clone your own copy | download snapshot


to run the django project:

install virtualenv:

sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

then create a virtual environment for the project, we call it 'venv' as it is already omitted by git through the gitignore

to do so run

virtualenv --no-site-packages venv

this creates a micro-system inside the new 'venv' folder

inside it we find familiar looking system files, thant enable a virtual python environment

to launch the system run

source venv/bin/activate

the terminal indicates that we're now inside tu virtual environment with it's name in brackets before your system name to deactivate, run deactivate

once you've launched the venv, you're able to get all the project dependencies/requirements through pip;

pip install -r requirements.txt

do it each time you receive an error at next step!

then, in the folder medor, copy the file onto

cd medor cp

edit the new file, and add in your SECRET_KEY where required, look this up in your favourite search engine if you don't have one yet

if pip is done installing and the SECRET_KEY is at the right place in the, grab the database by running

python migrate

get everything

fab download

off you go then, launch the server:

python runserver

head over to localhost:8000 (if you've not changed the default port settings) and get to work!

Work and when happy tested → git push and

fab deploy

it's backuped and online

Snapshots | iceberg

Inside this repository



Alexandre Leraywhispered

— On déplace tout ça dans un dépôt autonome; j'ai pas envie de cloner
2.5 Go de fichiers!

Monday, 22nd September 2014 - 19:38


Alexandre Leraylet out

— SUpprimé le symlink vers fonts

Monday, 22nd September 2014 - 20:28


Alexandre Leraytweeted

— Fix des fichiers static

Monday, 22nd September 2014 - 20:42


Alexandre Lerayspoke

— medor/static pris en compte

Monday, 22nd September 2014 - 20:44


Alexandre Lerayclaimed

— Les fontes

Monday, 22nd September 2014 - 20:49


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Entête en SVG

Monday, 22nd September 2014 - 22:31


Stéphanie Vilayphioutweeted

— modifs selon retour pierre, sarah, ludi

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 00:39


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Pimpage du formulaire

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 00:30


Stéphanie Vilayphiousang

— pb de conflits, alex se dépatouille

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 00:44


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— peaufinage de formulaires

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 02:34


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— On envoie l'email au bon destinataire

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 11:33


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— Petits fix formulaire

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 11:53


Alexandre Lerayargued

— Fabfile pour deployer facilement

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 13:13


Alexandre Leraypublished

— Un début de Home

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 15:35


Alexandre Leraybabbled out

— Js files

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 16:12



— first few lines of the for the Médor django project

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 15:23



— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 15:37


Stéphanie Vilayphioutattled

— réorganisation des styles

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 15:42



— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 15:44



— more lines on regarding the virtual env setup

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 15:47


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 16:12


Stéphanie Vilayphioubabbled

— grosse salve de corrections et simplification

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:07



— home.html updates images

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 16:16



— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 16:16



— image renaming system + adaptation of the files with new image names

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 16:55



— forgor the right facing arrown + one link correction

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:04



— eeek last link correction

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:06


Stéphanie Vilayphiouuttered

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:09


Stéphanie Vilayphiourendered

— oublié d'enregistré un petit ajout d'id

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:15


Stéphanie Vilayphiouverbalised

— le fameux script Curly fait son retour croustillant

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:27


Stéphanie Vilayphiouunwrapped

— me suis trompée sur le chemin

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:29



— current html version

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:10


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— Quelques chiffres pour de vrai

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:07


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:09


Alexandre Lerayspoke

— Liens et graphisme boutons appel à sous

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:44


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 17:45


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Les images ds covers au bon format

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:00


colmbrought out

— Merge branch 'master' of


Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:15



— html update

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:38


colmlet loose

— squashing bugs + links corrections etc in content

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:54



— more html changes

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:10


Stéphanie Vilayphioulet out

— stiegler nous ouvre une nouvelle fenêtre

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:45


Stéphanie Vilayphiouironized

— le bougre, il y avait 2 fois le lien vers les statuts, cette fois les 2 s'ouvrent dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:46


Stéphanie Vilayphioupeached

— SCRLFC ? quézako?

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:48


Stéphanie Vilayphioudiscovered

— plus de courrier escargot, vive l'email

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:49


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— la dernière cover disparaît quand on arrive à l'équipe

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:56


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 18:56


Stéphanie Vilayphiouwhistled

— les partenaires et soutiens remontent

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:06


Stéphanie Vilayphioutweeted

— accord des contreparties

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:08



— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:10


colmlet the cat out of the bag

— fixes image sizes + serious weight loss regime

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:30


Alexandre Leraypublished

— L'image de Louis retouchée

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:09


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:09


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— Placer : Théâtre de Poche, Dancing Dogs productions, Article 27, David Van Reybrouck, IHECS.

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:17


Stéphanie Vilayphioublabbed

— heureuse nouvelle: un formulaire peut renvoyer sur une nouvelle fenêtre avec target='_blank'

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:10


Stéphanie Vilayphiouconfessed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:11


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:18


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Ils nous soutiennent. On est heureux. Rejoignez-les !

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:20


colmgave away

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:31


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— un tocify plus sensible

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:38


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Intro est trop bloc. -> Hiérarchiser le texte d’intro (mais pas de gras)

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:36


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:37


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:38


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— Centrage général de portraits

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:19



— removes the css background-images sizing attributes pre-image resizing

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:40



— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:41


colmgave away

— more resizing

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 19:45



— vous êtes beau, et vous êtes légés maintenant

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 20:11


Sarahlet on

— modify readme

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 20:06


colmbabbled out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 20:12



— I had screwed up the ratio on this one somehow

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 20:27


Ludiblabbed out

— Les yeux ouverts

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 21:43



— more correction

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 22:54



— rajoute des nouveaux portraits à remoulier en masse

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 22:17


Sarahlet the cat out of the bag

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 22:55



— more corrections

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 22:57



— add portfolio link

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:01


Sarahlet the cat out of the bag

— newsletter upper

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:06



— newsletter restyled a bit

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:19


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:20



— newsletter restyled a bit

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:20


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:21


Pierre Huyghebaertlet the cat out of the bag

— nav

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:40


Pierre Huyghebaertdeclared

— Les tables un peu à droite

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:03



— correction objectifs

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:36



— newsletter display inline

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:47


Stéphanie Vilayphioudisclosed

— scrwoll madjiiiic

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:43



— Corrections Chloé ok

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:32



— Corrections Chloé ok

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:42


Stéphanie Vilayphioudiscovered

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:43



— Merge branch 'master' of


Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:50


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Template pour la FAQ

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:55




Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:19



— correct

Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 - 23:59



— merge me up

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:01



— Corrections Benja en cours

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:19



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:20


Pierre Huyghebaertironized

— merge à la main

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:33


Stéphanie Vilayphioucried

— espaces insécables ça et là

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:22


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— merge

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:32


Stéphanie Vilayphioulet the cat out of the bag

— tocify: do not extend the page please

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:33


Pierre Huyghebaertconfessed

— merge à la main deux

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:35


Stéphanie Vilayphioublabbed

— plus de small caps, mais plus de caps du tout

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:40


Pierre Huyghebaertlet loose

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:40


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Générér Numéro de facture → Alex

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:48



— Medor centre svg et corrections Benja suite

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:41



— Medor centre svg et corrections Benja suite

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:43


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:49


Pierre Huyghebaerttalked

— merge à la main trois

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:53



— corrections ok

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:52



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:52


Pierre Huyghebaertsaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:54


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— corrections colophon

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:55


Stéphanie Vilayphioubabbled out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:55


Stéphanie Vilayphioudisclosed

— la coulisse est assez cachée ludi?

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:59


Stéphanie Vilayphioutalked

— et là?

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:02



— centre

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:27


Stéphanie Vilayphiouwhispered

— re des espaces insécables

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:08


Stéphanie Vilayphioushouted

— re

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:13


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Les liens vers les formulaires en bas de page

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:56


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 00:56


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Medor qui plus crispy

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:12


Pierre Huyghebaertrevealed

— après un reclone, table à droite

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:08


Pierre Huyghebaertadmitted

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:08


Alexandre Leraybabbled

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:12


Stéphanie Vilayphioudeclared

— merge

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:18


Alexandre Leraypeached

— marge de portraits

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:17


Stéphanie Vilayphiouexposed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:18


Stéphanie Vilayphiouspoke

— ou +

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:19


Stéphanie Vilayphiouironized

— re les caps

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:19


Stéphanie Vilayphiouclaimed

— re un nbsp

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:20



— rename style sheet for faq

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:17



— faq menu

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:18



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:18


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:20


Stéphanie Vilayphiouemited

— alignement 1re cover

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:23



— centre

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:28



— merge

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:31


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Des portraits un poil plus serrés

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:29


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:29



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:31



— italique

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:55


Stéphanie Vilayphioulet out

— les covers disparaissent sur la gauche

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:48


Stéphanie Vilayphiouclaimed

— merge

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:50


Stéphanie Vilayphiouconfessed

— bougé un peu les anims

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:52


Stéphanie Vilayphiouexposed

— logo centré dans les formulaires

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:54



— statuts, plan, faq also at the bottom

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:43



— footer

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:44



— conflict merge

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:52


Sarahbrought out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:52


Stéphanie Vilayphioutweeted

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:54



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:56


Ludilet loose

— italiques et ajustements

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:10


Stéphanie Vilayphioublabbed

— nettoyage des covers

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:03


Stéphanie Vilayphioutattled

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:03


Stéphanie Vilayphioudivulged

— post-

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:05



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:10



— favicon œil ouvert

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:25



— js for menu in faq

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:37



— brrr

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:30


Sarahlet out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:38



— text corrections

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 08:52


Alexandre Leraytattled

— On génère le numéro de facture en incrémentant le plus grand nombre

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:56


Alexandre Leraylet on

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 01:57


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Tag details

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:40


Stéphanie Vilayphiourevealed

— P I W I K

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:39


Alexandre Lerayclaimed

— Merge branch 'master' of


Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 02:42


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Django compressor

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 03:05


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Test fix compressor avec lessc

