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Portrait of a Community

This year the annual Libre Graphics Meeting (LGM) will be held in Toronto. The Libre Graphics Meeting is a conference for the creators and users of Free and Open Source graphics software. As this year will be LGM's 10th edition we feel the need to reflect upon the LGM and the projects that take part in it. Opensource projects communities communicate mainly through digital channels, these channels are publicly accessible and archived. We propose to draw portraits of these communities by investigating their public archives.

After an introduction in the various ways OSP has visualised (programming) projects & archives up till now, and a first impression into the different projects and 'channels', we has tought we will use various analysis and visualisation tactics. Sources that can be used are amongst others: commit logs (lists of messages written when code is added, adapted or improved), release notes (retrospective texts after significant releases), discussions (IRC channels), mailing lists, meeting images, conference videos, etcetera. We can investigate, map and analyse them with tools like EtherCalc, Graphviz, Pattern, NLTK & OpenCV. As these tools themselves are Free and Open Source, this will mean creating a portrait of the community through its own means. In particular, we were thinking to restart the Graphics Software History Map that we start for LGM 2009 in Montreal.

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But after first discussions, we end up with the idea that LGM is a maybe more an heteroclite salad with strong pieces inside than the meltingpot that is announced in the 2006's first intention text, so we decided to focus as main source on all the talks and workshops of ten LGM events.

We are now producing graphviz diagrams that can act as sepentines and confettis for the decade party!

Snapshots | iceberg

Inside this repository



Eric Schrijverlet loose

— commit n+1

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 16:41



— datas from every year programs including title, speaker's name, concernd project, description of the talk, bios, language

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 16:50


Ludilet loose

— erg graph

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 17:10


Eric Schrijvershouted

— Start a script to read in CSV from librefoffice

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 17:21


Eric Schrijvertalked

— One year had speaker and title switched around

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 17:24



— update 2015

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 22:04


Pierre Huyghebaertsaid

— Started the Read me with a blog post kinda stuff plus a first view

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 23:54



— live graph

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 22:19


Pierre Huyghebaertcomplained

— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Tuesday, 28th April 2015 - 23:54


gijsblabbed out

— Updated the data

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 01:13


Eric Schrijverironized

— Similarity matrix

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 00:30


Eric Schrijverargued

— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 00:30



— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 01:13



— Added script to generate graphvizz

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 01:20


Eric Schrijveremited

— Generate lists / statistics

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 15:50


colmgave away

— html to print folder for the exhibition 'cartel' info

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 17:01



— change the page to A4s and typographic adjustments for the sort

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:20


Pierre Huyghebaertadmitted

— first chunk CN tower

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 17:03


Pierre Huyghebaertcomitted

— buildings

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:19


colmblabbed out

— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:20


colmlet loose

— Stylistic Madrid & Leipzich

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:55



— Updated dataset

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:28



— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:28



— First, basic version of the sheet generator

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:41


gijsbabbled out

— First, basic version of the sheet generator

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:42


colmspilled the beans

— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 18:55


Pierre Huyghebaertdiscovered

— half-buildings

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 19:10


colmbrought out

— cleaning up, pushing last changes to the exhibition info, adding some pictures to the iceberg

Monday, 4th May 2015 - 01:06


Pierre Huyghebaertdiscovered

— wrong picture

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 19:50


Pierre Huyghebaertsang

— the real spiral

Wednesday, 29th April 2015 - 20:33



— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp.workshop.portrait-of-a-community

Monday, 4th May 2015 - 01:06