Title: please computer | make me design Date: 2010-06-11 15:30 Author: OSP Category: Education Tags: Command Line, Design philosopy, Scripting, Workshops + teaching Slug: posters-please-computer-make-me-design Status: published LG-school — the LGM appetizer — has been the occasion for us (Ivan, Ludi, Steph and Alex) to give a second workshop on fun command-line poster generation. This workshop was intended to introduce graphic designers to a completely different paradigm (the command-line) than the one they are usually used to (the graphical user interface, or even processing and other drawbots) and see how pieces of design can be produced by a set of commands and filters chained together. Using basic programs available by default both on OSX and GNU/Linux systems we've put in action some of the [Unix philosophy](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unix_philosophy) principles such as "Make each program do one thing well" or "Make every program a filter", from text concatenation to PDF generation. You can see the recipes and the results of the 2nd workshop session \`please computer | make me design\`, or how to design posters using only the command line [here](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/works/index.php?/projects/pc--mmd/). Feel free to download the working packages and try out for yourself. On Mac OS, all the commands are already available, on Linux, you would need to install \`enscript\`. Many thanks to Hong Phuc, Frederik, Eric, Adrien, Félix, Julien for the great posters they've produced, and to Pierre M. and Wendy for their help setting up the session! [![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/osp_out-282x400.jpg "command line poster by OSP"){.alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-4577 width="282" height="400"}](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/osp_out.jpg) [![](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/frederik_out-400x282.png "command line poster by Frederik de Bleser"){.alignleft .size-medium .wp-image-4578 width="400" height="282"}](http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/frederik_out.png)