Stéphani Vilayphiouclaimed
— track files
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 11:51
Stéphane Vilayphiouverbalized
— add todo and lisezmoi
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 14:40
Stéphane Vilayphioulet out
— update todo lisez moi
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 17:59
Stéphane Vilayphiouexposed
— script: twitter query
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 18:00
Stéphane Vilayphioupeached
— track gitignore
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 18:01
Stephanie Vilayphiougave away
— add user options to the py script
Wednesday, 14th April 2010 - 20:11
Stephanie Vilayphioubrought out
— add make_svg
Thursday, 15th April 2010 - 16:09
Stephanie Vilayphiourendered
— shebang fixes
Thursday, 15th April 2010 - 16:21
Stephanie Vilayphioulet loose
— readme update
Thursday, 15th April 2010 - 16:21
Stephanie Vilayphiouadmitted
— chmod +x py files
Thursday, 15th April 2010 - 16:25
Stephanie Vilayphioucried
— can be piped now
Thursday, 15th April 2010 - 17:00
Alexandre Leraydiscovered
— Created a python script to generate inkscape svg
It should keep lines and spaces
Thursday, 15th April 2010 - 19:11
Stephanie Vilayphioudiscovered
— Merge branch 'text2svg' of git://
Sunday, 18th April 2010 - 18:31
Stephanie Vilayphiousaid
— add usage of all scripts
Sunday, 18th April 2010 - 19:01
Stephanie Vilayphiouuttered
— rm make_svg bash version
Sunday, 18th April 2010 - 19:02
Stephanie Vilayphioupublished
— correction ludi lisezmoi + licence fr
Tuesday, 20th April 2010 - 15:17
Stephanie Vilayphioucomitted
— handle exception: counting space character
Tuesday, 20th April 2010 - 15:18
Stephanie Vilayphioupeached
— correct strip html tags in twitter search
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 00:17
Stephanie Vilayphiouverbalised
— rm save as svg file but prints the svg code in stdout
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 00:20
Stephanie Vilayphiouspoke
— change font
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 00:21
Stephanie Vilayphioudeclared
— correct strip html tags in (didnt commit before?)
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 00:37
Alexandre Leraycomitted
Tuesday, 20th April 2010 - 19:51
Alexandre Leraycomitted
— Added French man pages
Tuesday, 20th April 2010 - 20:18
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— Regroupé toutes les références dans 1 fichier
Wednesday, 21st April 2010 - 23:22
Alexandre Lerayinterpreted
— Formaté les fichier en markdown
renommé et complété divers fichiers
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 00:44
Alexandre Lerayunwrapped
— Ajouté un scripte pour supprimer les mots vides
et une liste de mot vides
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 04:54
Alexandre Lerayverbalised
— Ajouté un scripte pour générer des SVG à la jetset
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 04:57
Alexandre Leraydeclared
— Merge branch 'dev-alex' into merge-alex
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 05:02
Alexandre Lerayuttered
— Généré des version HTML des textes d'info
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 05:16
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— Ajouté la recette pour l'affiche jetset
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 06:06
Alexandre Leraytweeted
— Créé dossier épicerie et ajouté images jetset
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 06:06
Alexandre Lerayunwrapped
— Fixé frequence_mots pour échapper les entités xml
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 06:57
Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag
— Ajouté la recette du nuage islandais de mots
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 06:58
Alexandre Lerayblabbed out
— Ajouté licences
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 06:58
Alexandre Leraylet on
— Nettoyage et renommages
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 10:29
Alexandre Lerayverbalized
— Ajouté images
Thursday, 22nd April 2010 - 12:42
Stephanie Vilayphioupublished
— ajout ponctuation + correction orthographique
Friday, 14th May 2010 - 23:25
Stephanie Vilayphiouemited
— recettes remplace python par ./
Sunday, 16th May 2010 - 19:10
Stephanie Vilayphioutattled
— readme remplace python par ./
Sunday, 16th May 2010 - 19:10
Stephanie Vilayphioudivulged
— script python pour stopwords
Sunday, 16th May 2010 - 19:11
Stephanie Vilayphioudeclared
— moulinette svg pour placer des phrases dans une grille
Sunday, 16th May 2010 - 19:12
Stephanie Vilayphiouargued
— improve calendar layout
Monday, 17th May 2010 - 13:59
Stephanie Vilayphiouexpressed
— put date before content of twit
Monday, 17th May 2010 - 13:59
Stephanie Vilayphioupublished
— commented escape html because it causes an error
Monday, 17th May 2010 - 14:00
Stephanie Vilayphiouspilled the beans
— add osp texts
Monday, 17th May 2010 - 14:00
Stephanie Vilayphioucomitted
— identica search OK
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 16:19
Stephanie Vilayphioulet loose
— adapt the fontsize according to number of lines so that it fits 1 A4
Saturday, 22nd May 2010 - 15:53
Stephanie Vilayphioulet the cat out of the bag
— automatic fontsize to fit page vertically. rm header
Sunday, 23rd May 2010 - 15:27
— Add simple font functionality to txt2svg script.
The script comes from Inkscape. The default font is now NotCourier-sans. Very
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 17:51
— Script writes to a file instead of standard output.
lpr only understands stuff txt and ps. mmh...
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 18:36
— The pdf conversion still doesn't work.
The XML snippets that hollande_moderne uses have changed. They're modelled on
a `clean' SVG file. We've noticed that Inkscape includes a `export as PDF'
command line option. We will try that next.
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 20:45
— Revert and test.
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 22:48
— Use Inkscape to convert handcrafted SVG to PDF.
Uses the --export-pdf option of Inkscape.
