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			<h1>Hit any key to exit</h1>
			<p class="meta"><a href="" title="View all posts in Tools" rel="category tag">Tools</a> &middot; January 31st, 2011 &middot;  <a href="" title="Posts by Femke">Femke</a></p>
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				<p><img src="" alt="" title="hit" width="280" height="53" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5668" /></p>
<p>Finally&#8230; <em>How to choose and install <del datetime="2011-01-31T21:29:29+00:00">four</del> three new distributions</em></p>
<p>Since announcing that it <a href="">was time for a new adventure</a>, colleagues and friends have advised me what to install and why (see notes below). In the last few weeks I tried to follow up on their tips and I have tried out many distributions.</p>
<p>I decided for a multi-boot with Debian, Fedora plus two other distributions. The plan was that by using the same home partition for different installs, it should be easy to move between them.</p>
<p>In the quiet period between Christmas and New Year, I started up Ubuntu for the last time. I used the usb-live-creator to make a bootable usb-stick with a Debian iso-image on it. Once finished, it ironically congratulated me:<br />
&#8216;<em>Now you can run Ubuntu from a stick!</em>&#8216;<br />
I reboot, and the adventure begins.</p>
<p>In-between downloads and file-checks, partitions, bootloaders, grub-rescue, lost file systems, unknown linux kernels, Master Boot Records, fdisk, ext2, ext3, ext4, i386, initrd and initramfs I often lose track of what I am trying to do. I start to include the term &#8216;newbie&#8217; with my searches; most explanations that come up when I just look for the error messages, make no sense to me. The split that Ubuntu makes between different levels of use (color-coding them!) might be patronizing and annoying, but to typecast myself as beginner, dummie, noob … that feels terrible too.<br />
<span id="more-5638"></span><br />
Slowly, through trial and error, I begin to see the difference between the messiness of some installers, and my own misunderstanding of the boot-process. I&#8217;m not completely confident about manipulating grub.conf yet, but after two days I get to grips with the system again. In the mean time, I have tried to clarify the goal of the exercise: </p>
<li>Find out about projects that are clear about their allegiance with Free Software</li>
<li>Choose a new distribution that I can work with: somehow inviting different levels of use; minimal needs: functional wireless, multiple screens, microphone, preferably out of the box</li>
<li>Learn about Free Software vocabularies, communities, cultures (visual and textual vocabularies of digital desktops)</li>
<li>Switch to a distro that has an interesting approach to design</li>
<p>When most Free Software activists lie awake about non-free kernel blobs, I care about naming schemes, fonts, logo&#8217;s and icon-sets. The relation between software politics and visual representation is of special interest to us at OSP; we think that Free Software should run more than kernel-deep.</p>
<p>Three days later, I settle surprisingly (disappointingly?) close to home with just two very similar distributions running: <a href="">Debian Squeeze</a> (&#8216;unstable&#8217;) and <a href="">Trisquel</a>. I have tried to install Fedora as a third option, but encounter multiple problems with the install media (live-usb, live-cd, netinstall). I do manage to boot Fedora 13 at some point but for the final installation-round keyboard and mouse are not recognized so I will return to this later.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" title="P1110001-400x300" width="398" height="129" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5666" /></p>
<p>Debian and Trisquel have very different approaches to &#8216;how free software is made&#8217;, although both are based on Debian and both use Gnome as the default window-manager. Where Debian clarifies, develops and negotiates it&#8217;s position based on a constitution, social contract, and policy documents &#8230; Trisquel is more like a cool &#8216;de-branding&#8217;-exercise, using scripts to clean out and sometimes replace non-free elements from the Ubuntu kernel. Strict (my Lenovo wireless card won&#8217;t work as it requires non-free particles) and elegant. It is also one of the rare distributions endorsed by the Free Software Foundation<sup><a href="#footnote_0_5638" id="identifier_0_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-identifier-link" title="">1</a></sup>.</p>
