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Baudrillard contends, objects and discourses that have no firm origin,

the concept can no longer pretend to control or grasp its object. 3 In

that consumer objects constitute a classification system that codes

behavior and groups. As such, consumer objects must be analysed

sociological theories of needs. Consumer objects have their effect in

products, thereby fitting the object into a series. The object has its

concrete examples of consumer objects as a code. He also undertook

objects constitute a system of signs that differentiate the population.

to each object, but only through the play of difference between the

indicates how consumer objects are like hysterical symptoms; they

does the code take priority over or even precede the consumer object.

The distinctions between object and representation, thing and idea

the social world from the point of view of the object, a seeming

point on reality. The privileged position has shifted to the object,

specifically to the hyperreal object, the simulated object. In place of

a logic of the subject, Baudrillard proposes a logic of the object, and

unveiled by Baudrillard, the world from within the object, looks

objects as defined by the code. In this sense, only the "fatal strategy"

of the point of view of the object provides any understanding of the

media, in consumer objects, in the layout of city streets. 12 De

freedom is the random selection of objects that will distinguish any

Consumer society (objects, products, advertising), for the first

superego, guilt) to crystallize on objects, concrete determinants where

are lifted at the cost of a regression in the security of objects, thus14

A second issue: does the object/advertising system form a language?

to objects. According to Pierre Martineau, "Any buying process is

an active syntax? Do objects instruct needs and structure them in a

the mediation of objects and their production? If this is the case, we

syntax is necessary for there to be "language": the objects of mass

At the stage of artisanal production objects reflect the contingent

is no objective technological (technique) progress. Since the beginning

than the system of objects; the latter imposes its own coherence and

(objects 'made to measure' in accordance with needs) with a limited

object is at the level of speech (parole), industrial technology institutes

accessories, and the "social standing" of the object. Here we have

with difficulty into a matrix of objects. Actually, the world of objects

classified, and demarcated by objects: it can therefore be directed

(and this is the system's real objective on the socioeconomic level).

exchange (the structuration of communication). The object/advertis-

themselves in relation to objects. But this also shows that it is not

specific collection of objects. The hierarchized gamuts of objects

categorization of the social and personal world based on objects,

of objective future (materialized in objects): in short, a grid in which

others that the reign of the object is still the shortest path to freedom.

not be fooled: objects are categories of objects which quiteThe System of Objects

capable of summing up both the diversity of objects and a host of

is the only language in which the object speaks to us, the only one

But is it not a beneficial thing, our philosophers object, to tap

a censor, first of all, that is "personalized" in the object. The

Hence, the ambiguity of the object, in which individuals never have

incomplete regression, the object serves as a vehicle for the perpetual

The object/advertising system constitutes a system of signification

Advertising refers explicitly to the object as a necessary criterion:

etc. Undoubtedly objects have always constituted a system of

neighborhood we live in, and the multitude of objects that surround

are described in terms of their objects." Coherence is obtained

socialized and objectified does not necessarily lead to true "democra-

the field of objects: a new morality of class, or caste, can now invest

social facts. This is not the case with the object/advertising system,

I would like to conclude the analysis of our relation to objects as a

consumption is an active mode of relations (not only to objects, but

We must clearly state that material goods are not the objects of

consumption: they are merely the objects of need and satisfaction.

substance. Consumption is the virtual totality of all objects and

The traditional object-symbol (tools, furniture, even the house),

arbitrary. This object, which is bound, impregnated, and heavy with

is not consumed. In order to become object of consumption, the

object must become sign; that is, in some way it must become

systematic relation to all other object-signs. It is in this way that it

The conversion of the object to a systematized status of signs

to be "fulfilled," and to be "annulled") 24 in and through objects,

We can see that what is consumed are not objects but the relation

objects which manifests it.

an object-sign where it is consumed.

At all levels, the status of the relation/object is orchestrated by

materialized) as sign and as object to be purchased and consumed.

For example, a couple's ultimate objective becomes the consumption

of objects that previously symbolized the relation. 25

is sign, pure sign. Not a single object has presence or history, and

etc.[27] All these objects merely possess a characteristic singularity: in

an object/sign system: far from symbolizing a relationship, these

objects are external to it in their continual "reference." They describe

in pure complicity with the system of objects which signifies it.