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 03:13


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Changement de dernière minute dans l'intro

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 03:37


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— deep journalism

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 03:38



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 08:52


Alexandre Leraydisclosed

— incremente les numeros de facture

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 11:26


Alexandre Leraysang

— accroc -> accro

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 11:46



— accro

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 11:46


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 11:47


Alexandre Leraytattled

— Sans piwik pour voir si ça règle le problème de sécurité

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 12:33


Alexandre Lerayuttered

— On remet les stats

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 12:55


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— On réenlève les stats

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 12:57


Alexandre Leraydeclared

— 20 € ou +

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 18:01


Alexandre Leraypublished

— Un financement participatif est en route à partir du 3 octobre 2014

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 22:01


Alexandre Leraysaid

— On accorde selon le titre de civilité

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 22:18


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— modif FAQs

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 22:55


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— euros

Wednesday, 24th September 2014 - 22:57


Alexandre Leraypublished

— On corrige la comm structurée:

Actuellement sur le site ;
Elle doit en fait être

Thursday, 25th September 2014 - 11:56


Alexandre Leraylet on

— Plus de parts

Friday, 26th September 2014 - 13:40


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Première série de corrections

Thursday, 2nd October 2014 - 23:31


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Champ newsletter "on" par défaut

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 00:04


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— KKBB activé

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 14:50


Alexandre Leraysang

— Le mount récolté KKBB qui s'actualise

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 15:59


Alexandre Lerayconfessed

— Astuce pour forcer le rechargement du javascript

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 16:05


Alexandre Leraytalked

— lien vers le plan financier

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 16:21


Alexandre Leraydiscovered

— Lien KKBB

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 23:10


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Lien vers le plan financier

Friday, 3rd October 2014 - 23:12


Alexandre Lerayunwrapped

— Stats sur le domaine

Tuesday, 7th October 2014 - 15:30


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Plus d'info sur les pages de listes admin

Tuesday, 7th October 2014 - 17:23


Alexandre Leraytweeted

— L'email affiché dans les listes des pages admin

Tuesday, 7th October 2014 - 17:26


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— 50 parts

Tuesday, 7th October 2014 - 20:20


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— la fameuse multiplication des parts... On retiendra que Count n'est pas

Tuesday, 7th October 2014 - 20:45


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Je vais un peu trop vite en besogne

Tuesday, 7th October 2014 - 20:47


Alexandre Lerayexpressed

— Nouvelle adresse mailing list

Wednesday, 8th October 2014 - 10:29


Alexandre Leraypublished

— Le montant récolté KKBB était érroné, voici la correction

Thursday, 9th October 2014 - 23:28


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— On force la rafraichissement du javascript avec un trick de derrière les

Thursday, 9th October 2014 - 23:29


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— Corrections orthographe FAQ

Monday, 13th October 2014 - 13:25


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Admin pimping

Wednesday, 15th October 2014 - 10:17


Alexandre Leraytattled

— Bug serieux dans la génération des références factures:

Le numéro était regénéré et incrémenté lorsqu'on ré-enregistrait des
entrées "subscription ou "cooperation"

Wednesday, 15th October 2014 - 11:14


Alexandre Leraybabbled

— Les textes de confirmation abonnement et coopérateur + la possibilité
d'envoyer des rappels

Friday, 17th October 2014 - 13:20


Alexandre Leraystated

— l'algo de la communication structuré légèrement modifié d'après les
conseils triodos

Monday, 27th October 2014 - 14:58


Pierre Huyghebaertdisclosed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 31st October 2014 - 14:29


Pierre Huyghebaertsang

— Fichiers à rendre accessibles sur le wiki

Thursday, 13th November 2014 - 07:17


Alexandre Lerayexpressed

— Le montant de KKBB en dur car on a encore des problèmes à récupérer le
montant live

Wednesday, 5th November 2014 - 10:58


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— Les partenaires et le soutiens

Thursday, 6th November 2014 - 01:04


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— Bump KKBB amount

Friday, 7th November 2014 - 10:03


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— Update montant kkbb

Monday, 10th November 2014 - 00:03


Alexandre Leraydiscovered

— Bump KKBB

Monday, 10th November 2014 - 15:02


Alexandre Leraylet out

— Bump KKBB

Tuesday, 11th November 2014 - 10:21


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Bump KKBB encore

Tuesday, 11th November 2014 - 19:36


Pierre Huyghebaerttattled

— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 13th November 2014 - 07:23


Alexandre Leraydeclared

— Bump KKBB

Sunday, 16th November 2014 - 22:03


Alexandre Leraybabbled out

— Bump KKBB

Tuesday, 18th November 2014 - 00:33


Alexandre Lerayexpressed

— affichage du pays dans l'admin

Friday, 21st November 2014 - 09:52


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Les portraits

Friday, 21st November 2014 - 11:51


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— Portraits moins lourd car resizés

Friday, 21st November 2014 - 12:06


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— Bump KKBB

Friday, 21st November 2014 - 12:10


Alexandre Leraylet out

— Le tri par date est activé et les rubriques rebaptisées.

Friday, 21st November 2014 - 17:13


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— POC: liste des souscripteurs en csv. Pour import dans le mailing.

Monday, 24th November 2014 - 01:29


Alexandre Leraysaid

— installation auto des dépendence lors du deployement

Wednesday, 26th November 2014 - 18:53


Alexandre Lerayclaimed

— On désactive temporairement la liste des pays en attendant de trouver
une solution pour les frais de port

Friday, 28th November 2014 - 12:04


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Installed to Django CMS

Sunday, 30th November 2014 - 22:25


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— STAIC_URL and MEDIA_URL from local settings to settings

Sunday, 30th November 2014 - 22:39


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Cleaning css

Sunday, 30th November 2014 - 22:40


Alexandre Leraylet on

— Removed unused css on the home page

Sunday, 30th November 2014 - 23:45


Alexandre Leraypeached

— 2e rappel

Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 - 15:03


Alexandre Leraydeclared

— Merge branch 'master' into cms


Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 - 01:40


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— L'appel à sous dans le cms, en brut

Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 - 01:40


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— première page sur le cms

Friday, 5th December 2014 - 03:40


Alexandre Leraybabbled

— Fix styles footer

Friday, 5th December 2014 - 04:10


Alexandre Leraysang

— petit correction ortho

Friday, 5th December 2014 - 04:18


Alexandre Leraytattled

— Placeholder donating

Friday, 5th December 2014 - 11:57


Alexandre Leraydisclosed

— Pas de lien KKBB sur le bouton de don

Friday, 5th December 2014 - 14:37


Alexandre Leraytalked

— djangocms filer plugins

Friday, 5th December 2014 - 14:38


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— je m'abonne -> je m'inscris

Saturday, 6th December 2014 - 15:12


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Modif du script fabrix pour déployer en spécifiant une branche

Sunday, 7th December 2014 - 13:51


Alexandre Leraysang

— Lien des FAQ sur la home

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 01:59


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— Un peu de ménage: on supprime les vues inutiles

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 02:25


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— Template générique pour les pages cms

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 02:53


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— template générique manquant

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 02:57


Alexandre Leraytalked

— partenaires et soutiens éditables

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 14:33


Alexandre Leraydisclosed

— subscribers et cooperators csv list for importing in pommo

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 16:07


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— L'email de l'offre cadeau pour les coopérateurs et les abonnés

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 00:13


Pierre Huyghebaertrevealed

— Finalement un vrai italique dasn l'intro

Monday, 8th December 2014 - 23:38


Alexandre Leraytweeted

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 00:14


Alexandre Lerayargued

— Ajouté des champs additionels au cas où l'abonné n'est pas celui qui

Tuesday, 9th December 2014 - 23:15


Alexandre Leraypeached

— configuration pour utiliser les migrations Django pour cmsplugin filer link

Tuesday, 9th December 2014 - 23:55


Alexandre Lerayuttered

— wip design des formulaires

Tuesday, 9th December 2014 - 23:56


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Formulaire cadeau prêt même si les styles son bien baroques

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 04:10


Alexandre Leraybabbled

— Merge branch 'formulaire'

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 04:11


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Bump Django version to 1.7.1 after a migration warning

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 04:20


Alexandre Leraylet out

— le lien vers le bon cadeau pour les abonnements

Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 04:36


Pierre Huyghebaertbabbled out

— On essaye de compléter les styles pour l'italique

Thursday, 11th December 2014 - 15:08


Pierre Huyghebaertsaid

— Ajouté un titre pour le blog

Tuesday, 6th January 2015 - 22:43


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Enlevé objectif pour les parts coopératives

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 13:54



— ajoute du mail en clair et récupération de la mise en fin de paragraphe abonnement

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 11:05


Ludibabbled out

— microtypo doubles espaces, points et tirets

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 11:16


Alexandre Leraypublished

— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 13:54


Alexandre Lerayironized

— liste d'information -> newsletter
Suivez notre actualité -> suivez-nous

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 14:20


Alexandre Leraysaid

— liste d'information -> newsletter
Suivez notre actualité -> suivez-nous

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 14:18


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 18th December 2014 - 14:21


Alexandre Lerayuttered

— Le blog

Monday, 5th January 2015 - 12:24


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Plus d'infos sur le csv

Tuesday, 6th January 2015 - 21:15


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Les templates de base du blog

