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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 2 De proprietatibus angelorum On angels, good and bad"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 3 De anima On the soul and reason"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 4 De humani corporis On the bodily humors"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 5 De hominis corpore On the parts of the body"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 6 De state hominis On daily life"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 7 De infirmitatibus On diseases and poisons"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 8 De mundo On earth and the heavenly bodies"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 9 De temporibus On time and motion"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 10 De materia et forma On matter, form and fire"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 11 De aere On the air and weather"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 12 De avibus On birds"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 13 De aqua On water and fishes"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 14 De terra On the earth and its surface"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 15 De regionibus et provinciis On regions and places"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 16 De lapidibus et metallis On rocks, gems and minerals"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 17 De herbis et arboribus On plants and trees"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 18 De animalibus On land animals"/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FONTSIZE="12" FCOLOR="Blue" CH="Book 19 De accidentibus On colours, smells and tastes, substances, measurements, numbers and music"/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="The fyrst Chapter of Caius Iulius Solinus Polyhi∣stor, entreateth of the first foundation of the Cittie Rome."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. II. Of the diuision of the yeere, and of the odde dayes added in the Leape-yeeres."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. III. Of Man and of his byrth: of men of wonderfull strength: and of the stone Alectorius, or the Cockstone."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. IIII. Of the likenesse of shape and fauour: of the tallnesse of certaine personages: of the measure of a Man: and of the reuerence of the deade."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. V. Of swiftnes: of sight: of the valiantnesse of certaine Romaines: and of the excellency of Caesar the Dictator."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. VI. VVho were notable for memorie: who loste theyr speech by mischaunce, or gotte it by chaunce, who florished in eloquence: of the prayse of manners, of godlinesse, of chastity, and who hath beene iud∣ged happy."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. VII. Of Italy and the prayse therof: and of many peculiar thinges that are foundetherein."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. VIII. Of certaine base Iles of the Tyrrhene Sea, which lye against Italy: Of Corsica, and of the stone Catochites."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. IX. Of the Ile Sardinia: of the Shonnsunne: of the hearbe Sardonia: and of the wonderfull power of waters."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. X. Of Sicill, and the Land Pelorias, and the nature of the waters there: of the Mountaine Aetna, and many other wonders of that Ile: and of the seauen Iles called Vulcanes Iles."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XI. Of the thyrd Coast of Europe: of the Countryes and places of Greece: of many thinges worthy to be re∣counted in them: and of the Nature of Partriches."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XII. Of Thessaly &amp; Magnesia, and of the Townes ther∣in: of the Riuer Peneus: of the plesantnes of Tem∣pee: of the heyght of the Mountaine O∣limpus: and of him that stroke out King Philips eye."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XIII. Of Macedonie, and the successyon of the Kinges thereof: and of the stone Peantis."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XIIII. Of the manners and customes of the Thracians. Of the places and peoples of Thrace. Of Cranes and Swallowes. Of Hellespont. Of the Ilande Clarob, and of the Aegaeum Sea."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XV. Of Creta, and of many other thinges pertay∣ning thereunto."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XVI. Of Caristos, and the hote waters therein, and of the byrds called Carists. of Chalcis, of the Circle Iles, and of the Ilands Ios, and Delos,"/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XVII. Of the Ilande Ortygia, and of Quayles."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XVIII. Of the Ile Eubaea, nowe called Nigropont."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XIX. Of the Ilande Paros, and the stone Sarda."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XX. Of the Ilande Icaros, and of the Phylosopher Py∣thagoras: of the Ilands Melos, Carpa∣thos, Rhodes, and Lemnos, and of the shaddowe of Mount Athos."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXI. Of Hellespont, Propontis, the Bosphor of Thrace and of the maruellous nature of the fishes called Dolphins."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXII. of Ister: of the beaste called a Beuer, and of the precious stone of Pontus."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXIII. Of the Ryuer Hypanis, and the Fountaine Exampeus."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXIIII. Of the Ryuer Bo•isthenes, and the people that dwell thereby: of the nature of dogges: of the man∣ners of the Scythians: of the precious stones called the Emerawd, Cyanie and Cry∣stall."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXV. Of the people called Hiperboreans."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXVI. Of the Arimphaeans, of the Caspian Sea, of the Tygers, Panthers, and Pards."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXVII. From whence the Midland Seas haue theyr beginning."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXVIII. Of certaine Iles in Scythia."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXIX. Of the North Ocean, of the Caspian Sea, and of the Iland Baltia,"/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXX. Of Harts and Tragelaph•s."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXI. Of Germanie, and the wonderfull byrdes therein, and of the Bugles, Vres▪ and Alces. wylde Beastes."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXII. Of the Ilande Scandinauia, of Amber, of the stone Callais, and of the precious stone called Ceraunius."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXIII. Of Gallia, of the Countryes of Rhetia and Nori∣cum, of Pannonie and Masia, and of the medicinable Oyle."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXIIII. Of Britaine and the other Iles about it, of the stone called Geate."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXV. Of Spayne, and the Iles about it: Of the Ocean, and the Midland Sea, and of theyr sundry names, and what the Phylosophers haue left in wryting, concerning the ebbing and flowing therof."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXVI. of Lybia: of the Orchyardes of the Sisters called Hesperides: and of Mount Atlas. "/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXVII. of Mauritanie, * and of Oliphants, and Dragons and whereof Cinnabar is made."