Alexandre Leraydivulged
— New version of Oralsite, initial commit
Wednesday, 10th July 2013 - 16:11
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— Added jquery contextual, and defaults to Annotation
Saturday, 13th July 2013 - 11:56
Alexandre Leraybabbled out
— Misc modifications, mainly marked.js and backbone
Thursday, 3rd October 2013 - 12:19
Alexandre Leraybabbled out
— Can Bower help to manage the js dependencies?
Thursday, 3rd October 2013 - 17:36
Eric Schrijverspilled the beans
— Reflections of the experience of installing it on my side…
Thursday, 3rd October 2013 - 13:11
Eric Schrijverblabbed out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 3rd October 2013 - 13:12
Eric Schrijverpublished
— Set up automatic redirects for / to /pages/ and from /pages/ to /pages/Index/
Thursday, 3rd October 2013 - 13:17
Alexandre Leraytattled
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 3rd October 2013 - 17:40
Eric Schrijverpeached
— For now, the view can just be a simple direct-to-template:
We will populate it by calling the API
Tuesday, 8th October 2013 - 12:46
Eric Schrijverdisclosed
— For now, not the contextual menu.
Tuesday, 8th October 2013 - 14:54
Eric Schrijverinterpreted
— The Backbone actually filters for the Annotations of just 1 page
(hardcoded for now)
Tuesday, 8th October 2013 - 16:47
Eric Schrijverdiscovered
— Basic Error Handling
Tuesday, 8th October 2013 - 17:12
Eric Schrijverwhispered
— Beginning of Permissions management (using Guardian)
( Run syncdb )
Tuesday, 8th October 2013 - 18:12
Eric Schrijverlet on
— Basic page model
Wednesday, 9th October 2013 - 13:10
Eric Schrijverlet on
— Handle permission errors
Tuesday, 15th October 2013 - 11:15
Eric Schrijversaid
— Basic routing and handling of 404 pages
Initialisation of views moved to the router.
A 404 will show a message that a new page is being created.
At the moment, this does not create a new ‘default model’ (TODO)
Tuesday, 15th October 2013 - 15:19
Eric Schrijverironized
— A model&view for the User
Tuesday, 15th October 2013 - 17:03
Eric Schrijversaid
— Authorization works
But you need to set it per element in the admin.
Test from the shell to then find the permissions:
from guardian.shortcuts import assign_perm, get_users_with_perms
from aawiki.models import Page
p = Page.objects.all()[1]
get_users_with_perms(p, attach_perms=True)
p = Page.objects.all()[0]
get_users_with_perms(p, attach_perms=True)
{<User: AnonymousUser>: [u'view_page'],
<User: osp>: [u'add_page', u'change_page', u'delete_page', u'view_page']}
[i[0] for i in get_users_with_perms(p, attach_perms=True).iteritems() if 'change_page' in i[1]]
[<User: osp>]
Tuesday, 15th October 2013 - 17:46
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Django guardian now in the requirements
Thursday, 17th October 2013 - 15:58
Eric Schrijverblabbed out
— The page detects the user. If there is no user, it sends back AnonymousUser.
The User resource allows to view the info for this User, and not for the other ones.
Thursday, 17th October 2013 - 12:43
Alexandre Leraydeclared
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 17th October 2013 - 16:01
Alexandre Lerayrendered
— Permissions to delete annotations
Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - 15:38
Alexandre Leraystated
— Update backbone and jquery.contextual
Just wanted to update jquery.contextual as I fixed a bug in there but
backone came for free...
Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - 16:37
Alexandre Leraystated
— Hotglue-like menu on the canvas and annotations
It is using a custom jquery plugin called "jquery.contextual" and
available on
We may change the plugin to let Backbone delegate the events itself...
Not sur yet.
Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - 16:41
Eric Schrijvergave away
— Provide granular page permissions as part of the Page resource, and display them.
In order to update them, we will have to create some custom API functionality,
because the standard Resource based model doesn’t apply cleanly.
A starting point would be Guardian’s UserObjectPermissionsForm and GroupObjectPermissionsForm,
Thursday, 17th October 2013 - 23:30
Eric Schrijverwhispered
— Automatically add necessary permissions when creating a page through the API
Also added a new permission, ‘administer_page’
Run syncdb to add to the DB.
Add pages manually as such:
var data = JSON.stringify({
"slug": "fu-ba-fu-ba-pege",
"name": "Fu ba Fu ba pege!"
url: 'http://localhost:8000/pages/api/v1/page/',
type: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: data,
dataType: 'json',
processData: false,
succes: function(data) { console.log(data); },
error: function(error) { console.log(error); }
Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - 14:00
Alexandre Lerayspoke
— Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Tuesday, 22nd October 2013 - 16:48
Eric Schrijvertold
— Show permissions only for logged in users
( In a way it is a shame we’re not using Tastypie for the permissions API
because now we are hardcoding authorisation instead of using the same
structures as we use for the Page, User and Annotation model )
Tuesday, 29th October 2013 - 11:43
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— Add an API hook for the current user ('/user/me/')
so that the UserView can be decoupled from the PageView
Tuesday, 29th October 2013 - 12:57
Eric Schrijverexpressed
— Create new page model on page load if page not existing
Started working on how to handle accents etcetera in the slug:
some of it works out of the box, but some headaches probably
Utilities in a new separate file utils.js
Tuesday, 29th October 2013 - 17:53
Eric Schrijversang
— All server errors caught and displayed
Might want to show them for more then 5000 ms though :)
Wednesday, 30th October 2013 - 12:32
Eric Schrijverspilled the beans
— Allows for adding annotations to existing pages
Wednesday, 30th October 2013 - 12:41
Eric Schrijverspoke
— Oops! 2 pieces and parts I forgot…
The utils.js was supposed to be part of d384adfcc068babd44e2fa80b5686d3419c67d39
Wednesday, 30th October 2013 - 14:59
Eric Schrijverexpressed
— If the anonymous user can see it, you can see it too.
Wednesday, 30th October 2013 - 15:12
Eric Schrijvercomitted
— Create a new wiki page if one doesn’t exist for the uri
First a model is created, with name and slug based of the url visited.
Upon posting the model, The API returns the newly created object,
which also contains the appropriate permissions, created on the server-side.
Backbone automagically synchronises.
TODO: defer page creation to moment the first annotation is created (not easy)
Wednesday, 30th October 2013 - 21:12
Alexandre Lerayverbalised
— Switching from Marked.js to Markdown-js: two implementations of markdown
in javascript with a different approach. While Marked.js was meant to be
super fast, Markdown-js was meant to be extensible. This is why we moved
to Markdown-js which favors custom dialects.
The uncompressed source file for our flavor of Markdown-js isn't
included as I haven't find yet a satisfying way to do so, but it is
available at <>
Wednesday, 20th November 2013 - 16:07
Eric Schrijverlet on
— Fix authorization for creating new pages
Thursday, 31st October 2013 - 09:49
Eric Schrijvertweeted
— The API knows it’s you.
