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  //choose words
  var adjectives=new Array ('The living', 'The logical', 'The secondary', 'The absolute', 'The fashion','The relevent', 'The difficult', 'The immediate', 'The right', 'The intellectual', 'The waking');
  var subjects=new Array ('logic', 'process', 'time', 'solution', 'problem', 'interest', 'rationalism', 'consideration', 'fact', 'experience', 'birth', 'death', 'present', 'solution', 'moment', 'sleep', 'view', 'time', 'disproportion', 'tongue', 'secret', 'beginning', 'suggestion');
  var verbs=new Array ('shall apply to', 'shall remain in', 'shall allow', 'shall escape from', 'shall assign', 'shall become', 'shall depend on', 'shall guard', 'shall succeed in', 'shall dismiss', 'shall refuse', 'shall expect', 'shall oppress', 'shall begin with');
  var adjectivesTwo=new Array ('the living', 'the logical', 'the secondary', 'the absolute', 'the fashion', 'the relevent', 'the difficult', 'the immediate', 'the wrong', 'the intellectual', 'the waking');
  var nouns=new Array ('logic.', 'process.', 'time.', 'solution.', 'problem.', 'interest.', 'rationalism.', 'consideration.', 'fact.', 'experience.', 'birth.', 'death.', 'present.', 'solution.', 'moment.', 'sleep.', 'view.', 'time.', 'disproportion.', 'tongue.', 'secret.', 'beginning.', 'suggestion.');

  var motCourrant = 1;
  var factor = 40;

  var wordOrder=new Array (
    {'wordList': subjects, 'elementId': 'subject'},
    {'wordList': verbs, 'elementId': 'verb'},
    {'wordList': adjectivesTwo, 'elementId': 'adjective_two'},
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      // never the same word twice in a row
      var currentWord = elem.innerText;
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  function getRandomInt(min, max){
    return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1))+min;


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      <span id="adjective" style="position:absolute; top:100px; left:30px">The exquisite</span>
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      <span id="verb" style="position:absolute; top:300px; left:30px"></span>
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