<p>The Debian community is not busy with design<sup><a href="#footnote_1_5638" id="identifier_1_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-identifier-link" title="famously the Debian typeface is proprietary">2</a></sup> as is evident from their laconicly un-styled documents, manuals and other web pages. Debian apparently leaves all interface decisions to the gnome project; the large and widespread project has really no design-team at work.</p>
<p>Trisquel is a bit more interesting in that sense; if you don&#8217;t take their neo-druidism too litteral (release names: Awen, Dwyn, Robur and Taranis), it has an intelligent approach to their redrawing of gnome; uses Droid fonts, presents their logo as a Debian-hommage and provides the nicest packagemanager icon as of yet.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" title="update-manager_th" width="150" height="150" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-5663" /></p>
<p>But since both Trisquel and Debian use gnome, and the gnome-preferences are stored in the .gconfd folder. In my clever one-home-multiple install solution, both installs point to the same folder so it means that they end up looking <em>exactly</em> the same <img src='' alt=':-)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>
<p>Two weeks later, I add CrunchBang to the collection. CrunchBang is another recent Debian spin that a friend at <a href="">Samedies</a> suggests. It&#8217;s a relief to work with OpenBox (the windowmanager installed by default) and I enjoy the way it invites to edit config files directly, the way the Conky system-manager works and the tone of the CrunchBang forums  feels right: assuming an interest in experimental use, but ready to explain even if questions are basic. “Anyone who uses CrunchBang should be  comfortable with occasional or even frequent breakage”.<br />
The project seems to find a nice balance between GUI and configurability, and prefers to direct you to commandline rather than GUI but does so without the kinds of discouraging warnings that Debian likes to issue. With great power comes great responsibility.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" title="Screenshot-snelting@fs-debian_ ~" width="400" height="278" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-5670" /></p>
<p>Philip Newborough, &#8216;distro leader&#8217; of CrunchBang explains why the decision was made to base the newest release on Debian, and not on Ubuntu:</p>
<p>“Unlike the Ubuntu project, Debian does not have a commercial sponsor with any commercial interests. This was never an issue for myself, until recently when Canonical seem to have become less of a sponsor and more of a governing party”<sup><a href="#footnote_2_5638" id="identifier_2_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-identifier-link" title="">3</a></sup></p>
<p>The list of software included is nicely different from most other Debian derivatives, although I am surprised to find Google Chrome, Flash and Skype installed by default; it might be more about delivering &#8216;modern&#8217; and &#8216;sleek&#8217; than anything else. CrunchBang aesthetics are a sort of contemporary-geek, meaning that most of the visual identity is made up of text, preferably in black-and-white<sup><a href="#footnote_3_5638" id="identifier_3_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-identifier-link" title="&amp;#8220;The new design will be changing in the opposite direction to that recently taken by the Ubuntu design team, which only seems fitting. So, whereas the new style in Ubuntu is inspired by the idea of &ldquo;Light&rdquo;, the new style for CrunchBang will be inspired by the idea of &ldquo;Dark&rdquo;. o_O&amp;#8221;">4</a></sup>.</p>
<p>The next distro on the list is Arch-Linux (and Fedora of course), but for the time being I&#8217;ll happily stick with CrunchBang.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="" title="2011-01-23--1295803149_1280x1024_scrot" width="400" height="288" class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-5673" /></p>
<p>[to be continued]</p>
<div style="font-family:mono; font-size: 10px;">
<strong>N O T E S</strong></p>
<p><em>What I was advised to install</em>:</p>
