- placer le signe de l’alternative (V) avant le tag et non après,

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 22:40



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w


Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 22:52


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 23:23



— ajouter des axes assigne la valeur de l'alternative aux sous-axes rajoutés

par la fonction "ajouter"

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 23:30


Alex Leraygave away

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Sunday, 18th June 2017 - 23:43


Nicolasgave away

— l'axe déplacé prend la condition qui vient de son nouveaui parent

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 00:03



— espace, ignorer

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 15:37


Alex Lerayrendered

— Now you can delete partitions

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 15:06



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w


Monday, 19th June 2017 - 15:45


Nicolasspilled the beans

— ignore

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 13:32


Alex Leraylet out

— Templates in their own files

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 15:53


Alex Leraytweeted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 15:55


Pierre Huyghebaertstated

— Updating the readme to install everything included postgresql

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 17:12


Alex Lerayadmitted

— duplicate scores

Monday, 19th June 2017 - 17:41



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 13:32


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Cleaning

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 13:41



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 13:44



— capturer le retour de charriot dans l'édition du titre

appelle blur sur le titre

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 15:20


Alex Leraycried

— fix rollver issue on infos

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 13:53



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 15:20



— Débuggage retour 20/06

- mode edit : dans les champs texte, la touche <entrée> ne fait plus de
retour à la ligne pour les titre, condition et terme
- les fenêtres (i) ouvertes au survol se ferment quand la souris quite
le (i)
- en mode vue, le ”(i)” n'apparaît que quand le champ ”indication” a été
- mode vue : boucle apparaît avant terme
- les boucles à valeur unique se notent avec un seul chiffre (de 3 à 3 =
- si on renseigne une valeur unique pour l’alternative (par ex. “entre 2
et 2”), organon la traite comme une alternative inclusive
- condition : le symbole # apparaît à gauche de l’axe, avant le tag, et
le texte est lisible au survol
- terme : en noir, corps plus petit, précédé d’une →
- le symbole de l’aspect arrive juste après le nom de l’axe, dans sa
couleur, avant le (i)
- mettre les valeurs de l’alternative sont mises en indice

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 17:15


Pierre Huyghebaertsaid

— Added fonts

Tuesday, 20th June 2017 - 19:05


Alex Lerayrendered

— Annotated the code together with Nicolas

Monday, 28th August 2017 - 15:56


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Fix: "dupliquer une partition ne marche toujours pas"

Wednesday, 1st November 2017 - 15:14


Alex Leraygave away

— Adeed a fabfile for easier deployement

Run `fab deploy` to deploy

Wednesday, 1st November 2017 - 15:39


Alex Leraywhistled

— Order partitions by title

Wednesday, 1st November 2017 - 15:47


Alex Leraywhistled

— local vendors dependencies. No CDN

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 01:21


Alex Leraywhistled

— Visual placeholder + fix dissapearing single child sublines

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 01:22


Alex Leraystated

— cleaning sediments

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 10:22


Alex Lerayargued

— Fix: "quand on saisit un terme sur un sous-axe, Organon le copie parfois automatiquement sur les axes supérieurs"

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 10:29


Alex Leraytalked

— simplified list element onRender method

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 17:55


Gijs de Heijspoke

— onBlur for events

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 17:44


Gijs de Heijexposed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 17:46


Alex Lerayexpressed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 17:57


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— Fix mode EDIT:

mode EDIT : “ajouter” déplie automatiquement l’axe concerné (sinon on ne voit pas les sous-axes qu’on rajoute)
mode EDIT : rendre impossible d’avoir un nom de sous-axe complètement vide (par défaut : “sous axe”), sinon on du mal à rouvrir le champ

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 23:45


Gijs de Heijunwrapped

— Simplified condition display

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 18:34


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 23:46


Alex Leraybabbled out

— remove junk text

Thursday, 2nd November 2017 - 23:49


Alex Lerayargued

— Fix "noter les alternatives à valeur unique avec un seul chiffre (V2-2 =

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 12:55


Alex Leraywhistled

— A few display settings

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 15:14


Gijs de Heijargued

— Added checkbox beforethe aspects

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 15:04


Gijs de Heijemited

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 15:04


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 15:15


Alex Leraytalked

— Cross browser wavy lines

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 17:26


Gijs de Heijshouted

— Tags are back

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 16:32


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 16:32


Gijs de Heijverbalized

— exclamation mark into condition-label

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 17:07


Gijs de Heijlet out

— Duplication & removing in node edition view

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 17:18


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 3rd November 2017 - 17:27


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Form reshaping

Friday, 17th November 2017 - 15:23


Alex Lerayemited

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 17th November 2017 - 16:22


Gijs de Heijargued

— Row editing as form

Sunday, 26th November 2017 - 22:59


Gijs de Heijunwrapped

— Included edit button list mode.

