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/**** Transitions ****/

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 * HTML5 ✰ Boilerplate
 * ==|== normalize ==========================================================

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/* =============================================================================
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/* =============================================================================
   Let's start it
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/**** Content ****/

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/**** Docs ****/

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/**** Demos ****/

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/**** Gutters ****/

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/**** Primer comparison ****/

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/* Homepage */

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/* mini example */

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.homepage .mini .h1 { height: 44px; }
.homepage .mini .w2 { width: 94px; }
.homepage .mini .h2 { height: 94px; }

/* Tumblelog example */

#tumblelog {
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  padding: 1.0em;

#tumblelog .story {
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  border-top: 4px solid #DCB;
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#tumblelog h1, #tumblelog h2, #tumblelog h3 { font-weight: bold;}

#tumblelog .col1 { width: 220px; }
#tumblelog .col2 { width: 460px; }
#tumblelog .col3 { width: 700px; }

#tumblelog .col1 img,
#tumblelog .col2 img,
#tumblelog .col3 img {
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/* Infinite Scroll loader */
#infscr-loading { 
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  z-index: 100;
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  bottom: 40px;
  width: 200px;
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/**** Fluid ****/

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.fluid .box.col1 { width: 16%; }
.fluid .box.col2 { width: 36%; }
.fluid .box.col3 { width: 56%; }

/**** Corner stamp ****/

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/**** Pygments ****/

code .s1,
code .s { color: #78BD55; } /* string */
code .mi, /* integer */
code .cp, /* doctype */
code .kc { color: #5298D4; } /*boolean*/
code .k { color: #E39B79; } /* keyword */
code .kd, /* storage */
code .na { color: #A9D866; } /* markup attribute */
code .p  { color: #EDB; } /* punctuation */
code .o  { color: #F63; }   /* operator */
code .nb { color: #AA97AC;} /* support */

/* comment */
code .c,
code .c1 { color: #666; font-style: italic; }

code .nt { color: #A0C8FC; } /* Markup open tag */

code .nf { color: #9EA8B8; } /* css id */
code .nc { color: #A78352; }  /* CSS class */
code .m  { color: #DE8E50; } /* CSS value */
code .nd { color: #9FAD7E; } /* CSS pseudo selector */

/**** Clearfix ****/
.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; }
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.clearfix { zoom: 1; }