Tuesday, 6th January 2015 - 21:50


Pierre Huyghebaertrevealed

— Merge

Tuesday, 6th January 2015 - 22:58


Alexandre Leraybabbled out

— Compteurs dans les flèches

Tuesday, 13th January 2015 - 11:44


Alexandre Leraylet on

— Un début de formulaire de collaboration

Tuesday, 13th January 2015 - 14:52


Alexandre Leraytold

— les classes error et required sur le formulaire de collaboration

Friday, 16th January 2015 - 14:56



— image cadeau et liens pdf cadeau dans le formulaire

Thursday, 15th January 2015 - 16:26



— images liens pdf formulaire abonnements

Thursday, 15th January 2015 - 16:34



— styles back

Thursday, 15th January 2015 - 16:53



— rdv

Thursday, 15th January 2015 - 17:02



— paquet

Thursday, 15th January 2015 - 23:20


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 16th January 2015 - 14:56


Alexandre Leraygave away

— le formulaire de collaboration scindé en 2 dans la vue

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 10:39



— collaboration style start

Friday, 16th January 2015 - 17:12


Pierre Huyghebaertexpressed

— More complete steps

Friday, 16th January 2015 - 18:33


Pierre Huyghebaertgave away

— Corrected the arrows at the bottom

Friday, 16th January 2015 - 19:25


Ludilet on

— formulaire article en briques

Friday, 16th January 2015 - 19:42


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 10:43



— page de proposition d'article nouvelle version

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 15:07



— jaiuntrucpourvous suite

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 15:47


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Événéments depuis le calendrier

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 15:17


Alexandre Lerayspoke

— Merge branch 'master' of

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 15:18



— Merge branch 'master' of

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 15:47


Ludigave away

— new menu commenté

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 15:52



— formulaire article plus svelte

Monday, 19th January 2015 - 22:33


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Abonnements en Europe

Wednesday, 21st January 2015 - 11:40


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— Ajout: (ainsi que les frais de port pour les abonnements hors Belgique)

Thursday, 22nd January 2015 - 15:34


Ludibrought out

— corrections Tiff part 1

Wednesday, 21st January 2015 - 13:04



— corrections Tiff part 2

Wednesday, 21st January 2015 - 14:09


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 22nd January 2015 - 15:35


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Afficher aussi les événements ayant lieu le jour même

Monday, 26th January 2015 - 00:26


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Les événements restent affichés jusqu'au lendemain

Monday, 26th January 2015 - 00:44


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— Modifs calendrier: 4 événements et heure de fin

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 - 00:56


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— Bump .gitignore

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 - 10:54


Alexandre Lerayexpressed

— Formulaire en voie de finalisation

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 - 14:18


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Modification de l'email de confirmation pour le formulaire de

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 - 14:30


Alexandre Leraystated

— Corrections textes collaboration

Wednesday, 28th January 2015 - 15:41


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Début de réécriture de l'appel à projet (template home2.html)

Monday, 2nd February 2015 - 11:39


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Oublié de pousser quelques fichiers dans le commit précédent

Monday, 2nd February 2015 - 11:50


Alexandre Leraysaid

— plus de placeholders éditables

Monday, 2nd February 2015 - 12:18


Alexandre Leraylet out

— Encore plus de placeholders

Monday, 2nd February 2015 - 14:19


Alexandre Leraybabbled out

— Typo dans le nom d'un placeholder

Monday, 2nd February 2015 - 14:28


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Citation sur la nouvelle version de l'appel

Monday, 2nd February 2015 - 14:57


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Corrections formulaire proposition d'articles

Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 - 00:35


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Modifs d'Oli sur le formulaire de collaboration

Tuesday, 3rd February 2015 - 23:00


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Le menu en haut

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 00:56


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Suppression de l'url hook pour l'appli collaboration (à gérer via le

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 01:01


Alexandre Lerayunwrapped

— Django CLS App Hook pour l'applocation Collaborate (permet d'associer
une URL du CMS à l'application)

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 01:04


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Encore des changements sur le redesign de la home

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 12:06


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Bloc partenaires et soutiens

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 12:19


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— La barre de menu sur toutes les pages

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 13:59


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— couleur de fond en hover du bouton "ok" de la barre de menu

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 14:00


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Forcer le rafraichissement des styles

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 14:01


Alexandre Leraylet out

— Quelques modifs supplémentaires sur la nouvelle version de l'appel à

Monday, 9th February 2015 - 23:18


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— Quelques modifs sur la nouvelle home. Rien de spécial; juste pour se
synchroniser avec Pierre

Sunday, 15th February 2015 - 17:48


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— un peu de rationalisation des templates et une feuille de style générique

Sunday, 15th February 2015 - 18:54


Alexandre Leraytold

— Le fichier de base

Sunday, 15th February 2015 - 19:25


Pierre Huyghebaertemited

— Un micro début

Sunday, 15th February 2015 - 19:35


Alexandre Leraypublished

— Si suffisament d'autres personnes posent ce même engagement, Médor
sortira. Vous aurez alors créé un magazine et en recevrez le premier
numéro fin 2015. Sinon, vous récupérez votre mise.

Wednesday, 18th February 2015 - 21:32


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— Supprimé des images en display: none pour que le chargement soit plus

Saturday, 21st February 2015 - 14:50


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Pimpage admin pour les collaborations

Monday, 23rd February 2015 - 00:25


Alexandre Lerayspoke

— Supprimé le code pour KKBB, inutile désormais

Tuesday, 24th February 2015 - 17:02


Alexandre Lerayunwrapped

— Travail sur la refonte de la page d'accueil

Tuesday, 24th February 2015 - 17:03


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Compresion des CSS de la home 2 sur le serveur

Tuesday, 24th February 2015 - 17:16


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— More changes to the new home page

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 10:37


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— First round of media queries on the new home page

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 14:03


Alexandre Leraydeclared

— Compress stylesheets

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 14:11


Alexandre Leraystated

— Enabled css compression

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 14:47


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Prepare for caching

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 15:12


Alexandre Leraycried

— More caching settings

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 15:14


Alexandre Lerayemited

— Dis, quand on s'abonne et qu'on reclique sur le en toute fin de message, on arrive sur l'erreur

Wednesday, 25th February 2015 - 15:42


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— quelques peaufinements css avec Ludi

Friday, 27th February 2015 - 15:53


Alexandre Leraysaid

— petit commit pourvérifications sur la version mobile

Friday, 27th February 2015 - 16:45


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Une carte sur la home; quelques raffinements css.

Friday, 27th February 2015 - 17:46


Alexandre Leraybabbled out

— Umapen https

Friday, 27th February 2015 - 21:45


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Umap en https pour de bon

Friday, 27th February 2015 - 22:52


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— Les propositions mises en page

Wednesday, 4th March 2015 - 01:05


Alexandre Lerayunwrapped

— Fix django compresor issue with static files in app directories

Wednesday, 4th March 2015 - 01:23


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Another test with compressor

Wednesday, 4th March 2015 - 01:33


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Migrations en suspens pour l'app Collaborate

Friday, 6th March 2015 - 01:07


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Django registration

Friday, 6th March 2015 - 01:08


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Modification de l'email de l'envoyeur pour Django registration

Friday, 6th March 2015 - 01:14


Alexandre Leraypeached

— propositions intimes

Friday, 6th March 2015 - 01:37


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Le nom de la rubrique concernée en language humain

Friday, 6th March 2015 - 01:56


Alexandre Lerayargued

— on restaure les templates liés aux comptes à la suite d'un commit trop

Friday, 6th March 2015 - 01:58


Alexandre Leraydiscovered

— Changé l'adresse du calendrier pour récupérer les prochains événements

Tuesday, 10th March 2015 - 01:18


Ludilet the cat out of the bag

— liens bons cadeaux back en static

Tuesday, 10th March 2015 - 23:13


Alexandre Leraybabbled out

— Les templates pour le blog et un fichier de style prêt à être rempli

Sunday, 15th March 2015 - 23:25



— La prochaine réunion de rédaction se déroulera à la mi-avril

Sunday, 15th March 2015 - 23:16


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Merge branch 'master' of

Sunday, 15th March 2015 - 23:26


Alexandre Leraydisclosed

— Home2 ready to be published?

Monday, 16th March 2015 - 00:18


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Email AG 2015

Monday, 23rd March 2015 - 09:55


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Corrections email AG 2015

Monday, 23rd March 2015 - 10:11


Alexandre Lerayclaimed

— Dernière correction email AG 2015

Monday, 23rd March 2015 - 10:22


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— No caching when developping the site

Wednesday, 25th March 2015 - 11:15


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— Nouvelle version de la fonte Career d'Antoine Gelgon

Wednesday, 25th March 2015 - 11:21


Alexandre Lerayemited

— Supprimé des templates de blog redondants

Wednesday, 25th March 2015 - 11:22


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— 2 ou 3 choses pour le blog

Wednesday, 25th March 2015 - 12:34


Alexandre Lerayconfessed

— Filter les abonnés aussi coopérateurs et vice versa

Tuesday, 31st March 2015 - 00:17



— Antoine a rencontré la Career dans une publicité de Playboy des seventies.
À partir du désir d'en redessiner le a, il a poursuivit une recherche vers d'autres apparitions de cette typographie, avec entre autres points de départ une collection de publicités pour le Career Club Shirt, marque de chemises à motifs croustillants. "The print shirt isn't what is used to be."
Une série d'annonces pour le whisky Ballantine's a aussi permet de rassembler une première vue d'ensemble des signes.
En route vers le dessin des autres signes et suite à des échanges avec Raphaël Bastide[1], Antoine a aussi croisé la Caslon Graphique, dessinée par William Caslon en 1725 et digitalisée en 1980 par Leslie Usherwood (distribuée chez Elsner+Flake et Linotype), possible fonte d'origine des publicités.
À la différence de la Caslon Graphique, la Career d'Antoine est libre et publiée sous licence OFL[2], les courbes de ses glyphes suivent d'autres coordonnées, entre Valence et Bruxelles.
La richesse de sa documentation sent le canapé en sky et des carrières prometteuses.
Pour la suite, Antoine remonte les manches de sa belle chemise de bientôt diplômé avec l'idée d'augmenter la fonte de plusieurs graisses qui fulminent d'avance le workaholism : Career Burn-Out, Career Leitmotive, Career Deadline ou Career Stress Positif.
Utilisée en baseline de Médor "Les yeux ouverts", la fonte vient d'être augmentée de quelques accents, ligatures et approches de paires, parfaites pour peupler notre annonce d'assemblée générale du 23 mai prochain. Médor est heureux d'en être l'un des premiers usager et de contribuer de cette manière à son développement.
Télécharger la Career →