Sunday, 26th November 2017 - 23:14


Gijs de Heijbrought out

— Further integration of edit and view mode

Wednesday, 29th November 2017 - 09:40


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Disabled save, for now

Wednesday, 29th November 2017 - 09:43


Gijs de Heijdiscovered

— Moving boucle and alternative to a subview

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 10:52


Gijs de Heijverbalized

— Furthered form, made save form disabled without changes

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 17:58


Gijs de Heijdisclosed

— Transition of boucle and alternative

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:07


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Transition of boucle and alternative

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:08


Gijs de Heijcried

— Transition of boucle and alternative

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:10


Gijs de Heijdeclared

— Transition of boucle and alternative

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:21


Gijs de Heijspilled the beans

— Transition of boucle and alternative

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:32


Gijs de Heijspoke

— Transition of boucle and alternative

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:45


Gijs de Heijbabbled

— Alternative debugging

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 18:58


Gijs de Heijtweeted

— Alternative debugging

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 19:03


Gijs de Heijinterpreted

— reinstated duplicate button

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 19:09


Gijs de Heijdeclared

— reinstated duplicate button

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 19:16


Gijs de Heijblabbed out

— Reorderings are recorded as change

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 19:24


Gijs de Heijlet on

— Added form for score meta-data

Wednesday, 6th December 2017 - 00:58


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Small bugs

Wednesday, 6th December 2017 - 12:48


Gijs de Heijlet on

— Remove tag on top line, more info in indications

Wednesday, 6th December 2017 - 13:18


Gijs de Heijpeached

— Moved actant

Wednesday, 6th December 2017 - 13:19


Gijs de Heijshouted

— Some more small style things

Wednesday, 6th December 2017 - 13:32


Ali Rayverbalised

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 8th December 2017 - 11:58


Gijs de Heijinterpreted

— Dirty fix

Friday, 8th December 2017 - 13:31


Ali Raydivulged

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 10:35


Gijs de Heijbrought out

— Split boucle and alternative into two different views, started range selector.

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 13:19


Gijs de Heijtattled

— Slider selector for expanding / collapsing

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 19:08


Gijs de Heijbabbled out

— Hide tag when in exclusive alternative or if there is only one sub-line

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 20:36


Gijs de Heijuttered

— Added indicator when the line does not have 'sublines'

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 20:49


Gijs de Heijtold

— Should remove focus lines

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 20:57


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Changed middle dot to normal dot

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 21:01


Gijs de Heijuttered

— Focus line on #score

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 21:04


Gijs de Heijadmitted

— Removed superfluous spacing around dot in the title

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 21:09


Gijs de Heijwhistled

— Remove alternative mode

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 22:20


Alex Leraytalked

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 22:36


Gijs de Heijdivulged

— Double click on the title will also make it collapse

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 22:30


Gijs de Heijclaimed

— Score title as window title

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 22:41


Gijs de Heijcried

— Final tiny visual

Sunday, 10th December 2017 - 22:46


Alex Lerayspoke

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 09:47


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Started to improve score meta data with extra field.

For some reason, I don't manage to save the form for several fields, for
instance "auteur de la perfomance"

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 00:26


Alex Leraywhistled

— Fixed meta data editing. A simple typo in the end.

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 09:03


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Merge branch 'feature-score-meta'

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 09:48


Alex Leraycomplained

— conditional display of meta

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 15:37


Alex Lerayspilled the beans

— display of transcription and description instead of 1 and 2

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 15:39


Alex Leraytweeted

— Sidebar and score independant scroll

Monday, 11th December 2017 - 16:35


Gijs de Heijsang

— Fixes #6, collapsing of lines is persistent after a rerender

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 11:48


Gijs de Heijbabbled out

— woops

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 12:05


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Menu on the left

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 11:56


Alex Leraydeclared

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 11:57


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Cleaning some unused template

