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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="utf-8"> 
	<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"> 
	<meta name="viewport"			content="width=700" />
	<meta name="keywords"			content="ScrollMagic, scrolling, animation, Superscrollorama, Scrollorama" />
	<meta name="description"		content="ScrollMagic - The jQuery plugin for magical scroll interactions.
											 A jQuery plugin which essentially lets you use the scrollbar like a playback scrub control." />
	<meta name="author"				content="Jan Paepke (" />
	<meta name="designer"			content="Jan Paepke (" />
	<meta property="fb:admins"		content="595418934" />
	<meta property="og:type"		content="website" />
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	<meta property="og:title"		content="ScrollMagic" />
	<meta property="og:description"	content="The jQuery plugin for magical scroll interactions. ScrollMagic is a jQuery plugin which essentially lets you use the scrollbar like a playback scrub control." />

	<title>ScrollMagic - Demo</title>

	<link href=',400,700,400italic|Josefin+Slab:400,700,700italic' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/normalize.css" type="text/css">
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	<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/demo.css" type="text/css">

	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/_dependent/greensock/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/_dependent/greensock/plugins/ScrollToPlugin.min.js"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/_dependent/jquery.min.js"></script>
  	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/_examples/modernizr.custom.min.js"></script>
  	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/_mobile/iscroll-probe.js"></script>
  	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.scrollmagic.min.js"></script>
  	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/_examples/demo.js"></script>
	<a id="github-ribbon" href=""><img src="" alt="Fork me on GitHub" data-canonical-src=""></a>
	<div id="msg">
		please <span class="word">scroll</span> <div class="scroll"></div>
		<a class="skip" href="#info">or click here to <span class="word">skip</span> <img src="img/demo_arrow_skip.png"></a>
	<div id="content-wrapper">
	  	<script type="text/javascript">
	  		var controller;
	  		if (Modernizr.touch) {
	  			var myScroll;
	  			$(document).ready(function () {
	  				// wrap for iscroll
		  				.wrapInner('<div class="scrollContent"></div>');

		  			// add iScroll
	  				myScroll = new IScroll('#content-wrapper', {scrollX: false, scrollY: true, scrollbars: true, useTransform: false, useTransition: false, probeType: 3});
	  				// update container on scroll
					myScroll.on("scroll", function () {

					// overwrite scroll position calculation to use child's offset instead of parents scrollTop();
					controller.scrollPos(function () {
						return -myScroll.y;

					// refresh height, so all is included.
					setTimeout(function () {
					}, 0);

	  				$("#content-wrapper").on("touchend", "a", function (e) {
	  					// a bit dirty workaround for links not working in iscroll for some reason...
	  					window.location.href = $(this).attr("href");

					// manual set hight (so height 100% is available within scroll container)
		  			$(document).on("orientationchange", function () {
			  				.css("min-height", $(window).height())
			  				.parent(".scrollmagic-pin-spacer").css("min-height", $(window).height());
		  			$(document).trigger("orientationchange"); // trigger to init
	  			// init the controller
	  			controller = new ScrollMagic({
		  			container: "#content-wrapper",
		  			globalSceneOptions: {
		  				triggerHook: "onLeave"
	  		} else {
	  			// init the controller
		  		controller = new ScrollMagic({
		  			globalSceneOptions: {
		  				triggerHook: "onLeave"

		<section id="start">
			<div id="intro">
				<img class="floor" src="img/demo_floor.png">
				<img class="tophat" src="img/demo_tophat.png">
				<img class="wand" src="img/demo_wand.png">
				<div class="sparkpoint"></div>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				// wrap each title letter
				$("#start h1").wrapEach(/(.)/g, "<span>$1</span>");

