— Add the grille
formerly known as grille111004.html
is commit #1
Monday, 17th October 2011 - 15:43
— A first selection of images that deal (loosely) with sound
Tuesday, 18th October 2011 - 15:36
— Tracing script
Tuesday, 18th October 2011 - 17:00
Gijs de Heijconfessed
— Added the first sketch for the panik
Also added it's pythonscript and the sfd file
Tuesday, 18th October 2011 - 18:06
— The SwarmGenerator 1st proof of concept
Wednesday, 26th October 2011 - 18:05
— Black and white conversion in the SwarmGenerator
Thursday, 27th October 2011 - 15:16
— Website to choose category
(right now it just allows you to browse through different categories)
Flask is a prerequisite:
$ sudo easy_install flask
then: python
This will start the app at
Friday, 28th October 2011 - 10:43
— the SwarmGenerator now actually creates the svg images
We embedded the shoebot script.
It does take a long while to download the images though…
even though the files are tiny…
Maybe wikipedia throttles us becuse of the large amount of requests?
Have to look into this.
many thanks to tian2992 for helping me out with embedding Shoebot
Friday, 28th October 2011 - 20:04
Sebastien Sanfilippobrought out
— test typo.svg
Tuesday, 1st November 2011 - 14:53
— Select a color for the swarm
(and framework to use text too!)
Uses farbtastic plugin (GPL) for jQuery.
Tuesday, 1st November 2011 - 15:44
— It works with text
Thursday, 3rd November 2011 - 09:24
Sebastien Sanfilippodiscovered
— reglo
Monday, 7th November 2011 - 17:11
Sebastien Sanfilipposang
— grille.sla
Wednesday, 9th November 2011 - 12:43
— Text squashed/stretched to predetermined width
Also, more complete test in
! And set to use the Reglo font !
Monday, 7th November 2011 - 17:18
Sebastian Olivalet the cat out of the bag
— fixed error when using text, and added basic .gitignore
Signed-off-by: codingisacopingstrategy <>
Tuesday, 8th November 2011 - 10:19
Sebastien Sanfilippoexposed
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 9th November 2011 - 12:43
Sebastien Sanfilippocomitted
— info .odt
Wednesday, 9th November 2011 - 12:44
Sebastien Sanfilippotalked
— update grille
Friday, 11th November 2011 - 17:40
Gijs de Heijbabbled
— Added this little script that can be used to size and VScale the
text in the grille.sla
Friday, 11th November 2011 - 12:44
Sebastien Sanfilippobabbled out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 11th November 2011 - 17:41
— Copied the grid of the grille so I can do some work on the cover
Scribus it will be…
Friday, 11th November 2011 - 18:44
— Radio Panik
Friday, 11th November 2011 - 18:58
— First try cover of Grille
Monday, 14th November 2011 - 16:07
Sebastien Sanfilippotalked
— textscaler update
Monday, 14th November 2011 - 15:28
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 14th November 2011 - 16:23
— My 90ies cover
Monday, 14th November 2011 - 17:24
— Logo typography earlier in the process
Monday, 14th November 2011 - 17:27
— Fixed 404 error (1st of possible Errors)
Monday, 14th November 2011 - 18:25
codingisacopingstrategylet out
— SwarmGenerator refactored: more modular
Should be more easy to bugfix and reuse now.
The refactoring solved none of the bugs of the script though.
Also: user/agent Ḿozilla -> Mozilla
& skip corrupt image files
Tuesday, 15th November 2011 - 10:25
— High resolution bi-maps
import json
from urllib import quote
import urllib2
from retrieve import retrieve_uris
from convert_images import convert_images
path = '/home/e/Dropbox/osp/'
files = [i for i in os.listdir(path) if 'png' in i and '120' in i]
files = [i.replace("120px-", "File:") for i in files]
files = [i.replace("png", "jpg") for i in files]
titles = '|'.join(files)
def make_api_query(q_continue="", thumbnail_size=120):
# titles = 'File:%27Dix_heures_en_chasse%27_by_G%C3%A9d%C3%A9on_Baril_28.jpg|File:Traps-drumset.jpg|File:Mats_antennes_01.jpg|File:Blured_black_keyboard.jpg|File:Reifpilz-1.jpg|File:Braunschweig_Brunswick_Eulenspiegel_Altstadtmarkt_1519.jpg|Britannica_Guitar.jpg|File:Copernican_heliocentrism_diagram-2.jpg|File:Hentz_Plate_17.jpg|File:Aratura_g3.jpg|File:Green-red_in_Lab.jpg|File:Fr%C3%BChjahrslorchel-1.jpg|File:Sch%C3%A9ma_champignon.jpg|File:Avicularia_versicolor_5FH_beim_fressen.jpg|File:Kantarell%2C_Iduns_kokbok.jpg|File:144MHz_EME.jpg|File:Falscher_Pfifferling-2.jpg|File:Pakhavaj.jpg|File:Wykres_sprzezniowcow.jpg|File:Kuniyoshi%2C_Minamoto_no_Yorimitsu_Battlling_an_Earth_Spider.jpg|File:136_to_174_MHz_base_station_antennas.jpg|File:K%C3%B6rnchenr%C3%B6hrling-1.jpg|File:Noinstrument.jpg'
url = '' + titles + '&prop=imageinfo&iiprop=url&iiurlwidth=' + str(thumbnail_size) + '&format=json'
response = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(url).read())
if response:
response['url'] = url
return response
response = make_api_query()
uris = []
for i in response['query']['pages'].values():
convert_images(retrieve_uris(path, uris))
Tuesday, 15th November 2011 - 15:41
codingisacopingstrategybrought out
— Screenshots of currrent look of SwarmGenerator
Tuesday, 15th November 2011 - 19:18
— Text input via webinterface works now!
