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% 		This code is intended to produce the cosic logo with whitespace
%		surrounding the text, which can be overlayed onto any given
%		background.
%		- Currently a line width of 25 is required when the font (or, at least
%		Lato Black) is scaled to 48pt. This is necessary in order to ensure
%		there are no 'holes' in the outline mask. (Choose a smaller linewidth
%		and you will see the effect). This is a problem because it is very
%		likely that a slightly smaller mask radius is desired than that
%		provided by the linewidth of 25.
%		A solution was attempted by creating the outline at a smaller point
%		size (see /outline) but this will take some tweaking to create an
%		outline with sufficiently similar metrics.
%		Another solution might be to simply draw circles around the letters,
%		rather than using their outlines. Using a highly geometric font could
%		help in this respect.

%/headerfont	/Lato-Black-subset findfont 48 scalefont def
/headerfont	/UniversElse-Regular findfont 48 scalefont def
/outline	/Lato-Black-subset findfont 36 scalefont def

100 100 moveto

headerfont setfont
%1.0 setgray 	% we need to outline the font in white
0.8 setgray		% but for testing purposes, lets use a gray
25 setlinewidth
(cosic) false charpath stroke 

100 100 moveto

headerfont setfont
0.0 setgray
(cosic) show