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    dc:title "KAVAN IN BOOKS" ;
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    dc:date "1930" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London & Toronto" ;
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        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Helen Ferguson" ;
    dc:title "Let me alone" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Anna Kavan's reputation is escalating internationally, and translations of her books are appearing in many languages. This early novel is therefore of especial interest, as an account of personal stresses which she was later to use and develop in more subjective and experimental ways. Indeed, it was the name of the central character of Let Me Alone that the author chose when she changed her name as a writer (and her personal identity) from Helen Ferguson to Anna Kavan.

Anna's mother dies in childbirth and she is brought up by her father and a governess, in a remote Pyrenean village. When she is thirteen, her father shoots himself. She is adopted by a rich, beautiful and ruthless aunt, who relegates her to a boarding school. There she first becomes attached to the headmistress, Rachel, who takes a possessive interest in the unusual and attractive girl, and then to a fellow-pupil, Sidney Reeve. This girl prises Anna away from Rachel, but is finally supplanted in Anna's affections by another girl, Catherine. Leaving school, Anna is made to feel unwanted by her aunt, who forces her into a loveless marriage. She comes to detest her husband and his bourgeois family, but cannot break away and accompanies him to Burma. There, in an exotic setting described with Lawrentian intensity, the story reaches its climax.

Sharp characterization combines with fine descriptive writing, especially of the Burmese countryside. In addition to is literary interest, the book evokes life in England and is colonies from the early years of the century through the period following the First World War.""" ;
    bib:authors [
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    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
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    dc:date "1949" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Gaberbocchus Press"
    ] ;
    dc:title "The horse's tale" ;
    dcterms:abstract """The book, whose equine hero Kathbar takes his name from an acronymic amalgam of Kavan and Karl Theodore Bluth, is a highly personal dream allegory. Kathbar is a circus horse and, at the end of the war, all circus horses are to be sent to the slaughterhouse. However, Kathbar, is an exceptional horse who can sing and recite poetry. He runs away from his owner (significantly named Hugh), to become a celebrity in an artist's colony by founding a school of 'Hoofism'. When Kathbar learns that Hoofism is finished, he falls into depression. Yet, depression is never far from the surface of Kathbar's life. 'Life can't exist without the pull of annihilation.' He comments at one point. Again: 'It's amazing how people who refuse to accept death existentially are the very ones most apt to disseminate it in a factual way. You open up your arms to death and create a living process out of the pull of nothing. These others don't create anything, they simply kill.'

At a party held for him Kathbar becomes obstreperous and drunk, passes out and wakes up in an asylum, uncertain as to whether he is a man or a horse. 'I got the impression that it was not the hospital which existing for the benefit of the patients, but the patients whose function it was to provide the staff with an excuse for drawing their salaries. … It was a rule of the asylum to accede to every request made by an inmate, then simply ignore it.'

A 'Mr. Patronage', a friend from the past, sends Kathbar to a 'mountain clinic', where a Dr Hieronymus tells him that his depression is due to the constitutional abnormality and that he is 'too gifted to lead the life of a horse'. Hieronymus, an alter-ego of Bluth, explains his 'existential psychology', Kathbar recovers his memory and sanity and returns to the circus.""" ;
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            a foaf:Person ;
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    dc:date "1945" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "J. Cape"
    ] ;
    dc:title "I am Lazarus, short stories" ;
    dcterms:abstract """It  would be difficult if not impossible to mention any new writer during the past few years whose work has had as much attention from the leading critics as Anna Kavan's Asylum Piece. This book has had a limited by steadily increasing sale since its publication in 1940. For the time being it is not readily obtainable and only a lucky chance would discover a copy on a bookseller's shelves. Miss Kavan's new book I am Lazarus continues the vein of Asylum Piece, being a series of short stories and sketches of people on the order of complete mental breakdown, depressed and on the point when to continue living is almost intolerable. Reviewing Asylum Piece Mr. Desmond McCarthy said - 'Miss Kavan is an artist of great distinction. What is remarkable is that the subject of these short stories not only kept the lamp alight in the fog impending insanity but was able to project dramatically the experience of fellow sufferers. There is a beauty in these stories which has nothing to do with their pathological interest and is the result of art. Two or Three, if signed by a famous name might rank among that story teller's memorable achievements.'

Stories in this Edition:

. I am Lazarus
. Palace of Sleep
. Who has desired the sea
. The Blackout
. Glorious Boys
. Face of my people
. The Heavenly Adversary
. The Brother
. The Gannets
. The Picture
. All kinds of grief shall arrive
. A certain experience
. Benjo
. Now I know where my place is
. Our city""" ;
    bib:authors [
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            a foaf:Person ;
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    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
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    dc:title "Laissez-moi ma solitude: Anna Kavan: Livres" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 17:19:32" ;
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    dc:date "Thursday 28 June 2007" ;
    dc:description "Lee Rourke is the author of the short story collection Everyday (Social Disease Books) and the novel The Canal (Melville House). He is contributing editor for 3:AM Magazine and also blogs at SPONGE!. He lives in London." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "Doris Lessing", "Guilty", "Ice", "slipstream" ;
    dc:title "Found Guilty: Anna Kavan's latest novel" ;
    dcterms:abstract "A lost manuscript of a novel by the British writer Anna Kavan - which turned up at the University of Tulsa of all places - will be published next week. I, for one, am deliriously happy about the publication of Guilty, since Anna Kavan, who died in 1968, is one our greatest and most original novelists." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:47:49" ;
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        dc:title "The Guardian" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
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    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" ;
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    dc:date "1929" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "J. Cape"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Helen Ferguson" ;
    dc:title "A charmed circle" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Anna Kavan is now regarded as one of the most original writers of the twentieth century. An early novel, A Charmed Circle foreshadows her later development. It is the story of a family marooned in a country house near an ugly, expanding manufacturing town of the 1920's.

The atmosphere of the house is heavy with repression, hostility and revolt, and is darkened by the sinister influence of the father, whose warped nature dominates the lives of his wife, daughters and son.

The struggles of the young people to escape from this malign environment, their desperate search for self-expression and freedom, and their apparent successes point only to the inevitable triumph of temperament and upbringing, and leave them enclosed in a charmed circle of their limitations.

With a masterly touch, Kavan contrasts the English countryside with the brittle London life of the era.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title " Anna Kavan: Livres, Biographie, écrits, livres audio, Kindle" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 17:20:00" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:date "1956" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Angus Downie"
    ] ;
    dc:title "A scarcity of love : a novel" ;
    dcterms:abstract """The author of this extraordinary novel was a heroin addict who died by her own hand in December of 1968 [Note: this is not proven - J.H.]. Out of her terrifying experience with mental illness she created a body of fiction of intense, near-surrealist artistry, but it is only posthumously that she is receiving the wider acclaim which her writing commands.

The present work, first published in 1956, contains some of her finest prose and is clearly autobiographical in nature. It tells the story of a young girl, rejected by her narcissistic and vengeful mother, whose life thereafter is yet another series of betrayal that can lead only to the dead-end of madness and death. Like Sylvia Plath, Anna Kavan was capable of nearly perfect control over language as she strove to describe, in the simplest and most ordinary of terms, the bizarre and hallucinatory landscape of her oncoming and inevitable derangement.""" ;
    bib:authors [
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            a foaf:Person ;
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    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
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    dc:title "anna kavan | Tumblr" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 17:24:00" ;
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    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:date "16/01/2008" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
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    dc:subject "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "Rhys Davies and AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "amitié Rhys Davies" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 09:58:54" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Babylon Wales" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
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    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Anthony Brockway"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "1930" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Jonathan Cape"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Helen Ferguson" ;
    dc:title "The Dark sisters" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The Dark Sisters is set in the London of the twenties, in a world in which the convulsions of the First World War, female emancipation and general social upheaval have made possible the life towards which Beryl Dean aspires. The sisters, Emerald and Karen, live an independent metropolitan life: Emerald as a successful but manipulative fashion model. Her younger sister Karen seems to be unmotivated and content to live in a fantasy world of her own making, so Emerald tries to engineer a match with a rich young man. As in A Charmed Circle, the novel seems to end with a return to the status quo. Emerald, afflicted by guilt, takes Karen back to London, where she can return to her imaginary life." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Impudent Scribblers: The unlikely heroines of the interwar years, Geraldine Perriam 2010" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:28:43" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "application/pdf" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:date "07/07/2008" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Guilty", "Work", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Guilty by AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Guilty ++" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 15:01:11" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "ReadySteadyBook for literature" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dai Vaughan"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "1937" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "John Lane the Bodley Head"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Helen Ferguson" ;
    dc:title "Rich get rich" ;
    dcterms:abstract """THE BOOK is the story of the struggle in a young man's nature of two opposing forces, one of which urges him to escape the painful realities of life through wealth, which alone seems to him to give its possessor leisure and opportunity for the appreciation of beauty, while the other, with equal insistence, forces him into the fight that is being waged to set that beauty free for all mankind.

It shows something of the conflict in which the gentle, the innocent, the dreamers of this world inevitably become involved with cruelty, ugliness, and oppression. Swithin's struggle is one in which every reader, to a greater or lesser extent, has shared; its echo is to be found in every human heart.

Helen Ferguson has written in Rich Get Rich a beautiful and moving book, which helps the reader to think as well as to feel.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "allotments"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "heather and ivan morison"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "puppets"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "the hepworth"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "wakefield"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Tell me a story… Heather and Ivan Morison, Anna,..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "Tell me a story… Heather and Ivan Morison, Anna, The Hepworth Wakefield, 11 February - 10 June 2012. Full disclosure: I worked with Heather and Ivan, back in the day, when their work existed in the..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:09:55" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "1936" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "John Lane, the Bodley Head"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Helen Ferguson" ;
    dc:title "Goose Cross" ;
    dcterms:abstract "THE BACKGROUND of Helen Ferguson's new novel is a small English village in which Thomas Spender and his wife Judith form the centre of a community of very varying characters. Adam Green, a young poet and writer, comes back from the East and is caught up in the web if Judith's dreamy and yet possessive personality. There are many other threads in the story which act and react upon the principal theme and are inextricably interwoven with it. Miss Ferguson handles her many characers with great skill and particularly uses the art of anti-climax with such a success that the event to which everything in the story leads up never actually takes place." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1963" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "Lowestoft, Suffolk" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Scorpion Press"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Who are you?" ;
    dcterms:abstract """The people in this story live through the same situations twice over. Their identifies are equally real, or unreal, in each case; but, because of slight variations in background and atmosphere, neither the outcome nor they themselves are quite the same the second time, and the brain-fever bird's question, Who are you? can only be left unanswered - the answer could just as well be either of their different identifies; or both; or neither of them.

Anna Kavan, a write with a vision entirely her own, believes there is no such thing as absolute reality. For her nothing is what it seems, everything is essentially unknown, and the components of so-called reality - circumstances, environment, etc. - are fluid, in a continually changing state, rather like different coloured spotlights, affording brief distorted glimpses of events and people, which never remain the same for more than a second. In this fluctuating unreliable light, certain momentary aspects of the lives of the characters are here twice recorded, before they pass into other moments and different aspects of their existence - a repetition which accentuates the economy and directness of the writing, quite without superfluous decoration.

Her novels and short stories have for some years been considered by eminent critics as among the most absorbing now being written. Lawrence Durrell described her as belonging with Virginia Woolf, Anais Nin and Djuna Barnes, to 'the great subjective-feminine tradition which has tried to vive us a poetic notation of the female artist's world'. This new book takes her work a stage further in experimental technique and uncompromising imagination.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1958" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "P. Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:title "A bright green field" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan's earlier short stories are already regarded by prominent critics as classics. Her volumes of stories Asylyum Piece and I am Lazarus established her in the front rank of English writers, and admirers of her work will not be disappointed with this new collection. The title story is allegorical writing at its best, and bears the stamp of the author's compulsive power. In contrast, the other stores, like Happy Name, The Birds Dancing and New and Splendid, show her grasp of the conflict between dream and reality, and an acute awareness of human dignity constantly threatened by insensitive unkindness. Ice Storm and The End of Something, in their delicate evocation of mood, stand as testament to Miss Kavan's wide range." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1967" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "P. Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Anna Kavan's books have established her reputation as one of the most talented and original contemporary writers - comparable in stature to Virginia Woolf, Anais Nin and Djuna Barnes.

