clone your own copy | download snapshot


Visual Culture revisited to be faster, easier to install by using Gitlab API.

To install

Move into the generator directory: cd generator

Optional, make a virtual environment: virtualenv -p python3 venv source venv/bin/activate

To install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt

To generate


To serve:

cd output python3 -m http.server

Snapshots | iceberg

No images in this repository’s iceberg at this time

Inside this repository



Stephanie Vilayphiourevealed

— A new project: the remake of OSP website!

Friday, 3rd May 2019 - 14:48


Stephanie Vilayphiousaid

— A first test page to retrieve the tree, all the commits, the iceberg, the readme and the whole history of one file

Friday, 3rd May 2019 - 14:49


Gijs de Heijdisclosed

— Added README

Friday, 3rd May 2019 - 14:54


Stephanie Vilayphioutattled

— first merge conflict

Friday, 3rd May 2019 - 14:58


Gijs de Heijdiscovered

— First working version of the generator

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 11:31


Stephanie Vilayphiousaid

— added folder browsing

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 11:54


Stephanie Vilayphiouverbalised

— read image blob

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 15:03


Stephanie Vilayphioupeached

— read blob text + svg

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 15:24


Stephanie Vilayphioucomplained

— download raw file with proper filename

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 17:02


Stephanie Vilayphiouexpressed

— show working tree when looking at a blob

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 17:08


Stephanie Vilayphiourevealed

— add link to previous directory

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 17:13


Stephanie Vilayphioutalked

— add current tree location

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 17:15


Stephanie Vilayphiousang

— commenting my mess

Thursday, 23rd May 2019 - 17:23


Sarah Magnansaid

— let's try to use patternlab for osp website

Tuesday, 24th September 2019 - 17:12


Gijs de Heijadmitted

— Removed node modules

Tuesday, 1st October 2019 - 12:21


Gijs de Heijwhistled

— To ignore in the future

Tuesday, 1st October 2019 - 12:22


Gijs de Heijwhispered

— Config for patternlab

Tuesday, 1st October 2019 - 14:12


Gijs de Heijdeclared

— Start of the generator.

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 15:25


Sarah Magnanverbalized

— conflict merge

Monday, 25th November 2019 - 15:34


Sarah Magnangave away

— tree list

Monday, 25th November 2019 - 15:38


Stephanie Vilayphioublabbed out

— add dependencygraph to the gitignore

Monday, 25th November 2019 - 16:16


Stephanie Vilayphioubrought out

— add reset.css

Monday, 25th November 2019 - 16:16


Stephanie Vilayphiouspoke

— add readme and fonts in template

Monday, 25th November 2019 - 16:17


Stephanie Vilayphioutalked

— javascript prototypes

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 11:15


Stephanie Vilayphioucomitted

— Pad for CSS is loaded in ajax and inserted into a style element...

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 11:57


Gijs de Heijbabbled

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 15:26


Gijs de Heijsaid

— Test whether cache dir exists otherwise make it. Some more notes on installation in the readme.

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 15:48


Gijs de Heijblabbed

— Forgot requirements file

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 15:51


Stephanie Vilayphiouargued

— base template + add link to CSS pad

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 16:10


Sarah Magnantalked

— first drafts

Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 - 10:06


Stephanie Vilayphiourevealed

— testing vue.js

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 16:27


Stephanie Vilayphioubabbled out

— some cleaning in the vue test

Tuesday, 25th February 2020 - 16:36


Sarah Magnaninterpreted

— Merge branch 'master' of

Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 - 10:07


Stephanie Vilayphioulet the cat out of the bag

— Put Sarah's header into the base template of the generator.

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 12:54


Stephanie Vilayphioubabbled out

— Put Sarah's HTML structure in project-detail template.