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXVIII. Of Numidia and of the Beares therein."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XXXIX. Of Affrick, of Lyons, of the Hyene, of the sundry sorts of Serpents, of precious stones, of monstrous kindes of creatures, and of other notable thinges of that Countrey."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XL. Of the nation of the Hammanients, and of the houses therein builded of salt."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLI, Of the Garaments, and of a wonderfull fountayne among them."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLII. Of Aethyop: of the filthy fashions of the people of that Countrey, and of theyr monstrous shapes: of the Dragons, and other wylde beastes of wonderfull nature there: of the spyce Cinnomom, and of the Iacint stone."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLIII. VVonderfull things of the nations of Lybia, and of the stone called Hexacontaly thos."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLIIII. Of Egypt, of the head, encrease, &amp; mouthes of Nile, of the Oxe Apis: of the Crocodiles: of the bird Tro∣chyle: of the Skinks, waterhorses, and the bird Ibis, of the wonderfull trees of Egypt, of Alexandria, and of Pyra∣myds or Broches."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLV. Of Arabie and of the Frankencence and Myrrhe in it, of the byrds called Phaenix and Cynamolgies Of the manners of the Arabians, and of the kynds of theyr precious stones."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLVI. Of Mount Casius: of the great Pompeis tombe: and of the Towne Ioppa."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLVII. Of Iewry: of the Ryuers and Lakes therein: of Balme: of Sodom and Gomor•he: and of the Essaene Nations."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLVIII. Of the Towne Scythopolis, and the Moun∣taine Casius."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. XLIX. Of the Ryuers Euphrates and Tygris, and of sundry sorts of precious stones."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. L. Of Cilicia, and the Denne Coricium, and of the Mountaine Taurus."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LI. Of Lycia, and the Fable of the Mon∣ster Chymaera."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LII. Of the lesser Asia: of the Temple of Di•na at Ephe∣sus: of the birth of great Alexander, of the famous wryters of Asia: of Phrygia, of the fourefooted beast called Bonasus, of the tymes of Homer and Hesiodus, of Memnons byrds, of the Chameleon, of Storks: and of the originall of the Gala∣thians."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LIII. Of Bythinia, and the rauishing of Hylas: and of the death and buriall of Han∣niball."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LIIII. Of the Coast of Pontus."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LV. Of Paphlagonia, and of the originall of the Venetians"/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LVI. Of Capadocia, and the nature of horses in the same."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LVII. Of Assyria, and of the first comming vppe of oyn•ments."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LVIII. Of the tree called Medica."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LIX. Of the Gates of Mount Caspius."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LX. Of Direum, and of the Countrey Margiana."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXI. Of the Ryuer Oxus, and the nations about it: of the voyages of Liber Parer, Hercules and Semyramis, of the bounds of King Cyrus, and of the nature of Cammels."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXII. of the Seres and of theyr silks."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXIII. of the Attacene Nations."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXIIII. of Inde, and the maners of the Indians of the tem∣perate ayre of that Country, of the Ryuers of Inde, of the wonderfull beasts, trees, kynds of odours, and precious stones in the same."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXV. Of the Ile Taprobane, and by what meanes it came first to knowledge: what manner of sayling is there: what is the custome of that Countrey in choo∣sing theyr King, also of the shelfishes Margarits, and perles."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXVI. The Iournall of Inde."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXVII. of the Gulfe of Persia, and the Gulfe of Arabie, and of the Azanian Sea."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXVIII. of Parthia, and of King Cyrus tombe."/>
            <ITEXT FCOLOR="Green" CH="CAP. LXIX. of Babylon, of the Athlantish Ocean▪ of the I∣lands of the Gorgons, and of the fortunate Iles. "/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXXVIII. Of Numidia and of the Beares therein."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XL. Of the nation of the Hammanients, and of the houses therein builded of salt."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLI, Of the Garaments, and of a wonderfull fountayne among them."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLII. Of Aethyop: of the filthy fashions of the people of that Countrey, and of theyr monstrous shapes: of the Dragons, and other wylde beastes of wonderfull nature there: of the spyce Cinnomom, and of the Iacint stone."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLIII. VVonderfull things of the nations of Lybia, and of the stone called Hexacontaly thos."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLV. Of Arabie and of the Frankencence and Myrrhe in it, of the byrds called Phaenix and Cynamolgies Of the manners of the Arabians, and of the kynds of theyr precious stones."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLVIII. Of the Towne Scythopolis, and the Moun∣taine Casius."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. L. Of Cilicia, and the Denne Coricium, and of the Mountaine Taurus."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="42.51968504" Fill=""/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LI. Of Lycia, and the Fable of the Mon∣ster Chymaera."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LII. Of the lesser Asia: of the Temple of Di•na at Ephe∣sus: of the birth of great Alexander, of the famous wryters of Asia: of Phrygia, of the fourefooted beast called Bonasus, of the tymes of Homer and Hesiodus, of Memnons byrds, of the Chameleon, of Storks: and of the originall of the Gala∣thians."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LIII. Of Bythinia, and the rauishing of Hylas: and of the death and buriall of Han∣niball."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LV. Of Paphlagonia, and of the originall of the Venetians"/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LVI. Of Capadocia, and the nature of horses in the same."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LVII. Of Assyria, and of the first comming vppe of oyn•ments."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LVIII. Of the tree called Medica."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXI. Of Hellespont, Propontis, the Bosphor of Thrace and of the maruellous nature of the fishes called Dolphins."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXII. of Ister: of the beaste called a Beuer, and of the precious stone of Pontus."