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    <title>OSP-foundry :: DLF</title>
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  <body><h1>DLF</h1><p><a href="http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/foundry/?attachment_id=121"><img alt="" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-121" height="849" src="iceberg/DLF-preview.png" title="DLF-preview" width="600"/></a></p>
<p>Le projet de fonte collaborative Dingbats Liberation Fest propose de redessiner les caract&#232;res Dingbats et Symboles Divers de la liste Unicode.</p>
<p>Les Dingbats et Symboles Divers font partie de quelque chose qu&#8217;on pourrait appeler un bien commun. Ces symboles se sont infiltr&#233;s dans la plupart de nos ordinateurs. Ils font partie des diff&#233;rents syst&#232;mes d&#8217;&#233;critures comme l&#8217;alphabet romain. Reste &#224; les localiser sur votre disque dur.</p>
<p>Apr&#232;s 2 premiers workshops &#224; Brussels et Utrecht en novembre et d&#233;cembre 2009, 70 caract&#232;res habitent d&#233;j&#224; cette police de caract&#232;res.</p>
<p>Les blocs Casseau et Symboles Divers contiennent 303 caract&#232;res actuellement (Unicode version 5.2.0).</p>
<p><a href="http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/nancy/">http://ospublish.constantvzw.org/nancy/</a></p>
<p>The collaborative font project Dingbats Liberation Fest focuses on the Miscellaneous Symbols (U+2600 &#8211; U+26FF) and Dingbats (U+2700 &#8211; U+27BF) blocks of the Unicode standard.</p>
<p>Dingbats come from a something that could perhaps be called a Commons. They have sneaked into most computers nowadays. It&#8217;s just a matter of locating them in your hard disk.</p>
<p>After two initial workshops in Brussels and Utrecht at the end of 2009, the font has grown into a collection of 70 characters.</p>
<p>The current version of the Unicode Standard (5.2.0) allocates 303 characters to the Miscellaneous Symbols and Dingbats.</p></body>