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 14:28


Stephanie Vilayphiouwhispered

— more details in commit list

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 14:50


Stephanie Vilayphiouadmitted

— add created date + last activity date in project list

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 14:56


Sarah Magnanrevealed

— struration for flex behavior

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 14:52


Sarah Magnanclaimed

— merge

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 14:54


Sarah Magnansaid

— strure flex

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:01


Stephanie Vilayphioublabbed

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:01


Stephanie Vilayphioutattled

— add branch name as a class name in project detail

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:12


Stephanie Vilayphioulet the cat out of the bag

— reformat project date info in listing

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:12


Stephanie Vilayphioucomplained

— an error with a symbolic link of pad.js?

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:23


Sarah Magnanunwrapped

— strucation flex full page

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:21


Stephanie Vilayphioudeclared

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:24


Stephanie Vilayphiouwhispered

— put back static folder with pad.js

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:28


Sarah Magnansaid

— section iceberg

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:33


Sarah Magnanadmitted

— section iceberg

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:34


Stephanie Vilayphioudeclared

— iceberg is working yay

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:43


Sarah Magnanconfessed

— logo

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:40


Sarah Magnandisclosed

— logo link

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:41


Stephanie Vilayphiousaid

— Merge branch 'master' of

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 15:44


Sarah Magnantalked

— find good logo

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 16:17


Sarah Magnansaid

— switch author with commit message

Friday, 6th March 2020 - 17:08


Sarah Magnangave away

— oops

Monday, 9th March 2020 - 00:15


Sarah Magnanblabbed out

— project

Friday, 20th March 2020 - 09:20


Stephanie Vilayphiousaid

— Added processus images.
See balsamine.2018-2019 as an example.

Friday, 20th March 2020 - 10:09


Stephanie Vilayphiougave away

— Root tree made in js + clicking on it lists subfolder items in the

Friday, 20th March 2020 - 15:26


Stephanie Vilayphioucried

— When clicking on a folder, it gets the new files/folders at the end of
the existing tree.

Blob access works in the console but not in the DOM.

Friday, 20th March 2020 - 16:14


Stephanie Vilayphiouinterpreted

— Clicking on a folder replaces the current tree with the new tree.

Monday, 23rd March 2020 - 14:28


Stephanie Vilayphioulet on

— blob reading as plain text

Monday, 23rd March 2020 - 15:11


Stephanie Vilayphioudisclosed

— SVG and plain text are showing.

Monday, 23rd March 2020 - 15:21


Stephanie Vilayphiouexpressed

— Blob viewing for png, jpg, jpeg, gif

Monday, 23rd March 2020 - 15:25


Stephanie Vilayphiouspoke

— browsing in and up folders

Monday, 23rd March 2020 - 16:08


Stephanie Vilayphiouemited

— Download raw file.

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 10:58


Stephanie Vilayphioustated

— Tree listing: <li> element for each item (before it was one <ul> element
per item...)

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 11:04


Stephanie Vilayphioudivulged

— tree does not list hidden files

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 11:16


Stephanie Vilayphiousaid

— Added file history for bitmap files

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 11:56


Stephanie Vilayphioutold

— Put javascript into an external file.

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 12:03


Stephanie Vilayphioubrought out

— cleaning js

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 12:07


Stephanie Vilayphiousaid

— Made a function browseTree to simplify the code.

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 12:11


Stephanie Vilayphioutalked

— Added file history info (date, commit message, author)

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 12:29


Stephanie Vilayphiouinterpreted

— File history for all files.
If not a bitmap image, there is only the info about the commit and a
link to download the file.

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 12:58


Gijs de Heijtattled

— A first version with cache invalidation.

Friday, 27th March 2020 - 15:31


Stephanie Vilayphioutweeted

— Added Jinja filter "datetime" to format dates in templates.

{{ committed_date|datetime("%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M") }}

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 15:20


Stephanie Vilayphiourendered

— Managing date formatting for commit lists and last_activity_at and
created_at (the latter two were already date objects)

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 15:29


Stephanie Vilayphioudiscovered

— Format date (in js) in the blob history

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 15:37


Stephanie Vilayphiouclaimed

— Front-end changes.

Monday, 30th March 2020 - 17:00