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLII. Of Aethyop: of the filthy fashions of the people of that Countrey, and of theyr monstrous shapes: of the Dragons, and other wylde beastes of wonderfull nature there: of the spyce Cinnomom, and of the Iacint stone."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLV. Of Arabie and of the Frankencence and Myrrhe in it, of the byrds called Phaenix and Cynamolgies Of the manners of the Arabians, and of the kynds of theyr precious stones."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLVI. Of Mount Casius: of the great Pompeis tombe: and of the Towne Ioppa."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLIX. Of the Ryuers Euphrates and Tygris, and of sundry sorts of precious stones."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LI. Of Lycia, and the Fable of the Mon∣ster Chymaera."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LIII. Of Bythinia, and the rauishing of Hylas: and of the death and buriall of Han∣niball."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LX. Of Direum, and of the Countrey Margiana."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LXI. Of the Ryuer Oxus, and the nations about it: of the voyages of Liber Parer, Hercules and Semyramis, of the bounds of King Cyrus, and of the nature of Cammels."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XIIII. Of the manners and customes of the Thracians. Of the places and peoples of Thrace. Of Cranes and Swallowes. Of Hellespont. Of the Ilande Clarob, and of the Aegaeum Sea."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXI. Of Hellespont, Propontis, the Bosphor of Thrace and of the maruellous nature of the fishes called Dolphins."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXXV. Of Spayne, and the Iles about it: Of the Ocean, and the Midland Sea, and of theyr sundry names, and what the Phylosophers haue left in wryting, concerning the ebbing and flowing therof."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXXVI. of Lybia: of the Orchyardes of the Sisters called Hesperides: and of Mount Atlas. "/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="42.51968504" Fill=""/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XXXVIII. Of Numidia and of the Beares therein."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLI, Of the Garaments, and of a wonderfull fountayne among them."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLIII. VVonderfull things of the nations of Lybia, and of the stone called Hexacontaly thos."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLV. Of Arabie and of the Frankencence and Myrrhe in it, of the byrds called Phaenix and Cynamolgies Of the manners of the Arabians, and of the kynds of theyr precious stones."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLVI. Of Mount Casius: of the great Pompeis tombe: and of the Towne Ioppa."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLVII. Of Iewry: of the Ryuers and Lakes therein: of Balme: of Sodom and Gomor•he: and of the Essaene Nations."/>
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            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. XLVIII. Of the Towne Scythopolis, and the Moun∣taine Casius."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. L. Of Cilicia, and the Denne Coricium, and of the Mountaine Taurus."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LI. Of Lycia, and the Fable of the Mon∣ster Chymaera."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LII. Of the lesser Asia: of the Temple of Di•na at Ephe∣sus: of the birth of great Alexander, of the famous wryters of Asia: of Phrygia, of the fourefooted beast called Bonasus, of the tymes of Homer and Hesiodus, of Memnons byrds, of the Chameleon, of Storks: and of the originall of the Gala∣thians."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LIII. Of Bythinia, and the rauishing of Hylas: and of the death and buriall of Han∣niball."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LIIII. Of the Coast of Pontus."/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LV. Of Paphlagonia, and of the originall of the Venetians"/>
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                <Tabs Type="0" Pos="376.0393701" Fill=""/>
            <ITEXT FONT="FreeSans Regular" FCOLOR="Black" CH="CAP. LVI. Of Capadocia, and the nature of horses in the same."/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Heifers of the grey, brown or yellow mountain breeds and spotted Pinzgau breed"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 320|kg but not more than 470|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of the Schwyz and Fribourg breeds"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 320|kg but not more than 470|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of the spotted Simmental breed"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 320|kg but not more than 470|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 320|kg but not more than 470|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cows"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For slaughter"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Heifers of the grey, brown or yellow mountain breeds and spotted Pinzgau breed"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of the Schwyz and Fribourg breeds"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of the spotted Simmental breed"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For slaughter"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 350|kg but not more than 500|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Bulls of the Schwyz, Fribourg and spotted Simmental breeds"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 350"/>
            <ITEXT CH="kg but not more than 500"/>
            <ITEXT CH="kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not yet having any permanent teeth, of a weight of not less than 350|kg but not more than 500|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Buffalo"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Pure-bred breeding animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Domestic species"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of a weight exceeding 160 kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Pure-bred breeding animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Domestic species"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of a weight exceeding 160 kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Live swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Pure-bred breeding animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Weighing less than 50|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Domestic species"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Weighing 50|kg or more"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Domestic species"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Sows having farrowed at least once, of a weight of not less than 160|kg"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Live sheep and goats"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Pure-bred breeding animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Lambs (up to a year old)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Goats"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Pure-bred breeding animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Live poultry, that is to say, fowls of the species Gallus domesticus, ducks, geese, turkeys and guinea fowls"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Weighing not more than 185|g"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Grandparent