Pierre Marchandironized
— Added totlater to the repository
Monday, 31st January 2011 - 15:48
Ludivine Loiseauadmitted
— test kerning gg Linden-Hill
Monday, 31st January 2011 - 16:24
Ludivine Loiseauwhistled
— first g modification
Monday, 31st January 2011 - 17:12
Pierre Marchandverbalized
— totlater - substituted ligatures
Wednesday, 16th February 2011 - 18:15
Antoine BEGONadmitted
— version de Tot Later coulée dans Scribus 1.4
Thursday, 17th February 2011 - 17:51
Antoine BEGONwhistled
— début du travail sur les habillages de texte
Friday, 18th February 2011 - 17:54
Antoine BEGONuttered
— dernière update sur tot later
Monday, 21st February 2011 - 17:06
Ludivine Loiseausaid
— ajout des images et dessins carrelages
Thursday, 24th February 2011 - 19:09
Antoine BEGONpublished
— update on Tot Later with shapes and pdf
Thursday, 24th February 2011 - 19:13
Ludivine Loiseaulet out
— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp
Thursday, 24th February 2011 - 20:17
Antoine BEGONadmitted
— Update on Tot Later pages 1 to 67
Friday, 25th February 2011 - 17:48
Ludivine Loiseauadmitted
— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp
Sunday, 27th February 2011 - 14:02
Ludivine Loiseautalked
— ajout d'un plan d'imposition booklet centré en A4, pdf tot imposé avec page titre et colophon
Sunday, 27th February 2011 - 23:15
Antoine BEGONclaimed
— Mise à jour Tot later avec corrections de An
Friday, 4th March 2011 - 17:16
Pierre Huyghebaerttold
— ajout cover tot later pierre h
Sunday, 29th May 2011 - 17:49
Antoine BEGONclaimed
— cover tot later
Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 11:54
Antoine BEGONbrought out
— totlater
Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 16:21
Ludivine Loiseauadmitted
— ajout et modif colophon
Thursday, 14th April 2011 - 16:45
Antoine BEGONlet the cat out of the bag
— udpate on tot_later_scribus14.sla
Tuesday, 19th April 2011 - 11:44
Antoine BEGONdiscovered
— Update on tot_later_scribus14.sla, habillages de texte
Tuesday, 19th April 2011 - 16:34
Antoine BEGONexposed
— formes d'habillage
Tuesday, 19th April 2011 - 16:48
Antoine BEGONironized
— update on tot later
Thursday, 21st April 2011 - 11:42
Ludivine Loiseaurevealed
— removing faces-shoot_def.sla
Monday, 25th April 2011 - 10:45
Antoine BEGONtalked
— update on tot later
Thursday, 21st April 2011 - 12:15
Ludivine Loiseaubabbled out
— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp
Monday, 25th April 2011 - 10:47
Antoine BEGONuttered
— tot tot
Monday, 25th April 2011 - 10:49
Ludivine Loiseauclaimed
— test problem de merge
Tuesday, 26th April 2011 - 08:48
Antoine BEGONwhistled
— update on tot later
Monday, 25th April 2011 - 15:18
Antoine BEGONlet the cat out of the bag
— pdf du texte complet avec habillages, manque derniers réglages + colophon
Monday, 25th April 2011 - 18:36
Antoine BEGONsang
— pdf du texte complet avec habillages, manque derniers réglages + colophon
Monday, 25th April 2011 - 18:41
Ludivine Loiseaudiscovered
— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:osp
Thursday, 19th May 2011 - 13:35
Antoine BEGONunwrapped
— update on tot_later
Tuesday, 26th April 2011 - 18:44
Antoine BEGONsaid
— Tot Later, with some corrections after meeting Ann, rest a few things to do, and a last reading
Thursday, 28th April 2011 - 20:37
Antoine BEGONspoke
— Pdf Tot Later before last verifications by An
Friday, 29th April 2011 - 12:25
Ludivine Loiseaucomplained
— ahlalaa
Thursday, 19th May 2011 - 13:54
Ludivine Loiseautattled
— check last version + hyph Tot Later
Sunday, 29th May 2011 - 17:02
Pierre Huyghebaertverbalised
— ajout cover tot later pierre h
Sunday, 29th May 2011 - 17:54
Ludivine Loiseausaid
— tot up
Tuesday, 10th January 2012 - 11:54
Ludivine Loiseautold
— mise à jour Ludi
Tuesday, 10th January 2012 - 12:00
Ludivine Loiseauinterpreted
— test légende et README
Tuesday, 10th January 2012 - 12:42
Ludivine Loiseaudivulged
— index ok
Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 10:43