Thursday, 31st October 2013 - 10:10
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— Only show permission editing interface when a user has administrator permissions for that page
Thursday, 31st October 2013 - 11:41
Alexandre Lerayshouted
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 20th November 2013 - 16:11
Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans
— Tmp commit. Started implementing filters with django celery
Thursday, 21st November 2013 - 16:11
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— A real filter for turning images into black and white, along with a
filter to cache HTTP resources. The view to trigger the filters has also
been simplified, and systematically calls the special filter named
"cached", to download locally the resources.
Filters are a mean to asynchronously alter HTTP resources (images,
videos, text files etc.) server side while preserving the link to the
source material.
It uses the excellent library "Celery", and more specifically its chain
function that provides some sort of pipelines to be created.
Thursday, 28th November 2013 - 23:30
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— We don't need those (css) rules no more.
Thursday, 28th November 2013 - 23:51
Eric Schrijverexposed
— The basics for supporting changing permissions client-side are there
(they are not actually stored yet)
Wednesday, 20th November 2013 - 15:29
Eric Schrijvergave away
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 20th November 2013 - 16:14
Eric Schrijvercomitted
— Implement client-side login and logout through the API
Thursday, 21st November 2013 - 16:47
Eric Schrijverinterpreted
— Broke up the JavaScript into little parts
Moved CreateBtnvar to AA.widgets.CreateBtn,
in utils.js for now.
Thursday, 21st November 2013 - 17:18
Eric Schrijverbabbled
— Rendering embedded resources.
1) A jQuery plugin stored in `aa.jQuery.renderResources.js` looks for links that are marked as `aa:embed`. For instance:
<a rel="aa:embed" href="" data-filter="size:160|bw" />
2) It uses `aa.utils.path2mime` in `utils.js`. to figure out the mime-type of the linked resource:
2) Constructs the URI for the local, cached representation:
3) Find outs the template that is registered for the mimetype:
_.template('<img src="<%= uri %>" />')
4) Replaces the link with the newly rendered element:
<img src="http://localhost:8000/filters/cache/" />
// also changed location markdown renderer
Friday, 22nd November 2013 - 12:13
Alexandre Leraydeclared
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 28th November 2013 - 23:51
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— There was some fully qualified URL to localhost:8000 in the javascript,
which were triggering errors on Sarma' server.
Thursday, 28th November 2013 - 23:52
Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag
— Celery, Pillow and Requests in the requirements
Wednesday, 4th December 2013 - 18:13
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Less nervous dragging of annotations in interface
Thursday, 28th November 2013 - 18:31
Eric Schrijverrevealed
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 4th December 2013 - 12:17
Alexandre Lerayverbalised
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 4th December 2013 - 22:59
Alexandre Leraydiscovered
— A cocktail of things like less, django compressor and fonts
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 15:48
Alexandre Lerayverbalised
— A field introduction to the Page model so we can blab about it
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 15:57
Alexandre Leraycomplained
— Piwik stats, so next time the VG asks how popular we are we can give numbers!
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 16:00
Eric Schrijvershouted
— First test for views: User View
Thursday, 5th December 2013 - 12:38
Eric Schrijvertattled
— Start of view test;
The user and page view can be removed. It does point, Backbone will remove the containing element.
Because we want to make sure where the element gets inserted, I have created container elements
user-meta-container and page-meta-container.
It is quite possible a more elegant way exists.
Thursday, 5th December 2013 - 13:07
Eric Schrijverdivulged
— Summary AnnotationCollection View test
Thursday, 5th December 2013 - 14:24
Eric Schrijververbalized
— FIX syntax error: don’t cache local uri’s (JavaScript why can’t you fail earlier, harder?)
Thursday, 5th December 2013 - 16:59
Eric Schrijversaid
— Another tiny error in that specific part of the code
Wednesday, 11th December 2013 - 10:06
Eric Schrijverdeclared
— Add latest version of Markdown
Uncompressed, for error handling.
supports semantic embeds, yet no implicit timecodes yet
Wednesday, 11th December 2013 - 10:10
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— We need explicit endings in the timecode for now
Wednesday, 11th December 2013 - 16:14
Eric Schrijverunwrapped
— If an annotation has no about specified, it will be about="absolute/link/to/current/page"
TODO: add about to serverside model
Wednesday, 11th December 2013 - 17:33
Eric Schrijverclaimed
— Botching up aa.jquery.contextual
The fact that aa.jquery.contextual was catching all click events,
made it impossible to click links or start videos in the annotations.
I switched the context menus to double-clicks, and patched aa.jquery
.contextual to pass on events.
BTW—why doesn’t aa.jquery.contextual use the native dblclick event? (line 75 onwards)
There are glitches--
I haven’t made any changes upstream yet ’cause I’m not sure to have found the right approach
Thursday, 12th December 2013 - 17:14
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Implement a relationship between time-based drivers and annotations
In views.js, MultiplexView, a view is defined that allows to register drivers:
a driver is a uri for which the Multiplex attempts to find a suitable Popcorn
instance. If the uri is the current page, it will be a basePlayer (abstract),
if it is an audio or video element it will be a standard Popcorn instance, etc.
PopCorn is an abstraction over HTML5 video, that allows to extend time based
logic to other elements, and is able to trigger events related to points in
the element’s timeline.
In views.js, AnnotationView, registerDriver, the view attempts to register
the annotation’s `about=` uri as a driver in the MultiplexView (by default,
this is the page).
In views.js, AnnotationView, updateAnnotationEvents, it is defined that
the annotation body looks for annotation elements, and registers them with
the associated driver through the aa plugin, using the data-begin and data-end
The AnnotationView all listen to an `aa:newDrivers` event that is fired by the
AnnotationCollectionView once all annotations are rendered: this triggers
In plugins/aa.popcorn.js it is defined that a passed element gets triggered
with `start` and `end` events when it arrives at these points in the video..
In global-events.js, listeningAnnotations we determine what needs to happen
when these start and end events fire: for now, it adds the class `active`
to the annotation.
An example: http://localhost:8000/pages/tests/
The two annotations to the left are linked to the video.
Friday, 13th December 2013 - 18:24
Eric Schrijvershouted
— Also capable of adding annotation-boxes as `about=` drivers.
An annotation-box can also be `about=` equivalent to itself,
when used for slide-shows etc. independent of main timeline.
Saturday, 14th December 2013 - 15:27
Alexandre Lerayinterpreted
— Merge branch 'master' of
An error with Popcorn, Eric is gonna tell me how to fix it
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 16:15
Alexandre Lerayuttered
— Popcorn, where where you? Fixes the previous commit
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 16:34
Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans
— Less.js, where where you too?
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 16:34
Alexandre Leraytalked
— Some typographic refinement, using typogr: a library that fixes some
common typographical mistakes. To be tested further as it seems like it
is not working as expected.
Tuesday, 24th December 2013 - 12:22
Alexandre Lerayadmitted
— Some notes from last meeting and the begining of an install guide
Tuesday, 24th December 2013 - 12:28
Alexandre Leraysaid
— In the hope the can ease the process, a recipe to install the project
Friday, 10th January 2014 - 15:50
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— Celery now supports Django out of the box, and proposes a new scheme to
integrate with Django. This is what this commit is about, following the
tutorial at
We still keep the third party app django-celery as it may be usefull to
store the results.