Which is not to say that objects are mechanically substituted for an

is not absorbed in the absolute positivity of objects, it is articulated

on objects, as if through so many material points of contact on a

configuration of objects is impoverished, schematic, and bound,

these objects, "consumed" in them, and consequently annulled as a

which far exceeds our relations to objects and relations among

In the same way, objects of consumption constitute an idealist

by between these book-lined walls, among these objects so perfectly

renounces it: there are no longer any projects; there are only objects.

realization as a sign located in the object. The object of consumption

[deçu] and implicit in the object. The project, made immediate in

indefinite possession of object-signs of consumption. Consequently,

successive objects. Hence, the desire to "moderate" consumption or

(particularly in the United States) all objects of one category become

standing eventually metabolize the object. They impose a metabolism

28 In G. Perec's description of the "interior," the objects are, through

fashion, transcendent, and not objects of a "series." A total cultural

cation of objects, services, and material goods. This now constitutes

beings, as they have been in the past, but by objects. Their daily

objects in advertising with the hundreds of daily mass media

messages; from the proliferation of somewhat obsessional objects to

the symbolic psychodrama which fuels the nocturnal objects that

deceptive and obedient objects which continuously repeat the same

becoming functional. We are living the period of the objects: that

whereas in all previous civilizations, it was the object, instrument,

While objects are neither flora nor fauna, they give the impression

form of accumulation, objects are organized in displays, or in

a gamut of differentiated objects, which call upon, respond to, and

complementary objects which are offered for the choosing. But this

category. Few objects today are offered alone, without a context of

objects to speak for them. And the relation of the consumer to the

object has consequently changed: the object is no longer referred to

in relation to a specific utility, but as a collection of objects in their

objects but signifieds, each object can signify the other in a more

complex super-object, and lead the consumer to a series of more

complex choices. We can observe that objects are never offered for

towards networks of objects in order to seduce it and elicit, in

constitute object paths, which establish inertial constraints on the

consumer who will proceed logically from one object to the next.

The consumer will be caught up in a calculus of objects, which is

with objects, idle wandering, and all the permutations of these. In

the "art" consists in playing on the ambiguity of the object's sign,

goods, objects, services, behaviors, and social relations represents the

articulated networks of objects, ascends from pure and simple

is the sublimation of real life, of objective social life, where not only

Prefer objects which provide him with the maximum satisfaction.

"endowed" with needs which "direct" him towards objects that

a bit more complex, less "object oriented" 10 and more "instinct

directed at objects, but at values. And the satisfaction of needs

the individual's relation to objects, is simply transferred to the

objects, or to a group posited as a distinct entity, is established

market opportunities. And it continuously masks this objective by

staging its opposite. "Man has become the object of science for

social goals for its own gain, and imposes its own objectives as

fundamental objections that are all related to its idealist anthropologi-

impose limits on his own objectives, on his needs and at the same

objectives as regards income and thus on their efforts." 23 And he

reorganized in accordance to the objective social demand of signs

objects. There is only need for this or that object. In effect, the

specular reflections of empirical objects. At this level, however, the

on a keyboard of objects. We know that advertising is not omnipotent

reference to a single "need," objects can be substituted for one

respective objects. Needs are produced as a force of consumption,

as a relation between an individual and an object. In the same

demonstrate that people's relation to objects, and their relation to

myth at the same time as the object. Once having stated the universal

The fluidity of objects and needs

psychoeconomicus. It is a theory of needs, of objects (in the fullest

field of their objective function objects are not interchangeable, but

outside the field of its denotation, an object becomes substitutable

object takes on the value of a sign. In this way a washing machine

consumption. Here all sorts of objects can be substituted for the

the logic of symbols, objects are no longer tied to a function or to

a defined need. This is precisely because objects respond to something

Relatively speaking, objects and needs are here interchangeable

relation between the object and its function). In the hysterical orConsumer Society

