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    <img id="fullsize" src="../Image/background9.jpg" />
    <span id="explication" class="box" style="position:absolute; top:100px; left:50px">This interactive e-book is inspired with the game <i>Exquisite corpse</i> and an aleatory literary technique <i>Cut-up</i>. The text <i>The Manifesto of Surrealism</i> is chosen as a base of work. The first time a reader open the book, there is the famous phrase <i>the exquisite corpse shall drink the new wine</i> over five pages. One time that a reader starts to explore the book, it generates words randomly to create a new phrase. The book is programmed with loop so that it creates infinite different phrases. Even if words are chosen by chance, the book composes sometimes very interesting and suggestive phrases as if it is aware of its contents and is proposing new philosophy.</span>
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