				// animations
				var nervousHat = new TimelineMax({repeat: -1, yoyo: true})
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "+=5", left: "-=6", rotation: -3}))
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "-=10", left: "+=6", rotation: 0}))
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "+=5", left: "+=6", rotation: 3}))
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "-=5", left: "-=3", rotation: 1.5}))
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "+=5", left: "-=6", rotation: -1.5}))
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "+=5", left: "+=3", rotation: 0}))
					.add("#start .tophat", 0.3, {bottom: "-=10"}));
				var abracadabra = TweenMax.fromTo("#start .wand", 1, {top: -$(window).height()/3, left: 370, rotation: 20}, {top: 10, rotation: -20});
				var reveal = new TimelineMax()
					.add(["#start .tophat", 1, {bottom: $(window).height(), left: "-=50", rotation: -20}),
							TweenMax.from("#start h1", 1, {scale: 0.4, top: "+=70", delay: 0.1}),"#start .wand", 0.8, {top: -$(window).height()/3, left: 450, rotation: 30}),"#start .floor", 1, {autoAlpha: 0})
				var laola = new TimelineMax()
					.add(TweenMax.staggerTo("#start h1 span", 0.5, {top: -20}, 0.2))
					.add(TweenMax.staggerTo("#start h1 span", 0.5, {top: 0}, 0.2), 0.5);

				// container pin
				var startpin = new ScrollScene({
						duration: 700

				// msg scroll ani
				new ScrollScene({
						duration: 140,
						offset: -100
					.setTween("#msg div.scroll", 1, {backgroundPosition: "0 13px", repeat: -1, delay: 1, repeatDelay: 2, ease: Linear.easeNone}))
				// msg hide
				new ScrollScene({
						offset: 40
					.setTween("#msg", 0.5, {bottom: -40}))

				// hat movement
				new ScrollScene({
						duration: 300,
						offset: -100

				// magic wand
				new ScrollScene({
						offset: 20,
						duration: 180
					.on("end", function (e) {
						if (e.scrollDirection == "FORWARD" && startpin.progress() < 0.37) { // check pin progress so it doesnt launch on refresh
							// make it rain!
							$("#start .sparkpoint").sparkle({
								amount: 40,
								duration: 0.2

				// big reveal
				new ScrollScene({
						duration: 300,
						offset: 260

				// jumping text
				new ScrollScene({
						duration: 200,
						offset: 450

		<section id="tweens">
			<h3>text properties</h3>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				var sceneOptions = {duration: 200, offset: -100};
				var elements = $("#tweens h3");

				// fade
				new ScrollScene(sceneOptions)
					.setTween(TweenMax.from(elements[0], 1, {autoAlpha: 0}));

				// move
				new ScrollScene(sceneOptions)
					.setTween(TweenMax.from(elements[1], 1, {left: "-50%", marginLeft: -200, ease: Back.easeOut}));

				// spin
				new ScrollScene(sceneOptions)
					.triggerElement(elements[1]) // use previous element as trigger, as top position changes during spin
					.setTween([2], 1, {rotation: 360}));

				// scale
				new ScrollScene(sceneOptions)
					.setTween(TweenMax.from(elements[3], 1, {scale: 0, ease: Back.easeOut}));

				// text properties
				$(elements[4]).wrapEach(/(.)/g, "<span>$1</span>");// wrap letters
				new ScrollScene(sceneOptions)
					.setTween(TweenMax.staggerTo($(elements[4]).children("span"), 0.0001, {textDecoration: "underline", textTransform: "uppercase"}, 0.2));
		<section id="pin">
			<h3 id="hlpin">pin</h3>
			<svg id="draw" version="1.1" xmlns="">
				<path d="M51.713,72.403c-1.622-5.471-15.325-11.522-24.769-5.14c-16.533,11.172-12.433,31.738,6.063,36.36
				<path d="M441.024,44.507c-19.93-7.258-45.893,6.182-54.734,24.666c-17.688,36.97,24.234,46.259,52.571,45.826 c22.877-0.349,43.695-12.586,44.078-37.822c0.326-21.62-28.958-55.829-48.438-30.061"/>
				<path d="M423.51,61.397c-13.762,12.405,8.817,14.292,9.433,1.616c-4.994-1.292-9.846,0.747-13.716,4.814"/>
				<path d="M446.033,60.906c-4.726-0.108-7.893,5.725-2.393,6.725c8.5,2.167,15.249-7.857,2.664-8.642"/>
				<path d="M404.499,81.032c11.811,18.518,58.615,25.933,57.396-6.522"/>
			<div id="wipe">
			<div id="slide">
			<h3 id="unpin">unpin</h3>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				// draw ani
				var drawAni = new TimelineMax({delay: 0.2});
				var distancePerSecond = 500;
				$("svg#draw path").each(function () {
					var lineLength = $(this)[0].getTotalLength();
					$(this).css("stroke-dasharray", lineLength);
					$(this).css("stroke-dashoffset", lineLength);
					drawAni.add(, lineLength / distancePerSecond, {strokeDashoffset: 0}));

