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# jQuery Waypoints

Waypoints is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to execute a function whenever you scroll to an element.

$('.thing').waypoint(function() {
  alert('You have scrolled to a thing.');
If you're new to Waypoints, check out the [Get Started]( section.

[Read the full documentation]( for more details on usage and customization.

## Shortcuts

In addition to the normal Waypoints script, extensions exist to make common UI patterns just a little easier to implement:

- [Infinite Scrolling](
- [Sticky Elements](

## Examples

Waypoints can also be used as a base for your own custom UI patterns. Here are a few examples:

- [Scroll Analytics](
- [Dial Controls](

## AMD Module Loader Support

If you're using an AMD loader like [RequireJS](, Waypoints registers itself as a named module, `'waypoints'`. Shortcut scripts are anonymous modules.

## Development Environment

If you want to contribute to Waypoints, I love pull requests that include changes to the source `coffee` files as well as the compiled JS and minified files. You can set up the same environment by running `make setup` (which just aliases to `npm install`). This will install the version of CoffeeScript and UglifyJS that I'm using. From there, running `make build` will compile and minify all the necessary files. Test coffee files are compiled on the fly, so compile and minify do not apply to those files.

## License

Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Caleb Troughton
Licensed under the [MIT license](

## Support

Unit tests for Waypoints are written with [Jasmine]( and [jasmine-jquery](  You can [run them here]( If any of the tests fail, please open an issue and include the browser used, operating system, and description of the failed test.

## Donations

[![Gittip donate button](]( "Donate weekly to this project using Gittip")