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  //choose words
  var adjectives=new Array ('The relative', 'The hard', 'The glorious', 'The obscure', 'The same','The lost', 'The satisfied', 'The agnizing', 'The quick', 'The inestimabl', 'The easy');
  var subjects=new Array ('enterprise', 'order', 'poet', 'scholar', 'success', 'route', 'critique', 'dream', 'activity', 'attention', 'assurance', 'sign', 'consciousness', 'sanction', 'phenomenon', 'interference', 'tendency', 'disorientation', 'condition', 'clue', 'question', 'possibility', 'name', 'everything');
  var verbs=new Array ('shall present', 'shall lead to', 'shall regret', 'shall discuss', 'shall exclude', 'shall read', 'shall open', 'shall stop', 'shall prevail', 'shall exist in', 'shall happen to', 'shall kill', 'shall wish', 'shall tolerate');
  var adjectivesTwo=new Array ('the relative', 'the hard', 'the glorious', 'the obscure', 'the same','the lost', 'the satisfied', 'the agnizing', 'the quick', 'the inestimabl', 'the easy');
  var nouns=new Array ('enterprise.', 'order.', 'poet.', 'scholar.', 'success.', 'route.', 'critique.', 'dream.', 'activity.', 'attention.', 'assurance.', 'sign.', 'consciousness.', 'sanction.', 'phenomenon.', 'interference.', 'tendency.', 'disorientation.', 'condition.', 'clue.', 'question.', 'possibility.', 'name.', 'everything.');

  var motCourrant = 1;
  var factor = 40;

  var wordOrder=new Array (
    {'wordList': adjectives, 'elementId': 'adjective'},
    {'wordList': subjects, 'elementId': 'subject'},
    {'wordList': verbs, 'elementId': 'verb'},
    {'wordList': adjectivesTwo, 'elementId': 'adjective_two'},
    {'wordList': nouns, 'elementId': 'noun'}

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  var elem = null

  var blessWord = function () {
    if (wordOrder.length > 0) {
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      wordOrder.push (wordObj);

      if (motCourrant === 6) {
        motCourrant = 1;
      elem = document.getElementById (wordObj.elementId);

      // never the same word twice in a row
      var currentWord = elem.innerText;
      var newWord = wordObj.wordList[Math.floor(Math.random()*wordObj.wordList.length)]
      while (newWord === currentWord) {
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    //change color and size
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    $('#' + wordObj.elementId).css({
        'font-size': (minSize + (Math.floor(Math.random()*(maxSize-minSize)))) + '%'
  function getRandomInt(min, max){
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;


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      <span id="adjective" style="position:absolute; top:100px; left:30px"></span>
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      <span id="adjective_two" style="position:absolute; top:400px; left:30px"></span>
      <span id="noun" style="position:absolute; top:500px; left:30px">wine</span>
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