Friday, 10th January 2014 - 23:12
Alexandre Leraylet out
— A functional pipeline mechanism. Given a URL and a list of tasks, the
system will cache the resource and apply all the filters. This happens
ne after the other. This happens in the background thanks to Celery so
it is not blocking the server.
A locking mechanism prevents two similar tasks to be launch at the same
There is a view so the process can be started by visiting a url, and
followed using django celery tast-status view.
Wednesday, 15th January 2014 - 15:37
Eric Schrijverrendered
— Re-initialise driver events when annotation markdown is edited
( annotation view needs to keep internal track of the events,
because the driver might have events from multiple annotations )
TODO: write test
Monday, 16th December 2013 - 16:55
Eric Schrijverpublished
— A play button for annotation windows.
Yet not if the driver of the annotation is the page itself.
In this case, there will be general player controls
located elsewhere.
Tuesday, 31st December 2013 - 16:45
Eric Schrijverspoke
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 31st December 2013 - 16:46
Eric Schrijvercomitted
— Adjust tests to new CSS & to page meta info
Friday, 10th January 2014 - 14:44
Alexandre Leraypublished
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 15th January 2014 - 15:45
Alexandre Leraysaid
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 11:39
Alexandre Lerayconfessed
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 11:39
Alexandre Lerayexposed
— A few changes to the INSTALL instructions to set up django compressor
cache directory and launch Celery worker.
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 12:10
Eric Schrijververbalised
— Markdown update
Friday, 10th January 2014 - 18:20
Eric Schrijverlet loose
— Add an about field on the page model
Wednesday, 15th January 2014 - 16:08
Eric Schrijvertalked
— We added mediaelement.js and it seems to work together with popcorn.js
Now just to find out whether it’s actually working; i.e. if it launches
a flash replacement in Safari that allows us to play ogg files. For that
we need to find a computer running Safari.
Wednesday, 15th January 2014 - 16:12
Eric Schrijversaid
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 15th January 2014 - 16:14
Alexandre Lerayargued
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 12:17
Alexandre Lerayemited
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 14:11
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 14:25
Alexandre Leraycomplained
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 14:27
Alexandre Lerayblabbed
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 14:34
Alexandre Lerayrevealed
— auto commit from django
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 14:35
Alexandre Lerayemited
— A few precisions in the INSTALL instructions. Thanks Gijs!
Thursday, 23rd January 2014 - 11:36
Alexandre Leraybrought out
— Versioning is coming. Youpi!
I was happy to find the "django-rcsfield" project. Why didn't I find it
before? It is really nice and simple to version model fields, and has
many different backends like git, svn, bazaar etc.
But in our case what we wanted was to version models (specifically the
Page model) and not fields. I had to makes changes to it and instead
of just importing the library I merged it with the aawiki app. This is
how it works:
when an instance of a model suclassing RCSModel is saved, it is
serialized to JSON using tastypie, and committed to the repository.
Using the model manager one can retrieve older revision of the model,
basically the same way it is done in the API exemple here:
The API has been modified so one can request for a specific revision of
a page, for instance:
The resource returned from the server also has an extra field
"revisions" with the SHA1 of the commits featuring the resource, and the
annotations field is fully populated so we can just make one call the
Page API and retrieve a full document (a Page and its annotations). And
for that, I switched to backbone-relational to automatically create the
annotation collection.
Quick and dirty, more later.
Thursday, 23rd January 2014 - 12:14
Eric Schrijverargued
— Ah so that’s why
Thursday, 16th January 2014 - 12:25
Eric Schrijversaid
— Add python magic to requirements
Thursday, 16th January 2014 - 12:28
Eric Schrijverconfessed
— Change filter saving strategy: create an arborescence that maps to the url
Create a processed view, that serves static files, and if not found,
redirects to the process view.
Make the process view synchronous.
(Make it asynchronous again by passing a GET parameter async).
Make the process return a redirect to the resource.
(To make it return the info view, pass a GET parameter info)
Adapted a bit the front-end code, add an example of the pipeline
to the tests.
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 14:49
Eric Schrijverironized
— Account for filterless external images
Tuesday, 21st January 2014 - 17:21
Eric Schrijvercomitted
— Only add an extra extension when there’s a filter. Now also client-side.
Thursday, 23rd January 2014 - 11:34
Alexandre Lerayargued
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 23rd January 2014 - 12:33
Alexandre Lerayargued
— Let's make the versioning a little bit less convoluted: in the previous
attempt, I was following Django RCSField's approach using a custom
queryset to retrieve the different revisions, ending up with a lot of
back and forth conversion between JSON, ORM and Tastypie bundles.
Instead, I use directly the git backend in the API, serving the JSON
straight from the repository if a revision query parameter is specified.
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 15:56
Alexandre Lerayemited
— A commit button and a route to visit specific revisions
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 17:31
Gijs de Heijsang
— Annotation text can now be selected. Cursor turns into 'move'-cursor on areas where you can drag the annotation.
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 15:40
Gijs de Heijlet the cat out of the bag
— Merge branch 'master' of
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 15:42
Alexandre Leraylet on
— Merge branch 'master' of
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 17:32
Alexandre Lerayspoke
— don't store permissions et rev fields in the revisions
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 18:33
Alexandre Leraydisclosed
— Fetches properly the various revisions.
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 19:02
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Grid and snapping on dragging/resizing annotations with ctrl pressed
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 19:20
Alexandre Lerayrevealed
— Some visual refinements, especially the sidebar as a drawer
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 14:33
Eric Schrijverrevealed
— Youtube player support [[ ]]
- created a special embed template for hosted content:
_.template('<div class="embed hosted" data-uri="<%= uri %>"></div>')
It’s triggered if a url looks like youtube, soundcloud or vimeo
Then, in the registerDriver stage, PopCorn.js is used to create a wrapper
TODO: Popcorn now uses instead of
To fix this, we need to insert unique id´s in the embed wrappers,
because only supports id´s and not elements themselves.
- Removed MediaElement and its tests
MediaElement could not provide us with fallback to play ogv elsewhere
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 11:33
Eric Schrijververbalised
— Merge branch 'master' of
Sunday, 26th January 2014 - 11:33
Eric Schrijvercried
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 13:48
Alexandre Leraypeached
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 14:36
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Added default versioning settings
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 14:41
Eric Schrijveremited
— Subtle outline
+px values for header with line-heights specified
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 15:12
Eric Schrijversaid
— Fix url error in less
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 15:20
Gijs de Heijgave away
— Fixed bug where you could not edit the annotations any more.
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 15:29
Eric Schrijverbabbled
— Tests working again after the shift to in-page annotations
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 16:38
Gijs de Heijlet out
— Reimplemented the menu which appears at the cursor and next to the annotations.
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 00:12
Eric Schrijverwhispered
— frgt 2 rmve
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 16:47
Eric Schrijverbrought out
— Play and pause
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 17:06
Eric Schrijverrendered
— Support Vimeo and Soundcloud
Some extra code to create uid’s for the embedded video’s: because of
the way Popcorn works, we need an id to be able to refer to the div:
we can’t just pass the element.
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 17:28
Eric Schrijververbalized
— For now we only feature player controls for self-driven annotations, i.e. slideshows.