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 12:04


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 13:50


Gijs de Heijunwrapped

— Fixes #13

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 11:44


Gijs de Heijblabbed out

— Fixes #9

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 15:39


Alex Leraydiscovered

— Merged redundant views

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 13:49


Alex Leraytalked

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w into merging-views

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 13:51


Alex Leraystated

— slider on top of the page

Wednesday, 17th January 2018 - 12:02


Gijs de Heijunwrapped

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 15:40


Gijs de Heijconfessed

— Fixes #20, where checkboxes could not be checked any more

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 16:06


Gijs de Heijconfessed

— Fixes #7 to create sufficient sub-axes when a line is in alternative mode

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 18:00


Alex Lerayverbalised

— File model and api set up

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 16:45


Alex Leraywhistled

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 16:46


Gijs de Heijclaimed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 18:03


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Added traduction as a score type

Monday, 29th January 2018 - 21:00


Alex Leraylet on

— Missing migrations

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 21:31


Alex Leraycomitted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 22nd January 2018 - 21:31


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 29th January 2018 - 21:00


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Added migration for traduction option in score type

Monday, 29th January 2018 - 21:09


Gijs de Heijspilled the beans

— Transformed effectif into a rangefield, also a migration. Only show the performance author is score_type is translation or transcription

Tuesday, 30th January 2018 - 13:26


Gijs de Heijrevealed

— Preserve newlines in stage set

Tuesday, 30th January 2018 - 13:30


Gijs de Heijadmitted

— Added language field

Tuesday, 30th January 2018 - 19:28


Gijs de Heijwhistled

— Smaller font in sidebar in general, on h1 especially

Tuesday, 30th January 2018 - 19:36


Gijs de Heijlet on

— Another migration for the effectif field

Wednesday, 31st January 2018 - 13:47


Gijs de Heijcried

— Expand ruler: changed positioning of levels to absolute to ensure the active one is always on top

Wednesday, 31st January 2018 - 13:54


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Safari syntax bugs

Wednesday, 31st January 2018 - 15:53


Gijs de Heijcried

— Added 'emergency' export. Also switched the performance author and score author.

Wednesday, 31st January 2018 - 19:21


Gijs de Heijunwrapped

— Fixes #25

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 15:22


Gijs de Heijcried

— Fixes #24

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 15:37


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Fixes #27

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 15:54


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— Fixes #26

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 16:05


Gijs de Heijcomitted

— Fixes #8

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 16:34


Gijs de Heijlet out

— Extended the amount of colors

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 16:50


Gijs de Heijconfessed

— Slightly darker shade of yellow

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 16:59


Gijs de Heijtold

— Should make score detail-views load faster

Tuesday, 6th February 2018 - 17:10


Gijs de Heijtold

— Start on link creation

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 12:23


Gijs de Heijblabbed out

— Links work after adding uuid to every line

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 15:07


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— Basic link functionality

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 18:17


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— Links quite finished

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 23:06


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Added parse function on the ScoreModel to ensure a proper object. ID's are automatically added to all the lines, unvalid links are dropped. Improved depth measurement.

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 10:04


Gijs de Heijemited

— Removed bubbling of link creation event

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 10:09


Gijs de Heijshouted

— Slightly more fixed position for axis-actions

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 17:56


Alex Lerayspoke

— Added pagination on the list of scores

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 16:04


Alex Leraydeclared

— Tsukurimashou font family

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 16:26


Alex Leraydivulged

— Sorting sorted out

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 17:24


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Search functionnality

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 18:27


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Oups, missing quite some files in my previous commit

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 18:28


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Faster and lighter Score list API

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 22:20


Alex Leraysaid

— Small stylistic adjustements

Wednesday, 7th February 2018 - 22:30


Alex Leraylet on

— more pages + fonts

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 00:06


Alex Leraysaid

— BaseView (should we call it RootView?)

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 01:08


Alex Leraypeached

— Retractable menu

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 11:36


Alex Leraytweeted

— Final css adjustements before today's presentation

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 12:22


Gijs de Heijspoke

— Fixes issue where quotes where not allowed in score title, scores should be displayed faster

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 10:51


Gijs de Heijlet on

— Make line state persistent after save

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 12:10


Gijs de Heijpublished

— Removed toggle button, some details

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 12:21


Alex Leraysang

— Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into merging-alex-gijs

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 12:33


Alex Leraysaid

— Added missing migration

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:00


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Fix score layout

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:13


Gijs de Heijcomplained

— Filter to apply trim on strings

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 12:49


Gijs de Heijtold

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 12:49


Gijs de Heijexposed

— Trim all strings

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:13


Gijs de Heijbabbled out

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:13


Alex Leraysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:13


Alex Leraytattled

— A few details before the presentation

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:55



— Upload New File

Tuesday, 6th March 2018 - 17:03



— Added the Aileron fonts

Tuesday, 6th March 2018 - 17:11


Pierrebrought out

— Added the HKGrotesk fonts

Tuesday, 6th March 2018 - 17:13


Gijs de Heijlet on

— Different font

Tuesday, 6th March 2018 - 17:30


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Started to implement Pierres layout changes.