1 et
2 Open Font License

Thursday, 26th March 2015 - 18:05



— Premiers tests styles En attendant

Thursday, 26th March 2015 - 18:30


Ludibabbled out

— print shirt en habillage

Sunday, 29th March 2015 - 11:06


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 31st March 2015 - 00:18


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— collaboration mi-avril -> mi-mai

Tuesday, 21st April 2015 - 11:57


Alexandre Leraypeached

— On commente le code pour Piwik qui de toute façon ne tourne pas sur le
serveur comme ça on récupère le logo SSL sympa

Friday, 24th April 2015 - 12:45


Alexandre Leraystated

— Page générique, notamment pour l'AG 2015

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 02:25


Alexandre Lerayargued

— compress generic.less

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 02:36


Alexandre Leraytold

— Devrais régler un petit problème de compresion css

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 02:40


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Une autre tentative

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 02:42


Alexandre Leraytweeted

— Quelques styles

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 03:16


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Quelques styles supplémentaires

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 03:42


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Invitation à l'AG automatique pour les nouveaux coopérateurs

Friday, 1st May 2015 - 13:37


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— email ag2015

Monday, 4th May 2015 - 02:41


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Un peu plus de marge en bas sur les pages génériques

Tuesday, 12th May 2015 - 00:56


Alexandre Leraydisclosed

— Placeholder pour les news sur la home

Tuesday, 12th May 2015 - 17:28


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— Reminder AG 2015

Friday, 15th May 2015 - 15:17


Alexandre Leraystated

— Second rappel AG 2015

Thursday, 21st May 2015 - 13:57


Alexandre Leraytweeted

— On ne compte pas les abonnés annulés

Friday, 22nd May 2015 - 21:48


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Modèle de formulaire de collaboration simplifié

En préparation des nouveaux formulaires de JP. Tous les champs
susceptibles de changer (questions sur le contenu) sont regroupé dans un
même TextField intitulé 'body'.

Ça nous permet également d'archiver les propositions déjà reçues.

Thursday, 28th May 2015 - 13:59


Alexandre Lerayconfessed

— Nouvelle version du formulaire, quasi-complète.

Il manque le champs `pièces-jointes` ainsi que le formulaire simplifié

Thursday, 28th May 2015 - 15:12


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Formulaire simple

Friday, 5th June 2015 - 01:59


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Simplification du code formulaire

Friday, 5th June 2015 - 02:21


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Migrations formulaire collaboration

Friday, 5th June 2015 - 02:23


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— Première salves de styles pour le blog

Monday, 8th June 2015 - 23:12


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Quelques changements css sur le blog, à la demande de David.

Tuesday, 9th June 2015 - 02:58


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Encore quelques changements

Tuesday, 9th June 2015 - 03:00


Alexandre Lerayargued

— Titre des pages génériques un peu moins gros, pour le blog

Tuesday, 9th June 2015 - 09:35


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Petite modif espace titre blog

Tuesday, 9th June 2015 - 13:55


Alexandre Leraybabbled

— Added cms sitemap

Wednesday, 10th June 2015 - 00:55


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Fix a bug in the form that prevented people to submit empty fields
leading to error 500.

Tuesday, 16th June 2015 - 14:16


Alexandre Leraydiscovered

— Pinning requirements

Tuesday, 30th June 2015 - 17:07


Alexandre Leraytattled

— Fabfile un peu plus générique

Thursday, 2nd July 2015 - 11:31


Alexandre Leraycomitted

— Correction dans l'e-mail de confirmation de soumission d'article.

Monday, 6th July 2015 - 10:08


Alexandre Leraysang

— Changed the calendar widget on the home page to work with the new

Friday, 10th July 2015 - 00:16


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Re-enabled piwik stats

Friday, 10th July 2015 - 01:47


Alexandre Leraydiscovered

— Fix fabfile download method

Wednesday, 19th August 2015 - 23:47


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Listing des propositions d'articles

Wednesday, 19th August 2015 - 23:55


Alexandre Leraybabbled

— Première version d'un outil d'édition du contenu des numéros

Wednesday, 9th September 2015 - 14:58


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— Première version de l'appli publish prête

Thursday, 10th September 2015 - 14:57


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Changer le tri par défaut des propositions

Wednesday, 9th September 2015 - 14:59


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Merge branch 'master' into feature-publish

Thursday, 10th September 2015 - 14:58



— updating the requirements file for pip

Sunday, 6th September 2015 - 22:07


Alexandre Leraydiscovered

— Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

Thursday, 10th September 2015 - 15:36


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Permissions

Thursday, 10th September 2015 - 16:58


Alexandre Leraylet on

— Switched to caldav to read the remote event calendar

Saturday, 12th September 2015 - 00:11


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Première salve de changements suite au plan financier B de l'AG 2015

Saturday, 12th September 2015 - 00:46


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Suite des modifs post-AG

Saturday, 12th September 2015 - 00:50


Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans

— Fix fautes typos de base quand on enregistre un article

Thursday, 17th September 2015 - 11:49


Alexandre Lerayclaimed

— http -> https dans l'adresse pour appeler les stories

Thursday, 17th September 2015 - 14:16


Alexandre Lerayexpressed

— Modifié les headers CORS pour fonctionner avec HTML2print

Thursday, 17th September 2015 - 22:17


Alexandre Lerayclaimed

— Lorem Ipsum generator

Friday, 18th September 2015 - 12:28


Alexandre Lerayadmitted

— Désactivation temporaire du filtre de correction typo

Friday, 25th September 2015 - 18:37


Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Formatage des en-têtes d'articles + champ "subtitle"

Monday, 28th September 2015 - 16:22


Alexandre Lerayargued

— CKeditor in tha house

Tuesday, 29th September 2015 - 14:18


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— Added ckeditor to the requirements

Tuesday, 29th September 2015 - 14:26


Alexandre Lerayadmitted

— Supprimé le "Par" qui préfixait les auteurs

Tuesday, 29th September 2015 - 22:57


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— CKeditor Image2 plugin to allow for figure/img/figcaption combinatie

Thursday, 1st October 2015 - 00:36


Alexandre Lerayuttered

— Désactivation du blacklistage tags HTML de CKEditor

Tuesday, 6th October 2015 - 22:11


Alexandre Leraywhispered

— Fix commit précédent

Tuesday, 6th October 2015 - 22:22


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Escape titre et sous-titre dans la version destinée à HTML2print

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 09:45


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— ajout d'un champ titre de rubrique + sous-titre de rubrique

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 11:17


Alexandre Leraysaid

— autorise les p.chapeau et les ul.footnotes mais pas le reste

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 11:35


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Deuxième test autorisation de classes

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 11:43


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Ajouté un champ license

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 11:59


Alexandre Leraypeached

— Fix api publish en ajoutant les Licences

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 12:28


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— modifié les gabarits de base des articles

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 13:28


Alexandre Lerayconfessed

— Fix chemin vers story dans les gabarits

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 13:33


Alexandre Lerayemited

— Whitelist aside tag

Thursday, 8th October 2015 - 14:07


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Titre et sous toitre de rubrique en haut de la storie

Friday, 9th October 2015 - 11:11


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— fix erreur dans le commit précédent

Friday, 9th October 2015 - 11:14


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— ajouté la possibilité de mettre le chapeau dans un div

Saturday, 10th October 2015 - 15:59


Alexandre Lerayadmitted

— whitelist abbr

Saturday, 10th October 2015 - 16:38


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Added class "intro-medor" to the CKeditor whitelist

Monday, 12th October 2015 - 17:11


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Ajouté une classe question

Wednesday, 14th October 2015 - 11:22


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— H1 in the CKEditor whitelist

Wednesday, 14th October 2015 - 11:32


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— Definition lists allowed in CKEditor

Wednesday, 14th October 2015 - 11:33


Alexandre Leraycomplained

— Ajouté la classe exergue aux aside + styles ckeditor

Sunday, 18th October 2015 - 14:26


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Ajouté une classe auteur

Wednesday, 21st October 2015 - 17:29


Eric Schrijverdiscovered

— Bump Django CMS version to work with latest PIP version

Bumped from 3.0.7 to 3.0.15 so should not affect functionality…

Monday, 19th October 2015 - 13:50


Eric Schrijverbabbled

— Stubbing out a place to work on new site

Maybe this is not the best place to put these files,
but we’ll see about this after!

Monday, 19th October 2015 - 16:05


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 21st October 2015 - 17:32


Alexandre Leraytold

— Autorise les numéros de facture manquant lors de l'ajout (ils sont
enregistrés automatiquement).

Thursday, 22nd October 2015 - 11:05


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— Migration du commit précédent

Thursday, 22nd October 2015 - 11:14


Alexandre Lerayunwrapped

— Classe pour les fin d'articles

Thursday, 22nd October 2015 - 15:15


Alexandre Lerayinterpreted

— Autorise les footers et la smalls pour mettre les licences sur les

Thursday, 22nd October 2015 - 19:06


Alexandre Leraytalked

— aside class making-of

Friday, 23rd October 2015 - 00:32


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— class debut pour les lettrines

Friday, 23rd October 2015 - 01:20


Alexandre Leraytalked

— allows for data attributes on img tags

Monday, 26th October 2015 - 14:54


Alexandre Leraysaid

— N'échappe pas le HTML dans les meta d'articles

Tuesday, 27th October 2015 - 21:15


Alexandre Leraypublished

— Class lettrine

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 01:32


Eric Schrijvertalked

— Some more scaffolding

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 10:31


Eric Schrijverbrought out

— Magazine elements for style guide

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 10:31


Eric Schrijverlet on

— Implement basic styles from the magazine

Headings etc. are relative to type of article: interview, column, etc.

Copy all fonts from the magazine

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 12:21


Eric Schrijverrendered

— The ‘enquete’ styles as the basic styles

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 14:54


Eric Schrijversaid

— Some more magazine elements in the style guide

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 16:07


Eric Schrijverlet on

— Oops, for style guide was using different CSS on production!

