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Date: 3 April 2021

  <img src="images/lille.jpg">

<i>Fading time through colour<i>

The history of colours is the story of the human being trying to appropriate the beauty of nature. From the most basic materials to the current synthetic pigments, all seek to reproduce the experience of the world that surrounds us, appealing to our perception, emotions and previous bodily experiences. A common search developed by artists, alchemists and scientists.

In Laboratorium, the experimental lab for art/design and biotechnology at KASK / School of Arts Ghent,  colour is the main research line. From the biolab, we look for new applications of traditional colouring materials as plants or minerals, new colouring sources as microalgae, bacteria or fungi, and new understandings of what a colour can be within the field of art and design.

For this exhibition Laboratorium explores the potential of living inks extracted from micro alga. Once applied on textile or paper the ink is sensitive to UV light and starts to fade, resulting in disappearance. Experience the real-time fading of the calendar as the exhibition days pass by. 

Colour code: <i>Dunaliella Salina</i>: orange <i>Arthrospira</i>: blue and green <i>Porphyridium purpureum</i>: pink

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