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# Documentation of the program # This document is intended to be seen in the program itself page-size 1000 10000 transform 1 0 0 1 84 0 move 94.00 74.00 font 22 100 0 NotCourierSans stroke 20 0 200 2 text Documentation of the program stroke 0 0 0 1 font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 141.00 text This program is intended to perform drawing operations by means of text writing. text As of now, the text is composed of keywords followed by arguments. The keywords text are aliased to form a kind of dictionary. The program handles the output of the text text at screen and to an SVG text that you can save back on disk. text This documentation describes the use of each non-aliased keyword. move 0.00 270.00 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right absolute font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 275.00 text boolean text : textblock 350 justify By default, coordinates are relatives to the top left corner of the image. you can change this behaviour by setting this attribute to false, in which case coordinates that you type will be considered relative to the current position. move 0.00 396 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right change font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 401.00 text string string 565.00 1343.00 93.00 1996.00 355.00 1936.00 462.00 1892.00 text : textblock 350 justify Set an alias for a keyword, the first argument is the keyword you want to change and the second is its new value. Aliases are permanent. move 0.00 520 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right close font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 525 text - text : textblock 350 justify This command has no argument, it closes the current contour. move 0.00 620 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right cubic font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 625 text number number number number number number text : textblock 350 justify This command draws a curve from the current point to the specified endpoint. The two first arguments are coordinates of the first control point, arguments 3 and 4 are the coordinates of the second control point and the last 2 arguments are those of the endpoint. #exemple move 549.00 673.00 cubic 600.00 610.00 716.00 720.00 770.00 678.00 end move 0.00 770 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right end font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 775 text - text : textblock 350 justify This command has no argument. it finishes a subcontour and triggers a paint event. move 0.00 870 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right fill font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 875 text number number number text : textblock 350 justify This command sets the RGB values of the current fill color. Note that values, to be valid, must be comprised between 0 and 255. Default fill color is set to none. move 0.00 980 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right font font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 985 text number number boolean strings text : textblock 350 justify This command sets the current font. first argument is the font size, second is the weight (values are the same as in CSS syntax, 0 for ultra light and 100 for ultra black), the third, if true, will try to select the italic variant. Remaining strings are the family name of the typeface. move 0.00 1120 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right image font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1125 text string [number number] text : textblock 350 justify This command inserts an image at the current position. The optional last arguments are the width and height of the image, if they're not given the sive of the image will be such that 1 pixel of the image equals 1 unit of the output device. move 0.00 1260 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right line font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1265 text number number text : textblock 350 justify This command draws a line to the coordinates given in argument. #exemple move 550.00 1305.00 line 770.00 1271.00 end move 0.00 1350 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right move font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1355 text number number text : textblock 350 justify This command changes the current position to the coordinates given in argument. move 0.00 1440 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right stroke font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1445 text number number number number text : textblock 350 justify This command sets the current stroke to the color expressed in RGB as given by the 3 first argument. The last argument sets the width of the stroke. Note that 0 doesn't actually set the width to 0, you can instead give a very small value such as 0.00001. Default stroke is set to black with a width of 1. move 0.00 1580 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right text font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1585 text strings text : textblock 350 justify This command draws the text given in argument. move 0.00 1660 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right textblock font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1665 text number string strings text : textblock 350 justify This command draws a block of text for which width is given with the first argument, alignement as the second argument (amongst right, left, center, justify) and text is built on the remaining strings. move 0.00 1780 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right transform font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1785 text number number number number number number text : textblock 350 justify This command multiplies the current transformation matrix with the one given in argument. The matrix is expressed as usualy seen in PDF, like "1 0 0 1 0 0" for the identity. move 0.00 1900 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right svg font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1905 text string text : textblock 350 justify This command loads an SVG file move 0.00 1970 font 14 0 0 NotCourierSans textblock 90 right svg-effect font 9 40 0 DejaVu Sans move 94.00 1975 text string string flag flag text : textblock 350 justify This command loads an SVG file and tiles it on top of the image given in second parameter following the effect at position 3 ("r" for rotate or "s" for scale) and selected color component at position 4: "R"gb; r"G"b ;rg"B"; "H"sl; h"S"l; hs"L".