<p><strong>Free Software Foundation endorsed distributions</strong><br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>Only 10 or so? Very limited list. Excluding even Debian; seems extremely  purist. Imagery reflects. Quite a few Ubuntu liberation projects,  relatively. This discussion between Shuttleworth and Stallman is reffered to: <a href=""></a> » <a href=""></a>  (Stallman on cooking and recipes. Comparing proprietary software to  colonialism in Tunis. <em>Don&#8217;t let freedom slip through your fingers  because you don&#8217;t bother to close their hands. Divide and rule is the  nature of proprietary software; giving local elites privileges; in  return they can keep others down. Addicts, creating dependencies through  gratis software. Recruiting schools as agents.</em>) </p>
<p>Very many projects with Spanish language base, or language issues as a  starting point. Ones I find interesting:</p>
<p>- BLAG<br />
- Trisquel &#8211; Ubuntu based<br />
- gNewSense &#8211; Ubuntu based, next release Debian<br />
- Dragora has best image sofar: <a href=""></a> but hardly any documentation in English<br />
- Ututo &#8211; Gentoo based &#8211; all in Spanish</p>
<p><strong>Peter L</strong> / <em>OpenSuse</em><br />
&#8220;It runs QT ten times faster and as I told you years ago, you&#8217;ll certainly notice the difference in running Scribus.&#8221; </p>
<p><strong>Michael M</strong> / <em>Mint</em><br />
&#8220;Try Mint. It is just like Ubuntu with the outer layer removed.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>OSP</strong><br />
- <em>Linux Arch</em><br />
- <em> Linux From Scratch</em> (Pierre M: &#8216;Constant needs to run LFS somewhere&#8217;)<br />
- “<em>Debian</em> is always there as a fall-back”<br />
- <em>slackware</em></p>
<p><strong>Juliane</strong> / <em>Black Snake</em><br />
&#8220;If you want to be like a system administrator&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>Dave C</strong> / <em>Fedora</em><br />
I have been using Fedora very happily for 18 month now – it has the most  libre policies of any popular distro, and I am very excited about the  future of its design team. I think in Fedora’s governance structures and  Red Hat’s strategy, RHAT has got the balance between corporate  sponsorship/paid contributors and community participation far more right  than Debian/Ubuntu, Novell/SUSE, or any others. It also helps that is  also the most cutting edge distro as well as the most libre <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' />  And the  rpmfusion repos are set up very sensibly too, with a good libre archive  for things free in EU but not USA. </p>
<p><strong>John H</strong><br />
There are at least two really alternative OSes that I think it would be great for you to try: Haiku and Etoile OS.  I think there is probably some optimally old hardware for running Haiku  available in the Constant offices already. I&#8217;ll be doing a reinstall of  BeOS on my old k6-2 machine when I am back in the states and comparing  it to Haiku on the same hardware. Etoile is a re-implemntation of the  entire Alan Kay Dynabook project, complete with Smalltalk  programmability and modular application blocks that can be linked  together into personal applications <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>
<p>(Linux? both under MIT/BSD license) </p>
<p><strong>Nicolas M</strong><br />
<em>My last attempt at Debian was… difficult and the  technocracy/meritocracy/bureaucracy in place doesn&#8217;t make me feel more  comfortable. I don&#8217;t feel like leaving Ubuntu yet. Time to experiment  multi-boots.</p>
<p>I agree the OS is very  important but I would really like to understand what is pushing the  whole array of closures happening right now and trying to figure out  where are the priorities, because we will not be able to be on every  front. I have the impression we need to come up with a global critique  and proposal from the inside. I think that we need to understand where  we made mistakes also ourselves. We, also, made it possible for all this  to happen. And nothing was hidden to us. </p>
<p>Found this while looking for complementary info about Christophe&#8217;s text: <a href=""></a></em></p>
<p><strong>Sophie S</strong> / <em>CrunchBang</em><br />
&#8220;A Debian GNU/Linux based distribution offering a great blend of speed, style and substance. Using the nimble Openbox window manager, it is highly customisable and provides a modern, full-featured GNU/Linux system without sacrificing performance.&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>Alex L + Stephanie V</strong> / <em>Archlinux</em><br />
The odd one out.<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>D I S T R I B U T I O N S</p>
<p><strong>Debian</strong><br />