Tuesday, 18th May 2010 - 23:03
Stephanie Vilayphiouverbalized
— add a few more nice example use of command lines
Sunday, 23rd May 2010 - 18:06
Stephanie Vilayphioudivulged
— recettes
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 13:27
Stephanie Vilayphioulet out
— update modern dutch poster recipe + rename it
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 13:28
Stephanie Vilayphioutalked
— translate hollande moderne to dutch way
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 13:29
Stephanie Vilayphiousaid
— rm useless information in readme
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 15:40
Stephanie Vilayphioubabbled
— changes in
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 15:41
Stephanie Vilayphioutalked
— rm useless files for lgm workshop
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 15:55
Alexandre Leraywhispered
— rm trailing spaces in a recipie
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 00:20
Alexandre Leraylet the cat out of the bag
— Added a model for HTML recipie
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 00:21
Stephanie Vilayphiouspoke
— rm useless files for lgm
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 16:04
Stephanie Vilayphiougave away
— renamed initiation fr files
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 16:29
Stephanie Vilayphiousang
— add readme en, + some corrections in fr
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 16:31
Stephanie Vilayphiousaid
— translated initiation in english, some corrections in fr
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 17:26
Stephanie Vilayphioutold
— renamed recettes in recipes
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 17:27
Stephanie Vilayphioulet the cat out of the bag
— renamed dutch way recipe in _fr
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 17:28
Stephanie Vilayphiousang
— add free art license
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 23:07
Stephanie Vilayphiouwhistled
— v-justify now works with pipe
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 23:17
Stephanie Vilayphiourendered
— update recipes fr and en
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 23:22
Stephanie Vilayphioublabbed
— replace to rank by to sort
Monday, 24th May 2010 - 23:22
Alexandre Lerayspoke
— Merge branch 'master' of git://
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 21:01
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— Translated references texts in english
Updated TODO list
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 22:40
— Merge branch 'master' of git://
Sunday, 23rd May 2010 - 18:00
ivanbrought out
— Fetch timeline and do char count on it
The MakeCharList script comes from SIL. We need to find a good way of
generating the PDF's.
Sunday, 23rd May 2010 - 22:43
— Delete Perl dir and start enscript development.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 11:35
ivanspilled the beans
— Rename color recipe.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 11:39
— Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 15:04
— Returns a random word from /usr/share/dict/words
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 15:54
ivanblabbed out
— Document usage in a text processing pipeline.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 16:04
— Add `In the beginning was the command line'.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 20:31
— Add source of text.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 20:33
Alexandre Leraydiscovered
— Merge remote branch 'ivan@github/master'
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 22:44
Alexandre Leraypeached
— Removed some of the French files
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 22:55
Alexandre Leraypeached
— Deleted man pages
Renamed in the begining was the cmd line
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 23:08
Alexandre Leraystated
— Added a COPYING file
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 23:12
Alexandre Leraylet loose
— cleaned up licenses
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:26
Stephanie Vilayphioulet loose
— add difficulty, preparation time, cooking time
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 20:46
Stephanie Vilayphioutalked
— Merge branch 'master', remote branch 'alex@github/master'
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 21:01
Stephanie Vilayphiousaid
— add osp afm fonts
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 22:30
Alexandre Leraysang
— Merge remote branch 'steph@github/master'
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:32
— Re-organize licenses directory.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 20:54
ivanblabbed out
— Add GNU Free Documentation license.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 21:00
— Checking licenses.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 22:34
Alexandre Leraygave away
— Merge remote branch 'ivan@github/master' into alex
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:42
Alexandre Leraypeached
— Symlinked OSP fonts
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:49
Alexandre Leraycomitted
— Removed french recipie
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 01:04
— This could be a version of the introtext.
Tuesday, 25th May 2010 - 22:51
Alexandre Leraylet out
— Merge remote branch 'ivan@github/master' into alex
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 01:06
Stephanie Vilayphioutweeted
— put sources at root of package
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:39
Stephanie Vilayphioulet on
— rm old test texts
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:40
Stephanie Vilayphioutalked
— rm useless files
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:44
Stephanie Vilayphioulet the cat out of the bag
— rm useless files"
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:47
Stephanie Vilayphiouargued
— mv osp texts in sources
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:51
Stephanie Vilayphiouargued
— track sources
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:54
Stephanie Vilayphiouexposed
— mv sources to texts"
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:54
Stephanie Vilayphioubabbled out
— add fontmap
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 00:57
Stephanie Vilayphioutweeted
— correct recipe and generate html
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 01:13
Stephanie Vilayphioupeached
— track podofun superimpose plan
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 01:17
Stephanie Vilayphioutold
— add recipe for superposition with podofoimpose
Thursday, 10th June 2010 - 19:17
Stephanie Vilayphioupublished
— rm aliased fonts
Thursday, 10th June 2010 - 19:19
Stephanie Vilayphiouexpressed
— remake font map with recursive diretories
Thursday, 10th June 2010 - 19:21
Stephanie Vilayphiouuttered
— mv unlicensed fonts in unlicensed folder
Thursday, 10th June 2010 - 19:45
Stephanie Vilayphioudisclosed
— hide the unlicensed fonts
Thursday, 10th June 2010 - 19:46
Alexandre Leraysaid
— Added a mention of the authors and URL in introtext
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 04:51
Alexandre Lerayexpressed
— Minor changes in the README
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 11:44
Alexandre Lerayemited
— Changed GPL license for GFDL license
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 11:48
Alexandre Leraylet on
— Added fdl notice in dutch_way recipie
Wednesday, 26th May 2010 - 12:09
Stéphanie Vilayphiousaid
— iceberg
Sunday, 8th January 2012 - 18:40
Stéphanie Vilayphioudisclosed
— Merge branch 'master' of
Tuesday, 10th January 2012 - 00:07