This is just like the interconnection of object/signs, or of object/

object's rational goal), but desire, and some other determination,

taking it literally, as it presents itself, as a need for a specific object,

The world of objects and of needs would thus be a world of

replaces and refers to, in consumption objects become a vast

the specific objectivity of needs, just as it is impossible in hysteria

to define the specific objectivity of an illness, for the simple reason

signifies itself locally in a succession of objects and needs.

for a particular object as much as it is a "need" for difference (the

The acquisition of objects is without an object ("objectless craving," 27

focused and directed at the object and at pleasure, in fact responds

to quite different objectives: the metaphoric or displaced expression

function of individual interest within a corpus of objects, but rather

of pleasure. Pleasure no longer appears as an objective, as a rational

objectives lie elsewhere. Pleasure would define consumption for itself,

(object/signs) and differences, and not on need and pleasure.

essential function of the regulated circulation of objects and

Nevertheless, at the level of distribution, commodities and objects,

commodities and object/signs — all of these presently constitute our

The best evidence that pleasure is not the basis or the objective

relations, by the intensive use of signs and objects, and by the

but a new objective state, governed by the same fundamental

is no objective "progress" (nor a fortiori "revolution"): it is simply

they are simultaneously endured as an objective process of adaptation

acquisition of objects and commodities is individualizing, atomizing,

gratifications and deceptions, in this minimal exchange. The object

because it is collapsed on objects which themselves lack negativity.

monotony and distractions. Or, as we saw, the object of consumption

objective practice and recovered by the "cultural" system of

form into the object form (cf. below, Beyond use value).

value and exchange value into sign value (or again: of the object

and code. All forms of value (object, commodity or sign) must be

value, sign value). For example: the objects involved in reciprocal60

of use-value fetishism is necessary - an analysis of the object form

escapes the historical determination of class. It represents an objective,

code of utility is also a code of abstract equivalence of objects and

the reality principle of the object or product. To be abstractly

nation. Only objects or categories of goods cathected in the

other hand, as a useful value, the object attains an abstract

universality, an "objectivity" (through the reduciton of every

What is involved here, then, is an object form whose general

Every object is translatable into the general abstract code of

equivalence, which is its rationale, its objective law, its meaning

adequation of an object to its (useful) end, subordinates all real

or potential objects to itself, without taking any one into account

need to a useful property of the object, use value is very much

of objects as use values. This results from an objective rationalization,

different type of exchange, objects did not have the status of

"objectivity" that we give them at all. But henceforward secularized,

functionalized and rationalized in purpose, objects become the

themselves through an "objective" activity of transforming nature —

the finality of subjects who face their ambivalent object relations,

and the parallel functionality of objects and needs. 4 The individual

commodity form (exchange value), and the object form (use value).

It registers itself as a kind of moral law at the heart of the object —

correlation of the object with the needs of the subject, under the

finality). It establishes the object in its truth, as an essence called

reduction of all the symbolic virtualities of the subject and the object.

It establishes the object in a functional equivalence to itself in

ence to itself) permits the object to enter the field of political

Thus the functionality of objects, their moral code of utility, is as

equivalence of utilities the object form, we can say that the object

individual to objects conceived as use values to pass for a concrete

and objective - in sum, "natural" - relation between man's needs

and the function proper to the object. This is all seen as the opposite

relations, object relations and even perversions — in short, all the

by objects. All instincts are rationalized, finalized and objectified in

can no longer be viewed as an innate function of the object, but as

a social determination (at once of the subject, the object, and their

on the world of objects. It is illogical and naive to hope that, through

objects conceived in terms of exchange value, that is, in his needs,

objects that function and serve, man is not so much himself as the

most beautiful of these functional and servile objects. It is not only

relation to others and to objects, in terms of needs, utility, satisfaction

lived, the concrete; they are the guarantee of an objective reality for

has rediscovered himself. People do not rediscover their objects

that of utility for objects, that of the useful appropriation of

objects by man in need.

