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Title: Dingbat Dictée
Date: 2011-01-27 23:53
Author: OSP
Category: Type
Tags: Recipe, Unicode
Slug: dingbat-dictee
Status: published

**Recipe for teaching Unicode poetry to [students of all
ages](http://www.notbored.org/avertissement.html)**: ((Previously tested
in [Brussels](http://zigzaganimal.be/?p=337) and

![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/dictee-400x151.jpg "dictee"){.alignnone
.size-medium .wp-image-5631 width="400" height="151"}

1.  Print out listings of the following Unicode blocks: **Dingbats**
    (2700–27BF), **Miscellaneous Symbols** (2600–26FF) and eventually
    **Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows** (2B00–2BFF). It is important
    you include the descriptions in the language of your choice. Below
    are German, English and French sample files.
2.  Contextualize the Dictée by showing
    picture for example.
3.  One person selects a number of descriptions he or she finds
4.  Read out the number, followed by it's description
5.  Allow participants a set time to come up with a proposal that fits
    the description. Depending on the medium of choice, rhythm can vary:
    pencil up to 30 seconds; cutting or digital drawing: up to
    10 minutes.
6.  Compare results of participants to each other and to official
    Unicode blocks