				// ani
				var pinani = new TimelineMax()
					// pin move down
					.add(TweenMax.from("#pin>h3:first-child", 0.5, {top: "0%", marginTop: 0}))
					// draw
						drawAni,"#pin>h3:first-child", 0.3, {autoAlpha: 0})
					// wipe
					.add("#wipe", 1, {width: "100%", delay: 0.2}))
					// slide
					.add("#slide", 1, {top: "0%", ease: Bounce.easeOut, delay: 0.2}))
					// color
					.add(["#slide h3:first-child", 0.2, {autoAlpha: 0}),
						TweenMax.from("#slide h3:last-child", 0.2, {autoAlpha: 0})
					.add(["#slide", 0.3, {backgroundColor: "yellow"}),"#slide h3:last-child", 0.3, {color: "blue"})
					.add(["#slide", 0.3, {backgroundColor: "green"}),"#slide h3:last-child", 0.3, {color: "red"})
					.add(["#slide", 0.3, {backgroundColor: "red"}),"#slide h3:last-child", 0.3, {color: "white"})
					.add(["#slide", 0.3, {backgroundColor: "#c7e1ff"}),"#slide h3:last-child", 0.3, {color: "black"})
					// unpin
					.add(TweenMax.from("#unpin", .5, {top: "100%"}));
				// pin
				new ScrollScene({
						triggerElement: "section#pin",
						duration: 1700
					.on("progress", function () {
						// keep centered even though width changes
						$("#wipe h3").width($("#pin>h3").width());
		<section id="parallax">
			<div id="parallaxbg">
				<div class="top"></div>
				<div class="bottom"></div>
			<h3 id="big">parallax</h3>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				// parallax
				new ScrollScene({
						triggerElement: "section#parallax",
						duration: $(window).height() + 300,
						offset: -150
					.setTween(new TimelineMax().add([
						TweenMax.fromTo("#parallax #big", 1, {scale: 2, alpha: 0.1, top: "100%"}, {top: "0%", ease: Linear.easeNone}),"#parallax #parallaxbg", 1, {backgroundPosition: "0 -260%", ease: Linear.easeNone})
		<section id="info">
				The jQuery Plugin for magical scroll interactions.
				<div id="sublinecover"></div>
			<div id="content">
				<div id="hatcontainer">
					<a href="examples/index.html">
						<div id="speechbubble">
							<p>check out the</p>
						<img class="hat" src="img/demo_hat.png">
						<div id="bunny">
							<img src="img/demo_bunny.png">
							<img class="eye" src="img/demo_bunny_wink.png">
						<img class="hat" src="img/demo_hat_front.png">
					ScrollMagic is a jQuery plugin which essentially lets you use the scrollbar like a playback scrub control.<br>
					It's the plugin for you, if you want to ...
				<ul class="nexttohat">
					<li>... start an animation at a specific scroll position.</li>
					<li>... synchronize an animation to the scrollbar movement.</li>
					<li>... pin an element at a specific scroll position (sticky elements).</li>
					<li>... pin an element for a limited amount of scroll progress (sticky elements).</li>
					<li>... easily add a parallax effect to your website.</li>
					<li>... create an inifinitely scrolling page (ajax load of additional content).</li>
					<li>... call functions when the user hits certain scroll positions or react in any other way to the current scroll position.</li>
					<b>Browse <a href="examples/index.html">the examples</a> or read <a href="docs/index.html">the documentation</a> to get started.</b><br>
					For the installation manual and source code visit the <a href="">project on github</a> or download the latest version as <a href="">zip</a> or <a href="">tar</a>.
					To get <b>help</b> please make sure to read the <a href="">support guidelines</a> before posting your question in the <a href="">GitHub issues section</a>.
					ScrollMagic is a complete rewrite of its predecessor <a href="" target="_blank">Superscrollorama</a> by <a href="">John Polacek</a>.<br>
