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from dither import dither from PIL import ImageFilter def traces(image): # img_tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) # # img_tmp.flush() image = image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES) mask=image.convert("L") th=150 # the value has to be adjusted for an image of interest mask = mask.point(lambda i: i < th and 255) return mask def effect_processor(image, effect=False, **kwargs): """ Appliesan effect on the source image. """ if effect == "dither1": image = dither(image, colormap=image) elif effect == "dither2": image = dither(image, color=(255, 0, 123)) elif effect == "dither3": image = dither(image, color=(65, 105, 225)) elif effect == "traces": # Alternative with a dark background # image = dither(traces(image), color=(255, 255, 255)) # seagreen (46, 139, 87) # royalblue (65,105,225) #image = dither(traces(image), color=(130, 130, 130)) image = dither(image, color=(130, 130, 130)) else: pass return image