A man's search for an elusive girl takes place against a backdrop of nuclear war resulting in total destruction by walls of ice that overrun the world. Imaginative descriptions of a terrifying dreamlike hunt combine with writing of distinction to form an unusual book.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "Undetermined" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Stephen Bacon</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Uk</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : write fiction since 2006, promise doesn't bite...</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> :wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Stephen Bacon</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog lit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p>Freud  observed that birds ‘don’t seem to be submitted to the same  laws of gravity as  us’, although without gravity they would die, as  they need it to swallow. Birds  are all around us; they could not be  more familiar. And yet at the same time  they are alien, <em>unheimlich</em> – uncanny.</p>
<p>Award-winning  editor Nicholas Royle brings together  previously published stories by Daphne du  Maurier, Anna Kavan, Russell  Hoban and others with brand-new tales by  contemporary writers including  Bill Broady, Adam Marek, Regi Claire and many  more.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : The Gannetts nouvelle d'AK ds Lazarus présente ds le recueil Murmurations collection de nouvelles sur les oiseaux + une nouvelle dedans de S.Bacon himself</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p><br /><br /></p>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Anne S</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Melbourne</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : fan</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : avril 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Eye candy for bibliophile - views from a private library</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> :&nbsp;<span class=\"post-labels\"> <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">General Fiction</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Ken Kesey</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Maxine Hong Kingston</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Picador</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv books dont Ice et SHHH edition de chez Picador</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : The Picador editions below have wonderful cover art by <a href=\"\"><strong>Paul Delvaux</strong></a>. I also have copy of her novel <strong>Julia and the Bazooka</strong> in a 1974 Panther paperback edition.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : <a href=\"\"><strong>Anna Kavan’s</strong></a> novels were rediscovered in the 1970s and Picador published at least two of them, <strong>Ice </strong>and <strong>Sleep Has His House</strong>. Reading her biography on Wikipedia and the website dedicated to her, she sounds like she was a very strange lady.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Peter Wells</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Napier, NZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer, film maker</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : Peter Wells writes books and makes films. His films include  idiosyncratic documentaries about conserving at-risk architecture like a  flamboyant 1929 picture palace, or a shoe-obsessed gay man who tells  his life story through women’s shoes (made with friend and fellow  film-maker Garth Maxwell). He co-wrote and co-directed ‘Desperate  Remedies’, a feature film described as ‘Jane Austen on acid’. His books  include award winning short stories and novels. ‘Iridescence’, for  example, about an Englishman with a secret hiding in Victorian Napier.  His memoir Long Loop Home looked back at his New Zealand childhood with  the wry glance of loss and affection.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : peterwellsblog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : AK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : comment PW découvre AK dans une librairie, sa vie en NZ, attention sur Napier là ou il vit.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : sérendipité : I love the way with libraries you go in there, drift around and often  seem to arrive, as if with a sense of predestination, before a book.  This book, once you pick it up - there’s something almost magnetic  happening here - now opens at a particular page. It is all random - or  else it is the magic which accrues to the long time searcher and reader.  This happened to me yesterday. I was browsing in the Auckland Public  Library heritage room. <strong>I saw a book called </strong><em><strong>Anna Kavan’s New Zealand</strong>.</em> I picked it up, the book fell open and immediately I spied the word<em> Napier. </em></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : the deeply enigmatic stare of troubled woman, a writer, a bottle blonde adventurer addicted to heroin / Anna Kavan was a reinvention of a person / The problem with Kavan is she seems like a character in somebody else’s fiction ... Her problem, as I’ve said was that she seemed to be part of someone  else’a narrative - the bottle blonde, a little too hard, a little too  old with a little too much history behind her. Her way of keeping hold  of her own reality - of creating a persona - was to write. She wrote  herself into reality.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ref aux rech de J.Sturm : a document long gathering dust in an archive in Tulsa, USA</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Recently Completed Projects, Queen Mary, University of London" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:22:41" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Imagined Icebergs: Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 16:25:13" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "satoriworks: Doris Lessing reviews new Anna Kavan bio" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-01 15:28:26" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Lesser known Masterpieces of Literary Smut | The Moral High Ground" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 12:22:17" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Context N°18" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:15:33" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:09:24" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Books in Canada - Review" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:29:11" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "discipline in disorder: Anna Kavan, Asylum piece, 1940" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 09:29:59" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Imagined Icebergs</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : US</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : literature instructor</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : Imagined Icebergs began as a way to encourage myself to write more about  what I read outside of teaching.  Please drop a line to let me know if  you enjoy a post.</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : follow Asylum/John Self</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mars 2010</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Imagined Icebergs</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : bloglit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : AK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : about Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : I first heard of Anna Kavan’s <em><a href=\";qid=1332904217&amp;sr=8-1\">Ice</a></em> (1967, but republished in 2006 by Peter Owen) <a href=\"\">when John Self reviewed it on his blog</a> almost exactly a year ago, and it went right onto my list of books to check out in the future.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : lien interne vers une autre lecture connectée (Ishiguro)</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1/ Vonnegut’s novel is an inescapable point of comparison from the point of  view of content (a sci-fi dystopia with the world ending in ice) -&gt;<strong> SURREEAL AND FRAGMENTED</strong> ; 2/ As a result, the novel reads as much as anything like a<strong> feminist  portrait</strong> of wounded masculinity lashing out: the paranoid and persecuted  anonymous narrator, evoking Kafka, is here transformed into a persona  adopted by a masculine figure who is, in fact, in a position of relative  political power ; 3/  in both cases the ice echoes the <strong>Cold War emphasis</strong> on technological progress at any cost. Yet, reading <em>Ice</em> in the present is also an uncanny encounter with an inversion of our  own world situation of man-made global warming, a slowly encroaching  disaster that politically powerful blocs hope to ignore indefinitely.</p>
<div id=\"_mcePaste\" class=\"mcePaste\" style=\"position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;\"><!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</div>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Kavan’s place in NZ literary history (by Lawrence Jones) « Te Ipu Pakore: The Broken Vessel" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 13:49:21" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Hyraxical Apocrypha - Anna Kavan, Julia and the Bazooka" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 11:06:18" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "A 20th century author I had never read before… « Floating Life" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 23:39:56" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dovegreyreader</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Tamara Valley, Devonshire, UK</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : bookaholic / nurse</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : self-portrait :</li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Dovegreyreader scribbles - a Devonshire based bookaholic, sock-knitting quilter who is a community nurse in her spare time</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Peter Owen</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (couv The Parson + bio J Reed)+ quote The Parson</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : </li>
<p><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200e54f8de6dd8834-content\">Lynne,  Your final comment is spot-on. Let me quote something from Kavan's  unpublished MS, \"The Cactus Sign\", where she describes a hotel lounge,  and the effect on other guests of having a writer [not Kavan] as a  fellow guest  \"The guests were thrilled to think a real live author was  in their midst ... creaks and crackles of excitement going round the  cane chairs. Not a single chair creaked on my account. Damn it, I  thought, I've written a few books myself, though no one seems to suspect  it these days...\" She longed for recognition, and was devastated by  poor critical response. I don't buy this stuff about writers writing for  the sake of writing - if so, why give the work to a publisher? Writers  want acknowledgement, praise [on a good day] and that satisfying sense  of delivery that comes with the catharsis of expression. <br /> Try \"Sleep Has His House\" next ... </span><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200e0097f37bd8833-content\"><strong>Jennifer Sturm</strong><br /></span></p>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : lecture de The Parson</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : I picked up another of Anna Kavan's remarkable novels</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Her heroin addiction has probably helped this move into cult considerably ... the agonies of Anna's life as one of the first registered heroin addicts and offers a much deeper awareness of her writing as a result. Jeremy Reed doubts that Anna would have found any consolation in being  rediscovered in death after so much neglect in life, but I disagree.With the passage of time I would like to think that Anna might be quietly and humbly honoured.</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\"><br /></span></span></p>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">&nbsp;</span></span></p>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Neil</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : H</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Australie</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Thoughts on life, books, and many things from a grumpy old man and  recovering pontificator in Surry Hills, Australia. Just doing my thing…</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : nov 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Floating Life - home of Neil (Ninglun in Sydney)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <a title=\"View all posts in Best read of 2008\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Best read of 2008</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in book reviews\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">book reviews</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in reading\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">reading</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in writers\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">writers</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img (painting/self p)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 2</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : sa dcéouverte, son avis + quote guilty + quote the guardian + img</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : about constructing canons / a 20th century author i had never read before... This brings me to a writer of the World War II and mid twentieth century periods, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Anna Kavan</a>. There is also <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">a web-site about her work</a>. <em>Guilty</em> (2007) was in fact written much earlier.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : redmood ; guilty chez peter owen ou article lee rourke</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : I was at times reminded as much of Edgar Alan <strong>Poe</strong> as I was of <strong>Kafka</strong>,</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Ice | François Verret" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 13:56:59" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "2666 and what I learned from Anna Kavan « motionless birds in their round air" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 13:29:24" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Lemurian Congress: The Strange Case of Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 20:10:28" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

