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meyboom_circle_generated copy.dot

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digraph meyboom_circles {

    edge [tailport=e headport=w]
    graph [mode=major]
    graph [start=3]
    graph [fontname=serif outputorder=edgesfirst overlap=false]
    // floor meeting
    M0 [label="Floor Meetings" class=node_meeting shape=egg]
    // cirlces
    {   rank=same;
        node [class=node_circle fillcolor=white fixedsize=True height=3 shape=circle style=filled width=3]

        C0 [label="Admin & Finance"]
        C1 [label="Ecology & Representation"]
        C2 [label="Logistics"]
        C3 [label="Visual Identity & Website"]
        C4 [label="Internal Care & Communication"]

    // floor meet 2 circles
    M0 -> {C0 C1 C2 C3 C4}[dir=both]

    // tasks
    {   rank=same;
        node [class=node_task shape=plaintext]

        T0 [label="collecting and paying rent"]
        T1 [label="strategies to deal with higher rent and energy"]
        T2 [label="propose ways to create a financial buffer"]
        T3 [label="contact with landlord"]
        T4 [label="propose rent division and rent reduction systems"]
        T5 [label="finding post-Meyboom location"]
        T6 [label="creation of a new VZW/ASBL"]
        T7 [label="representing the space"]
        T8 [label="contact with similar organisations"]
        T9 [label="external communication"]
        T10 [label="facilitate a vision on who we are and who we want to be: inclusivity, diversity, profiles"]
        T11 [label="organising dinners, parties, studio visits, ..."]
        T12 [label="housekeeping schedule and reminders"]
        T13 [label="contact with contractors for repairs etc."]
        T14 [label="contact with building security"]
        T15 [label="managment of collective spaces of the building"]
        T16 [label="IT"]
        T17 [label="entrance badges"]
        T18 [label="defining a visual identity"]
        T19 [label="maintaining website and online tools (mailing list, nextcloud, etc)"]
        T20 [label="floor map"]
        T21 [label="online calendar"]
        T22 [label="welcoming new members"]
        T23 [label="overview of members and contact details"]
        T24 [label="facilitate ways of getting to know each other's practice better"]
        T25 [label="contact point for difficult experiences, and conflict mediation"]
        T26 [label="serious apero announcement & follow-up"]
        T27 [label="communication about upcoming events"]
        T28 [label="checking and adapting internal processes"]

    C0 -> T0
    C0 -> T1
    C0 -> T2
    C0 -> T3
    C0 -> T4
    C0 -> T5
    C0 -> T6

    C1 -> T7
    C1 -> T8
    C1 -> T9
    C1 -> T10
    C1 -> T11

    C2 -> T12
    C2 -> T3
    C2 -> T13
    C2 -> T14
    C2 -> T15
    C2 -> T16
    C2 -> T17

    C3 -> T18
    C3 -> T19
    C3 -> T20
    C3 -> T9
    C3 -> T21

    C4 -> T22
    C4 -> T23
    C4 -> T11
    C4 -> T24
    C4 -> T10
    C4 -> T25
    C4 -> T26
    C4 -> T27
    C4 -> T28

    // external entities
    {   rank=same;
        node [class=node_entity fillcolor=white shape=box style=filled]

        E1 [label="new VZW/ASBL"]
        E2 [label="other artists-run spaces"]
        E3 [label="other users of the building"]
        E4 [label="audiences"]

    T3 -> E0
    T6 -> E1
    T7 -> E2
    T8 -> E2
    T15 -> E3
    T8 -> E3
    T1 -> E3
    T27 -> E3
    T9 -> E4