and parent female chicks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Laying stocks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Laying stocks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Turkeys"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Ducks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Geese"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Guinea fowls"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fowls of the species Gallus domesticus"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Ducks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Geese"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Turkeys"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Guinea fowls"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other live animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Mammals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Primates"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia); seals, sea lions and walruses (mammals of the suborder Pinnipedia)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Camels and other camelids (Camelidae)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Rabbits and hares"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Domestic rabbits"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Reptiles (including snakes and turtles)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Birds"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Birds of prey"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Psittaciformes (including parrots, parakeets, macaws and cockatoos)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Ostriches; emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Pigeons"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Insects"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Bees"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases of a weight of 180|kg or more but not exceeding 300|kg and half-carcases, of a weight of 90|kg or more but not exceeding 150|kg, with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (in particular those of the symphysis pubis and the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other cuts with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="'Compensated' quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="&quot;Compensated&quot; quarters, of a weight of 90|kg or more but not exceeding 150|kg, with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (in particular those of the symphysis pubis and the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Unseparated or separated forequarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Separated forequarters of a weight of 45|kg or more but not exceeding|75|kg, with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (in particular those of the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Unseparated or separated hindquarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Separated hindquarters of a weight of 45|kg or more but not exceeding 75|kg (38|kg or more but not exceeding 68|kg in the case of &quot;Pistola&quot; cuts), with a low degree of ossification of the cartilages (more especially those of the vertebral apophyses), the meat of which is a light pink colour and the fat of which, of extremely fine structure, is white to light yellow in colour"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Buffalo meat"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of bovine animals, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other cuts with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="'Compensated' quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Unseparated or separated forequarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="for the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Unseparated or separated hindquarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Forequarters, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, each quarter being in a single block; 'compensated' quarters in two blocks, one of which contains the forequarter, whole or cut into a maximum of five pieces, and the other, the hindquarter, excluding the tenderloin, in one piece"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Crop, chuck-and-blade and brisket cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality beef and veal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="High quality"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Buffalo meat"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Shoulders and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fore-ends and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins and cuts thereof, with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Tenderloin, presented separately"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins and cuts thereof, excluding tenderloin presented separately"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Shoulders and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fore-ends and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins and cuts thereof, with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins and cuts thereof, excluding tenderloin presented separately"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Tenderloin, presented separately"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases of lamb, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic lamb"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other meat of sheep, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other cuts with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Short forequarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Chines and/or best ends"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of lamb"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of lamb"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases of lamb, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic lamb"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other meat of sheep, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other cuts with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Short forequarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Chines and/or best ends"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of lamb"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic sheep"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of goats"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Short forequarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Chines and/or best ends"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Goatmeat of kid"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Carcases and half-carcases"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Short forequarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Chines and/or best ends"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts with bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Goatmeat of kid"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of bovine animals, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Thick skirt and thin skirt"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of high quality"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of bovine animals, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Tongues"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Thick skirt and thin skirt"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of high quality"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Thin