Thursday, 29th October 2015 - 16:13


Eric Schrijvercomitted

— Correct publish model docstrings

Friday, 30th October 2015 - 15:26


Eric Schrijververbalised

— Update client side LESS CSS to v2.3.5

Should still update the command line version on the server

Friday, 30th October 2015 - 16:34


Eric Schrijverdisclosed

— Started working on a grid

Friday, 30th October 2015 - 16:35


Eric Schrijversang

— Scaffolding for working on the new home page (for now at /feed/)

Monday, 2nd November 2015 - 11:44



— premier mockup pour la homepage

Monday, 2nd November 2015 - 11:55



— adaptation de "feed", responsif

Monday, 2nd November 2015 - 14:38


Eric Schrijverstated

— Unicode literals in subscribe.models

You should never use strings like 'création', always u'création'—
unicode literals make the default strings function like unicode ones.

Monday, 2nd November 2015 - 16:48


Eric Schrijverlet the cat out of the bag

— Show création date of abonnement in admin

Monday, 2nd November 2015 - 16:49



— je continue d'avancer sur la page "feed"

Monday, 2nd November 2015 - 18:02



— commentaire des couleurs pour pense bête

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 14:51



— La page feed avance mais la sidebar est cassé

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 14:53



— on met des images dans les cases

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:18


Eric Schrijverconfessed


Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 15:19


Eric Schrijversaid

— Small bug fixes do not yet fix the bug

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 15:35


Eric Schrijverdisclosed

— Premier ajout des arrows pour la nouvelle page

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:06


Eric Schrijversang

— Article, Issue views (superuser only for now)

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:08



— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:21



— feed

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:42


Eric Schrijverdivulged

— Add links to feed page

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:32



— Merge branch 'master' of

Thursday, 5th November 2015 - 16:42


Eric Schrijververbalised

— Add comments to models and views

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 16:14


Eric Schrijverstated

— Some TODO text committed so I can merge with upstream Alex

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 17:03


Eric Schrijverexpressed

— Provide links to the relevant CSS, raw HTML, HTML2print template

in the admin display of an ArticleMemberShip

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 17:09


Eric Schrijverdisclosed

— get_excerpt(self): Look in the body text to find the ‘chapeau’,

the lead text, that can be used as a description.

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 17:20


Alexandre Leraydeclared

— Fix requirements to match the server config

Wednesday, 4th November 2015 - 23:06


Alexandre Lerayblabbed out

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 11:18


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Supprimé la mention de l'AG dans les mails aux coopérateurs

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 11:31


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Ajout d'un champ date de confirmation dans les entrées
coopération et abonnement

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 16:40


Alexandre Leraystated

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 16:43


Alexandre Leraylet out

— Envoi d'un mail de confirmation lors de la réception du paiement

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 16:46


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Fix de petites erreurs dans le formattage des emails de confirmation

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 16:49


Alexandre Leraysaid

— Augmente le nombre de caractères sur le numéro de rue

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 16:53


Eric Schrijvertalked

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 6th November 2015 - 17:21


Alexandre Leraystated

— Ajouté les coordonnées des destinataires (en cas de cadeau) dans
l'export CSV

Sunday, 8th November 2015 - 17:31



— la sidebar de la page "feed" est réparée

Monday, 9th November 2015 - 16:12



— modifs du menu principal (javascript pour le faire rétrécir au scroll coming soon)

Friday, 13th November 2015 - 18:35



— Un bien bel effet sur le menu feed

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 12:29


Eric Schrijverlet loose

— Add slug and publication date to issue (MIGRATION)

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 11:09


Eric Schrijverlet the cat out of the bag

— Oh darn forgot the models themselves

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 11:15


Eric Schrijverdivulged

— Title for Article and Magazine Views

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 11:47



— Merge branch 'master' of

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 12:31


Eric Schrijverrendered

— Add published online, present in t.o.c. as Boolean fields

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 12:42


Eric Schrijvertattled

— Article modification date

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 14:05


Eric Schrijverinterpreted

— Generic Page template

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 15:07


Eric Schrijverunwrapped

— Only link articles when published

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 17:01


Eric Schrijverblabbed out

— Fine-tune description generation and provide possibility to override (MIGRATION)

Monday, 16th November 2015 - 21:29


Eric Schrijvertweeted

— Yes it’s true!

Tuesday, 17th November 2015 - 10:43


Eric Schrijverclaimed

— Template can now embed description metadata

Tuesday, 17th November 2015 - 10:44


Eric Schrijversaid

— Le header pour toutes les nouvelles pages, pas que pour le feed

Tuesday, 17th November 2015 - 12:09


Eric Schrijversaid

— Same width for header as for rest of content

Tuesday, 17th November 2015 - 12:56


Eric Schrijverbabbled

— Numero by slug like `/numero/15-16-hiver/`

instead of by pk number

Tuesday, 17th November 2015 - 22:25


Eric Schrijveremited

— The beginning of the Web Article Timeline models

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 10:36


Eric Schrijversaid

— Alex stop copying comments! :)

Better to have no comments than wrong comments

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 10:37


Eric Schrijvertold

— Feed fully dynamic (formed by instances of ArticleMembershipWeb)

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 11:19


Eric Schrijverrendered

— Correct static urls

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 14:31



— changement du point ou le menu rétrécit

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:21


Eric Schrijvercomplained

— centrer le container

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:19



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:22



— no message

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:50


Eric Schrijversang

— Start the ‘Where to buy’ page

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:32


Eric Schrijvershouted

— I missed this bit

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:49


Eric Schrijversaid

— Article type in petis-articles-feed

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:50


marionspilled the beans

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 15:50



— fini les thumbnails blog

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 16:07



— le feed plus beau

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 17:37


Eric Schrijverspilled the beans

— ‘Article membership webs’ doesn’t read very well in the admin: call it ‘Timeline’

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 16:10


Eric Schrijverinterpreted

— Everybody can view the table of content

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 16:11


Eric Schrijverclaimed

— Reference pages in the CMS, only numbers, can not get the slugs to work…

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 16:46


mariongave away

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 17:37


Eric Schrijverdisclosed

— Beginning of Magazine template

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 17:43


Eric Schrijverconfessed

— Menu shows subheadings

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 18:19


marionlet out

— substitution du menu

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 18:13



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 18:13



— la page feed toujours plus belle

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 18:15


Eric Schrijvertalked

— Merge branch 'master' of


Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 18:20


Eric Schrijvertalked

— Homepage copy

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 21:03


Eric Schrijverstated

— I had to publish changes and now I can use the right slug

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 21:27


Eric Schrijverironized

— This way we see the whole header

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 21:30


Eric Schrijvercomplained

— Does this solve the spacing problem on the deployed

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 21:31


Eric Schrijversaid

— Maybe this is the file I always need to change before Django Compressor picks it up?

Makes sense that it doesn’t know about the dependent files…

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 21:37


Eric Schrijverunwrapped

— Update generic page template

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 22:37


Eric Schrijvercomitted

— Fix error in article CSS spacing and remove margins at smaller screens

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 23:25



— Working a bit to make the new header fit

+ some general spacing issues

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 23:24



— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 23:25


Eric Schrijversang

— Merge branch 'master' of

Wednesday, 18th November 2015 - 23:26


Eric Schrijververbalised

— Events not working locally but maybe it does on the server?

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 00:11


Eric Schrijverrendered

— So many dumb quotes! From '''''' to ’’’’’’

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 07:21


Eric Schrijverblabbed out

— More header

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 07:40


Eric Schrijverlet out

— Remove conditional from subscription confirmation

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 07:41


Eric Schrijvertold

— Escape HTML on grosse enquête / feed,

and link to sommaire through image on home page

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 09:04


Eric Schrijvertalked

— The article model starts providing image options

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 09:06


Eric Schrijversang

— Maybe the migration works this way?

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 09:42


Eric Schrijverpeached

— Actually allow image override

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 09:49


Eric Schrijverstated

— No, really

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 09:51


Eric Schrijverdeclared

— Abonnement text

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 13:20


Ludibrought out

— placeholder warning

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 14:56


Eric Schrijverstated

— Style home pages events

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 17:27


Eric Schrijveremited

— Put back the portraits under ‘magazine’

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 20:34


Eric Schrijverlet loose

— Open the appropriately marked articles to the public

- either published online = True on model
- or part of the timeline

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 22:38


Eric Schrijverironized

— We need these fonts

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 22:59


Eric Schrijverlet on

— Smaller letters and shrink the whole design for mobile

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 23:00


Eric Schrijverspilled the beans

— Dynamic title magazine page

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 23:08


Eric Schrijvertold

— Save lots of space by using Facebook and Twitter Buttons

Thursday, 19th November 2015 - 23:17


Eric Schrijverexposed

— Much better header + add footer

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 10:45


Eric Schrijversang

— Newsletter sign up on one ligne

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 10:53


Eric Schrijverlet out

— Correctly center nav elements on smaller screens

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 10:54


Eric Schrijversaid

— Make small version small again

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 11:00


Eric Schrijveruttered

— Trigger style rebuild

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 11:01


Eric Schrijversaid

— OOPS there was an admin bug

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 11:28


Eric Schrijverconfessed

— Fix centering bug

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 11:47


Eric Schrijversaid

— An actually functioning sommaire

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 12:03


Eric Schrijverlet out

— Yes all the buy options

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 14:28


Eric Schrijverstated

— Invisible articles really invisible

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 15:22


Eric Schrijververbalised


Friday, 20th November 2015 - 17:03


Eric Schrijverpeached

— Working around a weird DJANGO CMS bug now with JavaScript

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 17:20


Eric Schrijverunwrapped

— Start with a possible difference between print and screen

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 17:51


Eric Schrijverrendered

— Spacing for tables

Friday, 20th November 2015 - 19:04


Alexandre Lerayunwrapped

— L'invitation à l'AG 2015 est définitivement caduque

Saturday, 21st November 2015 - 04:47


Eric Schrijverdeclared

— Don’t use images directly, generate thumbnails

- 400x400 thumbnails for feed small articles
- 1200 x 630 for feed big article, table of contents, and as individual article facebook preview

Sunday, 22nd November 2015 - 16:35


Eric Schrijvertweeted

— Let superusers read all articles

handy for debugging

Sunday, 22nd November 2015 - 16:38


Eric Schrijvercried

— Redress header height and have static pages use similar template as magazine articles

Sunday, 22nd November 2015 - 18:22


Eric Schrijverdisclosed

— Classy little gradient when scrolling content below header

Sunday, 22nd November 2015 - 18:47


Eric Schrijvertold

— Very basic print style adaptation

Monday, 23rd November 2015 - 13:01


Eric Schrijvershouted

— Space footer further apart

Monday, 23rd November 2015 - 13:16


Eric Schrijveremited

— Clean up some layout and re-introduce the DNA look

Monday, 23rd November 2015 - 19:56


Eric Schrijverlet out

— Put the event date in a logical place

Tuesday, 24th November 2015 - 17:32


Eric Schrijvertold

— Line height ok for linked titles in sommaire

Tuesday, 24th November 2015 - 18:06


Eric Schrijversaid

— Always write Liege Liège

Tuesday, 24th November 2015 - 18:07


Eric Schrijverexpressed

— La page not la pages!