levels: between man and nature, man and objects, man and his body,

the object form. 10 This has been absent from Marxist analysis. With

relations between Robinson and the objects that form this wealth of

(UV), or between the commodity form and the object form: this

of objectivity, a general political economy (its critique), which is

Marx demonstrated that the objectivity of material production didThe Political Economy of the Sign

must be applied to ideology: its objectivity does not reside in its

feeds off a magical conception of its object. It does not unravel

as the link between the utility of an object and the demand of a

1 The subject—object dichotomy, bridged by the magical concept

totality. This partitioning of the object domain obscures even the

the fact that nothing produced or exchanged today (objects, services,

objective substrate to it, the potential objectivity of the product as

distorted in exchange value). The object of this political economy,

as form. Rather, this object is perhaps quite simply the object, the

object form, on which use value, exchange value and sign value

and of objective purpose exhaled by use value and needs. This is

sign as abstract structure refers to a fragment of objective reality. It

The referent, the "real" object, is the phenomenal object, the

attempts to reunite the subject and the object it posits as separate:

appropriate a given object for themselves as use value "because they

2 But: the objectivity of this "denoted" fraction of the real is

"objectivity" (whether the denotation is that of the linguistic sign,

parasitical significations onto an "objective" denotative process; nor

Sd, this objective "reality," is itself nothing more than a coded form

So it all parallels use value as the "denotative" function of objects.

Indeed, doesn't the object have that air, in its "being serviceable,"

of having said something objective? This manifest discourse is the

objectivity is involved. Utility, like the literality of which Barthes

or use value; objectivity or utility: it is always the complicity of the

the object, resurges continually from the system of exchange value,90

its universality and "objective" innocence. Far from being the

objective term to which connotation is opposed as an ideological

"beyond" of semiology which, in its quite "objective innocence,"

copulation is objectified in the bar of structural inclusion between

Sr and Sd (Sr/Sd). 28 It is then even further objectified and positivized

elemental objectification that reverberates through the amplified

"concrete" object or the "concrete" product concerned in the matter

objects, the abolition of their abstract finality. Where it appears to

Consumption destroys objects as substance the better to perpetuate this

use), not the destruction of objects in themselves. Only this act can be

not reality (i.e. an object whose existence I can test, or control): we

tangible object immediately reemerges. Thus, the articulation of the sign

the object of a (given) science is only the effect of its discourse. In

posits its object as a simulation model, purely and simply. It is known,

to an object, but rather by 'reference back' to a symbolic function"

articulation alone could help decipher objectively the process of

theoretical object), this theoretical production, itself taken in the

abstraction of the representation, apparently only redoubles its object

the theory and the object — and this is valid not only for Marxism

power objectified in the production process as abstract social labor

In concrete labor man gives a useful, objective end to nature; in

process of the objectification of nature. This position is heavy with

objectification [of man]." 15 And even in Capital:

alone founds the world as objective and man as historical. In short,

Marx, even worse, objected that man possesses only his labor power,

and the free objectification of man's own powers.

of man's activity of incessant objectification of nature and control

to any other analytical field. Above all, it cannot become the object

occasion of its objectification as a productive force under the sign

carries all the values of repression, sublimation, objective finality,

expressing an "objective reality." They become signs: signifiers of a

falters under his own objection to Feuerbach of making a radical

the duplication of its object — haunts all rational discursiveness.

desire bound up with the construction of its object, this negativity

object when we deal with the relations between Marxist theory and the

"objective" reality, by the code of political economy.

of our own social products; for to stamp an object of utility as a value,

taken as a "useful object." Utility (including labor's) is already a

a determinist and objectivist science, a dialectical vision of history

to resurrect the dialectic, "objective" contradictions and the like,

useful and the useless at the level of objects; and of nature and

designate the reality of social production, of a social objective that

and those that are more formal, yet just as "objective," such as

system of socialization, indifferent to every objective, and to labor

among each other in an objective world. Here, the sign undergoes

signs and objects. These were signs with no caste tradition, which

very possibility of two or of n identical objects. The relation between

In the series, objects are transformed indefinitely into simulacra of

one another and, with objects, so are the people who produce them.

objects) in indefinite series.

any object can be reproduced, as such, in an exemplary double, is

serial repetition of the same object (which is the same for individuals

"objective" seat - what better throne than the molecule and genetics?

include "functional" objects as well as fashion features, televised

fetishism of the lost object: no longer the object of representation,

and subjectivity in order to render a pristine objectivity. In fact, this

objectivity was only that of the pure gaze - an objectivity at last

liberated from the object, which is no more than the blind relay of

but an arraignment of the object, the eager examination of its

immanence beneath the police agency of the look. This objective

depth linked to the perception of the object give way to an optics

molecular code of the object...