Thursday, 29th March 2018 - 08:32



— Added a layout for the main blocks

Wednesday, 7th March 2018 - 12:59



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 7th March 2018 - 12:59



— Added a sketch

Wednesday, 7th March 2018 - 13:02


Gijs de Heijpeached

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 29th March 2018 - 10:07


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Gridview for partition list

Friday, 30th March 2018 - 15:12


Gijs de Heijcried

— Moved forms inline

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 16:00


Alex Lerayexpressed

— django views and proto filter view

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 15:36


Alex Leraylet loose

— Added postcss and django compressor

Run from your app root:

npm install -save postcss postcss-cssnext postcss-cli postcss-import

Monday, 26th March 2018 - 16:55


Alex Leraypublished

— Merge branch 'feature-compress'

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 15:38


Alex Lerayadmitted

— First implementation of login/logout views

Monday, 26th March 2018 - 16:07


Alex Lerayargued

— Removed django-registration as we use rest-auth

Monday, 26th March 2018 - 16:15


Alex Leraycomitted

— Added user list-detail views

Monday, 26th March 2018 - 16:27


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Merge branch 'user-fun'

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 15:42


Alex Leraystated

— Added static_root setting to local_settings.example.py

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 15:49


Gijs de Heijverbalised

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 16:00


Alex Lerayclaimed

— Clean css

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 22:50


Alex Leraysaid

— template import in alphabetical order

(to make sure all imports are needed)

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 23:01


Alex Lerayverbalised

— removed unused template

Tuesday, 3rd April 2018 - 23:05


Alex Lerayconfessed

— variable colors

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 12:46


Gijs de Heijlet loose

— Continued on the form

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 12:20


Gijs de Heijtweeted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 12:41


Alex Leraytalked

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 12:46


Alex Lerayclaimed

— title field on attachments

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 23:25


Alex Lerayspilled the beans


Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 23:30


Gijs de Heijlet loose

— Refactoring of attachment ot one field

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 12:20


Gijs de Heijironized

— Attachment field

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 14:24


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— serve media urls

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 23:47


Alex Leraystated

— NPM dependencies install instructions

Thursday, 5th April 2018 - 22:13


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Lint tool for css

Thursday, 5th April 2018 - 22:33


Alex Lerayconfessed

— Pierre symbols

Wednesday, 4th April 2018 - 23:11


Alex Leraylet on

— Merge branch 'feature-icons'

Thursday, 5th April 2018 - 22:35


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Fix #47 (sidebar hidding on score detail pages)

Tuesday, 10th April 2018 - 10:58


Alex Leraycried

— Fix #17 (use router to switch between view)

Tuesday, 10th April 2018 - 12:24


Alex Lerayargued

— Fix #45 and #46 (score lists orders)

Tuesday, 10th April 2018 - 13:21


Alex Lerayshouted

— Link to the user page when connected

Tuesday, 10th April 2018 - 14:19


Alex Leraywhistled

— Do not interfere with paginor's own preventdefault

Thursday, 12th April 2018 - 11:22


Alex Leraywhistled

— Proper tag support (comma separated values).

Update requirements and migrate

Thursday, 12th April 2018 - 11:23


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Quick fix of routing issue with Annuler button

Thursday, 12th April 2018 - 11:42


Alex Leraycried

— Added missing migrating (tags)

Thursday, 12th April 2018 - 15:55


Alex Leraydivulged

— Implementing help views

Thursday, 12th April 2018 - 15:55


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Featured scores backend

Friday, 4th May 2018 - 17:07


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Missing template (help)

Monday, 7th May 2018 - 11:05


Annie Kolemeninterpreted

— homeview w/ latestupadted modified -is_featured filter

Monday, 7th May 2018 - 13:52


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Added cache to gitignore

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 12:22


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Merge branch 'master' into attachment

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 14:29


Gijs de Heijlet loose

— Merging seperate view file for attachment back into main view

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 16:17


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Attachment

Friday, 11th May 2018 - 17:49


Gijs de Heijdeclared

— Attachment almost there

Thursday, 17th May 2018 - 19:22


Gijs de Heijdeclared

— Moved serving static files to the top of the list, as otherwise media requests would be eaten by the catch-all view.

