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# to run the django project:

### install virtualenv:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

### then create a virtual environment for the project, we call it 'venv' as it is already omitted by git through the gitignore
### to do so run
virtualenv --no-site-packages venv

### this creates a micro-system inside the new 'venv' folder
inside it we find familiar looking system files, thant enable a virtual python environment

### to launch the system run
source venv/bin/activate

the terminal indicates that we're now inside tu virtual environment with it's name in brackets before your system name
to deactivate, run 

### once you've launched the venv, you're able to get all the project dependencies/requirements through pip;
pip install -r requirements.txt
### do it each time you receive an error at next step!

### then, in the folder medor, copy the file onto
cd medor

### edit the new file, and add in your SECRET_KEY where required, look this up in your favourite search engine if you don't have one yet

### if pip is done installing and the SECRET_KEY is at the right place in the, grab the database by running
python migrate

### get everything
fab download

### off you go then, launch the server:
python runserver

### head over to localhost:8000 (if you've not changed the default port settings) and get to work!

### Work and when happy tested → git push and
fab deploy
### it's backuped and online