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OSP-foundry :: Sans Guilt Wafer

Sans Guilt Wafer

Gill Sans eats a Gauffrette.

Inside this repository



Eric Schrijvercomplained

— Sans Guilt Gauffrette!

Tuesday, 16th October 2012 - 16:27



— base pour le package

Tuesday, 16th October 2012 - 19:02



— corrigé les accents, ajouté des specimens et exemples

Tuesday, 23rd October 2012 - 13:38



— fontlog is now babeluting

Tuesday, 23rd October 2012 - 14:08


Eliselet on

— never forget git add..

Tuesday, 23rd October 2012 - 14:17


Eric Schrijverrevealed

— The image called iceberg/{font_slug}_banner.png will show up as the banner

(Rename for the git based implementation of the OSP Foundry design)

Saturday, 14th September 2013 - 19:39


Eric Schrijverspoke

— Generate a README.html from the OSP Foundry blog

Sunday, 15th September 2013 - 00:30


Pierre Huyghebaertlet the cat out of the bag

— Added a small description

Friday, 2nd January 2015 - 21:34


Stéphanie Vilayphiousang

— structure UFR

Friday, 5th October 2018 - 16:34


Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid

— webfonts

Friday, 5th October 2018 - 16:34