As one of the largest distributions around, it has been referred to as the &#8216;default fallback option&#8217; but I think this non-commercial project deserves more than that. Although technically very close to Ubuntu, politically and culturally Debian is on another planet. Preferring slow releases over cutting edge, an almost obsessive attention for permission structures, organised according to a constitution, social contract, and policy documents, this distro targets administrators as well as desktop users like me.</p>
<p>The &#8216;Debian Social Contract&#8217; establishes the community as a society.</p>
<p>“We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of works that do not conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have created “contrib” and “non-free” areas in our archive for these works. The   packages in these areas are not part of the Debian system, although  they  have been configured for use with Debian. We encourage CD  manufacturers  to read the licenses of the packages in these areas and  determine if  they can distribute the packages on their CDs. Thus, although non-free  works are not a part of Debian, we support their use and provide infrastructure for non-free packages (such as our bug  tracking system  and mailing lists).”<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>I like how they manage to be clear without purism but I am most of all impressed by the discussions this self-defined rule of conduct allows. The establishment of groups that work on the inclusion of women in kernel development for example, is a result of a community that has does not take inclusiveness for granted. Though both Ubuntu-women and Fedora-women exist, Debian was the first to recognize the issue. Its societal approach (elections and votes!) obviously also accounts for a bureaucratic culture that is taking itself extremely serious.  Seems largeness of project also invites reflection on  why, what, how. </p>
<p>“The Debian project has been working in removing non-free firmware from  the Linux kernel shipped with Debian for the past two release cycles. At  the time of the releases of Debian 4.0 “Etch” and 5.0 “Lenny”, however,  it was not yet possible to ship Linux kernels stripped of all non-free  firmware bits. Back then we had to acknowledge that freedom issues  concerning Linux firmware were not completely sorted out” </p>
<p>Why not Fedora:<br />
&#8220;Red  Hat is in a tough spot. Most of their revenue streams are based on  sales, support, and training while the open nature of Linux has resulted  in thousands of freely-available Linux resources on the Web. Their  survival depends on having a product that is proprietary enough to make  you dependent upon them for upgrades and support. And when they became a publically-held company they were under pressure to meet the  expectations of Wall Street analysts for revenue growth and cash flows  every quarter. (Did you think it was just a coincidence that they were  churning out new versions of what is now Fedora at an average of two a  year?) In time, Red Hat&#8217;s dominance will likely kill off smaller  commercial distributions like Mandrake and TurboLinux and dealing with  Red Hat will be no different than dealing with Microsoft.&#8221; <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Visual culture is brutal. Amazingly little attention for detail, typography, lay-out. Looks like early days computer culture.<br />
<a href=";text=FTP%20Service">;text=FTP%20Service</a></p>
<p>Naming scheme: Toy Story :-O<br />
Debian = Debra Murdoch + Ian</p>
<p>&#8220;If you can boot from a CD, boot a live CD that has grub2 and use it to    reinstall grub to the master boot record. There are plenty of  tutorials explaining how to do this step-by-step.&#8221;</p>
<p>Master Boot Record <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Familiar  with slight differences &#8230; i need to add myself to the sudo-ers file,   the same old warning about using power responsibly etc. and upon  opening  Synaptic, I get this  message: </p>
<p>&#8220;Granted permissions without asking for password.<br />
The &#8216;/usr/sbin/synaptic&#8217; program was started with the privileges of the   root user without the need to ask for a password, due to your system&#8217;s   authentication mechanism setup.<br />
It  is possible that you are being allowed to run specific programs as  user  root without the need for a password, or that the password is  cached.<br />
<em>This is not a problem report; it&#8217;s simply a notification to make sure you are aware of this</em>&#8221;</p>