Tuesday, 24th November 2015 - 18:07


Eric Schrijvertweeted

— Pas mal de remarques sur la page magazine

Tuesday, 24th November 2015 - 18:39


Eric Schrijverrendered

— More margins for header

Tuesday, 24th November 2015 - 20:55


Alexandre Leraydivulged

— Temporarily disable the confirmation email for subscribers

Wednesday, 25th November 2015 - 16:35


Eric Schrijvertold

— no li, no ol!

removes pesky margin in magazine sommaire

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 16:06


Eric Schrijverbabbled

— Titles for Django CMS pages

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 16:23


Eric Schrijvertattled

— Add pictures to magazine page, much more lively now

TODO: add svg versions

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 16:57


Eric Schrijverlet out

— Hover for menu links

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 17:11


Eric Schrijverdivulged

— Some space for the footer below

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 17:27


Eric Schrijverironized

— The logo was taking up too much space in the small view

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 17:28


Eric Schrijverbabbled

— Some what more space above header

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 17:33


Eric Schrijververbalised

— Rochefort

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 19:28


Eric Schrijverlet out

— Don’t display empty subtitles

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 19:47


Eric Schrijveradmitted

— We can do the chapeau in the feed like this…

(just like in the print magazine)

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 21:11


Eric Schrijverblabbed out

— But I think actually that makes the readability suffer

This reverts commit 19efef7c5272705808a8fb387d9a2154e3043ae7.

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 21:11


Eric Schrijvertalked

— Alphabet for the tables

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 22:06


Eric Schrijverargued

— New portraits

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 22:06


Eric Schrijvercomplained

— Add bio Philippe, Sarah; modify Anouchka

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 22:30


Eric Schrijverdiscovered

— Bigger H2’s

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 22:43


Eric Schrijverpeached

— Switch to new menu also for old pages

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 22:56


Eric Schrijverbabbled out

— FEED home page

Monday, 30th November 2015 - 23:02


Alexandre Leraylet out

— style notice (pour annonce mithra) + pas d'indent sur les bios

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 00:40


Alexandre Leraylet loose

— Petites corrections typo sur la home

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 00:45


Eric Schrijvercomplained

— Browsers who don’t understand gradient background can fall back to 50% transparency by means of an image

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 08:15


Eric Schrijvercried

— Allow print-only class

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 08:21


Eric Schrijverbabbled

— Some small table tweaks

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 09:47


Eric Schrijveruttered

— Change bookshops and sort them properly

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 11:34


Eric Schrijverdiscovered

— Map recentered

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 11:51


Eric Schrijverbabbled

— Small update bookshop styles

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 12:54


Eric Schrijververbalised

— New map Booskhops

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 12:54


Eric Schrijvercomitted

— Remettre proposer un article

Tuesday, 1st December 2015 - 15:28


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— Ciao la notice sur la page d'accueil

Friday, 4th December 2015 - 11:41


Alexandre Leraylet out

— Fix formulaire simple

Saturday, 5th December 2015 - 11:14


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Changé l'email d'abonnement pour clairifier à partir de quel numéro les
gens s'abonnent

Sunday, 6th December 2015 - 22:30


Alexandre Leraytalked

— Précision: on s'inscrit à partir du numéro 2.

Monday, 7th December 2015 - 15:04


Alexandre Leraydisclosed

— Petite modif du fabfile pour télécharger la db et les médias séparement

Wednesday, 9th December 2015 - 11:41


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— Ajout d'un champ numéro + migration de données pour savoir à partir de
quel numéro l'abo commence. Pfff.

Wednesday, 9th December 2015 - 17:31


Alexandre Leraylet on

— From now on, subscriptions start from issue #2

Wednesday, 9th December 2015 - 22:59


Alexandre Leraybrought out

— Also set the confirmation date to now when we confirm the wire transfert

Wednesday, 9th December 2015 - 23:06



— ajout FNAC Bruxelles

Friday, 11th December 2015 - 18:07


Alexandre Leraytalked

— MAJ texte + image formulaire abonnement

Wednesday, 16th December 2015 - 16:40


Alexandre Leraystated

— maj texte pdf cadeau

Wednesday, 16th December 2015 - 16:57


Alexandre Lerayshouted

— Typo

Wednesday, 16th December 2015 - 16:58


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Date de confirmation dans les CSV

Thursday, 17th December 2015 - 10:54


Alexandre Leraysaid

— date de confirmation dans la liste admin

Thursday, 17th December 2015 - 10:59


Alexandre Leraygave away

— Réactivation de l'email de confirmation et correction du nombre de
points de vente dans les différents emails

Friday, 18th December 2015 - 03:51


Alexandre Lerayverbalized

— Indique les numéros des abonnements dans le csv

Monday, 21st December 2015 - 11:26


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Autorise la balise video dans l'editeur de texte

Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 - 16:12


Alexandre Leraylet on

— Autorise aussi l'attribut src sur la video

Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 - 16:14


Alexandre Lerayironized

— Correction coquille "Vous recevrez NOS quatre prochains numéros"

Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 - 16:28


Alexandre Lerayblabbed

— coquille: Tout frais compris -> tous frais compris

Tuesday, 22nd December 2015 - 16:53


Alexandre Lerayverbalised

— Ajout d'un champ commentaire dans les abos et parts coop

Tuesday, 29th December 2015 - 16:31


Alexandre Leraycomitted

— possibilité de s'abonner du 6 au 9

Saturday, 2nd January 2016 - 15:37


Alexandre Lerayrendered

— Ajouté Django reversion et fixé l'API

Saturday, 2nd January 2016 - 17:57


Eric Schrijverdeclared

— Redirect en attendant medor articles

Tuesday, 5th January 2016 - 13:29


Eric Schrijvertold

— CSS in editor same as on site (tweaking still required)

Tuesday, 5th January 2016 - 13:42


Eric Schrijverwhistled

— Option to add chapeau in editor

Tuesday, 5th January 2016 - 14:25


Eric Schrijvercried

— Allow iFrame

Tuesday, 5th January 2016 - 17:46


Alexandre Leraydeclared

— Traduction champs publish + regroupement des champs dans l'admin

Wednesday, 6th January 2016 - 15:46


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Foreign key Rubric dans les Articles

Wednesday, 6th January 2016 - 17:00


Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Gutemberg -> Gutenberg

Wednesday, 13th January 2016 - 14:00


Alexandre Lerayrevealed

— Fix broken api

Thursday, 14th January 2016 - 15:53


Alexandre Lerayexposed

— Fix missing migration

Friday, 15th January 2016 - 00:17


Eric Schrijververbalized

— Publication date for articles

Tuesday, 19th January 2016 - 17:48


Alex Lerayspoke

— Pinning requirements

Tuesday, 9th February 2016 - 10:38


Alex Leraytalked

— Modifs ckeditor (styles supplémentaires)

Tuesday, 9th February 2016 - 10:47


Alex Leraysaid

— Plugin ckeditor exergue simple + tuning ckeditor

Tuesday, 9th February 2016 - 11:25


Alex Leraygave away

— Quelques changements dans les noms des styles sur suggestions de David

Tuesday, 9th February 2016 - 13:02


Alex Leraybrought out

— Supprimé temporairement le style Lettrine

Tuesday, 9th February 2016 - 13:15


Alex Leraypeached

— autorise sub et sup dans les exergues

Wednesday, 10th February 2016 - 16:33


Alex Lerayargued

— div[class] dans la whitelist ckeditor

Friday, 12th February 2016 - 12:46


Alex Lerayverbalized

— Classe encadre dans la whitelist

Friday, 12th February 2016 - 13:10


Alex Leraylet loose

— Expose les rubriques dans l'API des article

Friday, 12th February 2016 - 16:07


Alex Leraycried

— Fix ckeditor ExtraAllowedContent

Friday, 12th February 2016 - 22:17


Alex Leraysaid

— Possibilité de mettre un id sur les asides

Saturday, 13th February 2016 - 16:57


Alex Leraydiscovered

— Span class auteur autorisé

Tuesday, 16th February 2016 - 17:50


Alex Leraylet out

— Nouvelle carte des points de ventes

Saturday, 5th March 2016 - 23:03


Alex Lerayspoke

— nouveaux points de vente en texte

Saturday, 5th March 2016 - 23:36


Alex Leraycomplained

— Modifs pour le numéro 3

Wednesday, 9th March 2016 - 01:31


Alex Lerayverbalised

— Fix le numéro de la dernière page

Saturday, 12th March 2016 - 13:43



— update cover 2 home

Saturday, 12th March 2016 - 18:21


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Changé cover du numéro en cours

Saturday, 12th March 2016 - 18:03


Alex Leraylet out

— Cover 2Cover 2Cover 2Cover 2Cover 2Cover 2Cover 2Cover 2

Saturday, 12th March 2016 - 18:11



— feed-merge

Saturday, 12th March 2016 - 18:25



— espace

Saturday, 12th March 2016 - 18:44


Alex Leraysaid

— Upgrade to latest subversion

Wednesday, 20th April 2016 - 19:08


Alex Leraybabbled out

— django 1.8.x cms 3.2.x migration

Thursday, 21st April 2016 - 00:52


Alex Leraytold

— Typo: "Apparu dans le Médor n°2 le sur les pages 30–32." corrigé en "Publié dans Médor n°2 (printemps 2016), pages 30-32."