					Like Superscrollorama it relies on the <a href="" target="_blank">Greensock Animation Platform (GSAP)</a> to build animations, but was developed with specific regard to former shortcomings.
					The major perks of using ScrollMagic include:
					<li>optimized performance</li>
					<li>mobile compatibility</li>
					<li>event management</li>
					<li>ready for responsive webdesign</li>
					<li>object oriented programming and object chaining</li>
					<li>readable, centralized code and intuitive development</li>
					<li>support for both scroll directions (even different on one page)</li>
					<li>support for scrolling inside div containers (even multiple on one page)</li>
					<li>extensive debugging and logging capabilities</li>
					<li>detailed documentation</li>
					<li>many application examples</li>
				<h3>Made with ScrollMagic</h3>
					Check out these amazing websites that were created using ScrollMagic.
				<div id="madewith">
					<a href="" target="_blank" title="Bunt Spenden">
						<img src="img/madewith_buntspenden.jpg" alt="">
					<a href="" target="_blank" title="Multi Channel App">
						<img src="img/madewith_flyacts.jpg" alt="">
					<a href="" target="_blank" title="Sébastien Lempens Design">
						<img src="img/madewith_sebastienlempens.jpg" alt="">
					<a href="" target="_blank" title="The Google Cardboard Project">
						<img src="img/madewith_googlecardboard.jpg" alt="">
					<a href="" target="_blank" title="Appliance Tec Limited">
						<img src="img/madewith_appliancetec.jpg" alt="">
					<a href="" target="_blank" title="Frames Collection Edition 2: Tunnel Rats">
						<img src="img/madewith_framescollection.jpg" alt="">
					ScrollMagic © <a href="" target="_blank">Jan Paepke</a> <a href="" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false">follow @janpaepke</a>
					<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="//";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
					<a href="">License Information</a>
					<a href="" target="_blank">Greensock Animation Plattform (GSAP)</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">Greensock</a>
				<a id="donate" href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				// subline
				new ScrollScene({
						triggerElement: "section#info",
						duration: 250,
						offset: -50
					.on("progress", function () {
						$("#info h2").sparkle({
							x: $("#info #sublinecover").position().left,
							y: 10,
							amount: 5,
							duration: 0.1
					.setTween("#info #sublinecover", 1, {left: "100%", ease: Linear.easeNone}));

				// bunny
				TweenMax.set("#hatcontainer #speechbubble", {rotation: -10}); // rotate bubble a bit
				new ScrollScene({
					 	triggerElement: "#info #hatcontainer",
						offset: -20
						new TimelineMax({delay: 1})
							.add(TweenMax.from("#hatcontainer #bunny", 0.5, {bottom: 5, ease: Power2.easeOut}))
							.add(TweenMax.from("#hatcontainer #speechbubble", 1, {autoAlpha: 0, left: "+=60", top: "+=50", scale: 0.2, ease: Elastic.easeOut, delay: 0.3}))
				TweenMax.set("#hatcontainer #speechbubble", {rotation: -10}); // rotate bubble a bit
				new ScrollScene({
						triggerElement: "section#info"
					.setTween(new TimelineMax({repeat: -1})
						.add(TweenMax.from("#hatcontainer #bunny .eye", 0.001, {display: "block", delay: 0.15}))
						.add(TweenMax.from("#hatcontainer #bunny .eye", 0.001, {display: "none", delay: 3}))

				// donate btn
				new ScrollScene({
						triggerElement: "#info #donate",
						offset: 50
					.setTween(TweenMax.from("#info #donate img", 0.5, {scale: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut, delay: 0.5}));
		(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
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