Saturday, 9th June 2018 - 22:29


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Started integration of the attachment into the interface

Monday, 11th June 2018 - 09:34


Gijs de Heijrevealed

— Started on multi-language templates

Thursday, 17th May 2018 - 19:26


Annie Kolemenadmitted

— language dictionnary added

Friday, 18th May 2018 - 14:42


Annie Kolemenlet the cat out of the bag

— bin/find-translations.sh added

Friday, 18th May 2018 - 17:06


Alex Leraylet out

— That file should be ignored

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 10:15


Alex Leraysang

— Better translation script

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 11:18


Alex Leraytalked

— External translation file

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 11:19


Alex Leraylet loose

— Proto langage switching working

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 17:38


Alex Lerayshouted

— Mover translation files

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 17:41


Alex Lerayshouted

— Started to namespace utils functions

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 17:53


Alex Lerayclaimed

— user langage persistence through cookies

Monday, 28th May 2018 - 18:00


Alex Leraysaid

— A few cosmetic changes

Friday, 1st June 2018 - 10:19


Alex Lerayuttered

— Merge branch 'master' into attachment

Monday, 11th June 2018 - 16:59


Alex Leraycried

— Taking into account django guardian permissions

Saturday, 2nd June 2018 - 11:49


Alex Leraytweeted

— Added a permissions field to the api

Monday, 4th June 2018 - 23:37


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— Tricking to_representation return value

Tuesday, 5th June 2018 - 01:24


Alex Leraygave away

— permission views

Tuesday, 5th June 2018 - 21:31


Alex Lerayexpressed

— Permission editing almost there

Wednesday, 6th June 2018 - 06:38


Alex Lerayshouted

— Assigning permissions works

Thursday, 7th June 2018 - 10:54


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Sharing a score with users

Friday, 8th June 2018 - 18:30


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— A few permission checks

Monday, 11th June 2018 - 16:20


Alex Leraysaid

— Moved the permission form. Waiting for a better idea.

Monday, 11th June 2018 - 16:26


Alex Leraytold

— Merge branches 'attachment' and 'django-guardian'

Monday, 11th June 2018 - 21:56


Alex Leraylet on

— couleurs

Tuesday, 12th June 2018 - 21:43


Gijs de Heijwhispered

— Merge branch 'master' into linked-axes

Sunday, 1st July 2018 - 18:33


Gijs de Heijblabbed out

— i18n for the linked axis buttons

Sunday, 1st July 2018 - 18:35


Gijs de Heijtold

— Implementation of pierres last proposal

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 17:15


Gijs de Heijsaid

— spacing

Thursday, 10th May 2018 - 17:42


Gijs de Heijsang

— Dark interface

Friday, 11th May 2018 - 12:42


Gijs de Heijstated

— ...

Monday, 11th June 2018 - 16:35


Gijs de Heijbabbled

— Implemented new colors

Thursday, 14th June 2018 - 14:25


Gijs de Heijinterpreted

— Merge branch 'master' into layout-proposals

Thursday, 14th June 2018 - 14:27


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Integration of layout-proposal

Sunday, 17th June 2018 - 16:17


Gijs de Heijdiscovered

— Translations for save button

Sunday, 17th June 2018 - 17:55


Gijs de Heijsang

— Renabled D&D, added indicator of new position

Sunday, 17th June 2018 - 17:56


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Merge branch 'master' into layout-proposals

Tuesday, 12th June 2018 - 21:43


Alex Leraypublished

— Merge branch 'master' into layout-proposals

Tuesday, 12th June 2018 - 21:44


Gijs de Heijunwrapped

— Merge branch 'layout-proposals' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w into layout-proposals

Sunday, 17th June 2018 - 18:00


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Some small typographic changes, color of the form

Monday, 18th June 2018 - 09:57


Gijs de Heijtalked

— Merge branch 'layout-proposals' into linked-axes

Sunday, 1st July 2018 - 18:39


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— Links in new layout

Monday, 2nd July 2018 - 10:29


Alex Leraylet out

— registration + dependencies upgrades. Run migrations

Thursday, 14th June 2018 - 15:19


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Show shared scores in the user personnal page