There once existed a specific class of objects that were allegorical,

savoir faire. In these objects, pleasure consisted more in discovering

and by having its objectives put into question, changing its truth

of a lost object of psychoanalysis.

the energy of mourning and of the dead object will be transferred

of objectivity and coherence (if we disregard all of the internal

the slight figuration of certain objects. They figure in the great works

no longer objects, no longer specific objects. They are the anti-

Even this is meaningful: these objects are not objects. They do not

haunted and metaphysical objects contrasts completely with the

Their insignificance is offensive. Only objects without referents,On Seduction

isolated objects, ghostly in their deinscription from all discourse,

A vertical backdrop creates, out of pure signs, objects isolated from

boundaries of objects and the ambiguity of their use, it always

objects as well as time, even light and perspective. While still life

the obsolescence of objects, they are the sign of a (s)light vertigo,

result of the transparency of objects to a black sun.

We sense that these objects are approaching the black hole from

decentering effect, and the advancement of the reflection of objects

insignificant objects, of the double which creates the effect of

suspended and therefore metaphysical, the objects of the trompe-

familiarity of objects is the expression of this disappearance of the

staged world, objectified according to rules of depth, that is to say,

eye (the privilege of the panoptic eye), objects here "fool" the eye

is merely the internal point of flight for the convergence of objects.

active or passive in seduction, no subject or object, or even interior

from an instinct. While indeterminate in relation to its object,

art, body-art 8 - in which the object, the frame and the scene of

object, related to the ancestral form of the cult. Next it takes the

object, but transcendental and individualized. And the aesthetic form

there is little concern for the aesthetic originality of cult objects); it

multiplication of objects without an original. This is the form of

as the political form of the object is inseparable from the techniques

of serial reproduction.) As it was the case for the object, this

or she ill or not? The simulator cannot be treated objectively either

how to treat "true" illnesses by their objective causes. Psychosomatics

raised by simulation: namely that truth, reference and objective caues

of reality; of second-hand truth, objectivity and authenticity. There

of the figurative where the object and substance have disappeared.

The objective profile of the United States, then, may be traced

of course, "objective" analysis, struggle, etc.) But if the entire cycle

- indeed the objectivity of the fact - does not check this vertigo of

by the dispossession of its object (the Tasaday). Without counting:

its object, that law and order themselves might really be nothing

is a simulated theft? There is no "objective" difference: the same

of power (disconnected from its aims and objectives, and dedicated

of every objective; they turn against power this deterrence which is

force, a stake - this is nothing but the object of a social demand,

envisaged it, but not at all in the same sense), the object of a social

objects, like crises in production. Then there are no longer any

"objective" process of exploitation — but of the scenario of work.

analysis to restore the objective process; it is always a false problem

of control and of death, just like the imitative object (primitive statuette,

image of photo) always had as objective an operation of black image.

"scientific" schemes of the second-order - objectiveness, "scientific" ethic

"demand," and it is obvious that unlike the "classical" objective or

principle of Evil. It is expressed in the cunning genius of the object,

in the ecstatic form of the pure object, and in its victorious strategy

them from their "objective" causes, leaving them solely to the power

and uninterrupted juxtapositions. Ecstatic: such is the object of

The ecstasy of a prosaic object transfers the pictorial act into its

ecstatic form - which henceforth without an object will spiral in on

a single direction), of the hyperspecialization of objects and people,

its objective. All of this is a consequence of a forward flight in the

face of the haemorrhaging of objective causes.

with mental objects, and the ether of the mind.

failure, of dehiscence and of fractal objects, where immense plates,

about the object? Objectivity is the opposite of fatality. The object

more clever than the object, while in the latter the object is always

and strategies of the object exceed the subject's understanding. The

object is neither the subject's double nor his or her repression;

