Title: Dingbat Dictée Date: 2011-01-27 23:53 Author: OSP Category: Type Tags: Recipe, Unicode Slug: dingbat-dictee Status: published **Recipe for teaching Unicode poetry to [students of all ages](http://www.notbored.org/avertissement.html)**: ((Previously tested in [Brussels](http://zigzaganimal.be/?p=337) and [Kiel](http://www.geuzen.org/gallery/The_Tailored_Alphabet/the_tailored_alphabet_workshop/page/3/).)) ![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/dictee-400x151.jpg "dictee"){.alignnone .size-medium .wp-image-5631 width="400" height="151"} 1. Print out listings of the following Unicode blocks: **Dingbats** (2700–27BF), **Miscellaneous Symbols** (2600–26FF) and eventually **Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows** (2B00–2BFF). It is important you include the descriptions in the language of your choice. Below are German, English and French sample files. 2. Contextualize the Dictée by showing [this](http://www.mythic-beasts.com/~mark/random/unicode-poster/poster-complete-version-5.0-one-sheet-00-A4-300dpi.png) picture for example. 3. One person selects a number of descriptions he or she finds interesting 4. Read out the number, followed by it's description 5. Allow participants a set time to come up with a proposal that fits the description. Depending on the medium of choice, rhythm can vary: pencil up to 30 seconds; cutting or digital drawing: up to 10 minutes. 6. Compare results of participants to each other and to official Unicode blocks [unicode\_german](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/unicode_german.pdf) [U2600\_FR.pdf](http://www.zigzaganimal.be/U2600_FR.pdf) [U2700\_FR.pdf](http://www.zigzaganimal.be/U2700_FR.pdf)