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    dc:title "Murmurations |" ;
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    dc:title "Guilty by Anna Kavan « Book Review « ReadySteadyBook - for literature..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:55:19" ;
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    link:type "text/html" ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "In the Frame for May « Bethlem Blog" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 15:54:43" ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Anna Kavan (Author of Ice)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:26:46" ;
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    dc:title "Culture(s) et autofiction(s) (2012)" ;
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    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Dr Tony Shaw: Anna Kavan: Asylum Piece (1940)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 21:41:55" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
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    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Joachim Boaz</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Profil</strong> : “Joachim Boaz was how he named himself.” — <em><a href=\"\">The Pillars of Eternity</a>, </em>Barrington J. Bayley</p>
<p>“Jachin-Boaz traded in maps [...] He sold maps to poets that showed  where thoughts of power and clarity had come to other poets.” — <em>The Lion of Boaz-Jachin and Jachin-Boaz</em>, Russell Hoban.</p>
<p>Early Flight (and flights of fancy)</p>
<p>Science Fiction (generation ships)</p>
<p>Fallout shelters</p>
<p>Meditations on decline</p>
<p>Flying cities</p>
<p>Layered layers</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : adventure in sf cover art index</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : sf and other suspect ruminations</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog sf</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">1960s</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">1970s</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">apocalyptic</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">art</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">avant-garde</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">book reviews</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Geo. Alec Effinger</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">M. John Harrison</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">post-apocalyptic</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">sci-fi</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">science fiction</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">spaceships</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">technology</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv Ice</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 24 : Max Cainrduff :</p>
<p>I’ve reviewed the Kavan at mine, that blurb makes it sound much more straightforward than it actually is.</p>
<p>Glad it was The Iron Dream (I own a copy but haven’t read it yet).  When I saw you’d got a Spinrad I was afraid it was The Solarians.  Hippies! In! Spaaaace!</p>
<p>The Pastel City’s brilliant of course.</p>
<p>I’m a huge Effinger fan, but I don’t know that one. Interesting. I’ll look forward to your review.&nbsp; / <strong>peters154 </strong>(bb jouflu) lui répond : I had not heard of Anna Kavan. Do you know anything else about her?    The SF encyclopedia mentions that she suffered from depression and was  addicted to heroin.  It sounds as though her work might be similar to JG  Ballard? / <strong>joachim</strong> : She wrote very little sci-fi — I think Ice is her only sci-fi novel…   But no, I don’t know a lot — the book is generally consider a underrated  (perhaps minor) classic. (i.e., my type of book!). / Max: Ballard isn’t a bad comparator actually. My review of Ice is here in case of interest:</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : adventure in sf art cover</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : couv Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : From the back cover: “One too many nuclear bombs had altered Earth’s  balance of nature — irrevocably. &nbsp;The walls of ice were moving down,  closing in. &nbsp;Into this chilled, forbidding landscape came the man —  obsessed, in search of the girl — fragile, frightened, a victim. &nbsp;He  would save her. &nbsp;He would pursue her — to the ends of the earth…”</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<div id=\"_mcePaste\" class=\"mcePaste\" style=\"position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 694px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;\">
<h2 class=\"entry-title\">Updates: Recent Science Fiction Acquisitions N. XXXVIII (Spinrad + Harrison + Kavan +&nbsp;Effinger)</h2>
<p class=\"date\">September 19, 2012 <a title=\"Comment on Updates: Recent Science Fiction Acquisitions N. XXXVIII (Spinrad + Harrison + Kavan +&nbsp;Effinger)\" href=\"\">§ <span class=\"commentcount\">24 Comments</span></a></p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Ah, when I have access to a massive inexpensive catalogue (<a href=\"\">Marx Books</a>) the quality of my finds goes up and up….. &nbsp;Finally a copy of Norman Spinrad’s metafictional <em>The Iron Dream</em> (1972) (if Hitler lived in America and wrote a sci-fi novel AND a  commentary on said piece of science fiction). &nbsp;Unfortunately, I own a  later edition (with a&nbsp;hideous&nbsp;cover) than the one below. &nbsp;Geo. Alec  Effinger’s bizarre&nbsp;<em>What Entropy Means to Me</em> (1972) — again,  about writing, and interpreting writing, and inventing interpretation…  &nbsp;Anna Kavan’s drug inspired underrated and underread sci-fi parable&nbsp;<em>Ice</em> (1976). &nbsp;AND, a futuristic fantasy of the highest caliber, M. John Harrison’s <em>The Pastel City</em> (1971) — yes, I could have purchased the multi-novel sequence (and related short stories) in one volume<em>&nbsp;</em>but I like having the original paperbacks.</p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">1. <em>The Iron Dream</em>, Norman Spinrad (1972)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img style=\"cursor: -webkit-zoom-in;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"406\" height=\"679\" /></p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\">(Uncredited cover for the 1972 edition)<span id=\"more-6539\">&nbsp;</span></p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">From the back cover of a later edition:  “Feric Jagger — A hero so ruthless that he could only be the creation of  one mind… In 1953 a struggling, hack science-fiction writer living in  squalor in New York signs a contract to produce a novel in six weeks.  &nbsp;The result is the shocking, award-winning bestseller, LORD OF THE  SWASTIKA, and ts obsessed, murderous protagonist — Feric Jaggar. &nbsp;Bever  before has a book or a hero so captured the imagination of millions.  &nbsp;Never before has an author catapulted so suddenly to fame! &nbsp;Never  before have you read anything like LORD OF THE SWASTIKA — the last work  of a great and obscure — science-fiction writer — Adolf Hitler!”</p>
<p>2. <em>What Entropy Means to Me</em>, Geo. Alex Effinger (1972)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img class=\"aligncenter\" style=\"cursor: -webkit-zoom-out;\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"383\" height=\"634\" /></p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\">(Stanislaw Hernandez’ cover for the 1972 edition)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">From the inside flap: “Dore set out on a  quest to find Our Father, and, incidentally, the course of The River,  while I, Seyt, was left behind, faced with the tasks of writing about my  fabled brother’s journey. &nbsp;Without facts, there was nothing for me to  do but make it up as we went along. &nbsp;And if Dore encountered symbolism  and allegory, he also found love and danger — fighting off armies of  overgrown vegetables, theological giants, and treacherous damsels in  distress. &nbsp;But what have I found? Criticism, censorship and a religious  war. &nbsp;And if &nbsp;don’t want to become the first martyr to Dore’s cause,  I’ll have to set out right now on my own quest to find — What Entropy  Means to Me — a delightful and&nbsp;intriguing&nbsp;journey on the strange,  uncharted planet they call Home.”</p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">3. &nbsp;<em>The Pastel City</em>, M. John Harrison (1971)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"\" /></p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\">(Gray Morrow’s cover for the 1974 edition)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">From the back cover: “In the distant  future, a medieval system rises from the ruins of a technology that  destroyed itself. &nbsp;Armored knights ride their horses across dunes of  rust, battling for the honor of their Queen. &nbsp;But the knights find more  to menace them than mere swords and lances. &nbsp;A brave quest leads them to  face with the awesome power of a complex, lethal technology that has  been erased from the face of the Earth — but lives on, underground.”</p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">4.<em> Ice</em>, Anna Kavan (1967)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\"><img class=\"aligncenter\" src=\"\" alt=\"\" width=\"312\" height=\"500\" /></p>
<p style=\"text-align: center;\">(Gene Szafran’s cover for the 1967 edition)</p>
<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">From the back cover: “One too many  nuclear bombs had altered Earth’s balance of nature — irrevocably. &nbsp;The  walls of ice were moving down, closing in. &nbsp;Into this chilled,  forbidding landscape came the man — obsessed, in search of the girl —  fragile, frightened, a victim. &nbsp;He would save her. &nbsp;He would pursue her —  to the ends of the earth…”</p>
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<p class=\"tags\"><strong>Tagged:</strong> <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">1960s</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">1970s</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">apocalyptic</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">art</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">avant-garde</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">book reviews</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Geo. Alec Effinger</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">M. John Harrison</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">post-apocalyptic</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">sci-fi</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">science fiction</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">spaceships</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">technology</a></p>
<h3 id=\"comments\"><span class=\"sep\">§</span> 24 Responses to <em>Updates: Recent Science Fiction Acquisitions N. XXXVIII (Spinrad + Harrison + Kavan +&nbsp;Effinger)</em></h3>
<ul class=\"commentlist\">
<li id=\"comment-4268\" class=\"comment even thread-even depth-1 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4268\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-d6b3a6c1a033c4154394b08f56ca4423-0\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Jen</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 2:18 pm</a></div>
<p>Norman Spinrad! I’m glad you’re finally getting to this (you’ve brought it up multiple times).</p>
<div class=\"reply\"><a class=\"comment-reply-link\" href=\"\">Reply</a></div>
<ul class=\"children\">
<li id=\"comment-4269\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-2 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4269\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-0\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 2:21 pm</a></div>
<p>Yup yup!  Very excited — unfortunately, my edition has the worst ever cover.  Hitler on a crazy motorcycle…..</p>
<p><a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\"></a></p>
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<li id=\"comment-4278\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-grndl even depth-3 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4278\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-4329e7b74ba4625cb4dfb12374c5a124-1\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">GRNDL</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 9:46 pm</a></div>
<p>Hehheh, Rowena Merrill!! Great painter – in terms of technique – but crappy content, IMO.</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4281\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-3 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4281\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-1\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 20, 2012 at 12:06 am</a></div>
<p>Technique? Hmm, I think the gloss (on her actual canvas) makes it  look like the sci-fi equivalent of Thomas Kinkade — the Painter of Light  (i.e. the painter of kitsch).</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4288\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-grndl even depth-3 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4288\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-4329e7b74ba4625cb4dfb12374c5a124-2\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">GRNDL</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 20, 2012 at 7:15 am</a></div>
<p>By technique I mean the ability to apply paint to a canvas. Its  beautiful and slick, but with the composition and design of the content,  ultimately uninteresting – at least to me.</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4289\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-3 highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4289\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-2\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 20, 2012 at 7:24 am</a></div>
<p>Yeah, I understood what you meant — it’s just that I don’t like the  “beautiful” slickness…  The sheen really gets to me for some reason.</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4279\" class=\"comment even depth-3 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4279\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-ec3fc837091d88e158dd6425e2f29356-0\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">2theD</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 9:55 pm</a></div>
<p>Gonna take that book out in public?</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4280\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-3 highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4280\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-3\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 20, 2012 at 12:05 am</a></div>
<p>Haha, no….  Well, if I do, I might make a paper sleeve like we all did in middle school for our textbooks — haha, jk.</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4270\" class=\"comment even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4270\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-d6b3a6c1a033c4154394b08f56ca4423-1\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Jen</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 2:40 pm</a></div>
<p>My love of Hitler and unicorns fused together, finally!</p>
<div class=\"reply\"><a class=\"comment-reply-link\" href=\"\">Reply</a></div>
<ul class=\"children\">
<li id=\"comment-4271\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-2 highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4271\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-4\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 2:46 pm</a></div>
<p>It’s by Rowena Morrill, the artist I told you about a while ago — she’s absolutely awful.  She makes “art” like this….</p>
<p><a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\"></a></p>
<div class=\"reply\"><a class=\"comment-reply-link\" href=\"\">Reply</a></div>
<li id=\"comment-4273\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-vettiliveinnorthcote even thread-even depth-1 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4273\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-78987df02d5b10a94f92cdd54985f27d-0\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Vetti</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 6:08 pm</a></div>
<p>That Norman Spinrad cover is amazing – and your motorcycle one?  I’m…speechless. Kind of like hipster Hitler goes timidly steampunk…</p>
<div class=\"reply\"><a class=\"comment-reply-link\" href=\"\">Reply</a></div>
<ul class=\"children\">
<li id=\"comment-4274\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-2 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4274\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-5\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 6:24 pm</a></div>
<p>Rowena Morrill is probably my least favorite sci-fi artist.  Looking through her catalogue is brain-numbing…</p>
<p><a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\"></a></p>
<div class=\"reply\"><a class=\"comment-reply-link\" href=\"\">Reply</a></div>
<ul class=\"children\">
<li id=\"comment-4275\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-vettiliveinnorthcote even depth-3 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4275\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-78987df02d5b10a94f92cdd54985f27d-1\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Vetti</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 6:38 pm</a></div>
<p>I totally agree…looking at too much of that really hurts!</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4276\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-sciencefictionruminations bypostauthor odd alt depth-3 highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4276\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-f51cd14b566e3b7e10c9b696b1b6a927-6\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Joachim Boaz</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 7:19 pm</a></div>
<p>It’s strangely fun — in a perverse I can’t believe I’m looking at these way…</p>
<div class=\"reply\"></div>
<li id=\"comment-4277\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-vettiliveinnorthcote even thread-odd thread-alt depth-1 highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4277\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-78987df02d5b10a94f92cdd54985f27d-2\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Vetti</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 19, 2012 at 8:59 pm</a></div>
<p>oh yes…</p>
<div class=\"reply\"><a class=\"comment-reply-link\" href=\"\">Reply</a></div>
<li id=\"comment-4282\" class=\"comment byuser comment-author-pechorinsjournal odd alt thread-even depth-1 parent highlander-comment\">
<div id=\"div-comment-4282\" class=\"comment-body\">
<div class=\"comment-author vcard\"><img id=\"grav-3ed8d5ba231400c3ae282b8fba3dff62-0\" class=\"avatar avatar-32 grav-hashed grav-hijack\" src=\";d=identicon&amp;r=G\" alt=\"\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" /> <cite class=\"fn\"><a class=\"url\" rel=\"external nofollow\" href=\"\">Max Cairnduff</a></cite></div>
<div class=\"comment-meta commentmetadata\"><a href=\"\"> September 20, 2012 at 4:46 am</a></div>
<p>I’ve reviewed the Kavan at mine, that blurb makes it sound much more straightforward than it actually is.</p>
<p>Glad it was The Iron Dream (I own a copy but haven’t read it yet).  When I saw you’d got a Spinrad I was afraid it was The Solarians.  Hippies! In! Spaaaace!</p>
<p>The Pastel City’s brilliant of course.</p>
<p>I’m a huge Effinger fan, but I don’t know that one. Interesting. I’ll look forward to your review.</p>
</div>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Driftwork - Agamben, Anna Kavan (irreparable)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 22:31:42" ;
    link:charset "25" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "grumbooks: Books read in August" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 21:10:18" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Driftwork</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Driftwork</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : philo - politique - littérature</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : philosophy ; event ; difference ; txt ; fiction</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : rapprochement Agamben / AK autour de la notion d'irréaparable</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : know all her work... ! To this Anna Kavan wandering across europe really allows for a single  response because you’ll remain “a stranger still” as you approach the  “bright green field” having left the asylum after suffering a “scarcity  of love”. The car driving across the ice, the heavy gun in his pocket.  The girls, the drugs, the small bare rooms in which you can hear the  birds singing in the trees.  All this is marked by the fact of its being   irreparable, its this which is written into Kavan’s world, her writing  which engraves into things. Irreparable means those things that are  consigned  without remedy to their being thus, that they are precisely  and only their thus (nothing is more foreign to Kavan than the pretense  of being other than what one is);  but irreparable also means that for  them there is literally no shelter possible, that in their being thus  they are absolutely exposed, absolutely abandoned.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Logos (est. 1995): Anna Kavan (1901-1968)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 15:54:50" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "How dark it is. The moon must have stolen away... • (un)justly (un)read" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 07:43:39" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:53:25" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Love & Loss: Stories of the Heart par Hammick, Georgina; Jhabvala, Ruth; Warner, Sylvia; Lessing, Doris; Parker, Dorothy; Taylor, Elizabeth; Boyle, Kay; Woolf, Virginia; Wharton, Edith; Gupta, Rahila; Munro, Alice; Bowen, Elizabeth; Mansfield, Katherine; Melville, Pauline; Paley, Grace; et al: Faber & Faber, Boston, MA 9780571129287 Hard Cover - Ray Dertz" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:05:10" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Neige - Anna KAVAN" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:17:51" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Voix & mots » Nuits de la phaune" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 14:06:30" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : bookman Beattie</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Auckland, NZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Former bookseller, former Managing Director/Publisher of Penguin Books NZ Ltd., and Scholastic NZ Ltd. Now works as full-time book reviewer, book blogger and judge of book awards.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : octobre 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Beattie's Book Blog - unofficial homepage of the NZ book community</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv AKNZ</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : <strong>1/</strong>annonce book launch AKNZ by JSturm<strong> 2/</strong>annonce radio book launch AKNZ by JSturm <strong>3/</strong>Mother's Day (recommander le livre !!) COMPAR Auckland writer and researcher Dr Jennifer Sturm is the editor of Anna  Kavan's New Zealand: a Pacific Interlude in a Turbulent Life (Vintage,  ISBN: 9781869791339). This collection of unpublished stories and  examination of previously unseen letters written during a two-year stay  in New Zealand during the 1940s offers an insight into the turbulent  life of the experimental writer and artist, who struggled with bouts of  depression, insecurity and heroin addiction, and had many unconventional  love affairs &amp; Kavan roamed the world trying to find a home and although her stay in  New Zealand, she arrived in 1941, was for lerss than two years, her  stories reveal a country where she found temporary peace.<br />In  researching this prize-winning author,(she had 19 books published),  Jennifer Sturm uncovered letters and unpublished stories written during  her New Zealand sojourn and they are published here for the first time.  Fascinating.<strong> 4/</strong>annonce site culturalicons <strong>5/</strong>annonce blog peterwells et ses premiers posts sur AK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : AKNZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :&nbsp; heroin  addiction and a <em>stream</em> of unconventional love affairs...</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : <br /> <a title=\"\" href=\"\"></a></p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p><br /><br /></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:39:12" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Alumni | tuegsa" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-02 18:41:22" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction: Brian Wilson Aldiss, David Wingrove: 9780689118395: Books" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:47:10" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Found Guilty: Anna Kavan's latest novel | Books |" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:47:50" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "SONTAG &I: ANNA KAVAN (bis) / Obsessionnel." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-15 21:03:12" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Persona</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Paris</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> : - </li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : commentaire le 16/10/2012</li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2011</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Sontag &amp; I - What is your life based upon? I mean, what do your read ?</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : pas vraiment humaine</li>
<li> <strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + citation A.Nin + img (4*AK by Walker Evans 1941)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : bio, ref biblio ALL in fr (Neige, Julia et son Bazooka, Asylum Piece, Demeure du sommeil, Laissez-moi ma solitude, Mon âme en Chine) </li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : découvert la nouvelle<em> Obsessionnel</em> (in <em>Julia et son bazooka</em>) dans la revue <em>L'ennemi</em> numéro <em>Perfide Albion</em> consacré aux littératures d'Outre Manch, dirigée par Gérard-Georges Lemaire, Christian Bourgeois 1983 </li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">Aucune  trace dans les recueils traduits ou les rares articles consacrés à  l'écrivaine anglaise, à peine connue de quelques lecteurs français, les  moindres n'étant pas Viviane Forrester, Claire Malroux ou Christine  Jordis, talentueuses passeuses... </span><span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">Qui connaît aujourd'hui celle qui se cache sous </span><span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">le pseudonyme d'Anna Kavan?</span> ... <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">mise  à l'épreuve (deux ou trois divorces, la mort de son fils) et n'a  supporté de vivre qu'en s'adonnant aux drogues dures et à l'écriture.</span><span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\"> </span><br /> <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">De shoots d'héroïne -qu'elle s'injecte à l'aide de sa seringue surnommée \"bazooka\"- en internements psychiatriques</span> ... <span style=\"font-family: &quot;Courier New&quot;,Courier,monospace;\">les  tortures infligées à ses alter ego féminins sont une mise à l'épreuve à  laquelle le lecteur ne peut échapper ...</span></li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : ref trad : Viviane Forrester, Claire Malroux, Chrisine Jordis + mention Nin Djuna Barnes</li>