Thursday, 12th May 2016 - 10:19


Alex Leraystated

— Typo in the typo

Thursday, 12th May 2016 - 10:24


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— pile de Medor 3

Friday, 10th June 2016 - 03:18


Alex Leraybrought out

— Update pile de Médor

Friday, 10th June 2016 - 03:38


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— MAJ des IBAN

Monday, 13th June 2016 - 15:51


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Email de rappel pour le numero 4

Monday, 13th June 2016 - 16:17


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Forgot one template in the previous commit

Tuesday, 14th June 2016 - 11:00


Alex Leraysang

— Mise à jour de la carte des points de vente

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 14:40


Alex Leraystated

— APplication pour lister les points de vente

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 15:22


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Nouveau systeme pour lister les points de vente depuis la db mais on le
masque pour l'instant

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 15:47


Alex Lerayexposed

— Retail outlets as csv

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 16:18


Alex Leraytold

— Missing in the previous commit

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 16:19


Alex Lerayironized

— Csv not as an attachment

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 16:20


Alex Leraylet out

— Access control for open street map

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 17:03


Alex Lerayexpressed

— Access control again

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 17:03


Alex Leraybrought out

— Points de vente en live

Monday, 20th June 2016 - 17:12


Alex Leraysaid

— abonnement automatiquement marqués comme à partir du 4

Tuesday, 21st June 2016 - 15:34


Alex Leraysaid

— Fix bug numéro de départ de l'abonnement

Wednesday, 29th June 2016 - 13:25


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Added generic contribution support for articles and issues

Thursday, 14th July 2016 - 13:24


Alex Leraybrought out

— First step in renaming chapeau -> lead

Friday, 15th July 2016 - 11:53


Alex Lerayverbalized

— Spring cleaning: removing old templates and css/less

Tuesday, 19th July 2016 - 16:14


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Merge branch 'master' into feature-lead

Tuesday, 19th July 2016 - 16:16


Alex Leraystated

— Reformat the HTML for HTML2print according to the new spec

Tuesday, 19th July 2016 - 16:22


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Champ slug dans le sommaire des numéros

Wednesday, 20th July 2016 - 11:02


Alex Leraygave away

— ckeditor plugins

Wednesday, 20th July 2016 - 23:13


Alex Lerayverbalised

— Expose issue articles in the API

Wednesday, 20th July 2016 - 23:16


Alex Leraycomitted

— Lead paragraph back in the raw HTML

Monday, 8th August 2016 - 17:56


Alex Lerayrevealed

— fix a typo in the previous commit

Monday, 8th August 2016 - 17:58


Alex Leraywhistled

— ckeditor extraallowedcontent

Tuesday, 9th August 2016 - 11:26


Alex Lerayspilled the beans

— byline -> header-byline

Tuesday, 9th August 2016 - 11:59


Alex Leraybrought out

— Fixed the article generated css to reflect the ORM Changes

Tuesday, 9th August 2016 - 12:13


Alex Lerayironized

— Fix a syntax error in the article generated css

Tuesday, 9th August 2016 - 12:34


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Improvement on the article generated css

Tuesday, 9th August 2016 - 14:32


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Changé l'email de confirmation pour éviter la confusion au réabonnement

Tuesday, 6th September 2016 - 11:32


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Fix problem with #5 confirmation email

Tuesday, 6th September 2016 - 17:30


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Created new models and migrations for buying items

Thursday, 15th September 2016 - 15:07


Alex Lerayblabbed

— The new order form is functionnal

Friday, 16th September 2016 - 09:51


Alex Leraywhispered

— wip

Friday, 16th September 2016 - 17:52


Alex Leraydivulged

— Essaye design 2

Friday, 16th September 2016 - 18:38


Alex Leraycried

— formulaire première étape

Friday, 16th September 2016 - 20:31


Alex Lerayverbalised

— peaufinage

Sunday, 18th September 2016 - 12:09


Alex Lerayemited

— Medor 4 sur la home

Sunday, 18th September 2016 - 12:18


Alex Leraysang

— Merge branch 'master' into feature-abo2

Sunday, 18th September 2016 - 12:35


Alex Leraytalked

— Prêt à faire le grand saut

Monday, 19th September 2016 - 01:12


Alex Leraycomitted

— Removed old subscribe url

Monday, 19th September 2016 - 01:32


Alex Lerayconfessed

— Temp commit to fix url error

Monday, 19th September 2016 - 01:35


Alex Lerayverbalised

— Fix import error

Monday, 19th September 2016 - 01:37


Alex Leraydivulged

— Fix uncommented ipdb statement

Monday, 19th September 2016 - 01:44


Alex Leraygave away

— Verbose name for app subscribe

Tuesday, 20th September 2016 - 11:13


Alex Lerayrendered

— subscribe models verbose names

Tuesday, 20th September 2016 - 11:14


Alex Leraysaid

— New subscribers csv

Tuesday, 20th September 2016 - 11:15


Alex Leraylet out

— Ajout export csv dans l'admin de Django

Tuesday, 20th September 2016 - 22:59


Alex Lerayironized

— Fix creation date

Wednesday, 21st September 2016 - 09:59


Alex Lerayspoke

— Changed date_hierachy to comfirmation date on orders

Wednesday, 21st September 2016 - 10:03


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— Fix missing confirmation date

Wednesday, 21st September 2016 - 11:57


Alex Leraytweeted

— Nouveau formulaire

Monday, 26th September 2016 - 15:38


Alex Lerayargued

— Fix broken template

Monday, 26th September 2016 - 15:44


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Fix couleur liens

Monday, 26th September 2016 - 15:49


Alex Leraysaid

— Fix missing migration

Monday, 26th September 2016 - 15:49


Alex Lerayrendered

— Première salve de changements

Tuesday, 27th September 2016 - 15:50


Alex Leraycried

— Organization dans le formulaire de commandes

Tuesday, 27th September 2016 - 15:59


Alex Lerayshouted

— Nettoyage templates inutiles

Wednesday, 28th September 2016 - 05:28


Alex Leraytweeted

— Enlevé l'appli subscribe de l'admin

Friday, 30th September 2016 - 09:27


Alex Lerayargued

— Fix order address editing

Thursday, 6th October 2016 - 23:21


Alex Leraydiscovered

— Reminders for the new order system

Thursday, 6th October 2016 - 23:59


Alex Lerayuttered

— Fix typo on the home page

Wednesday, 12th October 2016 - 14:49


Alex Leraysaid

— 2 small text modifications

Wednesday, 12th October 2016 - 14:54


Alex Leraysang

— formulaire

Wednesday, 12th October 2016 - 16:31


Alex Lerayrendered

— email formulaire

Wednesday, 12th October 2016 - 17:05


Alex Leraydiscovered

— [MP]arrainage

Monday, 17th October 2016 - 02:18


Alex Leraypeached

— resuöé du parrainage dans la page de confirmation

Monday, 17th October 2016 - 11:38


Alex Leraytalked

— Viré un accent

Tuesday, 18th October 2016 - 21:14


Alex Leraystated

— Order shipping details alphabetically

Wednesday, 19th October 2016 - 12:11


Alex Leraywhistled

— Article permalink

Friday, 21st October 2016 - 13:42


Alex Leraydisclosed

— ajout style encadre

Friday, 21st October 2016 - 14:31


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— styles footer

Friday, 21st October 2016 - 14:49


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Quelques autres petites styles

Friday, 21st October 2016 - 15:03


Alex Lerayconfessed

— fix font issue

Friday, 21st October 2016 - 15:37


Alex Lerayspoke

— token auth

Thursday, 27th October 2016 - 10:38


Alex Lerayblabbed

— Champ article (fk) dans le sommaire optionnel

Monday, 31st October 2016 - 15:35


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Filer: liens coniniques

Monday, 31st October 2016 - 15:38


Alex Leraylet on

— typographic filters server-side

Tuesday, 1st November 2016 - 12:38


Alex Leraydiscovered

— strip html in publish css :before and :after content

Wednesday, 9th November 2016 - 22:14


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Filer plugin for ckeditor

Wednesday, 9th November 2016 - 23:01


Alex Leraysang

— Revert "strip html in publish css :before and :after content"

This reverts commit 55dd62be660d46452128a839f2cabdc58833365d.

Wednesday, 9th November 2016 - 23:54


Alex Leraywhispered

— Revert "Revert "strip html in publish css :before and :after content""

This reverts commit e03e282b622eda20659ab5ae5f89d0e84e5f2eaa.

Wednesday, 9th November 2016 - 23:58


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Revert "Filer plugin for ckeditor"

This reverts commit 11ac00611b04c1f8188bbc0c1ad7c284d9157c95.

Wednesday, 9th November 2016 - 23:58


Alex Leraywhistled

— Span classes ellipsis and blank

Thursday, 10th November 2016 - 17:15


Alex Lerayexpressed

— whitelist `span.keep` to keep text together.

