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What is a digital drawing?

A pedagogical vector-based drawing application showing at the same time 3 different representations of the same drawing.

First window: text editor Second window: canvas Third window: list of commands (which can be translated in any language or changed if the vocabulary doesn't fit the user) Fourth window: XML/SVG output

Snapshots | iceberg

Inside this repository



Pierre Madmitted

— Added a new educational tool

Tuesday, 21st December 2010 - 11:10


Pierre Mlet on

— Added a couple of features to LD

Tuesday, 21st December 2010 - 12:50


Pierre Mgave away

— Added missing files

Tuesday, 21st December 2010 - 12:50


Pierre Muttered

— Added means to change vocabulary

Wednesday, 22nd December 2010 - 09:20


Pierre Mdisclosed

— Fixed insertion of coordinates when the world is transformed

Friday, 24th December 2010 - 01:31


Pierre Mlet on

— New stuff like text in LD

Monday, 3rd January 2011 - 10:43


Pierre Mshouted

— Added highlighting

Wednesday, 5th January 2011 - 13:45


Pierre Mlet the cat out of the bag

— Added highlight of move operation

Wednesday, 5th January 2011 - 19:33


Pierre Mtold

— Added absolute instruction to switch between absolute and relative coordinates

Thursday, 6th January 2011 - 14:21


Pierre Mspoke

— Added documentation and a new textblock command

Sunday, 9th January 2011 - 00:51


Pierre Mdisclosed

— End command wasn't correctly ending

Sunday, 9th January 2011 - 01:27


Pierre Mstated

— Few fixes and improvements

Monday, 31st January 2011 - 10:53


Pierre Marchandbrought out

— LD - added svg and svg-effects command

Monday, 21st February 2011 - 16:58


Pierre Marchandgave away

— LD - Added support for scale svg-effect and better image cache management

Tuesday, 22nd February 2011 - 10:55


Pierre Marchandverbalized

— LD - Added color component selector for svg-effect

Tuesday, 22nd February 2011 - 11:23


Pierre Marchandgave away

— LD - Updated documentation

Tuesday, 22nd February 2011 - 11:41


Pierre Marchandsaid

— LD - Added ScaleAndRotate effect

Thursday, 3rd March 2011 - 11:41


Pierre Marchandconfessed

— LD - Removed unwanted files

Thursday, 3rd March 2011 - 11:46


Pierre Marchandironized

— LD - Added page-size command

Saturday, 5th March 2011 - 22:23


Pierre Marchandemited

— LD - few adjustments

Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 08:37


Pierre Marchandtattled

— LD - Added turn command

Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 10:52


Pierre Huyghebaertstated

— ajout cover tot later pierre h

Sunday, 29th May 2011 - 17:49


Pierre Marchanddeclared

— LD - Added var command

Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 11:28


Pierre Marchandcried

— LD - Added var command (2)

Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 11:36


Pierre Marchandverbalized

— Fixed multiple drawing operations for each command

Friday, 15th April 2011 - 06:15


Pierre Marchandstated

— pfff

Friday, 15th April 2011 - 07:52


Pierre Marchandsaid

— Fixed turn command

Friday, 15th April 2011 - 09:07


Pierre Marchandtalked

— A couple of changes

Tuesday, 24th May 2011 - 16:06


Pierre Huyghebaertconfessed

— ajout cover tot later pierre h

Sunday, 29th May 2011 - 17:54


Eric Schrijverspoke

— Add README.txt placeholder

Saturday, 19th May 2012 - 15:48


Pierre Marchandsaid

— Fixed transformation before rendering SVG on canvas

Saturday, 8th September 2012 - 13:26


Pierre Marchandtattled

— inadvertently committed build files, ouch

Saturday, 8th September 2012 - 14:38


Stéphanie Vilayphiouemited

— iceberg: an example of tiled clones *à la* Inkscape but with rotation

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 - 12:18


Stéphanie Vilayphiouverbalized

— small description. install instructions

Wednesday, 21st August 2013 - 12:23


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— screenshot de Literal Draw avec un dessin de Pierre-Barick Fogue Kake

Monday, 9th March 2015 - 20:49


Stéphanie Vilayphioublabbed

— some archeological images from Vietnam: drawing typeface in the street by motorbike, reporting instructions on Literal Draw, in Vietnamese. Turtle style.

Tuesday, 10th March 2015 - 22:45


Pierre Marchandtalked

— casual update

alter includes to match Qt5 naming
render to SVG is made optional (it is very slow sometimes)
export to PNG

Wednesday, 23rd March 2016 - 12:23


Pierre Marchandspoke

— new command


Wednesday, 23rd March 2016 - 17:20