<p>&nbsp;</p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Book Reviews, Bestselling Books & Publishing Business News | Publishers Weekly" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:23:46" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "The Parson - Anna Kavan - dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 15:34:22" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Speculative fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:17:22" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Updates: Recent Science Fiction Acquisitions N. XXXVIII (Spinrad + Harrison + Kavan + Effinger) « Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 16:44:47" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:40:23" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p><strong>ID </strong><strong></strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : 	Caitlin</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Caitlin. 	23. Writer, college student, feminist, passionate cinephile, lover 	of literature, art, and poetry.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : via 	tumblr</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : membre de goodreaders : (tumblr+gooreads 	like ND) et aussi autre tumblr : The Ellipses Project is focused on 	advocating and exploring gender justice and feminism, anti-classism, 	anti-racism, body positivity, disability, art, culture, and 	community.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : 	tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : A writer's rumination</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : tumblr 	littéraire</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; 	Asylum Piece</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : txt</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> :273 notes</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : quote 	Asylum</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : 	-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : parmi les like : kari larsen auteur d'un post sur 	un blog litt sur AK</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Rooms with Books: The Dark Sisters by Helen Ferguson (Anna Kavan)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 16:33:18" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Genius is of small use to a woman who does not know how to do her hair. | A Fluffy Blog" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 23:03:18" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Melanie Joya</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Austin</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : <br /> <strong>Melanie Westerberg</strong>'s short stories have appeared in <em>Third Coast</em>; <em>Mid-American Review</em>; and the <em>Best New American Voices 2006</em> anthology,  edited by Jane Smiley; her work has also been translated into Czech for <em>RozRazil Revue</em>. She lives in Austin, Texas.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1er livre :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : sept 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : motionless birds in their round air + citation Cortazar, la marelle</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <a title=\"View all posts in Books\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Books</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in Writing\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Writing</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">2666</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Books</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Roberto Bolano</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Writing</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : compar 2666 et AK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Right now I’m reading <em>Ice</em> by Anna Kavan. Scant 150 pages of  flat characterization and a fantastic, visceral, amorphous ice world  that includes a dragon. The transitions between scenes are seamless and  therefore disorienting in a great way. <strong>This book makes me feel better  about my own writing</strong>... This is roughly where my interests lie as a writer (though I am warming  to “feelings” and am trying hard, as a fun challenge) but I find that  most of the time in my reading, I’m still drawn to character-driven  narrative even though aesthetically I want to be much more open than  that. Ms. Kavan reminds me that the kind of writing that I try to do and  often fail at can be done, <strong>even though not a lot of people seem to  remember her books (a victim of 1980s character-aggrandizing minimalism?  I blame it anyway.)</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : à propos de 2666 :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ";jsessionid=232ED6178693933E10AB4DB601D8E45F?sequence=3"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand", "thesis" ;
    dc:title "Fictionalising The Fact : An exploration of the place of Aotearoa / New Zealand in  the post-war auobiographical fiction of Anna Kavan - Jennifer Sturm, 2007" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:06:35" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "application/pdf" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:33:43" ;
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    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan, Ice | Practically Marzipan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-15 00:27:44" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:59:31" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Uncovering a real gem - Entertainment - NZ Herald News" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:44:35" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Aisha</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : sort of writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Practically Marzipan - “All those words,” said Lawrie wriggling. “Ugh!”</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : lit-blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Left of cool</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1 qui renvoie vers l'article de K Zambreno : I’m ashamed to say that I only heard about Anna Kavan very recently. And so I’m excited that you’ve written about her so <em>Ice</em> goes on the wishlist, along with <em>Asylum Piece</em>. (Anyway, <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\";GCOI=15647100400020&amp;extrasfile=A1260D94-B0D0-B086-B62839355A6A03BC.html\">this</a> is a pretty good essay on Kavan, and how I first heard of her.)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : A confession: I’ve been collecting the gold-spined Peter Owen editions  of Kavan’s books because they look so lovely on my shelf. This is the  only one that is *not* gold-spined (<em>why</em>, Peter Owen?) and it  looks distinctly out of place next to the others. Naturally, therefore,  it’s the first one I read. It turns out that Kavan is unnerving and  powerful and I’ve utterly failed to do her justice here. I feel rather  guilty for having collected her books for so shallow a reason.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : Novels often use science fiction to explore an <em>issue</em>. It’s  possible to read this as aspect of the book as a reference to the Cold  War – the logical connection between “cold” and “ice”, the timing of the  book and the suggestion that nuclear holocaust had something to do with  it all make this a tempting reading. But it won’t do...<em>Ice</em> is less about exterior events than interior ones... My edition of the book contains an introduction by Christopher Priest,  who suggests that the “ice” could also be heroin.&nbsp; Kavan herself was  addicted to the substance. It’s possible that there are elements of her  addiction in the novel, with the narrator’s obsessive hunt for the girl  and the constant focus on abusive relationships. There’s a sort of  doubling (or tripling) that goes on throughout; the narrator may see  himself as the girl’s saviour, but he often identifies with her abusive  partner and imagines what it would feel like to inflict pain upon her,  but then at points it almost seems the girl is an aspect of him as well.</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : So is this a study of <strong>abusive gender relationships, a cold war  cautionary tale, a formal experiment with an unreliable narrator, a  semi-autobiographical history of Kavan’s own histories of mental illness  and addiction</strong> (she would die the year after the book was published)?  None of these are entirely satisfactory, and it would be a lesser book  if one could map any one meaning neatly atop it.</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:09:49" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan by Jennifer Sturm: Episode #27" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 09:55:57" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "ARCHIVESNR - Brief Display 1 to 15" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 10:11:03" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 13:26:05" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Nate Dorr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : H</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : NY</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger (multi-casquettes : fiche de lecture sur goodreads, rédacteur impose mag...)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p>Nate Dorr <br />206 Prospect Park West 4R <br />Brooklyn, NY 11215</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p> (Brooklyn base magazine)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : Tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2010</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Hyraxical Apocrypha - Online Center for Hyrax Studies since August 2010</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : books ; AK ; Julia and the Bazooka</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1 like</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : quotes Julia</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : record quotes about Julia</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : redmood</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : And she has these repeated images — mountains of ice especially, and  lunging automobiles, sleek and vicious — binding it all together into  one continuous vision -&gt; drawings ?</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Sunday Caught My Interest « Reflections from the Hinterland" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:52:06" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:52:06" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "peterwellsblog.: Anna Kavan and libraries" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 13:47:46" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Babylon Wales: Rhys Davies and Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:44:08" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Annie Hayworth" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:44:21" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "grumbooks: Asylum Piece - Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 20:59:10" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 13:41:29" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "ipernity: Archives de Odette Habram 2010/10" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 10:17:40" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan’s Nocturnal Language « R J Dent" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 12:35:22" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Welcome | Anna Kavan Society" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:03:38" ;
    link:charset "25" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Jennifer Sturm | English | Faculty of Arts Staff | The University of Auckland" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:13:23" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Anna Hedigan</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p>Anna Hedigan has no claim to the Moral High Ground but likes to think  of it as a place where rigour of thought is entirely natural, furniture  is made of books, and cigarettes have no downside. She writes, reviews  and is an expert shusher.</p>
<p>Likes: Margeurite Yourcenar, smelling  orange blossom in Parco Savello, Dalton Trumbo, James Purdy, Ryzard  Kapucinski, Benin bronzes, Bronzino, Giordano Bruno, Emil Cioran,  ganache, tourmaline, I.B.Singer, silk velvet, Russell Hoban, Salvation  Army blankets, Margery Kempe, Yves Montand, Giunta Pisano, Edward Lear,  holy cards, rabbit fur, Hillare Belloc.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> :The moral high ground -mersey doats and dosey doats and liddelams edivy</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : bloglit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <a title=\"View all posts in Commentary\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Commentary</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in Self-indulgence\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Self-indulgence</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">anna kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">books</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">casanova</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">cellini</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">d. h. thomas</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">fanny hill</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">georges bataille</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">helen gurley brown</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">j. g. ballard</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">james salter</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Joris-Karl Huysmans</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">nicholson baker</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">pamela des barres</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">quentin crisp</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">raymond radigeut</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">william s. burroughs</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">xaviera hollander</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : liste masterpiece à depoussiérer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : Ice – not conventionally erotic but hauntingly sadistic and compelling.  Woman and man in pursuit of each other, a world encroached by ice, a  prisoner escaping her jailer.The ice is encroaching global winter but  also the white powder Kavan couldn’t do without.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : le rapport à la chair, à cette liaison, cette relation triangulaire, le gouverneur, la fille, le narrateur (tantot homme tantot femme...)</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Peter Owen Ltd.: A Preliminary Inventory of Its Records in the Manuscript Collection at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:30:49" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Les « fictions biographiques » contemporaines, un nouveau « sacre de l’écrivain » ?" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:46:07" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Outside the asylum of her mind - Telegraph" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:22:41" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Winston's dad</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : work supporting people with learning disablities</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : parmi ses auteurs fav Bolano :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : june 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Winstondad's blog - best in transflated fiction from all four corners</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <span class=\"postcategory\"><a title=\"View all posts in A LIFE IN BOOKS\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">A LIFE IN BOOKS</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in winstons books\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">winstons books</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <span class=\"posttag\"><a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">2012</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">library</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img couv de books dont guilty</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 10</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : about list book dont Guilty</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : I think after reading <a href=\"\">Max’s &nbsp;post on Ice by Kavan</a> I fancied trying here books so there was ice and this one on the  library shelves so I choose this one a Kafkaesque style as mark  struggles with life after his father returns from the war</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Literary Heroines to Love: Anna Kavan - BitchBuzz Culture" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 17:33:47" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Adam Thornton</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Kitchener, Canada</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : technical writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Lemurian Congress</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : 1940s ; AK ; books ; review</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : Change the Name / trame narrative (plot)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : In an effort to depress myself, I'm reading another one of Anna Kavan's early books \"Change the Name\" from 1941, written before she really DID change her  name from \"Helen Ferguson\" to \"Anna Kavan.\" (Anna's sad childhood,  depression, heroin addiction, and coping methods are fascinating  reading...get her biography if you can).&nbsp;</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : What amazes me is that, as incredible a writer as she was even in her   pre-surrealism period, she got away with writing essentially the same   novel over and over again. It doesn't take a discerning reader to notice   this.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : I wonder: was <strong>Anna Kavan's own, real-life son</strong> happy to read, over and  over again in Kavan's books, about moms who disliked and resented their  children? (meurt en 1942 de toute façon...) + questions lancées aux auteurs d'autofiction/bio : All this makes me think about writers who perhaps get TOO personal, and  hurt the people in their environment. Or bloggers who write about close  friends as though their friends didn't read their blogs. Dangerous?  Shouldn't we keep our journals locked away?</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Eye Candy for Bibliophiles: Picador Books – Part 7 – Anna Kavan, Ken Kesey, Maxine Hong Kingston, J K Klavans & Richard Klein" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 16:16:14" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:55:39" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Elizabeth Young reviews ‘The Case of Anna Kavan’ by David Callard · LRB 25 February 1993" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:10:58" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Kate's Book Blog: The Mysterious Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 15:45:22" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Beattie's Book Blog - unofficial homepage of the New Zealand book community: Search results for anna kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:39:55" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "these are a few of my favourite… | le coin de Syl." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 12:51:31" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "The World Within Fiction Illuminating Neuroses Of Our Time par Aswell, Maty Louise (editor): NY: McGraw Hill, 1947 - Terra Books" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:08:30" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Sleep Has His House - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 14:11:25" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "A Stranger on Earth" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:20:11" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dawn</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Southamtpon UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : library</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mars 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Rooms with books - <span>Cicero said \"A room without a book is like a body without a soul\".   I have many rooms full of books...even the bathrooms!  How about you?  This is a weekly blog about books I'm reading, enjoy!</span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Kavan ; Short Stories</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review+quote I am Lazarus</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "UPNE - About Writing: Samuel R. Delany" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:18:05" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "peterwellsblog.: I love this photo of Anna Kavan, The sleepwalker in the city..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:00:07" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Sean Sturm</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Arch Hill, Auckland (Tamaki Makaurau), Aotearoa/New Zealand</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : I write and make music with <a href=\"\">School for Birds</a>. I teach writers and teachers at the University of Auckland</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<h2 class=\"entry-title\"><a title=\"Permalink to About me (Sean Sturm) and my&nbsp;blog\" rel=\"bookmark\" href=\"\">About me (Sean Sturm) and my&nbsp;blog</a></h2>
<p>I live in Arch Hill, Auckland (Tamaki Makaurau), Aotearoa/New Zealand  with my wife Jacqui and two children, Freya and Sasha. I write and make  music with <a href=\"\">School for Birds</a>. I teach writers and teachers at the University of Auckland (<a href=\";staff=ssturm\">my page</a>).</p>
<p><strong>My Blog</strong></p>
<p>I post from time to time on writing, music, writing music, thinking,  teaching and learning, teaching and learning thinking, teaching and  learning writing . . .&nbsp; + at univ :;staff=ssturm</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2009?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> :Te Ipu Pakoe : The Broken Vessel</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img cover book AKNZ</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review AKNZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : m univ q JSturm (m nom!) : ANNA KAVAN is probably known in New Zealand, if at all, primarily for   her rather unflattering portrait of the country in “New Zealand: Answer   to an Inquiry,” published in 1943 in <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Horizon</span>.  This book, the fruit of eight years of research by Jennifer Sturm, has  attempted to change that situation, to bring about the recognition of  “Kavan’s role in the literary history of New Zealand.”</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :On the one hand, she is shown as a ‘‘troubled and emotionally abject  woman’’—self-absorbed, addicted to heroin (and alcohol), dependent on  men in a series of unhappy relationships, depressed and mentally  unstable; on the other hand, Sturm from a feminist psychological  perspective defends her against the masculinist criticism of such as  Frank Sargeson and Denis Glover and presents her as the victim of bad  parenting and male prejudice, one who if she could not find a secure  home in this world could show herself in her writing to be ‘‘an astute  and meticulous recorder of experience, a collector of images and  illustrations’’.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<h2 class=\"entry-title\"></h2>
<p><strong>+</strong> : contenus AKNZ : Sturm has done this by editing and publishing for the first time  Kavan’s manuscript “Five Months Further or What I remember about NZ,”  together with a full biographical introduction, notes, an account of  Kavan’s correspondence with Ian Hamilton (pacifist, conscientious  objector and writer of the account of his imprisonment, <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Till Human Voices Wake Us</span>), and an essay on her as a New Zealand writer. In addition, the <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Horizon</span> essay is included as an appendix... Kavan’s manuscript, made up of 18 stories that form a slightly  fictionalised autobiographical account of her stay at Torbay with Ian  Hamilton and her wartime sea journey from New Zealand to England  afterwards, is worth recovering. In her first story Kavan described her  strategy as being not to fight history but to ‘‘simply submit and record  what happens,” and she does this with sensitivity and insight.She captures the feel of life in Torbay — the sea and sky and shore;  the eccentric neighbours; the Maori man with “two faces,” caught between  his given Maori and his assumed Pakeha identities; the slow rhythm of  communal life; the very different world of Sargeson and the North Shore  intelligentsia.</p>
<p>+ Her experience in New Zealand in 1941-42 was ‘‘a Pacific interlude in a  turbulent life’’ so that New Zealand ‘‘came to represent a respite and a  haven, adding a little colour to an otherwise sombre literary  palette’’. Thus there is a case to be made for her as a New Zealand  writer, one who had ‘‘more of New Zealand in [her] writing’’ than can be  found in the writing of <strong>Katherine Mansfield</strong>.</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan: brilliant like ice « African Alchemy" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 13:19:00" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID </strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : 	Caitlin</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Caitlin. 	23. Writer, college student, feminist, passionate cinephile, lover 	of literature, art, and poetry.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : via 	tumblr</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : membre de goodreaders : (tumblr+gooreads 	 like ND) et aussi autre tumblr : The Ellipses Project is focused on 	 advocating and exploring gender justice and feminism, anti-classism, 	 anti-racism, body positivity, disability, art, culture, and 	community.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : 	tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : A writer's rumination</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : tumblr 	littéraire</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; 	Asylum Piece ; La Jetée ; one of my favorite films ; I feel this way about birds too</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : quote + img La Jetée</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 424 notes</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : quote from <em>The Birds</em> in Asylum and Other Stories</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : 	-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1) parmi les like : kari larsen auteur d'un post sur 	un blog litt sur AK et les autres... 2) le lien avec la jetée / marker 3) le rappel de la présence des oiseaux (who are you)</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "peterwellsblog.: Anna Kavan's eternal journey...." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:16:58" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """&lt;!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } 	--&gt;