<p>Switching to Iceweasel &#8211; a logo that creates trouble:</p>
<p>&#8220;Some of the icons and artwork used in Firefox are trademarked and copyrighted. According to my limited understanding, this violates DFSG#1 which states the component must be freely redistributable and DFSG #3 which states that the license must allow derivatives. If Debian was granted some sort of special permission to use these trademarked items, it would violate DFSG #8 which states that licenses must not be specific to Debian. I have also seen some discussion over whether Debian can or should use the “Firefox” name without using the official icons.&#8221; <a href=""></a></p>
<p>&#8220;This effect of the Mozilla trademark policy led to a long debate within the Debian Project in 2004 and 2005. (&#8230;) &#8216;Iceweasel&#8217; was subsequently used as the example name for a rebranded Firefox in the Mozilla Trademark Policy, and became the most commonly used name for a hypothetical rebranded version of Firefox. By January 1, 2005, rebranding as a strategy was being referred to as the &#8216;Iceweasel route&#8217;.&#8221; <a href=""></a></p>
<p>&#8220;There is an extension that lets you change your user agent on-the-fly.  Moreover, this site has provided a definition file that lets you browse as if you were on Firefox 2 for Windows XP&#8221;</p>
<p><strong>Fedora</strong><br />
“Freedom. Friends. Features. First.”. Logo: eternal 8. All logos carry tm signs. <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Confident tone: Thanks for downloading Fedora! We know you&#8217;ll love it!</p>
<p>The freedom, friend stuff is a bit much, especially since it blends  so well with the other blue F. Do like the way this friendship was presented at LGM. </p>
<p>The imagery, tagline puts &#8216;values&#8217; high on the list &#8211; comparable with Debian. It seems making the difference to Red Hat proper, requires the project to define itself along the lines of this. Remember CC problems: &#8216;sharing&#8217; is done amongst friends. Again, the Debian harshness seems more interesting to me. Why exactly?</p>
<p>“The four foundations are the core values of the Fedora community. They sprung from work on the Fedora marketing plan, and have replaced the old  “infinity, freedom, voice” slogan. The original slogan emerged from the  design of the Fedora logo. That logo has become a very powerful and  effective part of Fedora&#8217;s brand and image, but does not sufficiently  describe our core values in a clear and effective way.”</p>
<p>So, from &#8216;infinity, freedom, voice&#8217; to &#8216;Freedom. Friends. Features. First&#8217;. Note the full stops replacing comma&#8217;s.</p>
<p>The last F, First might be more interesting than the trophy images  promises. “Fedora always aims to provide the future, first”. Well,  &#8216;provide the future&#8217; is a bit pedantic but there is a sense of curiosity  that speaks from the definition of &#8216;first&#8217; that I like. It obviously  pits itself against the slow development cycle of Debian.</p>
<p>Fedora Spins are interesting; a distribution that promotes customization of the distro itself…</p>
<p>“Fedora Spins are alternate version of Fedora, tailored for various  types of users via hand-picked application sets and other  customizations.” </p>
<p>&#8220;It would be nice to have content in a design spin &#8211; but we don&#8217;t have a policy for packaging content. Content like gimp brushes, color palettes, fonts&#8230; eventually one idea was to have a Fedora Design Studio, which would have one for graphic design, web design, etc.&#8221;<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>Getting frustrated with installation &#8212; try every possible way of creating the Live-usb stick (unetbooting, live-usb creator, commandline) from different sources and with different iso images, but the result is always the same mysterious message: </p>
<p>Boot error &#8211; Sleeping forever</p>
<p>A recurring problem?<br />
<a href=";highlight=LIVEUSB+NO+ROOT;asc=0">;highlight=LIVEUSB+NO+ROOT</p>
<p>Finally, I figure out how to use the netinstall for F12 to install F13 (not latest; netinstall for 14 fails too) and than to upgrade to F14 with the help of <a href=""></a><br />
Unfortunately no net-install exists for spins.</p>
<p>The install is very slow (2 hrs), but successful. While subsequently updating the system (takes over an hour as well) I explore this new territory: Fedora is surprisingly similar in structure, with only small differences, as far as I can discover. </p>
