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--- booklet sans T dans l'AAAAAA4 PageWidth = 841.88976 PageHeight = 595.27559 print("PageCount",PageCount) -- We assume that H > W -- Argh, we now can do better since we have "if" ;-) -- Scale = PageHeight / (2*SourceWidth) rot = 0 leftxof = (PageWidth / 2) - SourceWidth yof = (PageHeight - SourceHeight) / 2 rightxof = (PageWidth / 2) c = 0 ct = 0 while c < PageCount do -- Recto PushRecord(c + 16, ct + 1 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 1 , ct + 1 , rot, rightxof , yof) -- Verso PushRecord(c + 2, ct + 2 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 15 ,ct + 2 , rot, rightxof, yof) -- Recto PushRecord(c + 14, ct + 3 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 3 , ct + 3 , rot, rightxof , yof) -- Verso PushRecord(c + 4, ct + 4 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 13 ,ct + 4 , rot, rightxof, yof) -- Recto PushRecord(c + 12, ct + 5 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 5 , ct + 5 , rot, rightxof , yof) -- Verso PushRecord(c + 6, ct + 6 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 11 ,ct + 6 , rot, rightxof, yof) -- Recto PushRecord(c + 10, ct + 7 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 7 , 7 , rot, rightxof , yof) -- Verso PushRecord(c + 8, ct + 8 , rot, leftxof , yof) PushRecord(c + 9 ,ct + 8 , rot, rightxof, yof) c = c + 16 ct = ct + 8 end