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> :Sylvia K</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> :F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :Pavia, Italie</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :(via son myspace) : Sylvia K is a 21 year old girl from a ghost town called Pavia,in Italy.  She lives in her enchanted world, surrounded by second hand books,  puppets, weird glasses, and mosquitoes. She loves snow, which is a  relevant thing. In her videos, she deforms music and artists and melts  everything into a weird mental trip. In her drawings, things are upside  down, there is cotton candy and there's blood, sad kids and lots of  rabbits. It doesn't have to make sense</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : écrit aussi en fr...</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> :wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :2007?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> :le coin de syl - la fraternité de la merdre très peu pour moi</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> :blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <a title=\"Voir tous les articles dans books\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">books</a>, <a title=\"Voir tous les articles dans english!\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">english!</a>, <a title=\"Voir tous les articles dans literature\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">literature</a>, <a title=\"Voir tous les articles dans littérature\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">littérature</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :liste fav books dont Ice et Asylum</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : 		liste fav books dont Ice et Asylum</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : (elle aime la neige dit-elle...)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :ds la liste Sylvia Plath, Jane Austen, Chuck Palahniuk</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Richard R. Centing collection of Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:43:38" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom</strong> : Lola Robles</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Madrid</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : auteure, bibliothécaire, création de la Biblioteca de Mujeres</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : juillet 2008</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Literaturas fantastikas, de cienca ficcion y otras. Blog de Lola Robles dedicado a la literatura y especialmente à la narrativa de ciencia ficcion, fantasia, gotica, y a las escritoras de estos generos, desde una perspectiva feminista, queer y pacifista. Cualquier aportavian sera bienvenida.</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</li>
<li> <strong>Tags</strong> : Anna Kavan</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (AK by Walker Evans 1941+ couv de Neige et My soul in China en es)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : à propos de 1) Neige (extraits) 2) puis bio, Mon âme en Chine, Julia et son Bazooka</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : travail d'écriture d'une biblio SF féministe</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Anna Kavan es poco conocida en España; sólo se han traducido dos de sus obras: <em>Hielo</em>, y un libro de relatos, <em>Mi alma en China</em>. (...) Poco después de terminar mi primera lectura de la novela, supe que Anna  Kavan había sido adicta a la heroína durante gran parte de su vida.  Busqué más datos; la mayoría estaban en Internet (nada como la Red para  encontrar información sobre autores y temas marginales)</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : 1) artículo publicado con el título “Escritura y droga: el caso de Anna Kavan”, en <em>INTERSUBJETIVO: revista de psicoterapia psicoanalítica y salud</em>, vol. 4, nº 1 (jun. 2002), p. 117-120 2) En 2006 la editorial valenciana El Nadir ha publicado en castellano otra novela de Anna Kavan, <em>Mercury, </em>con un argumento que tiene muchas similitudes con el de <em>Hielo</em>, y permite conocer mejor el imaginario de la autora 3) txt publié pour la première fois en 2002 sur une autre plate-forme :</li>
<p>&nbsp;</p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:24:20" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Slipstream (genre) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:17:02" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Persona</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Paris</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> : commentaire le 16/10/2012 </li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2011</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Sontag &amp; I - What is your life based upon? I mean, what do your read ?</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : pulvérisée</li>
<li> <strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (4*AK by Walker Evans 1941) + quote</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : extrait de Mon âme en Chine</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : bis</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<p>&nbsp;</p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Gender in speculative fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:17:47" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Livres, ebooks : PSYCHÉ ET LE SECRET DE PERSÉPHONE - Prose en métamorphose, mémoire et création - Katherine Mansfield, Catherine Pozzi, Anna Kavan, Djuna Barnes, Anne Mounic" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:23:50" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan papers , 1867-1991; Bulk 1903-1976 1986.003" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:39:46" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Winstons dad’s been to library « Winstonsdad's Blog" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 14:26:56" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : 	Peter Wells</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : 	Napier, NZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer, 	film maker</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : Peter Wells writes books and makes 	films. His films include idiosyncratic documentaries about 	conserving at-risk architecture like a flamboyant 1929 picture 	palace, or a shoe-obsessed gay man who tells his life story through 	women’s shoes (made with friend and fellow film-maker Garth 	Maxwell). He co-wrote and co-directed ‘Desperate Remedies’, a 	feature film described as ‘Jane Austen on acid’. His books 	include award winning short stories and novels. ‘Iridescence’, 	for example, about an Englishman with a secret hiding in Victorian 	Napier. His memoir Long Loop Home looked back at his New Zealand 	childhood with the wry glance of loss and affection.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : 	blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 	2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : peterwellsblog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : sombre indifference and a talking book</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img route Napier</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 3</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : driving &amp; solitude dans les environs de Napier, paysage strangely beautiful, paysage kavanien/kavanesque ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : AKNZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Times New Roman;\">When Anna Kavan drove down to Napier&nbsp;</p>
<p style=\"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Times New Roman;\">in 1942 the r</p>
<p style=\"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Times New Roman;\">oad  would have been a narrow thread of pumice and gravel - treacherous to  drive on, terrifying. “ seems impossible for a poor human device,  liable to breakdowns and in constant need of refuelling, such as a car,  ever to make its way over the (hills),' she wrote. '....It is a region  of solitude, sombre indifference, silence and grandeur. It was a place  of human-life negation. It was nature at its most remotest, most  formidable, and most magnificent.”</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p><br /><br /></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "What's the Story: Reading Anna Kavan's Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 18:10:40" ;
    link:charset "25" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : devotional hooligan</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Bristol, UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger / avoiding one</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : breadcrumbs</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 paragraphe, sinon citations + images</p>
<p>AK self portrait 1963</p>
<p>AK 1939-42 album de voyage NZ</p>
<p>quote Micheal Sheldon in <em>Friends of Promise</em>, book about Connolly</p>
<p>couv Julia + Asylum</p>
<p>painting Julia - La visite</p>
<p>quote Duncan Fallowell</p>
<p><strong>photo N&amp;B, Anna with a friend (deja Vu / préciser)</strong></p>
<p>quote Brian Aldiss autobiography (à propos du jardin / à propos de SF) : <span style=\"font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: georgia;\"> She lived in a house she had designed herself, just off the Bayswater  Road in West London. One ascended to her living quarters up a stair  encased in glass, outside which greenery raged within the smallest of  stone-walled gardens, a small slice of an imprisoned Botswana, or maybe  Gondwana. We talked and talked. Like most authors, Anna had fallen in  her old age on hard times, and was delighted to be regarded as a science  fiction writer. She said it made her feel modern again: she was of that  generation for whom 'modern', 'fast' and 'pneumatic' were key words of  praise. Imagine, in the late sixties, it was a fashionable thing to be a  science fiction writer!</span></span></p>
<p>couv A charmed circle + Ice</p>
<p>quote Aldiss (édition Ice par Double Day grâce à lui)</p>
<p>couv Sleep has his house</p>
<p>quote Aldiss (about paintings, <span style=\"font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica; font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-size: 100%;\"><span style=\"font-family: georgia;\">. Too bad that an exhibition was not arranged </span></span></span>)</p>
<p>painting 1963</p>
<p>quote Peter owen (throw the chicken)</p>
<p>painting 1963</p>
<p>quote Nin</p>
<p>painting 1963</p>
<p>quote Nin</p>
<p>painting 1963</p>
<p>quote Doris Lessing</p>
<p>self portrait 1963</p>
<p>quote Joyce Carol Oates</p>
<p>painting 1963</p>
<p>hypertext : blogspot :</p>
<p>selfportrait 1963</p>
<p>hypertext : review Ice + Guilty :</p>
<p>photo AK by E Walks 1941</p>
<p>hypertxt : wp privé de Mark Samuels \"we salute you AK\"</p>
<p>hypertxt : press review bio de J Reed \"new biography charts AK'sbouts with psychosis and drugs by G.Nicholson :</p>
<p>photo N&amp;B album voyage 1939-42 Bali</p>
<p>hypertxt : redmood - site officiel</p>
<p>hypertxt : article critique dans la revue LCRW sur Ice</p>
<p>photo N&amp;B AK chez elle 1967 publication de Ice</p>
<p>hypertxt : article paru dans The Telegraph par Duncan Fallowell, review bio J Reed</p>
<p>hypertxt : lien achat amazon</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : drug addiction et parcours littéraire (ses oeuvres, sa reconnaissance dans le milieu par d'autres écrivais) : Ice et Julia, emblématique de son addiction;</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : Connolly : During the war Anna Kavan worked for nearly two years at the offices of <em>Horizon</em>. ‘Understandably, Connolly was never comfortable with Kavan,’ Michael Sheldon wrote in <em>Friends of Promise</em>, his book about Connolly...</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : ... He was presumably referring to her heroin addiction...‘Julia and the Bazooka’, which deals with her introduction to drugs,  ‘High in the Mountains’, which describes the effects of heroin, and ‘The  Old Address’, which details obsession and withdrawal, provide  considerable insight into Kavan’s personality, and her work can’t really  be understood without them. Attempts to distance Kavan from her drug  habit, although well-meaning, are misleading. She was one of those rare  writers who did not publish at all until she was an addict. Heroin was  central to her existence, her lover, her religion, her salvation, and  almost all her later work charts the processes of addiction, again and  again using images and landscapes familiar to us from De Quincey and  other addict-writers of the Romantic period.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : cf.medias</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1) The stories that deal directly with her addiction never seem to be reprinted: the Picador edition of her selected writings, <em>My Madness</em>, contains none of them. 2) Fallowell a écrit sur Kavan + écrit Drug Tales en 1979. 3) la bio d'Aldiss</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan - Wikipédia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:06:36" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach: Nachlaß Bluth, Karl-Theodor" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 12:54:14" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : jzsf</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : I also contribute to <a href=\"\">Writers No One Reads</a>.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : : Highlighting forgotten, neglected, abandoned, forsaken, unrecognized,  unacknowledged, overshadowed, out-of-fashion, under-translated writers.  Has no one read your books? You are in good company. Disclaimer : These writers are famous in some part of the internet or the world. Some may be famous in your own family or <em>in your own mind</em>. (\"In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen people...\" Momus)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : (un)justly(un)read</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : tumblr littéraire</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; lit; quote ; formythologyofblue (tw)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 104 notes</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : quote Sleep has his house</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : dans le blogroll de writers no one read, retrouver des liens déjà répertoriés dans le zotero corpus : Asylum / blog de ohn'shelves ; Bookforum ; la revue de litt contemporaine Dalkey Archive ; Peter owen publisher ; la revue en ligne The New Inquiry</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "STORIES FOR THE DEAD OF NIGHT par Congdon, Don: Dell FIRST EDITION Soft Cover, New Edition - Mirror Image Book" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:23:50" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan, Doris Lessing and bath plugs - dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 12:51:14" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dovegreyreader</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Tamara Valley, Devonshire, UK</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : bookaholic / nurse</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : self-portrait :</li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Dovegreyreader scribbles - a Devonshire based bookaholic, sock-knitting quilter who is a community nurse in her spare time</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Peter Owen</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (couv Who Are You)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 2</li>
<p><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200e0097e494a8833-content\">She  remarried (to Stuart Edmonds although no record of the marriage exists)  and spent some time in various parts of Europe before settling in  England. Several of her books were published (Helen chose to use the  name of her detested first husband, 'Ferguson', for her early novels).  At first she wrote traditional novels, but later achieved a unique and  sophisticated style. <strong>wow powerleveling</strong><br /></span></p>
<p><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200e0097e494a8833-content\">&nbsp;</span><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200e0097f37bd8833-content\">Omigod - I  see my lot in life has crystalised into the Antipodean Pedant. The  record of Anna's marriage to Stuart Edmonds is available from UK BDM,  and if I was not sitting in Italy as I write I would be able to give you  the details. I think confusion has prevailed because Edmonds's name was  Leslie Stuart Edmonds. They divorced in 1943. Not that it matters, but  last year I  completed a PhD on the life and work of Kavan ... so watch  this space. Well, another space.[I love being slightly sinister and  enigmatic. Now why would that be, I wonder?]<strong> Jennifer Sturm</strong><br /></span></p>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : lecture de Who Are You</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : It's Anna Kavan time again (déjà 2 posts)</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <strong> </strong>I think there is no doubt I will now have to read everything by and about her..thanks Kit at Peter Owen!</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : divorce en 1943 de Leslie Stuart Edmond</li>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\"><br /></span></span></p>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">&nbsp;</span></span></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Time Bites by Doris Lessing" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:07:07" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:13:06" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dai Vaughan</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : auteur</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : <a href=\"\">Dai Vaughan</a> has been described by the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Review of Contemporary Fiction</a> as \"one of the most skilful writers of our age\". A renowned documentary film-editor, his previous novels include <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Moritur</a>, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Germs</a> and <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">The Cloud Chamber</a>. His latest work of fiction is <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Non-Return</a> (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Seren</a>). / <strong><em>ReadySteadyBook</em> </strong>is an <strong>independent</strong> book review website, which is devoted to reviewing the very best books in literary fiction, poetry, history and philosophy.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Readt Steady Book for lit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog lit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img couv Guilty</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1 = JStrum : Excellent summary of Kavan's work! <br />I'm interested in your authorship  chronology assessment, and take on board the tape recorder point.  However, I can't agree with 'subversive' and 'technology' having a  mid-20th century specificity - the words were around in the 19th  century, with much the same meanings. <br />Kavan often wondered aloud  about the value of her writing, somewhat disingenuously I suspect, but I  agree with you that the final words sound, well, final. However, the  tone and tropes in 'Ice' indicate, to me at least, a much more recent  piece of writing than 'Guilty',and 'Ice' was conceived many years before  its eventual publication. Kavan completed an ms called 'The Cold World'  , which she revised again and again to finally offer it as 'Ice'. I  believe 'Guilty' underwent a similar gestation, with later details added  for topicality. <br />What thinkest thou?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review Guilty + ANALYSE WORK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : <strong>Rhys Davies</strong>, one of Anna Kavan’s few close friends, wrote an introduction for <a href=\";by=title\" target=\"_blank\">Julia and the Bazooka</a> (1970), a posthumous collection of her stories linked by their common  allusion to her heroin habit. In it he describes a meal taken with her  at the Café Royal during which she developed an inexplicable revulsion  for one of the waiters, and his surprise when later he found this  episode recounted in a story (<em>The Summons</em> in <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Asylum Piece</a> [1940]) in that manner full of foreboding which, for want of a better  word, people are inclined to call Kafkaesque. Having myself already come  across that story, I experienced the converse of Davies’s reaction:  surprise that such a sinister incident could have been experienced, by  someone else, as so everyday, so innocuous.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Anna Kavan may well have been, as her biographers insist, emotionally damaged; but her books are not.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : liens vers chq livre : book depository</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :<strong> lien Let Me Alone &amp; Eagle Nest</strong> : her third book, <a href=\";by=title\">Let Me Alone</a> (1930); and this introduces us to a character called Anna Kavan.  		We meet her first as a child. Her mother having died at her birth,  she lives with her stony-spirited father in a near-inaccessible vineyard  in the foothills of the Pyrenees. This landscape may or may not be a  locale remembered from Kavan’s own peripatetic childhood; but to us,  armed as we are with foresight, it seems almost a muted version of the  Fauve landscape to be found in <a href=\";by=title\" target=\"_blank\">Eagle’s Nest</a> (1957). +<strong> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> Stranger Still</a> </strong>carries an oddly worded disclaimer. It begins, ‘All the situations and  episodes described in this book are imaginary; no portrait is intended  of any real character, alive or dead;’ which seems clear enough. But  then it adds, ‘and the Jewish family herein portrayed is entirely  fictitious.’ Why draw special attention to the Jewish family, who figure  in just one chapter? The only possible interpretation is that the other  characters, though purely imaginary, are not entirely fictitious. In a  sense, of course, the idea of characters or incidents in novels being  ‘based on’ real life is an absurdity: not because of any inadequacy in  the novel form, but because ‘real life’ is too unstable to base anything  on. Its only stability is in the writing. +At all events, her first full novel written in the persona of Anna Kavan appeared, in 1941, under the title<strong> <a href=\";by=title\" target=\"_blank\">Change the Name</a>.</strong> One of her coldest and most harrowing works, it concerns a mother’s  inability to feel love for her daughter. This was a subject Kavan knew  well from both perspectives. If she did not invoke the visual  furnishings of nightmare for this, it was because she did not need to. <strong>+ lien / réptition e/ Let Me Alone et Who Are You</strong> : Thirty-three years after <a href=\";by=title\" target=\"_blank\">Let Me Alone</a> (at least, as measured by publication dates), Kavan returned to the  theme of the husband and young wife trapped together in a dismal house  in Burma. But the writing is altogether different. By now she had  evolved a style which - whatever we choose to call it - seems to entail  distilling the emotional structure from events and then allowing this to  generate a new circumstantial world in which it can attain to its  fullest expression. It will not escape notice that the mental geometry  here is not so different from that involved in assuming the identity of  one’s own character - in either sense of that word. This time the wife  is called simply ‘the girl’, presumably because it would have been  awkward to go on calling her Anna Kavan; and the husband is called Mr  Dog-Head, the nick-name given him by the natives ... and there follow two chapters beginning from earlier points in the  narrative and developing into an ending queasily different from the one  we have just read. It is tempting to suspect that these may be two  chapters from an earlier draft, and that Kavan, not quite satisfied with  the ending, simply decided to tack them on. If so, it was a stroke of  genius. + In<strong> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Guilty</a></strong>,  her recently rediscovered novel now published for the first time, the  main protagonist is a man. But that does not make so much difference as  you might imagine... t is normal to expect that a manuscript retrieved from oblivion will  prove to be a work of second rank, interesting only for such light as it  may shed on the author’s established corpus. That is emphatically not  the case with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Guilty</a>.  There is some uncertainty about when the book was written. Jennifer  Sturm, in her introduction, hints at a date in the late 1940s. The  internal evidence is slim, but there is a passing reference to tape  recorders, which were surely not in common use until the mid-’50s; there  is a use of the word ‘subversive’, and of ‘technology’ in a military  context, which have a flavour of the ’60s; and, if we take the ‘Eight  Days War’ as an echo of the Six-Day War, then that pushes it so late -  since Kavan died in 1968 - as to make this almost certainly her final  work. The story is told retrospectively from a present reached only in  the closing pages, where Mark resolves to throw off the influence of  Spector and strike off into a friendless world. Having affirmed the need  to confront ‘all those selves I’d disowned and deserted’ - as Kavan  herself shed names and identities throughout her life - he adds, ‘...the  prospect frightens me too.’ In the penultimate paragraph we read: ‘So I  come to the end of my writing. I’ve often thought it was of no value,  my ideas of no more significance than the aimless circling of flies in  an empty room...’ This is of course Mark speaking. But the valedictory  tone is so inescapable that I find it hard to believe it is not also the  last testament of Anna Kavan.</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : fluff</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : be</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : bloggeuse</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : janv 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : A fluffy blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog misc</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; literary babes ; literature ; stuff i want to talk about instead of outfits</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 3 img (couv Asylum - Julia - HSSS)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 3</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : découverte 3 oe AK + quote SHHH</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : les oe et les rêves (perso, les raconte, les siens)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : kinda love</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Taylor & Francis Online :: Ornithology and Ontology: The Existential Birdcall in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Anna Kavan's Who Are You? - Women: A Cultural Review - Volume 23, Issue 4" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 09:51:35" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dawn</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Southamtpon UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : library</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mars 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Rooms with books - <span>Cicero   said \"A room without a book is like a body without a soul\".   I have   many rooms full of books...even the bathrooms!  How about you?  This is a   weekly blog about books I'm reading, enjoy!</span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Book review</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : Dark Sister review</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :&nbsp; 3è post après Let Me Alone et A Charmed Circle<span> </span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dr Tony Shaw</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Nottingham</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : chercheur</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ; follower de Beattie NZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 06/07/12</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Dr Tony Shaw - Mainly the obscrure and/or mainly \"outsider\" literature</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img (couv Dr bluth Asylum)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : reading/review des récits qui composent Asylum</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</p>
