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OSP-foundry :: DLF


Le projet de fonte collaborative Dingbats Liberation Fest propose de redessiner les caractères Dingbats et Symboles Divers de la liste Unicode.

Les Dingbats et Symboles Divers font partie de quelque chose qu’on pourrait appeler un bien commun. Ces symboles se sont infiltrés dans la plupart de nos ordinateurs. Ils font partie des différents systèmes d’écritures comme l’alphabet romain. Reste à les localiser sur votre disque dur.

Après 2 premiers workshops à Brussels et Utrecht en novembre et décembre 2009, 70 caractères habitent déjà cette police de caractères.

Les blocs Casseau et Symboles Divers contiennent 303 caractères actuellement (Unicode version 5.2.0).


The collaborative font project Dingbats Liberation Fest focuses on the Miscellaneous Symbols (U+2600 – U+26FF) and Dingbats (U+2700 – U+27BF) blocks of the Unicode standard.

Dingbats come from a something that could perhaps be called a Commons. They have sneaked into most computers nowadays. It’s just a matter of locating them in your hard disk.

After two initial workshops in Brussels and Utrecht at the end of 2009, the font has grown into a collection of 70 characters.

The current version of the Unicode Standard (5.2.0) allocates 303 characters to the Miscellaneous Symbols and Dingbats.

Snapshots | iceberg

Inside this repository



Alexandre Leraywhistled

— Created the skeleton of the repository

Thursday, 24th February 2011 - 19:48


Eric Schrijverbrought out

— "Blog contents added as README and iceberg"

Saturday, 14th April 2012 - 12:10


Eric Schrijverbabbled out

— "remove README because README.html exists"

Thursday, 12th September 2013 - 16:43


Eric Schrijverlet the cat out of the bag

— Crush the empty skeleton


Saturday, 14th September 2013 - 23:42


Eric Schrijverargued

— The image called iceberg/{font_slug}_banner.png will show up as the banner

(Rename for the git based implementation of the OSP Foundry design)

Saturday, 14th September 2013 - 23:56