<p>Difference between Fedora and Ubuntu:<br />
&#8220;But  when  distributions use the same desktop, the way that Fedora and  Ubuntu do,  then the differences are likely to be unnoticeable to  three   out of  four users. These days, you are even unlikely to find  any   differences  in speed or stability unless you have some unusual  hardware configuration.&#8221; <a href=""></a></p>
<p>Too small partition, running out of space for the update. Decide to install 3rd system and re-size partition using gparted. gparted does not work on LVM</p>
<p><strong>Trisquel</strong><br />
Visual references, naming scheme: neo-druidry / celtic &#8211; releases: Awen, Dwyn, Robur, Taranis. Developed for/in Galician.</p>
<p>“Trisquel is a fully free operating system based in GNU/Linux, for home users, small enterprises and educational centers.” <a href=""></a></p>
<p>“Our logo is the triskelion, a Celtic symbol of evolution and wisdom. Our Trisquel  (the Spanish name for this triple spiral form) resembles the Debian  logo, as a form of recognition of the distro we originally based our  project on. The base color we use is #004DB1, and the font is Droid Sans.” <a href=""></a></p>
<p>&#8220;Trisquel  does not include the vanilla Linux kernel you can find at the  Linux  project servers, but a cleaned up version of Ubuntu&#8217;s version of  the  kernel. Both the upstream versions include non-free binary-only   firmware files, and also a lot of binary blobs hidden in .c and .h  files  in the form of huge sequences of numbers. To provide our users  with a  fully free kernel we use a set of scripts based in the ones from  Linux-libre, with some modifications of our own.&#8221;<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>The &#8216;purifying projects&#8217; are scary &#8212; lack  humor. Very obedient to Mr. Stallman. Still, the method  they choose is super interesting: standing on the hands of giants; nice parasites.</p>
<p>Installing trisquel, means no wireless. Help ends me to the FSF list of non-free hardware. I get the point, but what to do?<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>I can install Skype (with authentication warning &#8211; don&#8217;t really understand what they mean by &#8216;risk&#8217;). Also a bit boring; nothing changes? Otherwise everything works very well; even the microphone works euhm &#8230; as well as in Ubuntu.</p>
<p><strong>CrunchBang</strong><br />
&#8220;The  new design will be changing in the opposite direction to that recently  taken by the Ubuntu design team, which only seems fitting. So,  whereas  the new style in Ubuntu is inspired by the idea of “Light”, the new  style for CrunchBang will be inspired by the idea of “Dark”. o_O&#8221;<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>&#8220;Not recommended for anyone  who requires a stable system. Anyone who uses CrunchBang should be  comfortable with occasional or even frequent breakage. Remember,  CrunchBang Linux could make your computer go CRUNCH! BANG! <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> &#8221;<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>Other packages I tried to install</p>
<p>“works to overthrow corporate control of information and technology through community action and spreading Free Software.” </p>
<p>Developed by the “brixton linux action group”, Graphics, language: very English: <a href=""></a> … quite beautiful. Discovering fluxbox <a href=""></a></p>
<p>“BLAG 90000 (oxygen) is based on Fedora 9”</p>
<p>Not much has been happening the last year &#8211; I will come back once the new version is stable?</p>
<p>[live-usb produces infinite sleep as well]</p>
<p>Visual references, naming scheme: new age?<br />
Bonzai tree = logo. “it does not use a lot of the shiny methods that Ubuntu does”</p>
<p>“gNewSense  is a GNU/Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. Its goal is to  maintain  the user-friendliness of Ubuntu, but with all non-free software  and  binary blobs removed. The Free Software Foundation considers  gNewSense  to be a GNU/Linux distribution composed entirely of free  software.”</p>
<p>“Neither  Debian nor Ubuntu are fully free. Ubuntu installs non-free software by  default. Debian provides non-free software through its  repositories  and includes non-free kernel drivers. We were also the  first  distribution to remove GLX, which Debian had ignored for years”<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>Almost similar approach as Trisquel, but somehow less precise. If I need to choose between neo-druids and neo-zen, the first wins. Esthetic choice?</p>
