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{% load ak_tags %}

    h1#node, .rawdata {
        display: none;

{% if kind == "work" %}
    <div id="toc"><h1>{{ title }}</h1></div>

    {% if edition_list %}
        <section id="edition-list">
            <h1 style="display: none;">Editions</h1>
            {% for e in edition_list %}
                <a href="/browse/?node={{ e.edition }}">

                    <img src='http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/{{ e.edition|URLpath }}-M.jpg' title="{{ e.edition_title }} ({{ e.edition_date }})" alt="{{ e.edition_title }} ({{ e.edition_date }})" />
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}

    {% spaceless %}
    <section id="infobox" class="work">
        <h1 style="display: none;">Infos</h1>
            <tr><th>Author</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ creator }}">{{ creatorName }}</a></td></tr>
            {% if coverage_list.bindings %}
                <ul class="inline">
                {% for c in coverage_list.bindings %}
                    <li><a href="/browse/?node={{ c.coverage }}">{{ c.coverage }}</a></li>
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
            {% if subject_list.bindings %}
                <ul class="inline">
                {% for s in subject_list.bindings %}
                    {% if s.subjects|lower != "protected daisy" and s.subjects|lower != "in library" and s.subjects|length != 33 %}
                        <li><a href="/browse/?node={{ s.subjects }}">{{ s.subjects }}</a></li>
                    {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
    <div id="apropos">

        {% if cc %}
        <p><em>{{ title }}</em> est un texte {% if cc > 250000 %}épais
        {% else %}mince{% endif %} dont l’indice de diversité lexicale pointe à&nbsp;{{ div }}. 
        Il comporte {{ cc }}&nbsp;caractères et {{ wc }}&nbsp;mots dont {{ uwc }}&nbsp;différents.</p>
        {% endif %}

        {% if perso_list.bindings %}
            {% if perso_list.bindings|length <= 5 %}
            <em>{{ title }}</em> introduit un nombre restreint de protagonistes évoluant dans un environnement sans&nbsp;nom.
            {% else %}
            <em>{{ title }}</em> introduit un nombre significatif de protagonistes évoluant
            dans une fiction aux contours géographiques identifiables.
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        <p><em>{{ title }}</em>, publiée pour la première fois en {{ first_published }}, 
        est une œuvre
        {% if first_published < 1940 %}
        signée Helen&nbsp;Ferguson.
        {% elif first_published < 1968 %}
        signée Anna&nbsp;Kavan.
        {% else %}
        {% endif %}
        Elle a été éditée à {{ edition_nbr }}&nbsp;reprises, la dernière édition datant de&nbsp;{{ last_edition }}.</p>


    <section id="description">
        {% if description %}
            <!--<h1>What is it about?</h1>-->
            <p>{{ description }}</p>
        {% else %}
            <p>No description yet</p>
        {% endif %}

        {% if edition %}
        <img src='http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/{{ item.subject|URLpath }}-M.jpg' title="{{ item.title }} ({{ item.date }})" alt="{{ item.title }} ({{ item.date }})" />
        {% endif %}

    {% if bigram_list.bindings %}
        <section id="bigrams">
            {% for b in bigram_list.bindings %}
                <li><a href="/browse/?node={{ b.bigram }}">{{ b.bigram }}</a></li>
            {% endfor %}
    {% endif %}
    {% endspaceless %}
{% endif %}

{% if kind == "edition" %}
    <div id="toc"><h1><a href="/browse/?node={{ work }}/">{{ title }}</a></h1></div>

    <section id="infobox" class="edition">
        <tr><th>Work</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ work }}/">{{ workTitle }}/</a></td></tr>
        {% if publisher %}<tr><th>Publisher</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ publisher }}">{{ publisher }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if language %}<tr><th>Language</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ language }}">{{ language }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if placeOfPublication %}<tr><th>Place of publication</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ placeOfPublication }}">{{ placeOfPublication }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if issued %}<tr><th>Publishing date</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ issued }}">{{ issued }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if date %}<tr><th>Date</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ date }}">{{ date }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if isbn10 %}<tr><th>ISBN 10</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ isbn10 }}">{{ isbn10 }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if isbn13 %}<tr><th>ISBN 13</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ isbn13 }}">{{ isbn13 }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if extent %}<tr><th>Pages</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ extent }}">{{ extent }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if dimensions %}<tr><th>Extent</th><td><a href="/browse/?node={{ dimensions }}">{{ dimensions }}</a></td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if description %}<tr><th>Description</th><td>{{ description }}</td></tr>{% endif %}
        {% if note %}<tr><th>Note</th><td>{{ note }}</td></tr>{% endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if kind == "zotero" %}

    <div id="toc"><h1>{{ title }}</h1></div>

<table class="zTable">
            <td>{{ title }}</td>
            <td><a href="/browse/?node={{ author }}">{{ author }}</a></td>
            <td>{{ abstract }}</td>
            <th>Item Type</th>
            <td><a href="/browse/?node={{ zItemType }}">{{ zItemType }}</a></td>
            <th>Website Type</th>
            <td><a href="/browse/?node={{ ztype }}">{{ ztype }}</a></td>
            <td><a href="/browse/?node={{ isPartOf }}">{{ isPartOf }}</a></td>
            <td><a class="external-link" href="{{ url }}" target="_blank">{{ url }}</a></td>
            <td><a href="/browse/?node={{ date }}">{{ date }}</a></td>
            <td><a href="/browse/?node={{ language }}">{{ language }}</a></td>
                <li><a href="/browse/?node={{ subjects }}">{{ subjects }}</a></li>
            <td>{{ submitted }}</td>

{% endif %}