<div class=\"separator\" style=\"clear: both; text-align: left;\"><strong>This amazing series of stories continues, full of feelings of estrangement, obsession, paranoia, anonymity, </strong><strong>imprisonment, clearly depicting a mind almost at the end of its tether, colluding in its own alienation.</strong></div>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : des personnages des narrateurs sans noms... (au moins le web/les bloggers se nomment... donnent de la couleur...)</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Jon Fortgang</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : H</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> :London</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : écrivain, éditeur</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : le contacter sur la question des kavan remix...</li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : weebly</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2009</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Jon Fortgang, writer and editor</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : blog / journalisme</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (painting Julia)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> :AK Life &amp; Work</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :bio de JReed</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : a lifelong heroin user, her prose has a needle-sharp precision&nbsp; but her subject matter was never drugs ... Kavan died in 1968 and in his biography Reed persuasively argues that  she caught something of the London air during those final years,  sympathising with hippy seekers, druggy experimenters and others  pioneering the realm of the unreal ... <span>With a <strong>pedigree</strong> like that, it's strange that musicians have never  picked up on Kavan's work. The only reference I can find is to David  Tibet, christian-mystic voyager, occult archivist and leader of the  neo-folk legend that is Current 23; Tibet named his 2000 album Sleep Has  His House after Kavan's book of the same name, and a quick glance  through the credits to Reed's biography indicates that he and Tibet are  pals. </span></li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : 1) Kavan's territory = subjective states, private drives, places that had no name -&gt; Kavanland JSturm 2) she deliberately eschewed unnecessary details like names and her final   novel, the warped apocalyptic masterpiece Ice, derives much of its power   from the absence of specific data 3) Helen Ferguson also disappeared, or more accurately was edited out of the story by the author herself (vs She literally made her own name) -&gt; WHERE ARE YOU ?</li>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\"><br /></span></span></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Winter Is Coming: Ice by Anna Kavan « Everything Is Nice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:52:23" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Guilty by Anna Kavan « Book Review « ReadySteadyBook - for literature..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 15:01:12" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value "Short stories, travel prose and letters written by Anna Kavan while she lived in New Zealand from 1941 to 1943" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Women in speculative fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:18:16" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Rooms with Books: Anna Kavan \"I am Lazarus\" - Spoiler!" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 17:22:09" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:51:42" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Matthew Weinstein - Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 13:17:33" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : fluff</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : be</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : bloggeuse</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : (eline parttout dispersée sur le web : flickr, tumbr, etsy, goodreads (ami avec Nate D!!)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : janv 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : A fluffy blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog misc</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; anna carson ; edith wharton ; favorite books read in 2011 ; lists of escapism ; peter verhelst ; sappho ; w somerset maugham</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : dont 1 img (Bali, august 1940)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 8</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : parmi ses trouvailles/lectures de 2011, Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : trouvailles 2011</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Anna Kavan, my dark princess. I have previously written about her <a title=\"Kavan\" href=\"\">here</a>.  Since then I also read Ice and naturally I am doing an illustration  project about it in school right now because she is the best.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Summary - Archives Hub" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 12:43:19" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Beautiful Ordinary Life - Ice by Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 17:46:53" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:10:55" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan - dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 12:32:12" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Kavan | A Fluffy Blog" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 22:56:01" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : RJ Dent</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : R J Dent is a novelist, poet, translator, essayist, blogger and short story writer + creative writer tutor</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : RJ Dent - R J Dent is a novelist, poet, translator, essayist, blogger and short story writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : bloglit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <small><a title=\"View all posts in Kavan, Anna\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Kavan, Anna</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in Other Writers\" rel=\"category tag\" href=\"\">Other Writers</a>.</small></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : : <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan's novels</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan's short stories</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Asylum Piece</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Ice</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Kafka's sister</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">R J Dent</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Sleep Has His House</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img (cultural icons)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 4 dont</p>
<p>I’m a journalist from Israel, desperatly and urgently looking for the source of this Anna Kavan photo on this page.<br /> Any chance you know the source?<br /> I can be reached by the mail above or on phone +972-3-5632502<br /> Thanks and best regards +une auteure fr basée en uk Pascale Petit :</p>
<p>Thanks for posting this. Anna Kavan was a huge influence on my own  early work, particularly Ice.  It’s good to know someone else thinks  she’s very special.</p>
<p>Pascalex + une fan (isolée) : Hi – I really like AK’s work and <strong>often find I’m in a minority</strong>. It’s hard  to find good stuff about her, so thanks for this. I don’t know a single  person who’s read any of her books.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dovegreyreader</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Tamara Valley, Devonshire, UK</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : bookaholic / nurse</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : self-portrait :</li>
<div class=\"archive-content\">
<p>Thank you for visiting, you are very welcome here, please plump up   the cushions and make yourselves at home.How amazing that Alaska can   talk to Australia via Devon about a good book and dovegreyreader thrives   on comments so please join in, everyone who comments is very friendly   and welcoming. This always serves as a salutary reminder to myself,   sitting here in splendid rural isolation in Devon, of the scope and   reach of a litblog. Worldwide conversations about good books are   facilitated in comments which in turn become the oxygen of any blog. It   was initiating that conversation that interested me most when I decided   to set up dovegreyreader over five years ago.</p>
<p>Sharing a love of good books is the plan, and I only write about   books I’ve loved, books that have touched me, engaged me emotionally and    captured my imagination.</p>
<p>I harbour no pretensions about being a book reviewer, let alone a   literary critic, this is about sharing a subjective passion for reading   with like-minded people.  A lifetime's love of books and reading, a   career in community nursing and a late onset degree in English   Literature all underpin much of what I write, but this is all done for   the love of it, unpaid and for pleasure.</p>
<p>Honesty, transparency and integrity are the bywords of dovegreyreader   scribbles and I hope the blog now has a reputation for that, so I tend   to write about a book with bouncy, pouncy, tigger-like enthusiasm,  tell  people why I would press it on them if we met in the street, how  this  book has added another wondrous mile to my lifetime’s reading  journey  and perhaps might add to yours too. The recommends I get from  you all in  comments most certainly add to mine.</p>
<p>There's plenty about rural life on dovegreyreader too and also some   bits of quilting and knitting thrown in usually at weekends. We live in   splendid isolation in the most beautiful Tamar Valley, 'twixt Devon and   Cornwall UK an idyllic and peaceful setting in which to be creative,  to  read and above all to think.</p>
<p>Along the way here you may well meet Bookhound (husband) and children   Offspringette, The Kayaker and The Gamekeeper, plus father of   dovegreyreader The Tinker.</p>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Dovegreyreader scribbles - a Devonshire based bookaholic, sock-knitting quilter who is a community nurse in her spare time</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Family and Friends ; Peter Owen</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (AK by WE 1941 + couv Guilty)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 6</li>
<div class=\"comment-content\"><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200d83548a4e253ef-content\">
<p>On the subject of Lessing and Kavan, I've not come across either  Kavan or 'Time Bites'.  I would love to read the Lessing, but it's only  available in Birmingham Reference Library.  Helene Hanff had some very  biting things to say about libraries that wouldn't let her bring books  home where they could be enjoyed with a decent cup of (in her case)  coffee in front of a warm fire; I'm with her on this.  However, they do  have a copy of a book by Kavan called 'Ice', so that is now on it's way. <strong>Ann Darnton</strong></p>
<div class=\"comment-content\"><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e20111689293e5970c-content\">
<p>About Anna Kavan...<br /> The early novels were all published under the name of Helen Ferguson.  The first, A Charmed Circle, was published by Jonathan Cape in 1929 and  was praised in the TLS as a “powerful exposition of contained lives”. It  is set in an emotionally frosty household in a respectable village (one  might almost call it an enclosure) called Hannington. Dulled by the  routine of her daily life, Beryl Deane, a doctor’s daughter, believes  her chief enemy is boredom, and she struggles to find a wider purpose to  her narrow existence. Like one of the women in D. H. Lawrence’s novels,  she is searching for a deeper love, a stronger spiritual meaning to her  life. Yet, while clearly expressing a longing for a break with form,  the novel never manages to achieve any kind of imaginative release, any  escape from the simmering world of Hannington. Kavan’s early books,  published in the 1930s and including The Dark Sisters, A Stranger Still  and Goose Cross, are “submerged in restraint”; they give only the  faintest hint of what was to come.</p>
<p><br /> The decisive break came in 1940, when Helen Ferguson reinvented herself  as Anna Kavan. The first Kavan book, Asylum Piece and Other Stories  (1940), represented her first attempt to describe her isolation and her  fears of encroaching madness. It was written in the aftermath of a  serious mental breakdown, which culminated in a failed suicide attempt  and confinement in a Zurich asylum. Yet those bleak stories, each of  them set in a white clinical institution, encouraged Kavan to reach for a  new, pared-down style in which she could recreate the nature of her  alienation. Peter Owen – who publishes this new biography as well as an  earlier study by David Callard – took on Anna Kavan in 1957. Ten years  later, after some initial misgivings, he brought out her most successful  novel, Ice. In this bizarre work, Kavan creates an entire landscape as a  means of conveying her own frozen feelings. It is a book of whirling  blizzards, endless chases across frozen wastelands, and there are many  scenes which would not be out of place in a disaster movie. Yet, above  all, Ice is driven by a deeper search for love. While the world is  drawing to a close, the novel’s unnamed protagonist searches for the  woman to whom he was once deeply attached. Once he finds her, he  discovers they can barely communicate; it is as if something had seized  up between them.</p>
<p><br /> Although her books contain many violent, argumentative scenes and  quarrels between lovers, what Kavan’s people really long for is tender  dialogue, an emotional thaw. Her writing seems to relax only when her  characters are finally allowed to speak to one other. Ice turns into a  meditation on frustrated emotion, a prose-poem in which feelings of  loss, regret and reconciliation are set against a background of sheer  nothingness.</p>
<p><br /> In 1968, Brian Aldiss, who once called Kavan “Kafka’s sister” managed to  persuade Doubleday to publish Ice in America. Kavan died of an overdose  a week before this news would have reached her. She was found dead in  her Kensington flat on December 4, 1968. (The police reported that they  had found enough heroin in her house “to kill the whole street”.) In A  Trillion Year Spree, Aldiss wrote that Kavan’s fiction, in its  “acceptance of the insoluble”, possessed “a blind force much like hope”.</p>
<p><br /> Peter Owen has ensured that nearly all of her novels remain stubbornly  in print, yet her work has still to find the wider readership it  deserves. The success of Ice has meant that Kavan is seen as a mere  symbolist, the author of one strangely surreal science-fiction novel,  but other less well-known novels, such as Eagles’ Nest, suggest that her  true subject is the buried life within. Kavan was strangely indifferent  to literary fame, insisting that she wrote for herself first. It is  striking that, despite its concern with secrecy, her fiction constantly  re-creates the dialogue form. Her novels can seem as bleak as it is  possible for any art to be; but, on every page, her characters protest,  argue and struggle against the mysterious forces that threaten to defeat  them. Kavan’s writing, so wild and emotionally fraught, represents a  rare form of inner resilience. As she once explained in an unpublished  autobiography:</p>
<p><br /> “Lots of the things that happen to me I really can’t bear at all. Then I  write about them. Only just, mind you. But it makes that little  difference.” <strong>Molly</strong></p>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> :découverte AK Guilty via D Lessing / P Owen </li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : Anna who? Hmm is it just me again? Have you all been reading her books for years when I've never heard of her?<br />Then I had one of those <strong>serendipitous</strong> random reading connections that just drops out of the sky. As I browsed I came across a piece on Anna Kavan;Doris Lessing is great  advocate for her writing. Coincidentally I had just looked just at the <a href=\"\">Peter Owen</a> website and discovered that they are about to publish a book recently discovered&nbsp; in the&nbsp; archives at the University of Tulsa, Guilty by Anna Kavan. Times bites de Doris Lessing</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : alangullette</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : Times Bites :</li>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\"><br /></span></span></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Cold print « STEVENHARTSITE" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 16:26:16" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Beyond The Lighthouse. English Women Novelists In The Twentieth Century. par Crosland, Margaret: Constable, London 9780094624108 Hard Cover, First Edition - CHARLES BOSSOM" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:26:47" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "BOOK REVIEW / Ice-maiden stung by a spider: 'Change the Name' - Anna Kavan: Peter Owen, 15.50 - Books - Arts & Entertainment - The Independent" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:26:24" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Kate Sutherland</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Toronto</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : auteur</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 2005</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Kate's Book Blog - Books that make me think</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 4</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review+quote about Asylum + life &amp; work</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : <strong>drug/ellis sharp</strong> : A <a href=\"\">mysterious reference</a> on <a href=\"\">The Sharp Side</a> piqued my curiosity and the bit of sleuthing that I did in response  turned up her name.   It’s entirely appropriate that I should have come  to her this way given that she was very much a figure of mystery.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <em>Asylum Piece</em> was the first of her books to be published under her  new name and, although it’s the first that I’ve read, I gather that it  represents a marked departure in style and substance from the ones that  went before.  The Helen Ferguson novels are generally described as  “conventional” and <em>Asylum Piece</em> is most assuredly not conventional... I usually object to assumptions of autobiography in relation to a work  of fiction, but with an author who has recreated herself under the name  of a character from one of her own novels, the line between the author  and the work becomes rather difficult to draw... I’m adding one more item to my list of aspirations for 2006. I intend to  read everything I can find by or about Anna Kavan.  I may also read the  novels by Helen Ferguson just to see if they strike me as books written  by an altogether different writer.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : peter owen ; drug/Ellis Sharp ; bio D.Callard ; Nin/Novel of the future ;</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Urban Gothic of the Second World War : Palgrave Connect" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:00:16" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:17:19" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Kavan | Carta" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 13:48:38" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Nic</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<div class=\"archive-content\">
<p>Eve's Alexandria is a group 'lit-blog' orginally founded in 2006  as a way for five university friends to continue their bookish  conversations after graduation scattered them throughout Britain and  Europe.  Over the years it has slowly transformed into a venue for our  long bookish ramblings, with some of us writing more regularly than  others.</p>
<p>Our taste in books is eclectic, but I suppose our fiction interests  are best described as 'literary', historical and sf, with a sideline in  the classics.  Every year we run featured reviews of the Arthur C.  Clarke Award shortlist and the Orange Prize longlist, and have been  known to dally with the Booker Prize too.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : typepad</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Eve's Alexandria - not afraid of snakes</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog lit collectif</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img (couv Ice)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 3 (ref soirée Peter Owen / ref drug compar Naked Lunch / une personne désireuse de le lire, cherchant le livre sur une étagère de bibli univ...)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : à propos de Ice + quotations</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : Virginia Ironside speaking at London Reviwe Bookshop Event</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : By all accounts she was a deeply damaged individual: prone to mental  illness and a lifelong heroin addict, she attempted suicide several  times in the course of her life.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : 1/ selfportrait sur 2/ soirée LRB 3/ slipstream def.</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ref V.Ironside /lien cassé : LondonLitPlus OS lit festival org par James Briddle : + slipstream (futur titre??) /lien vers women in SF survey</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Jon</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : H</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Londres</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : dans le blogroll de Writers No One Read</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Asylum - John Self's Shelves</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : Christopher Priest</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv The Glamour de C. Priest</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 9<strong></strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : compar The Affirmation / Ice, Pirest clairement inspiré de</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : lien entre les deux billets e blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <em>The Glamour</em> (1984) is the novel Priest published after <em>The Affirmation</em>,  and it is a development of some of the ideas and themes in that book.  It has narrative switches and stories within stories; like <em>The Affirmation</em> it is a work of slipstream fiction, where two worlds – two genres – rub  shoulders and even merge. It is also – and here is where Priest’s  assertion of genre exploration makes sense – a book which tests and  teases the reader of mainstream fiction. It would not be surprising if  it was inspired in part by Anna Kavan’s <a href=\"\"><em>Ice</em></a> (to which Priest has written a foreword). Like <em>Ice</em> – like <em>The Affirmation</em> – <em>The Glamour</em>&nbsp;begins with a cool, affectless narrative, a symptom of the iron grip of control which Priest exerts over the reader.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : lien interne vers AK</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "The Novel of the Future - Ohio University Press & Swallow Press" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:53:48" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Strange Horizons Reviews: Ice and Guilty by Anna Kavan, reviewed by Abigail Nussbaum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:08:25" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Russel Mc Neil</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : <span class=\"locality\"><a href=\";loc0=CA&amp;loc1=British+Columbia&amp;loc2=Nanaimo\">Nanaimo</a>,</span> <span class=\"region\"><a href=\";loc0=CA&amp;loc1=British+Columbia\">British Columbia</a>,</span> <span class=\"country-name\"><a href=\";loc0=CA\">Canada</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer + <strong>Space Science Pioneer + </strong><br /><strong>Natural Bodybuilder</strong>: ... !</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Logos (esr.1995) - Russel mc Neill, PhD (experimental space science and physics) author of the mediations of marcus aurelius selections annotated and explained</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog lit +</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <span class=\"post-labels\"> <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Modern Literature</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Women</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 painting - self p.</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : Life &amp; Work</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : [Adapted from <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Jan Hanford</a>]</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : At first she wrote traditional novels, but  later achieved a unique and  sophisticated style. She became  a heroin addict around <strong>1926.</strong> Her  addiction has been described as  being, rather than recreational, her  attempt at <strong>self-medication</strong> for her  clinical depression, <strong>a condition  barely acknowledged by  the medical community at the time</strong>. Her  intermittent mental illness,  and the change of style in her work  coincided with the premeditated  change in her appearance and life-style  after a breakdown. It was  also at that time that she adopted the name  of Anna Kavan, taken  from a character in her novel <em>Let  Me Alone</em> with whom she identified. She  went through  detoxification many times before her death, but always  returned  to what she called her \"bazooka\". She continued to write, even   during periods of mental illness/depression which she spent in clinics   in Switzerland and in England. Her experiences there provided   material for <em>Asylum  Piece</em>... <strong>Ironically, after a life of suicide attempts and heroin addiction,  she died of natural causes in London on December 5, 1968.