There seems to be a bug with css hyphenation: `nbsp` entities get

Monday, 14th November 2016 - 17:25


Alex Leraybabbled

— Do not escape the content in generated css

Thursday, 17th November 2016 - 16:06


Alex Leraywhistled

— Test autoescape css

Thursday, 17th November 2016 - 22:31


Alex Leraysaid

— unescape entities in css

Thursday, 17th November 2016 - 22:51


Alex Lerayspilled the beans

— email de rappel abonnés

Monday, 28th November 2016 - 12:44


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Rappel de commande

Monday, 28th November 2016 - 12:51


Alex Leraycried

— Deleted metadata (temporarilly) on article details

Monday, 28th November 2016 - 23:10


Alex Leraycried

— Permalink for issues

Thursday, 15th December 2016 - 10:17


Alex Leraytalked

— medor 5 sur la home

Thursday, 15th December 2016 - 11:02


Alex Leraystated

— force reloading the cover image

Thursday, 15th December 2016 - 11:03


Alex Leraydeclared

— Django 1.9 + CMS 3.4

Tuesday, 27th December 2016 - 23:21


Alex Leraytold

— fix templatetag error with the update to dj 1.9

Saturday, 7th January 2017 - 15:18


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Fix small details in the API so we can push to it

Tuesday, 24th January 2017 - 13:32


Alex Lerayuttered

— Forces id in the API; it it needed for the pullstories script

Friday, 27th January 2017 - 12:38


Alex Leraytattled

— fix typo

Friday, 27th January 2017 - 12:40


Alex Leraydeclared

— Logo financité

Friday, 27th January 2017 - 13:26


Alex Lerayspoke

— lien financité

Friday, 27th January 2017 - 13:38


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Fix broken style in admin

Wednesday, 8th February 2017 - 11:33


Alex Leraytold

— Special characters in the editor toolbar

Thursday, 9th February 2017 - 11:10


Alex Lerayironized

— Script d'import des librairies

Thursday, 9th March 2017 - 13:54


Alex Leraytold

— Medor 6 sur la home

Friday, 10th March 2017 - 11:36


Alex Lerayinterpreted

— cleaning

Wednesday, 26th April 2017 - 14:42


Alex Leraybrought out

— Upgraded to django 1.10.x

Wednesday, 26th April 2017 - 23:58


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Fixed a few settings

Thursday, 27th April 2017 - 09:51


Alex Leraydivulged

— Started to properly translate buy and collaborate apps

Tuesday, 9th May 2017 - 14:20


Alex Leraywhistled

— typografy filters on article save method

Tuesday, 9th May 2017 - 15:59



— test

Friday, 31st March 2017 - 10:57


Alex Lerayshouted

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 9th May 2017 - 16:00


Alex Leraystated

— Stronger passwords

Tuesday, 9th May 2017 - 22:55


Alex Leraydisclosed

— Add typogrify filter on lead

Thursday, 11th May 2017 - 10:30


Alex Leraystated

— Wordcount plugin for ckeditor

Thursday, 11th May 2017 - 11:51


Alex Leraydeclared

— Django reversion compare

Wednesday, 24th May 2017 - 11:35


Alex Leraylet out

— fix wrong url

Wednesday, 24th May 2017 - 11:43


Alex Lerayuttered

— Médor 7 sur la home

Thursday, 8th June 2017 - 09:42


Alex Lerayargued

— A new field "licence" on contributions plus missing migrations

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 14:26


Alex Lerayunwrapped

— Modified article raw html to reflect the new structure

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 14:40


Alex Lerayclaimed

— Add article contributions field to the API

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 16:35


Alex Lerayblabbed

— The field 'id' was declared on serializer ContributionSerializer, but has not been included in the 'fields' option.

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 16:47


Alex Leraytweeted

— Fix licences in the API

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 17:00


Alex Leraypublished

— Fix error with API

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 17:15


Alex Leraylet out

— Fix problem with license field in the API

Wednesday, 5th July 2017 - 17:24


Alex Leraylet out

— Expose folio number in the api

Wednesday, 16th August 2017 - 11:23


Alex Leraywhispered

— Temp fix of order page layout

Tuesday, 5th September 2017 - 10:57


Alex Leraylet on

— A few additional helpers in article admin

Tuesday, 5th September 2017 - 16:17


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— Pile de Médor 8

Tuesday, 5th September 2017 - 23:46


Alex Leraywhispered

— ajouté la fonction save_as sur les produits

Tuesday, 12th September 2017 - 23:50


Alex Leraydiscovered

— Ajout de fonctionnalités admin points de vente

Tuesday, 19th September 2017 - 22:54


Alex Leraypeached

— fix social networks preview image link

Monday, 25th September 2017 - 10:30


Alex Lerayemited

— strip html in description

Monday, 25th September 2017 - 10:44


Alex Leraypublished

— caldav version bump + description in the calendar

Thursday, 12th October 2017 - 10:24


Alex Leraywhispered

— auto migration for the buy app

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 10:07


Alex Leraycried

— moved the in_toc option

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 10:09


Alex Lerayironized

— tweak the display of table of content so it looks nicer

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 10:09


Alex Leraytalked

— Hide table of content inlines title

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 15:50


Alex Lerayrevealed

— Upgrade to django 1.11

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 15:49


Alex Leraylet out

— Merge branch 'upgrade'

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 15:51


Alex Leraydivulged

— Ajout recette fab pour forcer l'update des requirements

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 16:25


Alex Lerayspoke

— pin djangocms-attributes-field to allow for django 1.11 compatibility

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 16:26


Alex Leraygave away

— fixed in_toc missing field error in ArticleAdmin

Friday, 13th October 2017 - 16:37


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Supprimé du vieux brol

Monday, 16th October 2017 - 21:31


Alex Leraycomplained

— Dispatched api code accross more sensible locations

Wednesday, 18th October 2017 - 17:39


Alex Leraysang

— article listing, rough

Wednesday, 18th October 2017 - 23:05


Alex Leraylet the cat out of the bag

— Clean unused views

Wednesday, 18th October 2017 - 23:14


Alex Lerayblabbed out

— IssueListView is back

Wednesday, 18th October 2017 - 23:23


Alex Lerayadmitted

— Started Contributors list/detail views

Thursday, 19th October 2017 - 00:27


Alex Lerayconfessed

— Modif phrase formulaire commande

Tuesday, 28th November 2017 - 18:31


Ali Rayclaimed

— publication du 8 sur la page d'acceuil

Tuesday, 5th December 2017 - 23:42


Alex Leraydeclared

— Possibilité de chercher à travers + de champs des coops et des commandes

Tuesday, 19th December 2017 - 14:26


Alex Leraylet loose

— Fixed a few layout stuff

Thursday, 21st December 2017 - 22:22


Alex Leraydeclared

— extra styles on asides

Thursday, 21st December 2017 - 22:37


Alex Leraysaid

— Fix error in previous commit

Thursday, 21st December 2017 - 22:41


Alex Leraylet loose

— more styles

Thursday, 21st December 2017 - 23:12


Alex Leraylet loose

— More styles

Thursday, 21st December 2017 - 23:22


Alex Leraysang

— icomment agenda

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 11:18


Alex Leraysaid

— comment agenda

Tuesday, 16th January 2018 - 11:44


Alex Leraycomitted

— Bio et photo Céline

Wednesday, 17th January 2018 - 16:20


Alex Lerayrendered

— agenda is back

Friday, 19th January 2018 - 13:36


Alex Leraydivulged

— agenda commented again

Friday, 19th January 2018 - 13:38


Alex Lerayshouted

— Un autre test agenda

Friday, 19th January 2018 - 13:41


Alex Leraycried

— normalize.css -> reset.css

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 10:18


Alex Leraylet out

— Fix clashing "sidebar" style

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 10:18


Alex Leraytattled

— Organizing existing CSS, round 1

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 12:22


Alex Leraybabbled

— Allow publishing articles in the future

To do so, just put a future date

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 15:20


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Pages contributeurs

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 15:45


Alex Leraysaid

— Added a field "cover" for issues

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 15:59


Alex Lerayspoke

— pimped the issue page

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 16:33


Alex Lerayspoke

— RichTextField for contributor biography

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 16:46


Alex Leraycomitted

— A few admin changes and hide unpublished issues

Sunday, 21st January 2018 - 17:49


Alex Lerayexpressed

— Fix broken API

Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 - 00:05


Alex Leraybabbled

— Show id in articlemembership inlines

Tuesday, 23rd January 2018 - 00:20


Alex Leraybabbled out

— fix issue ddisplay bug

Wednesday, 24th January 2018 - 09:20


Alex Leraydeclared

— Added a field "article 27" and correponding views

Saturday, 3rd February 2018 - 23:22


Alex Leraytalked

— Update parametres carte OSM

Sunday, 4th February 2018 - 00:16


Alex Leraytattled

— Added redirects app

so with can remove hard coded redirects

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 23:05


Alex Leraytweeted

— Removed legacy urls

Monday, 5th February 2018 - 23:20


Alex Lerayverbalized

— Added related articles field

Tuesday, 6th February 2018 - 00:17


Stéphanie Vilayphioubabbled

— related_articles → optionnel

Tuesday, 6th February 2018 - 11:20


Alex Leraypeached

— Exclude related_articles from API

Tuesday, 6th February 2018 - 11:40


Alex Lerayuttered

— Dynamic pile de Médors

Friday, 9th February 2018 - 12:34


Alex Leraystated

— Tag and Label fields/Models on Article

Friday, 9th February 2018 - 18:02


Alex Lerayadmitted

— tags and labels horizontal filters

Wednesday, 14th February 2018 - 22:22


Alex Lerayexposed

— unicode display for tags and labels

Thursday, 15th February 2018 - 14:42


Alex Lerayverbalised

— Removed views taken over by Odoo

Friday, 16th February 2018 - 15:01


Alex Leraywhispered

— Fix sommaire link

Wednesday, 28th February 2018 - 13:15


Alex Leraylet on

— Dirty fink acheter link

Wednesday, 28th February 2018 - 13:16


Alex Leraygave away

— Fix lien pile de medor

Monday, 5th March 2018 - 13:21


Alex Lerayspilled the beans

— Fix API

Tuesday, 6th March 2018 - 10:18


Alex Leraysang

— bouton recherche dnas la carte

Thursday, 8th March 2018 - 17:18


Alex Leraybabbled out

— Scrollwheel controle sur la carte

Thursday, 8th March 2018 - 17:23



— what? there was no ICEBERG directory?

Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 - 11:43



— Upload New File

Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 - 11:44