An objective irony watches over us, it is the object's fulfillment

object is characterized by what is fulfilled, and for that reason it is

ironic presence of the object, its indifference, and its indifferent

The object disobeys our metaphysics, which has always attempted

to distill the Good and filter Evil. The object is translucent to Evil.

refer to the object, and to its fundamental duplicity, I am referring

order. It is in this way that the object is translucent to the principle

objectivity, sovereign and irreconcilable, immanent and enigmatic.

the subject's misfortune, in his or her mirror, but the object desires

can only live and hide in the inhuman, in objects and beasts, in the

realm of silence and objective stupefaction, and not in the human

inhuman, who abandons the bestial metaphor and the objective

Good. Here the object is always the fetish, the false, the feticho, the

When I speak of the object and of its fatal strategies I am speaking

of events. In the raw event, in objective information, and in the most

Consequently, if the object is ingenious, if the object is fatal, what

object whose fate would be a strategy - like the rule of some other

game. In fact, the object mocks the laws we decorate it with. It

emerges whereby the object plays the very game we want it to

constraints we have imposed on it, the object institutes a strategy

gression of his own objectives.

We are accomplice to the object's excess of finality (it may be the

hope of seeing it unfold as a great ruse. From every object we seek

Seduction is fatal. It is the effect of a sovereign object which

become pure object, irony (in Freud's Jokes and their Relation to

the Unconscious) is the objective form of this denouement. As in

objective process, since it is an ironic process? Of course it exists,

on the side of the object, to take the side of the object. One must

to unfold these other strategies, to leave the field open for objective

retreated. What is left then but to pass over to the side of the object,

fatal, of the world's indifference to our endeavors and to objective

laws. The object (the Sphinx) is more subtle and does not answer.

current forms of truth and objectivity, from which a superior irony

of the object, its mode of diversion, and not of being diverted. This is

serious if there were an objective truth of needs, an objective truth

more objective one would have to say: a radical uncertainty as to

Statistics, as an objective computation of probabilities, obviously

their objectivity but in their involuntary humor.

out of gear and prevents it from achieving the objectives which it

taken by an occult duel between the pollsters and the object polled,The Masses

agreed that the object can always be persuaded of its truth; it is

inconceivable that the object of the investigation, the object of the

(for instance, the object does not understand the question; it's not

object; that, all in all, there exists somewhere an original, positive,

possibly victorious strategy of the object opposed to the strategy of

This is what one could call the evil genius of the object, the evil

disappearance. But disappearance is a very complex mode: the object,

probabilistic analysis of their behavior. In fact, behind this "objective"

the parodic enactment by the object itself of its mode of disappearance.

objective will. It is much better to rely on some insignificant or

to conceive the mass, the object-mass, as the repository of a finally

constitute themselves as submissive objects, inert, obedient, and

child to be object, he or she opposes all the practices of disobedience,

and successfully a resistance as object; that is to say, exactly the

idiocy. Neither of the two strategies has more objective value than

superior impact of all the practices of the object, the renunciation

ourselves as pure objects; but they do not correspond at all to the


			Mouldings for frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects

				Mouldings for frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects

	Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects

					Assembly for television cameras of dimensions of not more than 10|mm|!x!|15|mm|!x!|18|mm, comprising an image sensor, an objective and a color processor, having an image resolution of not more than 1024|!x!|1280|pixels, whether or not fitted with cable and/or housing, for the manufacture of goods of subheading 8517|12|00

					Assembly for cameras used in computer notebooks of dimensions not exceeding 15|x|25|x|25|mm, comprising an image sensor, an objective and a color processor, having an image resolution not exceeding 1600|x|1200|pixel, whether or not fitted with cable and/or housing, whether or not mounted on a base and containing a LED chip

					Cameras using MIPI electrical interface with:   -|an image sensor,   -|an objective (lens),   -|a colour processor,   -|a flexible printed circuit board or a printed circuit board,   -|whether or not capable of receiving audio signals,   -|a module dimension of not more than 15mm x 15mm x 15mm ,   -|a resolution of 2|mega pixel or more (1616*1232|pixels and higher),   -|whether or not wired, and   -|a housing for use in the manufacture of products falling within subheading 8517|12|00|or 8471|30|00