</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : ou acheter se slivres (amazon etc) + research : <br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">COPAC UK: <em>Anna Kavan</em></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Library of Canada Search Form</a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Library of Congress: <em>Anna Kavan</em></a><br /><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Other Library Catalogs: <em>Anna Kavan</em></a><br /><a href=\";S=R&amp;quicksearch=yes&amp;searchtype=Title&amp;searchquery=Anna%20Kavan&amp;pid=&amp;;aid=&amp;x=20&amp;y=33\" target=\"_blank\">Books from Alibris: <em>Anna Kavan</em></a></p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Le mariage homosexuel validé par le Conseil constitutionnel" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-17 15:48:47" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan's New Zealand by Jennifer Sturm - Books - Random House Books New Zealand" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:09:39" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Nina Allan</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Hastings UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : auteur : My fiction could best be described as visionary realism. Recurring  obsessions include old clocks and rare insects, forgotten manuscripts  and abandoned houses.&nbsp; Writers who have inspired and continue to inspire  me include Vladimir Nabokov, Iris Murdoch, Joyce Carol Oates, Paul  Auster, J. G Ballard, Roberto Bolano, M. John Harrison and Christopher  Priest.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ; elle suit de nombreux blogs deja ds zotero : eveyrthing nice, ch priets, strange horizon (elle écrit dedans), asylum, torque control (niall harisonn a chroniqué son travail)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : avril 2011</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : th spider's house - nina allan's homepage</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : bloglitt / blog d'auteur</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : <a title=\"View all posts in books\" rel=\"category\" href=\"\">books</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in events\" rel=\"category\" href=\"\">events</a>, <a title=\"View all posts in news\" rel=\"category\" href=\"\">news</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :3 img, rue de Londres, 99 Peel Street, maison AK</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : un retour à londres pour la sortie d'un bouquin, se promener ds kensington chez ak, puis prez Work : Ice (quote), asylum, SHHH, son préfér The Parson</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : We spent the afternoon in Kensington, having lunch near Holland Park and  then making our way across to Hillsleigh Road and nearby Peel Street,  both once home to the writer Anna Kavan. It was Chris who first introduced me to AK’s work, and I’m ashamed to  say that until I started reading her five years ago I’d never heard of  her.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : With its emphasis on the skewed psychology and sometimes impenetrable  motivations of its characters rather than the eponymous world  catastrophe that threatens to engulf them, Kavan’s <em>Ice</em> sometimes appears to me as the fourth bastard ‘quadruplet’ in the <strong>Ballardian</strong> cycle of water, fire and brimstone. + The fractured novels <em>Asylum Piece</em> and <em>Sleep Has His House</em> are sorely neglected, but in the intensity of their struggle to present  a portrait of the artist fighting for sanity in a hostile world they  must rank alongside <strong>Sylvia Plath</strong>’s <em>The Bell Jar</em> and Janet Frame’s <em>An Angel at My Table</em>.</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Marya</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : south africa</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Marya exploring the alchemy of place and relatedness from a homestead in  Africa. Discovering the extraordinary in the everyday and listening  with all the senses to a wilder rough magic both ancient and new…</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : follow Eves' typad ou 50 watts</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : African Alchemy - back in the light-filled continent</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : life &amp; work</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : découverte perso ? Her descriptions burned so brightly when I first began reading&nbsp; the work  of Anna Kavan that I felt a kinship with her almost at once. I have  sometimes wandered past <strong>her last home in Peel Street, London</strong>,&nbsp; in  pilgrimage. The novels and memoirs stand on my shelves: I came across <em>Ice</em> first, then <em>Asylum Piece</em> and <em>My Madness</em>, then <em>Let me Alone</em>,&nbsp; <em>Julia and the Bazooka</em> with its 1960s hip bohemianism, and<em> Sleep Has His House</em>....<strong> Those of us who know and love her work keep hoping that any year now there will be reprints and a new generation of readers.</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : mythologies... When she was 14, her father committed suicide by leaping from a ship.  Her mother sent her to schools and boarding houses in Switzerland, then  Surrey, then Malvern. At some point Anna/Helen began to take drugs and&nbsp;  would develop a lifelong addiction to heroin. raccourci 2 weddings to alcoholic husbands : <strong>By this time she was dependent on cocaine, heroin, sleeping pills and  marijuana. Nervous breakdowns, psychotic episodes and suicide attempts  followed. She and Edmonds had a daughter who died. They adopted another  girl</strong>... In St <strong>Stephen’s</strong>, she met her analyst and lifelong friend Dr Karl Bluth.  An acceptance of her heroin addiction, injecting herself several times a  day, permitted a kind of normality. The role played by <strong>Bluth</strong> as her  analyst and heroin dealer is controversial and from time to time  throughout her life Anna Kavan would undergo detoxes and attempts to  cure herself. Most of her close friends believed that the addiction  resulted from her need to self-medicate severe depression resulting from  childhood traumas.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : <strong>Kavan knew that&nbsp; she had discovered not just a persona but a&nbsp;  technically innovative way of&nbsp; expressing herself as a writer of  speculative slipstream fiction and nurturing a proto-feminist  sensibility. She was a modern opium-eating De Quincy, anticipated  Burroughs and Ballard, echoed something of the dark sensuality of  Pauline Reage. </strong>une autre vue sur sa vie : <strong>she wrote sixteen novels, innumerable short stories from which five  collections have so far been drawn, was a talented painter (of “bizarre  studies of tormented women”), worked for a military research unit during  World War II, and in 1950 established and ran an architecture and  design firm. </strong>anecdote de sa mort...<strong> the Scotland Yard Drug Squad said there was enough heroin in her flat  “to kill the whole street.” As ever, the myth overtook the life: she had  died of a heart attack. The work lives on, waiting for discerning  readers to unearth her icy perfection.</strong></p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:49:42" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:46:35" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:27:13" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "drogSF : stupéfiantes fictions - Les dossiers SF du cafard" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 18:54:44" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Jess</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Hampshire UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :SFF fan, blogger, and writer based in Hampshire, UK.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : Reviews of fantasy and science fiction books, interspersed with some  general chat about SFF and news about my own writing. Thank you for  visiting!</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mai 2011</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : The Lightning Tree - fantasy, sf and miscellaneous wonder</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog sf</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Apocalypse ; Review ; Sci-Fi</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <span class=\"posted-in\"><a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">apocalypse</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">book review</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Ice</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">J. G. Ballard</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">slipstream</a></span> <span class=\"sep\">|</span> <span class=\"comments-link\"><a title=\"Comment on Review: Ice, Anna&nbsp;Kavan\" href=\"\">1 Comment</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv Ice</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : When I picked up this book, all I knew about it was that it was  apocalyptic. I certainly didn’t realise that the apocalyptic scenario in  fact plays out a sinister psychological dreamscape, where the  boundaries between interior and exterior, real and imagined,  hallucination and daydream, sadistic wish-fulfillment and physical  injury, are utterly erased. That was a shock.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : major point: the narrator’s relationship with the girl is revealed to be  more than the romantic attachment it first seems. Gradually, we realise  that his attitude towards her is not one of tender affection, but of a  more disturbing and sadistic masculine possessiveness. This emerges  particularly through the narrator’s interactions with a character called  The Warden.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1309254654&amp;sr=1-1</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : <em>Ice</em>&nbsp;is often described as a <strong>‘slipstream</strong>’ novel, and as far as I  can see that’s a pretty good classification, if indeed it helps to  label it at all. The novel is a slippery specimen, that’s for sure + I saw a mention of <strong>sexism</strong> on Amazon’s reader comments (something along  the lines of ‘If this was written by a man, it would be really sexist’).  Um. Surely authors are allowed to write about sexism? Yes, even in the  first person. Clearly character and author are <em>not</em> the same,  and they wouldn’t be even if the author were male. Ice does indeed  investigate a misogynistic outlook, with disturbing hints at sadism, but  that’s, you know, <em>what it’s doing</em>. You don’t have to prescribe to the narrator’s attitude to find the book interesting. So that’s my stance on that issue. + I’m trying to think of something to compare it to, but it’s difficult –  the closest I can think of at the moment are J. G. Ballard’s short  stories (the more trippy of them). Thinking about it, I definitely  prefer Ballard, but <em></em> might be a worthwhile sidetrack if you’re also a Ballard fan.</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Max Cairnduff</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : London</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : reader</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : The Pechorin's Journal</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Kavan, Anna, SF</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : Anna Kavan</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img (couv Ice)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 2 like + 18 comment : est-ce de la sf ? (It’s very much at the literary end of sf, so much so that if you didn’t  call it such anyone not familiar with sf probably wouldn’t think to  describe it that way) ... ref slipstream (Your/Priests remarks towards the end about “slipstream” fiction pretty much sum up the SF I go for: Ballard, Dick.)&nbsp; + (It was never entirely clear to me what slipstream really is. But it  makes sense in this case. When you mentioned the heroin addcition I  suddenly thought of William S. Burroughs’ Naked Lunch and its fragmented  story telling. Is it at all similar?) ... compar Burroughs (I’ve not read Burroughs in over 20 years so I don’t recall his style as  well as I used to (at one point I read a lot of Burroughs), but we are  in similar territory in some ways and had I thought of him I’d have  included him in my list of possible comparators.) ... (It takes me back actually to why I didn’t refer to an unreliable  narrator. In Burroughs reality can break down within the individual  scene. Here each episode makes sense on its own, just not next to each  other) ... (<strong>was she a cut up fan ?</strong>) ... (<strong>PS: For my education, is Ice a slang word for heroin like snow for cocain?</strong>) ... (From what I’ve read here I’m also reminded of <strong>Samuel Delany</strong>. Regarding Christopher Priest, I’d recommend ‘Inverted World’ but that’s not nearly as surreal as ‘Ice’ seems to be) ...</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : about + quote Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : John Self of The Asylum first alerted me to Anna Kavan’s Ice, and he later reviewed it himself. That review is <a href=\"\">here</a> and, as ever, is worth reading.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Ice embraces incoherence – the narrative is already fractured / Anna Kavan, famously, was a heroin addict and the novel is run through  with apocalyptic imagery of snow smothering towns and ice clogging up  seas and harbours. The ice can be seen as a metaphor for heroin  deadening experience, crushing down all feeling except the obsessive  quest for something that even when attained soon slips away and must be  chased all over again.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1/ ref SF &amp; compar auteurs : In a very real sense this is a work of science fiction, one in a  recognisable tradition even. That’s not because it takes place in an  unspecified future in the face of a wintry armageddon. It’s because it  breaks reailty to explore concepts through metaphor and image. The most  obvious comparators are <strong>Ballard</strong> and <strong>Christopher Priest</strong> (who writes an  excellent foreword), perhaps <strong>Dick</strong> at a slight push, but also for me M  <strong>John Harrison</strong> with his marvellous and strange Viriconium stories. There  too reality shifts, follows mood rather than logic ; 2/ SLIPSTREAM : Priest categorises fiction of this kind as slipstream, and it’s a good  word for it. He argues that “Slipstream literature is a response to  science (and scientific effects), an exercise of human feelings about  science, if not an understanding of it, but it is not an allegory.”  That’s where Ballard comes in. (...) ; 3/ ref blog John Self (point d'entrée)</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Caitlin</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Caitlin. 23. Writer, college student, feminist, passionate cinephile, lover of literature, art, and poetry.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : via tumblr</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : membre de goodreaders : (tumblr+gooreads like  ND) et aussi autre tumblr : The Ellipses Project is focused on  advocating and exploring gender  justice and feminism, anti-classism,  anti-racism, body positivity,  disability, art, culture, and community.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : A writer's rumination</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : tumblr littéraire</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; Asylum Piece ; my new love</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : txt</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 78 notes =&nbsp; 18 reblogged dont 1 add notye /&nbsp; 60 liked</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : quote Asylum</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : parmi les like : kari larsen auteur d'un post sur un blog litt sur AK</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Radio New Zealand : National : Programmes : Saturday Morning : Jennifer Sturm: Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:03:05" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Y a-t-il une histoire littéraire des femmes ? Sommaire" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:28:54" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : L Timmel Duchamp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Seattle</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : auteur</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p><a href=\"\"><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">L.                    Timmel Duchamp</span></a><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\"> lives in the Pacific Northwest. Her collection, <em>Love's Body,                    Dancing in Time,</em> (Aqueduct Press) is on your reading list. </span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : LCRW - an occasionnal outburst</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : Ice review</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : sf et feminism</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">First published in 1967,                    on the eve of the second wave of feminism, <em>Ice</em> has never                    been regarded as a significant work of <strong>proto-feminist literature, </strong>although scholars occasionally include it on lists of sf by                    women written before the major works of feminist sf burst onto                    the scene in the 1970s. The novel's surrealist form demands                    a different sort of reading than that of science fiction driven                    by narrative causality, but the text's obsessive insistence                    on linking the global political violence of the Cold War with                    the threateningly lethal sexual objectification of Woman and                    depicting them as two poles of the same suicidal collective                    will to destroy life makes <em>Ice</em> an interesting feminist                    literary experiment. </span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">The novel offers a story                    of compulsive, anal-sadistic pursuit set in a world in which                    ice is slowly but inexorably taking over the planet. PERSO : </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">The novel's characters are                    not personalities but archetypal figures in a pattern that is                    repeated synchronically throughout the narrative, points mapping                    a relation the narrator presents as inescapable, in which each                    figure is constituted by its relation with the other two... </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">But it is the pattern that is central                    and key; \"the girl\" is simply a role: \"Her part was to suffer;                    that was known and accepted\"(148)</span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">+ Although the narrator at times regards                    the warden as his rival, he more often identifies with him: </span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">\"The girl,\" significantly,                    regards the narrator and the warden as virtually indistinguishable : </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">'There's no difference. IT'S HER. </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\"> She is thin and pale                    and has silver hair. Kavan felt that she, too, had \"suffered                    injuries in childhood,\" had been bullied and \"weakened                    by the mother who for years had persistently crushed [her will]                    into submission\"(36). And at the time she wrote this novel,                    she was herself thin and pale and had silver hair. This figure                    of \"the girl\" recurs often in Kavan's fiction, though usually                    as a character with depth rather than a flat point on a map. CHANGE THE NAME : </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">Authors often bestow their                    own names on their protagonists. But Anna Kavan's is the only                    case I know of an author assuming the name of one of her protagonists... </span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">hat would impel a writer to fling off both of the names                    bestowed on her at birth and adopt the name she had put to the                    characterization of an intelligent, promising proto-feminist                    bullied and brutalized and finally transformed into an easily-dominated                    victim?... </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\"> Brian Aldiss characterizes                    this name-change as \"full of masochism and pride\"(139).                    He and other critics suggest that \"Kavan\" was attractive                    to her because of its proximity to the name \"Kafka.\" I                    tend to read the gesture as one of defiant self-creation.GENDER : </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\"><strong>Gendered assumptions</strong> about                    writers promote the presumption that when a woman makes use                    of autobiographical material in her fiction she is in fact \"simply\"                    -- confessionally -- describing herself. In fact, as both her                    biographer D.A. Callard and Aldiss attest, the writer who called                    herself Anna Kavan exercised a great deal of agency in her life,                    despite her subjection to suicidal bouts of depression, the                    chronic pain of a spinal disease, and a forty-year addiction                    to heroin. DEAD : </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">In fact, as both her                    biographer D.A. Callard and Aldiss attest, the writer who called                    herself Anna Kavan exercised a great deal of agency in her life,                    despite her subjection to suicidal bouts of depression, the                    chronic pain of a spinal disease, and a forty-year addiction                    to heroin. (<strong>Contrary to the oft-repeated romantic assertion                    that she killed herself with an intentional heroin overdose,                    she actually died of heart disease</strong>.) </span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\"><strong>worked for a                    military research unit during World War II</strong>, (regarder ça, // avec suzanne ??) ... </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">Kavan's <em>Ice</em> must,                    I believe, be read as the work of an author not only in full                    control of her imaginative exploration of traumatic life experience,                    but also deliberately deploying <strong>experimental techniques</strong>. </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">As Aldiss notes with <strong>regret</strong>, to date                    Anna Kavan is \"a cult figure\" and not yet recognized as                    an author to be read seriously (143). Her novel, <em>Sleep Has                    His House</em> (1947), for instance, is a gorgeous piece of surrealist                    writing. But it is frequently described as a \"memoir,Ó and reviews                    praising it typically avoid acknowledging its stylistic innovation                    by referring to her prose descriptions as \"dreams so carefully                    notated as paintings by Dal’ or de Chirico,\" or as \"a fascinating                    clinical casebook of her individual obsessions and the effects                    of drugs on her imagination.</span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : <span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">Kavan herself called it                    \"a sort of present day fable\" (Callard,137). It is often                    categorized as science fiction, though Christopher <strong>Priest</strong>, labeling                    it \"<strong>slipstream</strong>,\" reads it as a \"sustained and extended                    metaphor for the descent into, and traverse of, the ice-laden                    world of the addict.\"[2] Aldiss admits that although he                    considers it a Symbolist work, he proclaimed it the best sf                    novel of 1967 in order to draw attention to it. <em>Ice</em> makes                    use of science-fiction conventions. (For me, it particularly                    evokes the catastrophic \"ice-nine\" of <strong>Vonnegut's </strong><em><strong>Cat's                    Cradl</strong>e,</em> which appeared the year before Kavan began work                    on the novel)... </span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">In short,                    I believe the novel can only be fully appreciated when read                    as a work of <strong>surrealism. REECRITURE DEMANDEE PAR OWEN : </strong></span><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">Kavan offers us an implausible attempt                    at a \"happy ending\" (notwithstanding the narrator's admission                    that he and everyone else will soon be dead). </span><br /><span style=\"font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: x-small;\">Kavan struggled over a period                    of four years to make the book acceptable to Owen. Since Owen's                    rejection of it centered on its lack of well-rounded characters                    and narrative causality, it seems likely that Kavan did what                    she could to pacify his desire for a more conventional \"story.\"                    I'd be very interested to see Kavan's earlier versions of the                    novel. My guess is that the narrator's \"discovery\" of tenderness                    and the abrupt attempt to imply narrative continuity, which                    in my judgment alone prevents the novel from being a masterpiece,                    were revisions Kavan made simply to get the book published (or                    were perhaps made by Owen himself, after Kavan's death). Happily,                    the last sentence of the book shows Kavan having the last word: </span></p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Two Ravens Press: Murmurations edited by Nicholas Royle" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:24:10" ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Emily Hill: Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:01:36" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
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    dc:title "giraf giraffe" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:22:02" ;
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    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "PeterOwenPublishers: Search results for anna kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:56:11" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
