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Snapshots | iceberg

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{% extends 'partials/base.html.twig' %}

{% block content %}
    <h1>{{ page.title }}</h1>
    {{ page.content }}

    {% if config.plugins['simple-events'].use_regions %}

      {% for reg_id, reg in config.plugins['simple-events'].regions %}
        {% set events = page.collection | filterEvents(reg_id) %}

        {% if events.count > 0 %}
          <h2 id="{{ reg_id }}">{{ reg }}</h2>
          <ul class="events">

          {% for event in events %}
            {% set config = attribute(event.header, 'simple-events') %}

            {% if config.end is defined and config.end != config.start %}
              {% set eventdate = config.start|date('M j') ~ ' – ' ~ config.end|date('M j, Y') %}
            {% else %}
              {% set eventdate = config.start|date('M j, Y') %}
            {% endif %}

            {% if is defined %}
              {% set eventtext = linkit(event.title, %}
            {% else %}
              {% set eventtext = event.title %}
            {% endif %}

            <li><span class="eventdate">{{ eventdate }}</span>{{ eventtext }}</li>

          {% endfor %}


        {% endif %}

      {% endfor %}

    {% else %}
        <ul class="events">
        {% set events = page.collection() %}

        {% for event in events %}
          {% set config = attribute(event.header, 'simple-events') %}

          {% if config.end is defined and config.end != config.start %}
            {% set eventdate = config.start|date('M j') ~ ' – ' ~ config.end|date('M j, Y') %}
          {% else %}
            {% set eventdate = config.start|date('M j, Y') %}
          {% endif %}

          {% if is defined %}
            {% set eventtext = linkit(event.title, %}
          {% else %}
            {% set eventtext = event.title %}
          {% endif %}

          <li><span class="eventdate">{{ eventdate }}</span>{{ eventtext }}</li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

{% endblock %}

{# ----- customise the date for another language: an example in German ----- #}
put this in the for loop (for event in events), replacing the if clause above:

{% if config.end is defined and config.end != config.start %}
  {% if config.end|date('j') == config.start|date('j') + 1 %}
    {% set month ="" %}
    {% if config.end|date('m') != config.start|date('m') %}
      {% set month = ' ' ~ 'GRAV.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR'|ta(config.start|date('n') -1) %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if config.end|date('j') == config.start|date('j') + 1 %}
    {% set eventdate = config.start|date('j.') ~ month ~ ' und ' ~ config.end|date('j. ') ~ 'GRAV.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR'|ta(config.end|date('n') -1) ~ ' ' ~ config.end|date('Y') %}
    {% else %}
    {% set eventdate = config.start|date('j.') ~ month ~ ' bis ' ~ config.end|date('j. ') ~ 'GRAV.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR'|ta(config.end|date('n') -1) ~ ' ' ~ config.end|date('Y') %}
  {% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set eventdate = config.start|date('j. ') ~ 'GRAV.MONTHS_OF_THE_YEAR'|ta(config.start|date('n') -1) ~ ' ' ~ config.start|date('Y') %}
{% endif %}