The errors were in the line bot.text(etc.)
Somehow Shoebot doesn’t throw errors here…
There was a division by zero among other errors
A good moment to throw in the new code that works a bit differently:
Type size is vertical space divided by number of lines,
than the lines of the text are stretched horizontally to fit.
Tuesday, 15th November 2011 - 23:44
— Proper user interface Swarm Generator
Built with the nifty Twitter Bootstrap css:
Wednesday, 16th November 2011 - 00:05
codingisacopingstrategybabbled out
— Quite some bug fixes, SVG output still broken—switch to PNG
It currently outputs PNG.
Make all the input UPPERCASE
Added square option (defaults to true).
When True, will output a 1:1 aspect ratio.
When False, will output a 1:sqr(2) ratio.
2 text splitlines bugs fixed
Use .splitlines() instead of .split('\n') to allow different control characters
Remove empty lines to avoid divisionbyzero error
Smaller lineheight
Fill up collage:
If there are less than 32 source images, repeat existing up until 32
Text over image, instead of the other way around
TODO: text stil appears grey
TODO: fix unicode bug in urlquoting
TODO: when svg works, add thing to view that chances output size:
-<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" width=\"432pt\" height=\"432pt\" viewBox=\"0 0 432 432\" version=\"1.1\">
+<svg xmlns=\"\" xmlns:xlink=\"\" width=\"3cm\" height=\"3cm\" viewBox=\"0 0 432 432\" version=\"1.1\">
TODO: disable client caching (so resizing etc. works without reloading twice)
Tuesday, 29th November 2011 - 14:11
— Rename main app to
Run with: python
Tuesday, 29th November 2011 - 14:25
Eric Schrijverlet loose
— Don’t cache.
Not caching makes it possible for you to change output size
and text, and not having to reload twice.
Yet changing the collage colour is still not updated.
It is updated on the server though. So apparently the swarmbot
script uses a cached representation of these images?
Also, Pango requires an integer image size
Also, I’m now using my given name in git
Tuesday, 29th November 2011 - 14:59
Eric Schrijvertattled
— Fix bug: text now black
(as opposed to gray)
Tuesday, 29th November 2011 - 15:14
Sebastien Sanfilippounwrapped
— grille front 03
Monday, 12th December 2011 - 14:02
Sebastien Sanfilippospoke
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 12th December 2011 - 14:02
Eric Schrijverstated
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 13th December 2011 - 13:39
Eric Schrijverironized
— The only way to fix the svg bug is to write around it
So we kept running into svg bugs.
The bug report:
We did not have time to wait for it to be fixed—
and due to the tight coupling with Cairo Shoebot
is too complicated for us to fix.
So for now we wrote around it, using another library,
svgwrite, to generate the SVG. Since we still
use Shoebot to calculate the textwidth, our
solution is quite convoluted now.
But it will have to do for now!
In this version I also added proper sizing according
to the size parameters given in the interface.
Thursday, 15th December 2011 - 15:21
Eric Schrijvershouted
— Organised for distribution
Added license info, moved things around for more apparent
folder layout, added README with install instructions
Thursday, 15th December 2011 - 16:49
Eric Schrijversaid
— The Reglo font in the interface as well
+some spacing etc.
And I forgot a command in the README
Thursday, 15th December 2011 - 18:30
Eric Schrijversaid
— Usability tweaks for the app
Only one field for specifying paper size,
some help messages
Thursday, 15th December 2011 - 18:55
codingisacopingstrategybrought out
— Petit typo in README.txt
Friday, 16th December 2011 - 00:04
Eric Schrijverargued
— First Panik Iceberg
Monday, 9th January 2012 - 18:59
Eric Schrijversaid
— Prettier pictures for the iceberg
Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 00:45
Sebastien Sanfilippoexposed
— recto flyer jpg
Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 11:35
Sebastien Sanfilippoverbalised
— verso flyer jpg
Wednesday, 11th January 2012 - 11:36