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 18:20
Eric Schrijverlet on
— The player controls get their own template and renderMethod.
The latter is called each time all annotation events are registered.
We need that info for timing related display like the duration.
For slideshows, we derive the duration from the end-point of
the last event.
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 22:38
Eric Schrijverlet loose
— Starting the different treatment of slideshows
Tuesday, 28th January 2014 - 23:07
Gijs de Heijlet loose
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 00:14
Gijs de Heijclaimed
— Now the contextual menu on the annotations moves along when dragging the annotation.
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 00:41
Eric Schrijvergave away
— Automatically play video or audio contained inside a timed annotation once its triggered
Should it stop once the annotation is over?
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 19:02
Eric Schrijverrendered
— semicolons
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 19:04
Eric Schrijverlet out
— Stop the slideshow just before the end of the last slide
Added some useful references to to the driver and the signalled time
to the start and end events.
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:21
Alexandre Leraydivulged
— Some care to deploy Olga
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 00:49
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 29th January 2014 - 00:50
Alexandre Lerayinterpreted
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:13
Alexandre Leraylet out
— Bump markdown to include relative timecodes
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:16
Eric Schrijverstated
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:22
Eric Schrijversang
— Work around Popcorn bug where 0 second events are not triggered
TODO: now it adds a class, it should actually trigger a Popcorn event
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:51
Alexandre Leraystated
— Try settings an empty revisions array on PageModel default to avoid
underscore template error
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:34
Gijs de Heijbabbled
— Fixed bug where the contextual menu for the canvas would not appear
at the cursor, but the top-left.
The contextual menu for the annotation now also sticks on rearran-
ging the annotations.
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:33
Alexandre Leraybrought out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:35
Eric Schrijvershouted
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 30th January 2014 - 17:52
Gijs de Heijlet out
— Fixed the bug where annotations seemed to multiply.
Not the most elegant solution though, the annotation API now always
responds with data. There seems to be a bug in backbone-tastypie
but it would take more time to fix.
Friday, 31st January 2014 - 14:08
Alexandre Lerayblabbed out
— Grid on all browsers + mixins
Friday, 31st January 2014 - 00:33
Gijs de Heijbrought out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 31st January 2014 - 14:12
Alexandre Lerayblabbed out
— The TODO list as spreadsheet
Friday, 7th February 2014 - 15:18
Eric Schrijverinterpreted
— Basic implementation of next/previous, mainly useful for slideshows
Sunday, 9th February 2014 - 17:08
Eric Schrijversaid
— Use Django’s sites framework for a configurable site name.
Sunday, 9th February 2014 - 23:12
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— The test page needs the new Site-meta name template too
Monday, 10th February 2014 - 11:39
Eric Schrijverunwrapped
— Some preparations for live updated timecode display
Monday, 10th February 2014 - 15:50
Eric Schrijversang
— Reordering a bit the Annotation View
not that much clearer though
Monday, 10th February 2014 - 16:11
Eric Schrijvercomitted
— Use Alex’s funky 8< syntax for the slideshow
in the tests
Monday, 10th February 2014 - 19:59
Eric Schrijvertattled
— renderResources now creates options object from markdown + miniPlayer implementation
`[[ embed:: ]]{: class='small nocontrols' }` creates html `<a ... class="small nocontrols"></a>`
from which we create the options object `{"small": true, "nocontrols" : true}` that we pass to the renderResource function.
A first practical use is to pass the option small, which for sounds will create a new mini player.
Tuesday, 11th February 2014 - 12:54
Alexandre Leraysaid
— typogrify.js does not work that well, so I comment it out for now.
Friday, 14th February 2014 - 16:21
Eric Schrijversaid
— Really simple menu items to set annotation about value, and set as slideshow
Friday, 14th February 2014 - 16:39
Alexandre Leraystated
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 14th February 2014 - 16:52
Alexandre Leraytattled
— Re-render an annotation when we set its about attribute
Friday, 14th February 2014 - 17:42
Alexandre Lerayblabbed out
— a minimal page loading progress bar
Friday, 14th February 2014 - 18:35
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Ctrl+Shift+(up|down|left|right) wikiwiki
Saturday, 15th February 2014 - 01:43
Alexandre Leraylet loose
— Temporary redirect to the original ressource when embedding, if no
filters are specified (there is a redirection loop in the view)
Saturday, 15th February 2014 - 13:31
Alexandre Leraypeached
— Fixes a bug that would prevent drivers to be registered because the
annotation is not yet appended to the document
Saturday, 15th February 2014 - 16:14
Alexandre Leraydeclared
— Serve non-filtered embeds using their original URI
Saturday, 15th February 2014 - 16:19
Eric Schrijverexpressed
— Mime-type parsing now correctly handles media-fragments
Tuesday, 18th February 2014 - 18:23
Alexandre Leraybabbled out
— An image for the iceberg
Thursday, 27th February 2014 - 15:39
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Sorry for the pot-pourri... Many things in there, but mainly work on
the revision browser which works but would need better integration in
the interface.
This commit also include the switch from backbone-relational to
backbone-associations because it solves the issue of fetching multiple
times a model with different revisions (see
Also the switch from Underscorejs to Lodash: a superset of underscore
with one useful extra feature to get the indexOf a map in a collection
I included font-awesome for the convenient player icons it offers but
frankly the aesthetic is tasteless and I'd better dig the hotglue-like
interface of contextual-menus.
Thursday, 13th March 2014 - 15:22
Eric Schrijverironized
— Don’t forgot to actually save the models when one sets the about value.
Wednesday, 19th February 2014 - 14:11
Eric Schrijvercomplained
— Make test for reading mime-type from uri with fragment identifier
Thursday, 20th February 2014 - 14:57
Eric Schrijveremited
— Semicolons
Thursday, 20th February 2014 - 16:08
Eric Schrijverblabbed out
— whitespace
Wednesday, 26th February 2014 - 09:12
Eric Schrijveruttered
— If there is but one annotation, an that annotation has a video inside, it is a media box.
Wednesday, 26th February 2014 - 10:29
Eric Schrijverstated
— Basic timeline player. It only comes into effect when there are events registered to the page.
Wednesday, 26th February 2014 - 11:27
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— APPEND_SLASH to urls, this is the default
I had it set to False to debug some API problem
Wednesday, 26th February 2014 - 11:45
Eric Schrijververbalised
— Fix bug where the player was not shown for slideshows outside of the test page
Wednesday, 26th February 2014 - 13:32
Alexandre Lerayemited
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 13th March 2014 - 15:49
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— Quickly fix the tests
Thursday, 13th March 2014 - 16:03
Alexandre Leraysaid
— I modified the example settings to locate the GIT_REPO_PATH outside of
the project directory. Otherwise Git gets confused and the commits made
through oralsite wiki are done at the project level
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 12:21
Alexandre Leraysaid
— In progress work on the revision list
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 14:36
Eric Schrijverlet on
— Move controls outside of annotation content wrapper, less conflicts
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 12:08
Eric Schrijverrendered
— I try to add font-awesome buttons, yet somehow the player controls dont work anymore
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 11:51
Eric Schrijveradmitted
— Merge branch 'font-awesome-player'
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 12:12
Eric Schrijverdeclared
— Yes the player gives more appetite now
! all font Awesomed & all &
less glitching
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 12:34
Eric Schrijverexposed
— Clocks run
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 13:41
Alexandre Lerayrevealed
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 14:37
Eric Schrijverclaimed
— Set the title.
