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jCarousel - Riding carousels with jQuery

jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list of items in horizontal or
vertical order. It provides a full-featured and flexible toolset for navigating
any HTML based content in a carousel-like fashion.

**Note**: Version 0.3.x and 0.2.x are **not** compatible. Old versions can be
downloaded from the [release page](


The documentation can be found [here](

### Reference

  * [Installation](
  * [Configuration](
  * [API](
  * [Usage](
  * [Events](

### Plugins

By default, the jCarousel core only contains the minimum functionality needed to
create carousel widgets. Specialized features are provided through plugins.

jCarousel comes with the following plugins:

  * [Control Plugin](
  * [Pagination Plugin](
  * [Autoscroll Plugin](
  * [ScrollIntoView Plugin](


All ready-to-use files are located in the [`dist/`](dist/) directory.

The [`jquery.jcarousel.js`](dist/jquery.jcarousel.js?raw=1) and
[`jquery.jcarousel.min.js`](dist/jquery.jcarousel.min.js?raw=1) files contain
the core and all plugins concenated together.


You can find some example implementations in the [`examples/`](examples/)
directory. You can also browse the [functional tests](test/functional/) to get
an impression how to setup jCarousel.


jCarousel is written on top of [jQuery]( and was originally
inspired by the [Carousel Component]( by
[Bill Scott](


Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Jan Sorgalla.
Released under the [MIT](LICENSE?raw=1) license.