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Title: please computer | make me design
Date: 2010-06-11 15:30
Author: OSP
Category: Education
Tags: Command Line, Design philosopy, Scripting, Workshops + teaching
Slug: posters-please-computer-make-me-design
Status: published

LG-school — the LGM appetizer — has been the occasion for us (Ivan,
Ludi, Steph and Alex) to give a second workshop on fun command-line
poster generation. This workshop was intended to introduce graphic
designers to a completely different paradigm (the command-line) than the
one they are usually used to (the graphical user interface, or even
processing and other drawbots) and see how pieces of design can be
produced by a set of commands and filters chained together. Using basic
programs available by default both on OSX and GNU/Linux systems we've
put in action some of the [Unix
philosophy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy) principles
such as "Make each program do one thing well" or "Make every program a
filter", from text concatenation to PDF generation.

You can see the recipes and the results of the 2nd workshop session
\`please computer | make me design\`, or how to design posters using
only the command line
Feel free to download the working packages and try out for yourself.  
On Mac OS, all the commands are already available, on Linux, you would
need to install \`enscript\`.

Many thanks to Hong Phuc, Frederik, Eric, Adrien, Félix, Julien for the
great posters they've produced, and to Pierre M. and Wendy for their
help setting up the session!

[![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/osp_out-282x400.jpg "command line poster by OSP"){.alignleft
.size-medium .wp-image-4577 width="282"

[![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/frederik_out-400x282.png "command line poster by Frederik de Bleser"){.alignleft
.size-medium .wp-image-4578 width="400"