Thursday, 20th March 2014 - 16:32
Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 10th April 2014 - 12:11
Alexandre Leraylet on
— A few things:
* Major an minor grid: really cool CSS trick based on
* Automatically resize-to-fit the images, videos and audios using CSS max-width
* fix for wrong offset when moving a box outside the viewport, by downgrading to jquery-ui 1.10.2 (bug introduced in jquery-ui 1.10.3)
Wednesday, 23rd April 2014 - 15:03
Eric Schrijvergave away
— Make the wikified links `Sherry` go to `../Sherry` so that it works for /pages/Sherry
Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 - 16:18
Eric Schrijverlet the cat out of the bag
— Wikify the page name before saving
TODO: make the router redirect to the wikified version to avoid case conflicts
Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 - 17:03
Eric Schrijvershouted
— Always redirect to the wikified page-name (server side)
Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 - 18:10
Alexandre Leraydivulged
— Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Wednesday, 23rd April 2014 - 15:11
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— README bumped with current intro on Oralsite
Sunday, 27th April 2014 - 23:30
Alexandre Leraydisclosed
— Support for markdown Meta extension
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 14:34
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— GUI + plain text: the best of both worlds
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 15:54
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— Django south to the rescue to add a "style" field to the Annotation
model. We can already change the z-index of the annotations using markup
or with an extra buton in the contextual menu of annotations
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 23:58
Alexandre Lerayshouted
— Added a klass field to the Annotation model and a couple of related
features in the UI
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 01:52
Eric Schrijverclaimed
— Minor precisions
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 17:40
Eric Schrijvertalked
— jQuery changed places, update location in tests too
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 17:41
Eric Schrijverpublished
— Tests page now has accessible scrollbars
+adding some more script tags not yet linked in the tests
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 19:50
Eric Schrijveremited
— Handle monospace text and super long words
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 20:15
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— Can we cook without Celery?
Stabilising the filters (|bw and |thumb for now),
trying to have them run without background queue.
Thursday, 1st May 2014 - 23:22
Alexandre Leraytattled
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 01:53
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Removed a em dash in a python docstring: it is not ascii and it throws
an error
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 01:59
Alexandre Lerayspoke
— Back to JQuery UI 1.10.2; the true one
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 14:22
Alexandre Lerayclaimed
— It is simpler to put the contextual menu in the node of the annotation.
Still some work on it but it is getting better
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 17:20
Eric Schrijverdisclosed
— f*ck ascii!
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 11:34
Eric Schrijversaid
— Make sure the filter tries to use a well-formed url
http:/about -> http://about
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 12:22
Eric Schrijverexposed
— Also for filters with https urls: https:/about -> https://about
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 12:35
Eric Schrijverlet loose
— The `requests` library is pretty Reglo, we can do without checking all these SSL certs
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 12:40
Eric Schrijvertattled
— I missed a Reglo place
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 12:44
Eric Schrijverstated
— Add a resize filter that resizes to width (usage: ||resize:640)
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 16:33
Alexandre Lerayemited
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 17:22
Alexandre Leraycried
— A small error preventing the canvas menu to hide correctly.
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 17:25
Alexandre Lerayrendered
— Drag handle + a class to hide timecodes
Friday, 2nd May 2014 - 19:12
Alexandre Leraylet on
— more work on css, icons, interface... A south migration is needed here
because I've added a title field to the Annotation model
Thursday, 8th May 2014 - 19:43
Eric Schrijvertweeted
— Make timeline accessible to clicks
Wednesday, 7th May 2014 - 12:19
Eric Schrijverspilled the beans
— Make the pause button work for the timeline player
Once this view has first rendered, subsequent updates target specific dom elements.
This is because the constant rerendering through timeupdate events made the
controls unclickable.
Wednesday, 7th May 2014 - 13:00
Eric Schrijvercried
— Play and pause events now propagate to children: the timeline player works
When a driver fires `play` or `pause`, sections of annotations that refer to this driver are sought.
If these contain currently active annotations, these are sought for media elements.
the corresponding drivers are then also paused or played: it trickles down.
Caveat: a sound/movie might still be playing after its annotation is no longer active.
This media will not stop.
Caveat: for a video to be added to the timeline, it needs to be in a timed annotation.
For a stand-alone video-box, this is not intuitive yet (see the /pages/Tests/ for how it works)
we need some ui maybe.
Wednesday, 7th May 2014 - 22:10
Alexandre Leraylet out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 8th May 2014 - 19:44
Alexandre Lerayconfessed
— Again more work on UI, becoming neat.
This is done:
- confirmation when cliking the cascade layout button
- no more toc, but put back z-index, reordering, etc.
In addition, I have remove unused buttons and merged some others
(switching toggle/hidden/normal modes)
Friday, 9th May 2014 - 03:28
Alexandre Leraycomplained
— Neating th UI
Sunday, 11th May 2014 - 23:36
Alexandre Lerayunwrapped
— The iceberg slowly emerges
Monday, 12th May 2014 - 02:15
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Reorganizing the CSS and removing dust from the views. More importantly:
I added some code to have the possibility to layer the annotations
by z-index while always showing on top the annotations menu.
This required a careful look at how z-index and stacking contexts work
in CSS. A proof of content is visible at <>
Monday, 12th May 2014 - 02:16
Eric Schrijververbalised
— Fix 404
Thursday, 8th May 2014 - 23:16
Eric Schrijverinterpreted
— This makes the code somewhat simpler, and it resolves the edge case of an annotation somehow not beings de-activated—
but it still does not solve the problem of Annotations not working
Friday, 9th May 2014 - 11:19
Eric Schrijverbabbled
— More clear message if no JavaScript
Friday, 9th May 2014 - 11:22
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 12th May 2014 - 02:24
Alexandre Leraysang
— exposes klass field as class on client side and some work toward getting
rid of the top, left, width and height field. Also the renaming of a
couple of functions.
Monday, 2nd June 2014 - 23:24
Alexandre Lerayrendered
— Bumped markdown (aa dialect powered)
Monday, 2nd June 2014 - 23:26
Eric Schrijverstated
— tests/views.js: Source → Format
Sunday, 11th May 2014 - 11:17
Eric Schrijverconfessed
— Also test the sidebar and the site-view
Sunday, 11th May 2014 - 14:27
Eric Schrijverexposed
— Move the page’s `isPublic()` function from template to view
Sunday, 1st June 2014 - 12:03
Eric Schrijverdeclared
— Setting whether the site is publicly visible is now actually saved on backend!