Thursday, 14th June 2018 - 15:56


Alex Lerayuttered

— A few styles

Thursday, 14th June 2018 - 16:51


Alex Leraytold

— Flat pages help

Friday, 15th June 2018 - 12:38


Alex Leraytalked

— WIP filters

Monday, 18th June 2018 - 13:02


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— sort of working filters

Monday, 18th June 2018 - 14:59


Alex Leraysaid

— Switch from select to ul for filters

Monday, 18th June 2018 - 15:14


Gijs de Heijcried

— Merge branch 'master' into linked-axes

Monday, 2nd July 2018 - 10:31


Alex Leraytattled

— Merge branch 'master' into layout-proposals

Monday, 18th June 2018 - 16:02


Alex Lerayspoke

— Removed old filter view

Wednesday, 27th June 2018 - 12:19


Alex Lerayconfessed

— filters + hamburget btn placement

Sunday, 1st July 2018 - 13:15


Gijs de Heijpeached

— Merge branch 'layout-proposals' into linked-axes

Monday, 2nd July 2018 - 10:31


Gijs de Heijbabbled out

— Slightly more fixed position for axis-actions

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraydeclared

— Added pagination on the list of scores

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraybrought out

— Tsukurimashou font family

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraycomplained

— Sorting sorted out

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Lerayverbalised

— Search functionnality

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Lerayuttered

— Oups, missing quite some files in my previous commit

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Lerayclaimed

— Faster and lighter Score list API

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Small stylistic adjustements

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraycomitted

— more pages + fonts

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— BaseView (should we call it RootView?)

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Retractable menu

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:39


Alex Leraycomitted

— Final css adjustements before today's presentation

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:41


Gijs de Heijtattled

— Fixes issue where quotes where not allowed in score title, scores should be displayed faster

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:41


Gijs de Heijargued

— Make line state persistent after save

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:43


Gijs de Heijstated

— Removed toggle button, some details

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:44


Alex Leraypeached

— Added missing migration

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:44


Alex Lerayverbalized

— Fix score layout

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:44


Gijs de Heijspoke

— Filter to apply trim on strings

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:44


Gijs de Heijverbalized

— Trim all strings

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 13:44


Alex Leraysaid

— Fixed a few mistakes in previous merges

Thursday, 8th February 2018 - 14:04


Gijs de Heijlet out

— Merge branch 'linked-axes' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w into linked-axes

Monday, 2nd July 2018 - 10:59


Gijs de Heijlet on

— Added depth impression for collapsed lines, some more visual feedback on linked axes

Tuesday, 3rd July 2018 - 00:55


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Accidentally applied styles for contingent on modulé

Tuesday, 3rd July 2018 - 09:43


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Quick fix hamburger buttons

Wednesday, 4th July 2018 - 11:24


Alex Leraysaid

— Simplified permissions

Wednesday, 4th July 2018 - 16:43


Alex Leraydivulged


Friday, 6th July 2018 - 14:09


Alex Leraytalked

— Filtres dans leur propre vues

Saturday, 7th July 2018 - 11:18


Alex Leraybabbled out

— missing template

Saturday, 7th July 2018 - 11:22


Alex Lerayemited

— Cleaning the font directory

Monday, 9th July 2018 - 09:38


Alex Lerayargued

— Css cleaning

Monday, 9th July 2018 - 09:54


Alex Leraycomplained

— More cleaning

Monday, 9th July 2018 - 10:16


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Css cleaning, in progress

Friday, 13th July 2018 - 16:07


Alex Leraycomplained

— Not editable lists

Friday, 13th July 2018 - 16:11


Alex Lerayargued

— Fixed filters

Friday, 13th July 2018 - 16:49


Gijs de Heijclaimed

— Implementation of inline styles, cut corners on aspect, indications and terme as dot

Monday, 22nd October 2018 - 23:14


Ali Rayconfessed

— First set of changes

Sunday, 30th September 2018 - 16:30


Ali Raycried

— Fix create function

Tuesday, 9th October 2018 - 15:42


Ali Raycried

— Expose flatpages in the API

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 11:11


Ali Raydivulged

— move animatedScroll utility to utils namespace

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 11:12


Ali Rayinterpreted

— Fix path to user language fn in template

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 11:12


Ali Rayadmitted

— fiddled with flatpages

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 12:06


Ali Raydiscovered

— Added Django Filer

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 12:18


Ali Raytattled

— Sectioning help, and auto-hiding help bar

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 16:19


Ali Raytalked

— toc in the help

Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - 22:28


Gijs de Heijadmitted

— Merge branch 'features-alex' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 22nd October 2018 - 23:33


Gijs de Heijdivulged

— Disbled postcss: breaks css

Monday, 22nd October 2018 - 23:37


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Upgrading to Marionette 4

Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 - 07:28


Ali Raydeclared

— reactivated search view

Thursday, 25th October 2018 - 09:01


Ali Raylet loose

— help level 4 + links pointing to the manual

Tuesday, 30th October 2018 - 23:32


Ali Raydisclosed

— Changed backgrid for regular collection views

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 23:32


Ali Rayverbalized

— cleaning pagination and backgrid related comments

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 23:47


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— ...