skirt, whole"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Thin skirt, whole"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products other than those falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Intended for processing"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of products falling within subheadings 1602 10, 1602 50 31 or 1602 50 95, not containing meat other than that of animals of the bovine species, with a collagen/protein ratio of no more than 0,45 and containing by weight at least 20% of lean meat (excluding offal and fat) with meat and jelly accounting for at least 85% of the total net weight; the products must be subjected to a heat treatment sufficient to ensure the coagulation of meat proteins in the whole of the product and which therefore shows no traces of a pinkish liquid on the cut surface when the product is cut along a line passing through its thickest part (A-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of other products than products falling within subheadings ex 0210 20, 0210 99 51, 0210 99 90, 1602 50 10 and 1602 90 61 (B-products)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of swine, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of swine, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of horses, asses, mules and hinnies"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of sheep and goats"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of horses, asses, mules and hinnies"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of sheep and goats"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading|0105, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and gutted, with heads and feet, known as '83|%|chickens'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '70|%|chickens'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '65|%|chickens', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '70|%|chickens'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '65|%|chickens', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts and offal, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of turkeys"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '80|%|turkeys'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '73|%|turkeys', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '80|%|turkeys'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '73|%|turkeys', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts and offal, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Drumsticks and cuts of drumsticks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts and offal, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Drumsticks and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of ducks"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked, bled, gutted but not drawn, with heads and feet, known as '85|%|ducks'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '70|%|ducks'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '63|%|ducks', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet but with necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '70|%|ducks'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet and without necks, hearts, livers and gizzards, known as '63|%|ducks', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fatty livers, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Paletots"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, frozen"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Paletots"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fatty livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of geese"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked, bled, not drawn, with heads and feet, known as '82|%|geese'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet, with or without hearts and gizzards, known as '75|%|geese', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked, bled, not drawn, with heads and feet, known as '82|%|geese'"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Plucked and drawn, without heads and feet, with or without hearts and gizzards, known as '75|%|geese', or otherwise presented"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fatty livers, fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, fresh or chilled"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, frozen"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Whole wings, with or without tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Breasts and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Paletots"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Offal"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fatty livers"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Not cut in pieces, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other, fresh, chilled or frozen"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Cuts"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Halves or quarters"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fresh or chilled"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Backs, necks, backs with necks attached, rumps and wing-tips"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Legs and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of primates"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Whale meat"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Seal meat"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of reptiles (including snakes and turtles)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of camels and other camelids (Camelidae)"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic pigeons"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of game, other than of rabbits or hares"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Frogs' legs"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Subcutaneous pig fat"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fresh, chilled, frozen, salted or in brine"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Pig fat, other than that of subheading|0209|10|11|or 0209|10|19"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Hams and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Shoulders and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Dried or smoked"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Hams and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Shoulders and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Salted or in brine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Dried or smoked"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Of domestic swine"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Salted or in brine"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Three-quarter sides or middles"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Fore-ends and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Fore-ends and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Loins and cuts thereof"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Pork neck, dried in air, seasoned or not, whole, in pieces or thinly sliced"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Meat of bovine animals"/>
            <ITEXT CH="With bone in"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Boneless"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Of whales, dolphins and porpoises (mammals of the order Cetacea); of manatees and dugongs (mammals of the order Sirenia)"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
            <ITEXT CH="Other"/>
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