First in a series of permissions to implement
Sunday, 1st June 2014 - 12:06
Alexandre Lerayuttered
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 2nd June 2014 - 23:27
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— The introduction is now editable. A migration of aawiki is needed as I
added a klass and style fields to the Page model
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 12:21
Alexandre Leraypeached
— A little bit of tidying, plus stepped back from the renaming of "klass" to
"class" (now only changed in the edit mode)
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 14:12
Alexandre Leraypublished
— A stylesheet field on the page so we can attach custom stylesheets
Wednesday, 4th June 2014 - 00:01
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— editable permissions in progress + some custom classes
Wednesday, 4th June 2014 - 00:02
Eric Schrijverblabbed out
— All logged in users can see the list of other users
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 16:00
Eric Schrijvertattled
— We uses "style" attribute now
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 16:46
Eric Schrijverbabbled
— Model sets current page as about by default, views how to deel with missing drivers
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 16:47
Eric Schrijverrevealed
— Live from the Kristien meeting: more clear name for `set z-index`
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 18:07
Eric Schrijvertalked
— The slideshow player controls had disappeared—
I hope I didn’t then break any layout at your end, A
Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 - 18:58
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 4th June 2014 - 00:03
Alexandre Leraylet loose
— fabfile function to sync the local db with the deployed one
Wednesday, 4th June 2014 - 00:14
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Bump markdown-js (including changes regarding time)
Wednesday, 18th June 2014 - 23:09
Eric Schrijversaid
— Bump Popcorn.js to 1.5.6
Thursday, 12th June 2014 - 21:57
Eric Schrijverdisclosed
— With the `active-only` class, the annotations need to not only be invisible, but also take up no size
Thursday, 12th June 2014 - 23:09
Eric Schrijverbrought out
— Don’t forget to actually render the `timelinePlayerView`
Thursday, 12th June 2014 - 23:35
Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 18th June 2014 - 23:30
Alexandre Lerayverbalized
— Permissions are now working. We need to keep in ming that super users
always have all the rights, which might be confusing when we ungrant the
permissions: super users always get back all the permissions.
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 16:58
Alexandre Lerayemited
— We know use directly some markdown-js aa utils instead of duplicating
the code in Olga
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 18:28
Alexandre Lerayironized
— Separated widgets and utils
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 19:43
Eric Schrijverdiscovered
— semicolons;
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 11:57
Eric Schrijversaid
— FIXED public access: don’t try to access permissions if user is not logged in
Create AA.userView.model.loggedIn() to find out if the user is logged in
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 12:01
Eric Schrijversaid
— UI responds properly on log-in and log-out
Update user-data (triggers re-render) and re-render annotations
FIXES some bugs encountered by the Sarma team
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 12:53
Eric Schrijvertweeted
— Make tests work with new kg-in log-out behaviour
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 16:07
Eric Schrijverblabbed
— a) Migrate away the old left top width height properties
b) When logged out, only show the drag icon
Also moved some of the klass logic to the Backbone object away from the DOM
run the migration with
python migrate aawiki
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 17:55
Alexandre Lerayrevealed
— Merge branch 'master' of
Thursday, 19th June 2014 - 23:02
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Updated version of Markdown again makes relative links work with the ../pages/ structure
Pull request for aleray’s markdown.js out there
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 11:57
Eric Schrijversaid
— Uniform progression of header sizes, bottom-margin for all block elements (except headers)
And some comments and re-org.
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 16:01
Eric Schrijverblabbed
— Make the ‘foreground-on-hover’ behaviour standard again for the annotation boxes
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 16:07
Eric Schrijverunwrapped
— By default paragraphs get an indent
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 16:48
Alexandre Lerayinterpreted
— A 404 on page revision not found
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 23:48
Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans
— Mainly:
* Changed the slug field to be the primary key, so it makes it easier to deal with backbone
* Rearranged the routes/router so it should navigate more fluently
* Got read of the server/client bipolar behaviour: Django is now just there to serve the static pages and the API (and it would make more sens to move to no sql)
* a bit of urls simplification on the Django side
* a better use of the events in Backbone to avoid using callbacks
aawiki needs migrations: run
python migrate aawiki
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 23:55
Alexandre Leraybrought out
— Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin'
Friday, 20th June 2014 - 23:56
Alexandre Lerayverbalized
— Support for HTML in Markdown
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 01:53
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— Small fix of permissions display
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 01:54
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— A little bit of pooling on views and models
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 12:01
Eric Schrijverlet out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 12:48
Eric Schrijverconfessed
— Fix regression: We still need django’s ‘add-slashes’ url-routing behaviour, so that /pages/Alessandro becomes /pages/Alessandro/
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 13:55
Eric Schrijverpublished
— By default, show controls on video
This might be confusing in some scenarios together with the timeline, but in most cases it is more straightforward
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 14:00
Eric Schrijvergave away
— Make tests pass again
( the url for the tests had changed, so some about value problem )
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 14:10
Eric Schrijvertalked
— Regression: we still need to automatically redirect to the home-page
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 14:18
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— I think this makes browsing work again for logged-out users
Saturday, 21st June 2014 - 15:11
Eric Schrijverdiscovered
— `[[#annotation-0147]]` was becoming `../#annotation-0147` instead of `#annotation-0147`
Changed markdown.js, pull request outstanding
We should probably not be adding the ../ in the first place—
can we change our wikilinks syntax to be /pages/slug instead of /pages/slug/ ?
Sunday, 22nd June 2014 - 23:26
Alexandre Lerayuttered
— Basic support to export to Audacity
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 02:30
Eric Schrijverclaimed
— Allow height: auto on annotation boxes
Did it by removing `position: absolute` from the `div.wrapper` inside the `section.section` part of the stylesheet.
haven’t seen any negative side effects uptil now?
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 09:58
Eric Schrijververbalised
— Scroll to annotations when they become active
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 11:53
Eric Schrijverunwrapped
— Make sure all registered events actually reach the TimelinePlayerView
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 15:40
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Prevent propogation on audio, video and mini-player clicks
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 15:34
Eric Schrijverdivulged
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 15:41
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Make TimeLinePlayer stop when its at the end of its events
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 15:53
Alexandre Lerayuttered
— Just a little bit of cleaning
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 16:57
Eric Schrijversaid
— Share some of the methods between the timeline and the annotation-player DRY DRY
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 16:55
Alexandre Lerayironized
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 16:58
Alexandre Leraycomitted
— Some more cleaning/simplification
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 21:06
Eric Schrijversaid
— Refactor to use only one renderPlayer method shared between the timeline-player and annotation-player
You can copy it over from the AbstractPlayer class;
it just expects your new view to implement a hasPlay method and a template
in which the player elements are presents.
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 17:27
Eric Schrijverdisclosed
— And now also remove the double renderPlayerConditionally: the slide-show, has already gotten beter
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 17:48
Eric Schrijverspoke
— Repeat aleray’s nifty trick from #a31ed9190afe7f06a6aaaa520fdefdf4e1d02cfc
Slideshow player controls don’t propagate to the annotation box editor
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 17:51
Alexandre Leraytattled
— Merge branch 'master' of
Monday, 23rd June 2014 - 21:06
Alexandre Lerayshouted
— Big simplification of the code
* declarative annotation menus
* simplified render/edit view of annotations
* fixed many annotation layout bugs
* avoid callabcks and better use of events
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 14:24
Eric Schrijvertalked
— A simple seek bar for the timeline
It works well in displaying the driver’s progress; it is not yet dependable for scrolling through a driver,
as it does not always seem to fire events at the right moment. For now the scrolling behaviour is
disabled, but you can get it back by removing the ‘disabled’ flag on the range control in timeline-player.html
Tuesday, 24th June 2014 - 23:12
Eric Schrijverlet loose
— Activate an annotation by clicking on its timecode
Note it only works dependable when coming from a time before the event;
going back in time the start event is not always fired
Wednesday, 25th June 2014 - 01:58
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin'
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 14:41
Alexandre Lerayverbalised
— small changes including new icons, and the fix of
django/backbone/markdown urls
Tuesday, 1st July 2014 - 16:11
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— Some time hash in the tests
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 18:21
Eric Schrijverdiscovered
— FIX: ‘make icon of sound player a bit smaller?’