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 19:10


Gijs de Heijrevealed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 19:10


Gijs de Heijcried

— Many visual adjustments

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 23:28


Ali Raysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 23:53


Ali Rayargued

— Titre des filtres + aide tags

Monday, 5th November 2018 - 23:58


Ali Rayspilled the beans

— a few quick styling fixes

Tuesday, 6th November 2018 - 00:48


Gijs de Heijcomitted

— Showing terme and condition on the first, row. Inserted background wrapper for axes. Meta data display

Tuesday, 6th November 2018 - 08:41


Gijs de Heijtalked

— Meta-data panel content width, addresse closed one section too many.

Tuesday, 6th November 2018 - 09:54


Gijs de Heijconfessed

— Padding metadata

Tuesday, 6th November 2018 - 10:56


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Scroll on metadata content, 'dark style' on permissions form

Thursday, 8th November 2018 - 11:12


Gijs de Heijemited

— Better attachment display, supporting audio

Sunday, 11th November 2018 - 22:33


Gijs de Heijdiscovered

— More visual fixes

Sunday, 11th November 2018 - 23:20


Gijs de Heijrendered

— Propagate tag change to treeview

Sunday, 11th November 2018 - 23:29


Gijs de Heijspilled the beans

— PDF Display

Monday, 12th November 2018 - 18:28


Gijs de Heijuttered

— Metadoneés → Infos

Monday, 12th November 2018 - 18:30


Ali Rayclaimed

— Fix unicode value for axis tags

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 23:52


Ali Raydisclosed

— metadata formatting

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 23:54


Ali Raylet out

— Do not hide the menu when navigating to score list

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 23:55


Ali Raydiscovered

— Various label renaming

Tuesday, 13th November 2018 - 23:56


Ali Raywhispered

— Reworked menu

Wednesday, 14th November 2018 - 14:24


Ali Raypublished

— Bouton register dans le formulaire de login

Wednesday, 14th November 2018 - 16:39


Ali Raypublished

— Fix layout issue with the create button on firefox

Friday, 16th November 2018 - 11:35


Ali Raywhispered

— Fix score header layout

Friday, 16th November 2018 - 13:16


Ali Raylet the cat out of the bag

— Fixes a few formatting errors

Friday, 16th November 2018 - 21:14


Ali Rayironized

— WIP: experiment with radio messages

Saturday, 17th November 2018 - 15:43


Ali Raybabbled out

— Change document title on route

Monday, 19th November 2018 - 11:55


Ali Raydiscovered

— Cleaner way to handle score read-only perms

Monday, 19th November 2018 - 16:18


Ali Rayverbalised

— Contionnal render on the home page

Tuesday, 20th November 2018 - 10:01


Ali Raycried

— Using behavior for modals

Wednesday, 21st November 2018 - 18:49


Ali Rayrendered

— Use Behaviors for Toggable and moved to its own file

Thursday, 22nd November 2018 - 09:24


Ali Rayspilled the beans

— Small rule/tags css changes

Thursday, 22nd November 2018 - 09:51


Ali Rayconfessed

— Wip for regions refreshing on login/logout

Thursday, 22nd November 2018 - 09:52


Ali Rayblabbed out

— Fix permission issue

Tuesday, 27th November 2018 - 13:25


Ali Raylet out

— wip on a few issues in the list

Monday, 3rd December 2018 - 11:05


Ali Raywhispered

— styles and tags

Monday, 3rd December 2018 - 14:01


Ali Rayverbalized

— Hide language

Monday, 3rd December 2018 - 14:22


Ali Raylet loose

— test putting back csrf

Tuesday, 4th December 2018 - 21:45


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Wrong mime-type test on PDF attachments

Monday, 3rd December 2018 - 22:59


Gijs de Heijpeached

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 3rd December 2018 - 23:00


Gijs de Heijuttered

— Cosmetic fixes

Monday, 3rd December 2018 - 23:09


Ali Raysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 4th December 2018 - 21:46


Ali Rayuttered

— Fix font bearing

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 12:56


Gijs de Heijspoke

— Visual adjustments, tried to make drag and drop easier, started on video attachment.