Grand Work. representation of an object according to its

the distance of the eye from the model, or object;

adjust the Bigness of their Figures to the visual objects be seen at one view, whose rays meet in a

Angle, and the Distance of the Eye, from the Model point; that the eye and object be always conceived

their Contours in great Pieces, without taking the eye, object, and picture, be at a just distance,

Drawing the Appearance of natural Objects, by drawing the appearance of natural objects, by

mathematics, makes the object of perspective.

Mechanical method of DESIGNING objects.

Frame, A B D C, (Tab. Perspective Fig. 9.) and towards the object or objects to be designed, so as

through a Dioptra, or Sight G H, fix’d thereto. see it appear thereon: or the outlines of the objects

the object are traced out by a crayon, formed of

of squares; and the objects, thus seen through the

moved up and down on the outlines of any object.

up and down, over the outlines of the object, and

shape of the object so traced.

designing objects,” referred to by Chambers as Fig. 9,


cubism substitutes all facets of an object simultaneously for the

hitching posts, and colonial kitchen-ware as cultural objects.) Just as

That is why we must, to use them at all, serve these objects, these

desired object. In the arts this meant starting with the effect and then

insofar as the survival of many material objects of the past does not

intelligence would have remained totally involved in the objects of its

disposed to object that we have purchased our structure of specialist

an extension and separation of our most neutral and objective sense,

science has tended until recent times to reduce all objects to

profiles of the statisticians there is the frankly expressed object of

object. A square moves beyond such kinetic pressures to enclose

distant goals and objectives. He has deeply involvedin his own world from day to day, and can establish no beachhead in

were avid for tobacco. Since the supply was small, objects of high

with the development of the power to let go of objects. It gives the

other hand is extended in demand toward the object which is desired

in exchange. The first hand lets go as soon as the second object is

distance. The object, then, stores work and information or technical

the one object is exchanged for another, it is already assuming the

pattern. Each object and each set of objects engenders its own

imposing the same set of relations on every kind of object or group

of objects. Yet in the ancient world the only means of achieving

continuous was unknown to the medievalcartographer, whose efforts resembled modern nonobjective art.

All the words in the world cannot describe an object like a bucket,

This inadequacy of words to convey visual information about objects

any particular moment in time, or aspect in space, of an object. The

its very low degree of data about objects, and the resulting high

identify spatial relations. Confronted with objects in sunshine, they

objects, and observer are experienced separately and regarded as

space was not homogeneous and did not contain objects. Each

frustration. They couldn't crate what they had created.in the low definition world of the medieval woodcut, each object

objects cease to cohere in a space of their own making, and, instead,

Some might object that log-rolling is closer to the spindle operation of

objects into another material. To extend our bodily postures and

were objects. Eric von Stroheim did a great job with the monocle in

Likewise, the novelist could no longer describe objects or

normal now give a sharper sense of remote time than do objects of

example. Thus the world itself becomes a sort of museum of objects

the originals of various objects in their own cases. In the same way,

involve an object in an aura of pseudo-values, as with a gem, a

Photography, by carrying the pictorial delineation of natural objects

self delineation of objects, of "statement without syntax," pho-

car as sex object, they have at last, in so doing, drawn attention to

less a sex object than the wheel or the hammer. What the motivation

organic, endowing each object with a kind of unified sensibility, as

space of the kitten or the boot. If such objects appear, they must be

objects from the uniform continuous space of typography we got

fact that it was the word 'virgin' that was objected to in The Moon Is

rather than the isolated contact of skin and object.

film, it does not afford detailed information about objects. The

objects from out of their storied past. Many Americans will now

multi-uses for rooms and things and objects, in a single word --the

or an object, a single phase or moment or aspect is separated from

person or object. By contrast, iconographic art uses the eye as we

"contained" in anything. Painters have long known that objects are

transformed itself into the object of desire. Automation brings us into