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 18:22
Eric Schrijverdeclared
— Add the `nosubdivision` class as promised: no grey lines in-between annotations
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 18:51
Eric Schrijversaid
— When logged out and hovering over an annotation box, put it in front.
We can only do this for logged-out users, as logged-in users
need to have manual control over the stacking of the boxes
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 19:00
Eric Schrijverlet out
— Expand collapsed box on hover
This is a stop gap solution: the collapsed box will show the original box as well,
as you hover over it.
It would be better to do a solution where you have to click, and than the whole box
slides out: but that’s more involved an probably impossible in CSS alone.
Friday, 27th June 2014 - 20:29
Eric Schrijververbalized
— FIXME: call that.driver instead
Monday, 30th June 2014 - 17:34
Eric Schrijverdeclared
— Somehow the Soundcloud Player had gotten of off the map
Something is apparently going wrong in the function setControls in popcorn.js;
this is a work-around in CSS
Tuesday, 1st July 2014 - 00:05
Eric Schrijverdisclosed
— This we also need for the SoundCloud
Tuesday, 1st July 2014 - 00:09
Eric Schrijververbalized
— Don’t render the player if there’s no driver
This seems to solve some bugs around slide-shows
Tuesday, 1st July 2014 - 12:39
Alexandre Leraytold
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 1st July 2014 - 16:12
Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag
— Don't show the main menu for anonymous users
Wednesday, 9th July 2014 - 23:01
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Put back the history, in a yet another sidebar. At least we have
something working. I need to make the old revisions read-only, and
Friday, 11th July 2014 - 01:09
Alexandre Lerayrendered
— fixes DeprecationWarning: django.utils.hashcompat is deprecated; use hashlib instead
Monday, 14th July 2014 - 14:10
Alexandre Leraypublished
— a few fixes accross settings
Monday, 14th July 2014 - 17:23
Alexandre Lerayverbalized
— Fix django compressor when DEBUG=False
Monday, 14th July 2014 - 18:39
Alexandre Leraydisclosed
— Allows for unicode content to be committed
Monday, 14th July 2014 - 20:08
Alexandre Leraylet on
— little bit of cleaning
Monday, 14th July 2014 - 23:39
Alexandre Lerayblabbed out
— Focusing (show/hide menus) is done using events
Tuesday, 15th July 2014 - 00:24
Alexandre Lerayunwrapped
— A couple of fix regarding the focusing behaviour
Tuesday, 15th July 2014 - 00:41
Alexandre Leraydivulged
— Prevents old revisions from being edited.
Tuesday, 15th July 2014 - 02:20
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— Removed the save history button and put some fences on places where
save() is called to avoid having to many warnings for anonymous users
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 13:57
Eric Schrijverdisclosed
— Typo
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 11:46
Eric Schrijversaid
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 11:47
Alexandre Lerayemited
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 13:58
Alexandre Leraystated
— generates compressed css and js when deploying
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 16:39
Eric Schrijvercomplained
— ‘Anonymous’ was applied and removed again to section#article—this is an ugly hack to patch it
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 16:18
Eric Schrijverlet out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 16:19
Alexandre Lerayadmitted
— Merge branch 'master' of
Friday, 19th September 2014 - 16:43
Eric Schrijverclaimed
— Thumbnail respects aspect ratio
+ do smoothing when downsizing, both on `thumb` and on `resize`
Saturday, 20th September 2014 - 10:57
Eric Schrijverlet the cat out of the bag
— Images only scaled to 100% if they’re bigger than the box
This way we can have thumbnails
Saturday, 20th September 2014 - 11:15
Eric Schrijveradmitted
— Don’t need to install a message broker for now
Friday, 26th September 2014 - 10:33
Alexandre Leraydiscovered
— Import/export from/to audacity/srt
Thursday, 2nd October 2014 - 02:55
Alexandre Leraytattled
— Experimental: revert old revision
Wednesday, 8th October 2014 - 02:08
Alexandre Leraysang
— Fixes hradcoded page name in the revision revert code
Wednesday, 8th October 2014 - 11:02
Alexandre Leraycomitted
— Bump TODO
Tuesday, 4th November 2014 - 23:10
Alexandre Leraysaid
— the revert is a hyperlink, but is not visible as such. It is now
Wednesday, 5th November 2014 - 00:41
Eric Schrijverspoke
— Oops this is still part of 19th September’s ugly hack to re-enable public browsing
Sunday, 2nd November 2014 - 22:47
Eric Schrijverwhispered
— Comment Celery URLS
Sunday, 2nd November 2014 - 22:48
Eric Schrijvertweeted
— Merge branch 'master' of
Sunday, 2nd November 2014 - 22:51
Eric Schrijverconfessed
— Add link to manual
Read-only Google Doc for now—
should probably add a script that downloads it to HTML
Monday, 3rd November 2014 - 07:45
Eric Schrijverwhispered
— No more toggle visibility for visitors
&Hidden boxes hidden for anonymous
Monday, 3rd November 2014 - 08:19
Eric Schrijverlet on
— By referring to AA.router.pageView.model rather than AA.router.pageModel we reduce the number of app-wide variables
Also, we make the tests work again
Tuesday, 4th November 2014 - 12:53
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Try to understand multiple videos with different media queries as the same
Tuesday, 4th November 2014 - 16:16
Eric Schrijverlet out
— More apparent titles for collapsed boxes
Tuesday, 4th November 2014 - 18:55
Alexandre Leraytalked
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 5th November 2014 - 00:42
Alexandre Lerayverbalized
— Move cursor on the annotation handles
Wednesday, 5th November 2014 - 18:20
Eric Schrijvertalked
— Revert more apparent titles for collapsed boxes
Thursday, 6th November 2014 - 02:16
Eric Schrijvertattled
— Make Youtube videos actually fit
First we only had the width move…
This assumes a 16:9 video, boxes will still appear if it isn’t
Thursday, 6th November 2014 - 02:46
Eric Schrijversaid
— Don’t left-pad the annotation numbers 0024 as it hard-limits the amount of possible annotations
Of course we could use more numbers but then we have type zeroes all the time
Thursday, 6th November 2014 - 20:10
Eric Schrijveradmitted
— Super sharp Kristien
Thursday, 6th November 2014 - 20:58
Alexandre Lerayspoke
— Thank you Eric to do realtime SMS hotline/feedback. Let's see if this
fixes the audio support
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 11:44
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— Fix: when one create an annotation box and the viewport is scrolled, it jumps to
the top (wrong coordinates computation, does not take the
offset/scroll into account)
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 12:54
Alexandre Lerayblabbed out
— removed the css rule specifying that first-child of .active-only
annotations should be visible. Question: what was it for?
