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Write me a shadow

Workshop at ÉSAD Valence 3-4 mai 2012
Ludi Loiseau and Eric Schrijver

Even if a digital font is much more easily modified and reinterpreted than its counterpart in lead, most digital fonts are distributed under licences that prohibit modification and redistribution.

Typefaces released under an Open Source license, like the typefaces on the OSP Foundry, the League of Moveable Type and also the Google Web Fonts have licenses that enable re-appropriation.

At the occasion of the workshop ‘Write me a Shadow’ we start from a collection of free and open source typefaces. We follow several approaches, through scripting and drawing, to generate new versions of these typefaces, contoured, shadowed, extruded, cut and redrawn. The typefaces are superimposed using Colorfont.js, using JavaScript and @font-face to create multi-coloured typefaces for the web. We use a modified version of this project developed by Manufactura Independente (Ana Carvalho & Ricardo Lafuente).

Snapshots | iceberg




— initialisation

Wednesday, 2nd May 2012 - 09:14


Ludivine Loiseaubrought out

— base

Wednesday, 2nd May 2012 - 12:00


Eric Schrijvercried

— Added the specimen / web page showing color/stroke/shadow fonts
and introducing the workshop

Wednesday, 2nd May 2012 - 23:56


Ludivine Loiseaulet out

— back in brxl

Monday, 7th May 2012 - 14:00



— Someone had changed the size of the h1’s and h2’s

Monday, 7th May 2012 - 21:57


codingisacopingstrategybrought out

— Showing the typefaces – Colorfont now works multiline

Tuesday, 8th May 2012 - 14:27


Eric Schrijvertweeted

— Added link to source files and photos to specimen

Sunday, 3rd June 2012 - 19:37


Eric Schrijververbalised

— the README, but I would like a README with @font-face!

Saturday, 19th May 2012 - 16:41


Eric Schrijverpeached

— Merge branch 'master' of git.constantvzw.org:/osp.workshop.write-me-a-shadow

Sunday, 3rd June 2012 - 19:38


Eric Schrijverbabbled out


Thursday, 13th June 2013 - 01:13


Eric Schrijverrendered

— It is an unordered list.

Thursday, 13th June 2013 - 02:14


Stephanie Vilayphioutattled

— renamed README

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 10:17


svilayphioulet on

— Update README.md

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 10:22



— Update README.md

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 10:44



— Update links in README.md

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 10:58


svilayphiougave away

— Delete generate_scaffolding.py~

Friday, 17th May 2019 - 11:06