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 10:23


Gijs de Heijemited

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 10:24


Ali Raysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 12:57


Ali Raylet on

— Harmonization font size, and css naming

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 12:56


Ali Rayconfessed

— Merge branch 'rework-scores'

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 13:04


Ali Raylet loose

— Cleaning unused css

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 14:18


Ali Rayironized

— A few css selectors rewrite

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 14:36


Ali Raycomitted

— a few cosmetic changes

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 15:39


Ali Rayadmitted

— Quand alternative = 1, le tag doit disparaître (la question des rapports ne se pose pas s’il y a un seul axe)

Tuesday, 18th December 2018 - 10:26


Gijs de Heijexpressed

— Added url field to attachment

Monday, 17th December 2018 - 11:12


Gijs de Heijcomplained

— Attempt to simplify the attachments, video attachments

Tuesday, 18th December 2018 - 07:50


Gijs de Heijrevealed

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 18th December 2018 - 07:50


Ali Rayverbalised

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Tuesday, 18th December 2018 - 10:27


Ali Raysaid

— Fix tags saving

Tuesday, 18th December 2018 - 23:23


Ali Rayshouted

— Reduced font size

Wednesday, 19th December 2018 - 12:30


Ali Raypeached

— Fixed script to prettify the css

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 11:15


Ali Raylet the cat out of the bag

— Fix a few presentational things + translations

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 11:16


Gijs de Heijsang

— Back to only two children per line to make nestedSortable behave better

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 13:41


Ali Raylet on

— Fixing 403 csrf error?

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 12:06


Gijs de Heijgave away

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 13:41


Gijs de Heijemited

— D&D reordering should be better

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 16:47


Ali Rayrendered

— Revert the appearence of contingent and module axis

Saturday, 5th January 2019 - 10:53


Ali Raylet on

— Created perm fields + migrations from dj guardian

Friday, 4th January 2019 - 16:31


Ali Rayinterpreted

— WIP. removed guardian and started to fix js

Saturday, 5th January 2019 - 10:35


Ali Raydisclosed

— Switched from django guardian to plain permissions

Tuesday, 8th January 2019 - 22:36


Ali Raystated

— Merge branch 'simplify-permisions'

Tuesday, 8th January 2019 - 22:37


Ali Raytattled

— Pierre's font update + fix a loose ol selector

Wednesday, 9th January 2019 - 09:46


Ali Raywhistled

— edit button position + favicons

Wednesday, 9th January 2019 - 10:18


Ali Rayunwrapped

— Score list sorting

Wednesday, 9th January 2019 - 11:48


Ali Rayspoke

— Fix only-child operator + condition hovering

Wednesday, 9th January 2019 - 22:53


Ali Rayconfessed

— les actants et les adresses doivent aussi être hachurées

Wednesday, 9th January 2019 - 23:03


Ali Rayunwrapped

— Credits page

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 13:06


Ali Rayunwrapped

— fix a few css

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 15:20


Ali Raycried

— Fix a few font sizes

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 18:36


Ali Rayblabbed

— Undetermined value for score type + a few trans

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 20:28


Gijs de Heijdisclosed

— Rebalance typography, min width for the form

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 14:05


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 14:05


Gijs de Heijclaimed

— Fixes to the score form. When axis are marked alternative when they were not all children will be marked contingent

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 19:38


Gijs de Heijtold

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 19:38


Gijs de Heijinterpreted

— Small button label fix

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 19:40


Gijs de Heijtalked

— Translations fo the upload field

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 19:50


Ali Raygave away

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.w

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 20:30


Ali Raylet the cat out of the bag

— pulse + refresh page on user change

Thursday, 10th January 2019 - 22:20


Ali Rayrevealed

— Fix tag update

Monday, 14th January 2019 - 22:54


Ali Rayinterpreted

— disable postcss cssnext custom properties

Monday, 14th January 2019 - 23:51


Ali Raygave away

— new colorscheme

Tuesday, 22nd January 2019 - 23:02


Ali Rayspoke

— Dernier ajustements

Tuesday, 5th February 2019 - 00:26


Ali Raybabbled

— Auto-id on help headers

Wednesday, 6th March 2019 - 14:36


Ali Raytweeted

— help anchors

Wednesday, 6th March 2019 - 15:41


Ali Raybabbled out

— Fix some Initial caps

Wednesday, 6th March 2019 - 15:53


Ali Rayinterpreted

— Supprimé les formats de pièces-jointes acceptées

Wednesday, 6th March 2019 - 16:03


Ali Rayuttered

— Fix link to help sections (Pièce-jointe)

Wednesday, 6th March 2019 - 16:05


Ali Raysaid

— ckeditor full toolbar

Wednesday, 6th March 2019 - 16:54