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 14:50
Alexandre Leraycomplained
— Fix active annotations scroll offset and moved to views code that
trigger the active class on annotations
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 16:18
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— extra warning when taking a snapshot of the page.
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 16:28
Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag
— Fixed typos
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 17:53
Alexandre Lerayshouted
— History and Help sidebar invisible for anonymous users
Wednesday, 12th November 2014 - 18:04
Alexandre Leraywhispered
— Audacity and srt unicode export
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 10:58
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— Julien’s CSS update to make the timeline player more visible
Tuesday, 18th November 2014 - 12:30
Eric Schrijverblabbed out
— Fix tests after b798d9e4ef6da91418fe009f1e991c39df56358c
Tuesday, 18th November 2014 - 15:16
Alexandre Leraysang
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 10:59
Alexandre Leraycomplained
— A UUID field to handle annotation ids
Tuesday, 25th November 2014 - 00:47
Eric Schrijverclaimed
— Might come in handy?
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 11:14
Eric Schrijverblabbed out
— Merge branch 'master' of
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 11:15
Eric Schrijvertweeted
— We were getting too much start events. This cuts down on the mess.
We stil have not enough stop events, though?
Some activations stay activated.
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 15:19
Eric Schrijversaid
— Beginning for cross driver links
Use as: [[http://localhost:8000/static/components/popcorn-js/test/trailer.ogv#t=59]]{:target="multiplex"}
Unfortunately not really working yet, I can’t get the .currentTime() to work on my local computer?
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 17:34
Eric Schrijveremited
— On the server, it does work! Make it so it plays automatically, and from the beginning if time is unspecified
Wednesday, 19th November 2014 - 17:46
Eric Schrijverwhistled
— Reflect in UI the fact that this button not only exports, but imports as well—and that it handles both Audacity markers and SRT!
Thursday, 20th November 2014 - 18:20
Alexandre Leraystated
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 25th November 2014 - 00:48
Alexandre Leraylet out
— migration to fix the about subdomain, since we move from
Tuesday, 25th November 2014 - 01:23
Alexandre Lerayshouted
— fade-in fade-out on active annotations
Tuesday, 25th November 2014 - 16:24
Alexandre Leraytalked
— fix slight jump of active-only annotations
Tuesday, 25th November 2014 - 18:05
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— doesn't scroll if the annotation has active-only class
Tuesday, 25th November 2014 - 18:22
Alexandre Leraybrought out
— Patched popcorn-complete.js to re-work with Vimeo. Might break when we
update popcorn next time because I changed directly in the build.
Monday, 1st December 2014 - 11:36
Alexandre Lerayverbalised
— No indent on sidebar paragraphs
Monday, 1st December 2014 - 11:42
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— non-ascii characters allowed in revision messages
Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 - 01:04
Alexandre Lerayrevealed
— Aawik iadmin pimping
Tuesday, 23rd December 2014 - 14:38
Eric Schrijversaid
— semicolon
Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 - 14:49
Eric Schrijverwhispered
— Make tests work with new annotation uuid property
Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 - 14:50
Eric Schrijverunwrapped
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 - 14:50
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Use the Pace.on event to trigger the # work-around
Tuesday, 2nd December 2014 - 17:45
Eric Schrijverrevealed
— Yes! Started to integrate jQuery UI events into Backbone
IMHO creates much more readable code
Wednesday, 3rd December 2014 - 11:41
Eric Schrijverbabbled out
— Allow ‘view on site’ from Admin
To this end, the url settings should be such that
- they let everything through, and leave the real routing to Backbone
- they still provide a `slug` regex group with which the reverse url can be constructed
Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 12:18
Eric Schrijversaid
— Visual Feedback of Timeline Progression; no seek bar
Because scrubbing with the seek bar is not working to satisfaction yet, and therefore disabled,
it is better not to display the seekbar at all.
We simply provide a progress bar that provides visual feedback on where we are in the timeline
Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 12:37
Eric Schrijveruttered
— My editor wanted to be stripping whitespace, why not
Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 12:38
Eric Schrijverspoke
— Don’t show timecode for slideshowed annotations
Wednesday, 10th December 2014 - 12:55
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 23rd December 2014 - 14:38
Alexandre Leraydisclosed
— page Admin filter by administrator
Tuesday, 23rd December 2014 - 15:15
Alexandre Leraywhistled
— Fixed: The blue Oral Site button at the top of the right hand menu doesn't work.
Friday, 30th January 2015 - 11:40
Alexandre Leraystated
— Changed page title to Oralsite
Thursday, 19th February 2015 - 10:05
Alexandre Leraylet out
— scroll down in the right hand menu in can of overflow
Sunday, 1st March 2015 - 19:11
Alexandre Lerayspoke
— First step to implement full source export
Monday, 2nd March 2015 - 10:42
Alexandre Leraydeclared
— A logged in user without editing permissions can't see the main
page menu anymore
Monday, 2nd March 2015 - 11:03
Alexandre Leraycried
— Revert aawiki api to it's previous stage: it was committed by error
Monday, 2nd March 2015 - 11:43
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Fix commit 22cea0c: A logged in user without editing permissions can't see the main page menu anymore
Monday, 2nd March 2015 - 11:57
Alexandre Leraylet out
— Fixed the user/superuser bug
Monday, 2nd March 2015 - 23:32
Alexandre Lerayclaimed
— Minify CSS in production
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 11:29
Alexandre Leraystated
— It shouldn't be necessary to force compress in the fabfile
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 11:32
Alexandre Leraywhispered
— Test to fix django compressor
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 11:53
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— Test to fix django compressor
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 11:54
Alexandre Leraydiscovered
— Another test
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 11:56
Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans
— Clean css after the test for Django compressor (BTW, when django
compressor does not compress, the first thing to check is the
permissions on the CACHE directory!)
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 12:06
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Fixed: button to close the side menu dissapeared
Monday, 16th March 2015 - 13:47
Alexandre Leraycomitted
— Help menu first round
Wednesday, 25th March 2015 - 23:32
Alexandre Lerayironized
— Installing python markdown on python 2.6 fails so I remove the
dependency anyway emporary to markdown and generate the help locally
Wednesday, 25th March 2015 - 23:47
Alexandre Lerayspilled the beans
— Upgraded requirements. Works with Django 1.8
Sunday, 7th June 2015 - 16:14
Alexandre Lerayshouted
— I will try to force installing django 1.8 compatible tastypie version from requirements instead, like this:
--allow-external django-tastypie
--allow-unverified django-tastypie
Wednesday, 15th July 2015 - 16:26
Alexandre Leraydiscovered
— Fixed settings to avoid collectstatic error
Friday, 17th July 2015 - 22:38
Alexandre Leraylet loose
— Look for static files in oralsite/static (to enable overriding of styles)
Tuesday, 15th September 2015 - 11:31
Alexandre Leraybabbled
— Forgot to add static files and templates in the previous commit
Tuesday, 15th September 2015 - 11:39
Alex Leraytold
— Update fabfile
Thursday, 23rd June 2016 - 12:08