<p><strong>Linux Mint</strong></p>
<p>Very difficult to feel the political difference between Ubuntu. It is lighter, but how does it make a difference? I really do not see the interest &#8230; seems not very clear?</p>
<p><strong>Tests, choosers, comparison</strong><br />
<a href=""></a> &#8211;> type of license is not a question<br />
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions">http://en.wikipedia.or/wiki/Comparison_of_Linux_distributions</a></p>
<p>“Ubuntu provides specific repositories of nonfree software, and Canonical expressly promotes and recommends nonfree software under the  Ubuntu name in some of their distribution channels. Even if you try to  avoid all of that, the default application installer will advertise  nonfree software to you.”<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>M I S C E L L A N E O U S</p>
<p>How do you know whether swap is at sdb1 or sdb5? > fdisk</p>
<p>Nice explanation of GRUB: <a href=""></a>
<ol class="footnotes"><li id="footnote_0_5638" class="footnote"><a href=""></a> [<a href="#identifier_0_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-back-link">&#8617;</a>]</li><li id="footnote_1_5638" class="footnote">famously the Debian typeface is proprietary <a href=""></a> [<a href="#identifier_1_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-back-link">&#8617;</a>]</li><li id="footnote_2_5638" class="footnote"><a href=""></a> [<a href="#identifier_2_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-back-link">&#8617;</a>]</li><li id="footnote_3_5638" class="footnote">&#8220;The new design will be changing in the opposite direction to that recently taken by the Ubuntu design team, which only seems fitting. So, whereas the new style in Ubuntu is inspired by the idea of “Light”, the new style for CrunchBang will be inspired by the idea of “Dark”. o_O&#8221; <a href=""></a> [<a href="#identifier_3_5638" class="footnote-link footnote-back-link">&#8617;</a>]</li></ol>							</div>
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3 Comments &darr;</h2>

				<h3>1. <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>nitrofurano</a></h3>
				<p class="meta">Feb 2, 2011 at 9:49 pm			</p>

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				<p>i don&#8217;t know if most of you know that distros like Crunchbang and Mint are migrating from Ubuntu-based to Debian-based &#8211; and both Crunchbang and Mint are still easier to install than Debian (imho)</p>

				<h3>2. Dave</h3>
				<p class="meta">Feb 3, 2011 at 1:58 am			</p>

			<div class="entry">
				<p>Thanks for posting verbosely &#8211; was looking out for this <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>
<p>&#8220;gparted does not work on LVM&#8221; &#8211; no, exactly! <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' />  LVM means you no longer work at the physical partition level, because it abstracts that away, so you can resize (and join across) disks/partitions &#8220;more conveniently.&#8221; <img src='' alt=';-)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>
<p>Maybe if I spend more than 48 hours in Brussels again this year we can give Fedora another shot, but this stuff isn&#8217;t so interesting&#8230; I suspect CrunchBang is fine til you buy new hardware, which is my default moment for making these decisions <img src='' alt=':)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>

				<h3>3. <a href='' rel='external nofollow' class='url'>Femke</a></h3>
				<p class="meta">Feb 3, 2011 at 10:15 am			</p>

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				<p>Nitrofurano:<br />
Trisquel, CrunchBang and Debian Squeeze were all easy to install &#8211; the only difference being that Debian has a less polished splashscreen and I needed to manually add non-free iwlwifi-firmware. The current CrunchBang release is based on Debian (not Ubuntu).</p>
<p>Dave:<br />
The link between free hardware and software is painfully clear with Trisquel (the point of the project?). It will be on my requirements lists for sure when needing to replace this laptop. For anyone liking Ubuntu but wanting to run a truly free system, I can  recommend the distro. Try the live-usb/cd to find out about your hardware first!<br />
LVM: yes, funny &#8230; it took me a while to understand this concept <img src='' alt=':-D' class='wp-smiley' /><br />
Fedora: I am hoping to get that done as soon as I find 48hrs in Brussels <img src='' alt=';-)' class='wp-smiley' /> </p>


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