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%\chapter{{\bf Images}} 
\input 5-images

\page \crlf \page

{\tfd Verbindingen/Jonctions 10}
{\Eng{\tfc Tracks in electr(on)ic fields}}
{\Ned{\tfc Sporen in het elektr(on)ische veld}}
{\Fra{\tfc Empreintes dans les champs \'{e}lectr(on)iques}}

\LargeImage{laban1c.jpg}{ }


\chapter{{\bf Introduction} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}

\LargeImage{laban8.jpg}{ }

\input 0-intro

\chapter{{\bf E-Traces} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}

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\LargeImage{hand-2.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{decisions.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{1path.png}{ }



\input 1-intro

\page\section{\crlf Nicolas Malev\'{e}, Michel Cleempoel\crlf
{\bf E{}-traces en contexte} \LangStyle{NL, FR}}\input 1-maleve
\page\section{\crlf Dmytri Kleiner, Brian Wyrick\crlf
{\bf InfoEnclosure 2.0} \LangStyle{NL}}\input 1-kleiner
\page\section{\crlf Christophe Lazaro\crlf
{\bf La vie priv\'{e}e et les droits d'auteur li\'{e}s aux profils} \LangStyle{FR}}\input 1-lazaro
\page\section{\crlf Marc Wathieu\crlf
{\bf Le Syndicat des Robots} \LangStyle{FR}}\input 1-wathieu
\page\section{\crlf Michel Cleempoel\crlf
{\bf Destination port} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 1-cleempoel
\page\section{\crlf M\'{e}tamorphoz\crlf
{\bf Doppelg\"anger} \LangStyle{FR, NL, EN}}\input 1-cordy
\page\section{\crlf Andrea Fiore\crlf
{\bf Cookiesensus} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 1-fiore
\page\section{\crlf Tsila Hassine\crlf
{\bf Shmoogle and Tracer} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 1-hassine
\chapter{{\bf Autour de nous, les champs magn\'etiques font r\'esonner des ondes invisibles} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}
\TitlePage{\Eng{Around us, magnetic fields resonate unseen waves}
\Ned{Om ons heen resoneren ongeziene golven}
\Fra{Autour de nous, les champs\crlf magn\'etiques font r\'esonner des ondes invisibles}}

\LargeImage{patin.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{2spiral.png}{ }
\LargeImage{teslaw.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{twain.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{2nuage.jpg}{ }



\input 2-intro

\page\section{\crlf Jussi Parikka\crlf 
{\bf Insects, Affects and Imagining New Sensoriums} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 2-parrikka
\page\section{\crlf Pierre Berthet\crlf 
{\bf Concert with various extended objects} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 2-berthet
\page\section{\crlf Leiff Elgren, CM von Hausswolff\crlf 
{\bf Elgaland{}-Vargaland} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 2-elgaland
\page\section{\crlf CM von Hausswolff, Guy-Marc Hinant\crlf 
{\bf Ghost Machinery} \LangStyle{EN, NL}}\input 2-ghost
\chapter{{\bf Read Feel Feed Real} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}
\TitlePage{\Eng{Read Feel Feed Real}
\Ned{Read Feel Feed Real}
\Fra{Read Feel Feed Real}}

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\LargeImage{cov2.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{1fantome.png}{ }
\LargeImage{cov3.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{cov4.jpg}{ }



\input 3-intro

\page\section{\crlf Manu Luksch, Mukul Patel\crlf 
{\bf Faceless: Chasing the Data Shadow} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 3-luksch
\page\section{\crlf Julien Ottavi\crlf 
{\bf Electromagnetic spectrum Research code 0608} \LangStyle{FR}}\input 3-ottavi
\page\section{\crlf Michael Murtaugh\crlf 
{\bf Active Archives or: What's wrong with the YouTube documentary?} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 3-murtaugh
\chapter{{\bf Wederkerige Bewegingen} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}
\TitlePage{\Eng{Mutual Motions}
\Ned{Wederkerige Bewegingen}
\Fra{Mouvements Mutuels}}

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\LargeImage{danserond.jpg}{ }
\LargeImage{dansepomme.png}{ }
\LargeImage{laban2.jpg}{ }
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\LargeImage{laban7.jpg}{ }
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\input 4-intro

\page\section{\crlf Femke Snelting\crlf
{\bf Encoderen en decoderen} \LangStyle{NL}}\input 4-snelting
\page\section{\crlf Adrian Mackenzie\crlf 
{\bf Centres of envelopment and intensive movement in digital signal processing} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 4-mackenzie
\page\section{\crlf Elpueblodechina\crlf 
{\bf El Curanto} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 4-pueblodechina
\page\section{\crlf Alice Chauchat, Fr\'{e}d\'{e}ric Gies\crlf 
{\bf Praticable} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 4-praticable
\page\section{\crlf Praticable\crlf 
{\bf Dance (notation)} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 4-notation
\page\section{\crlf Sabine Prokhoris, Simon Hecquet\crlf 
{\bf Over een atopie} \LangStyle{NL}}\input 4-prokhoris
\page\section{\crlf {\bf Mutual Motions Video Library} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 4-videolibrary
\page\section{\crlf In\`{e}s Rabadan\crlf
{\bf Does the repetition of a gesture irrevocably lead to madness?} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 4-rabadan
\page\section{\crlf Michael Terry (interview)\crlf 
{\bf Data analysis as a discourse} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 4-terry
\page\section{\crlf Simon Yuill\crlf 
{\bf Tous les probl\`emes de notation seront r\'esolus par les masses (version abr\'eg\'ee)} \LangStyle{FR}}\input 4-yuill \page\section{\crlf Val\'{e}rie Laure Benabou, S\'{e}verine Dusollier\crlf  
{\bf Du droit d'auteur sur les mouvements, de l'interpr\'etation du droit d'auteur} \LangStyle{FR}}\input 4-dusollier
\page\section{\crlf Sadie Plant\crlf 
{\bf A Situated Report} \LangStyle{EN}}\input 4-plant
\page\chapter{{\bf Biographies} \LangStyle{EN, NL, FR}}\input 5-biographies
\page\chapter{{\bf License register}}\Title{License Register}\blank\placeLicense
\page\chapter{{\bf Vocabulary}}\Title{Vocabulary}\blank\placeVocabulary
\page\chapter{{\bf The Making-of} \LangStyle{EN}}\Title{The Making-of} \input 5-makingof
\page\chapter{{\bf Colophon}}\input 5-colophon