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    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:11:12" ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 12:46:05" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:title "Tombeaux de la littérature Sommaire" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:32:38" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Lemurian Congress: Doom & Gloom From Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 20:22:21" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "A Stranger on Earth, by Doris Lessing - Reviews - Books - The Independent" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:15:44" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
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    ] ;
    dc:title ".sniffing keyholes.: Anna Kavan - De Quincey's heir, Kafka's sister" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 07:20:13" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Heroin, madness and men: a hell of a life ; Self-loathing, abuse and drug addiction plagued novelist Anna Kavan but also inspired her best work, says Virginia Ironside. It's time her genius was recognised - The Independent (London, England) | HighBeam Research" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:39:32" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
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    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Tony</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : WELCOME to the wonderful and phantasmagorical world of Tony. Don't  always believe what I say, words are just words but meanings change like  the ruslting of the wind. Catch me and don't set me free. The key is  not liberation but AWARENESS.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : multiply</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : février 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Beautiful Ordinary Life</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : thoughts ; books</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv Ice</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : Ice review</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :&nbsp; Ice  by Anna Kavan&nbsp;was 70% off, I do not know the writer, but after reading  Doris Lessing’s comment, I carted it off with the rest of the titles for  purchase.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : The  eerie and strangeness of the story seems an exciting read. I am  intrigued how a heroine addict writes one of slipstream’s most  significant novel... <span style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','sans-serif';\">I  keep wondering if Anna Kavan writes stoned or sober. I feel that the  novel is about her addiction with heroine. The invasion of ice in the  novel could be likening to her incessant need to be stoned. Ice is the  heroine. All the characters in the novel represent Anna Kavan. The  narrator is the one with the keen eye for survival or the truth; he  might represent Anna Kavan’s true self...</span><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','sans-serif';\">The  girl represents Kavan’s fragile personality. She needs rescuing all the  time, though she detests assistance because it mirrors all her  weaknesses... </span><br /><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','sans-serif';\">The  man with some importance represents Kavan’s ego. Strong, fierce, and  cunning but at the same time heartless and cold. He is a megalomaniac.  Power and self-importance describes him best. Anna Kavan wants to feel  powerful thus; she turns to heroine, to give her immense power to create  an illusory world where she is safe... </span><span style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','sans-serif';\">The  milieu of the story might describe the kind of world Anna Kavan lives.  The deathly ice could be the real world of the writer. The heroine  provides an escape from a world of judgment. When she is stoned, all  emotions, and feelings die, buried in ice. Heroine gives her the power  to bury the darkness and feel nothing but the exhilarating rush of the  drug that maims her body</span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : <span style=\"font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','sans-serif';\">The novel is drear and cold, it does not give hope.</span></p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Portrait of the Artist as the Books He’s Loved | HTMLGIANT" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 23:52:57" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Winter reads: Ice by Anna Kavan | Books |" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:34:05" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Quelques notes sur la science-fiction comme genre… ou culture | ReS Futurae – le carnet" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:10:54" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Rooms with Books: A Stranger Still by Anna Kavan (Helen Ferguson)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 15:38:11" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } --> <!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Patricia Burt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : US - Sokane (côte ouest)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : reader / book groups -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2010</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Reflections from Hinterland - Reading, Writing, and life in general</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 3 (pas direct ref)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : books reviews dont Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : sérendipité : One fun thing about reading book blogs is how you can find yourself  going from one to another or, on other cases, from a review of a book  that doesn’t quiet peak your interest but it refers to an earlier review  of a book that does.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : I was intrigued by Anna’s story (physiological issues, heroin  addiction, renaming herself after one of her own character’s, etc.) but  the book itself didn’t seem like my thing.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : John Self's review</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Graeme K Talboys</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mai 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Grumbooks - observations on recently read books</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : bloglitt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : livres lus été 2012 dont SHHH</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Unique...Based in part on her own life and withdrawal from the world, it is a truly surreal journey from day into night, from reality into dreams, from normality into a world of symbolism that is cut off from the mainstream... Taking <strong>epsiodes </strong>from her own life which are used to introduce each episode, we see how that is <strong>converted</strong> into dream, how the real world is painful and desolate place. Each surreal flight, each dream is an escape, not from but to... And even where events are chilling (the brief visions of <strong>nuclear war</strong> are horrific) there is always a sense that somewhere in the <strong>twisted cosmos</strong> there is a way out.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : For Anna Kavan, the struggle to escape was lifelong. She wrestled with addiction and mental illness. Her writing proves that sometimes she won, if for no other reason than that she made the world a better place for the rest of us through the very words she put on paper. Because in those words is not just a record of the struggle, but a glimpse of beauty and hope...happy end vs NO HOPE chez d'autres... twisted donc.<strong></strong></p>
</ul>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Impossible Mike</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : SF</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : auteur/contrib</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : html giant</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : lit-blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> :&nbsp;<small class=\"smallmeta\"><a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\"></a></small></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : Robbe Grillet ; AK ; <small class=\"smallmeta\"><a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">anne-marie albiach</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Antonin Artaud</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">canons</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Dennis Cooper</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">favorites</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">georges bataille</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">hans bellmer</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">martin vaughn-james</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">nick land</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">raimund abraham</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">this is 5634 words nobody is going to read the whole thing</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">why the french are better than everyone else</a></small></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : des img dont 1 AK w/Ian Hamilton guess</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 32</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : réflexion sur les canons/les listes/les livres favoris/l'expérience de ces livres lus...</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : <br /> My first encounter with Anna Kavan came via an <a href=\"\">image found trawling through a friend’s flicker page</a>.  There is a lovely group of really wonderful women I have met online via  my obsession with the 60s &amp; 70s films of the fantastique, and  “Oola” is one acquaintance I was particularly bewitched by.  She seemed  to have impeccable taste and a wonderfully exciting life (from what I  could see of it online), so the combination of my experience with the  owner of the book and the cover of the book itself, I immediately  requested the book from inter-library-loan (at the time, Kavan’s <em>Julia and the Bazooka</em> was out of print).</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Kavan was a covert heroin user throughout her whole life, and I get the impression she was eternally sad... While I loved &amp; continue to love the stories found in <em>Julia and the Bazooka</em>, I was absolutely blown away when I read <em>Mercury</em>.  The book is arguably the “B-side” to Kavan’s somewhat more notorious novel, <em>Ice</em>,  which is also a fantastic read.  Taking somewhat of the same narrative,  but <strong>replacing the point of view from the male protagonist in <em>Ice</em> and taking the eternal female-victim</strong> and putting her in the first  person position, the story becomes even more fucked and fantastique–  there is sadness, sexual degradation, and a pulling away, a coldness.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : lien vers le flickr / couv de la mariée julia</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ref slippages/slidings/Robbe Grillet</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "peterwellsblog.: sombre indifference and a talking book" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:09:12" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:51:09" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Steven Hart</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : New Jersey</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : journalist and writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : “I was abandoned as an infant and raised by wolves in the New Jersey  countryside, taking shelter by day in the undergrowth of highway medians  and traffic ramps. A kindly farmer found me in one of his snares and  brought me back to his house, where he taught me to read, speak and  write my name with a firm but crooked hand. After that, there was  nothing to do but send me to Rutgers University, where despite my best  efforts I graduated with a degree in English.&nbsp;I live with my family  midst amber waves of condos and shopping malls, enjoying a quiet life,  except on&nbsp;moonlit nights when my four-legged brothers and I range the  countryside in search of prey.”</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Steven Hart Site - being the blog of the author of we all fall down and the last three miles</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : the reading life</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <span class=\"tag-links\"><a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">A Simple Plan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Cat's Cradle</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Jonathan Lethem</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Peter Hoeg</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">To the White Sea</a></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 3</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : ist book of cold print dont AK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : list book of cold print</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Anna Kavan’s  novel <em>Ice</em>, a surrealistic work in which civil  war and an encroaching ice age serve as the background (and, sometimes, a  terrifying foreground) to an  three-way relationship in which the  players — a nameless woman, her obsessive pursuer, and her abusive  husband — play out appropriately frozen roles.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : compar Vonnegut Cat's cradle Ice-Nine</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Bottle blonde - Books - The Listener" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:13:20" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "The Case of Anna Kavan: A Biography: David Callard: 9780720608670: Books" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:16:28" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Bethlem Blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : London</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : This blog is written by staff at the Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum: in particular, Archivist <a title=\"Colin WordPress Profile\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Colin Gale</a> and Friends Secretary <a title=\"Sarah Profile\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Sarah Chaney</a>, with contributions by other staff members and guest writers.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : The Archives and Museum is located at the Bethlem Royal Hospital – the  original ‘Bedlam’, one of the world’s oldest hospitals for the treatment  of mental illness. Founded in 1247 as the priory of St Mary of  Bethlehem, the Hospital has been housed on four different sites  throughout its history – most famously at St George’s Fields (1815 –  1930), now the Imperial War Museum – and is currently located at Monks  Orchard, Beckenham, in the south-east suburbs of London (<a href=\"\">Visit Us</a>).</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Bethlem blog - Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives and Museum</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Art</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <small class=\"entry-meta\"><a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Heather and Ivan Morrison</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Ice</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">In the Frame</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Mercury</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">The Hepworth Wakefield</a></small></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img / painting</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : xpo : Having recently seen a body of contemporary artwork work by Heather and  Ivan Morrison inspired by the life and work of the novelist Anna Kavan  (1901-1968), on display at <a title=\"Hepworth Wakefield\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">The Hepworth Wakefield</a> until 10 June, the Archivist has written the following about Kavan’s portrait of Luz, the ‘elusive protagonist’ of her novels <em>Ice</em> and <em>Mercury</em>:</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : The phrase ‘elusive protagonist’ might appear a contradiction in terms, but anyone who has read Anna Kavan’s <em>Ice</em> will understand. Luz in betw Ice &amp; Mercury (Mercury reworking work of Ice) = None of the characters in <em>Ice</em> are named, but its female protagonist reappears as ‘Luz’ in <em>Mercury</em>, in which Kavan extends her apocalyptic imaginings.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : le lieu d'xpo : + Kavan’s only association with Bethlem and the Maudsley was a brief spell  as a research assistant at Mill Hill Emergency Hospital, to which  Maudsley staff were evacuated for the duration of the Second World War.  In the 1940s she also wrote for the literary review magazine <em>Horizon</em>.(‘The Case of Bill Williams’, <em>Horizon</em> vol. IX no. 50 (1944), pp. 96-99)  One of her pieces could be considered without anachronism to be a  product of the anti-psychiatric movement, if only it had been published  twenty-five years later.<sup>3 </sup>+ Kavan is best remembered for her visionary fiction, but perhaps<strong> deserves  more recognition</strong> within the pantheon of twentieth-century British  authors than she has received to date, despite the existence of a <a title=\"Anna Kavan Society\" href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">learned society</a> dedicated to her memory.+ le musée Bethlem a UNE PEINTURE !! Kavan’s creative powers extended to painting, and one of the Archives  &amp; Museum’s recent acquisitions is Kavan’s imagined portrait of Luz,  “her extreme thinness corresponding as it does to Anna’s idea of the  female stereotype…nonetheless sexualised by full breasts and defined  curves”.<sup>2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <br /></sup></p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : Her work has inspired Heather and Ivan Morrison to create an  installation of contemporary art (and script a puppet show for  performance within the installation) at The Hepworth Wakefield, in which  the woman, depicted in white chalk and bone, is named ‘Anna’. To regard  <em>Ice</em> as simply autobiographical, however, would be to diminish the imaginative achievement of its author.</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "show me a ditch, and i'll dive in it" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:18:28" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "CV Dominique Peyrache-Leborgne - LAMO" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:13:59" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Odette Habram</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Liège</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : ipernity</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2010</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Blog de Odette Habram</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</li>
<li> <strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : img (self portrait 1963) + quote</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 8</li>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : quote Asylum</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : -</li>
<div id=\"_mcePaste\" class=\"mcePaste\" style=\"position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 0px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;\"><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">A l’origine, la photo d’une femme au visage serein, souriant…</span></span></div>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "On Anna Kavan - Jon Fortgang, writer and editor" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 16:30:55" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Burn Your Eyes Clean: Sleep Does Not Have His House: Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 15:11:08" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Caitlin</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : ?</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : Caitlin. 23. Writer, college student, feminist, passionate cinephile, lover of literature, art, and poetry.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : via tumblr</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : membre de goodreaders : (tumblr+gooreads like ND) et aussi autre tumblr : The Ellipses Project is focused on advocating and exploring gender  justice and feminism, anti-classism, anti-racism, body positivity,  disability, art, culture, and community.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : tumblr</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : A writer's rumination</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : tumblr littéraire</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; Walker Evans</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : photo W Evans</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 26 notes =&nbsp; 10 reblogged dont 1 add notye / 15 liked</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : photo W Evans</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : parmi les like : kari larsen auteur d'un post sur un blog litt sur AK</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 13:16:54" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Black Treacle: a story of Anna Kavan. | Strange Alphabets" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:33:54" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Wil Murray</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Berlin</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : artiste, peintre</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : sept 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Burn your eyes clean</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK, Painting, Wil Murray, Writing</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img (portrait W.Evans)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 8, échange avec un autre blogger sur le surréalisme et le monde des rêves</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : about Sleep Has His House, critique</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : reading SHHH</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : A very rare bout of <strong>insomnia</strong> seems like the perfect time to discuss dreams.... If she is to sit with me and the dreams described as if we were both seeing it for the first time, they are meaningless.<br />Without you, there's nothing in your dreams for me.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ref The Drowned World by Ballard</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:06:52" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Introducing Anna Kavan - The" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:36:20" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Compte rendu du colloque Cultures & Autofictions, Cerisy la Salle, 16 - 23 juillet 2012 -" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:58:23" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dovegreyreader</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Tamara Valley, Devonshire, UK</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : bookaholic / nurse</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : self-portrait :</li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Dovegreyreader scribbles - a Devonshire based bookaholic, sock-knitting quilter who is a community nurse in her spare time</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Peter Owen</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (couv Guilty)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 9</li>
<p><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200d835804e1469e2-content\">Thanks for  the excellent piece on Anna Kavan - I am pretty sure that you are the  first person ever to have read Guilty as their first Kavan, if you  follow me. I wonder if you'll permit me a plug? <br /> On the 3rd of July Doris Lessing, Virginia Ironside, Brian Aldiss and  Christopher Priest  will be discussing Kavan's life and work at the  London Review Bookshop. The evening begins 7pm. <strong>Kite Maude</strong></span></p>
<p><br /><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200d8354b1be553ef-content\">I was at school with Virginia Ironside. <strong>Harriet </strong></span></p>
<div class=\"comment-content\"><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200d835809d7069e2-content\">
<p>Welcome,  dovegreyreader, to the threshold of the compelling other-world of Anna  Kavan! I have lived in <strong>Kavanland</strong> for the past five years and experience <strong>a  certain frisson every time I hear of her attraction to a new fan</strong>.<br /> Something you may not know is that she 'borrowed' from the work of  writers she admired. Her 'Eagle's Nest' owes much in content, style and  tone to Kafka's 'The Castle' and her remake of  'Let Me Alone' ['Who Are  You?'] borrows from 'La Jalousie' by Robbe-Grillet. Several scenes in  both Kavan books paraphrase their source alarmingly! Kavan also  self-plagiarised, with 'Mercury' being a version of 'Ice'. She is not  unique in doing this - and let's face it, if it worked the first time,  why not give it another outing??? Painters and sculptors do it all the  time, variations on a theme etc.<br /> Re Kafka, Kavan once speculated as to why people with the power of  deeper thought 'seem always to have a K in their name'. Hah! <span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200d835809d7069e2-content\">Kavan  books paraphrase their source alarmingly! Kavan also self-plagiarised,  with 'Mercury' being a version of 'Ice'. She is not unique in doing this  - and let's face it, if it worked the first time, why not give it  another outing??? Painters and sculptors do it all the time, variations  on a theme etc.<br /> Re Kafka, Kavan once speculated as to why people with the power of  deeper thought 'seem always to have a K in their name'. Hah! <strong>Jennifer Sturm</strong></span></p>
<div class=\"comment-content\"><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200df351cef438833-content\">
<p>I've  only read one Anna Kavan novel, Let Me Alone.  I'd like to read more.   Thanks for doing this entry.  I agree, she should have a bigger  audience! <strong>Bybee</strong></p>
<p><span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200e54ef355ec8833-content\">I don't  know how I missed this when you first posted it. Count me among the  recent converts to Anna Kavan. A year or so ago, after having my  interest piqued by a mention on another blog, I picked up \"Asylum Piece\"  and was hooked. I haven't yet delved back as far as her Helen Ferguson  novels, but ever since reading a biography of her, I have been meaning  to do so in order to compare and contrast. I understand that her style  underwent a significant change at the same time that she changed her  name, and I'm very curious as to whether the books written under the  different names feel like they were written by the same writer... <strong>Kate S</strong><br /></span></p>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : Oxford DNB, Virginia Ironside (avant propos ré-édition 2004 de Julia), découverte du manuscrit Guilty, sa lecture</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : I can only apologize for being so distracted by bath plugs the last time  I mentioned Anna Kavan.It can't have been helpful so now I plan to  dedicate myself to the cause of Anna and ensure you all know about her  without any deviation,hesitation or repetition whatsoever.</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> :Things seemed to settle if you could call it that, but in the process  there were six suicide attempts,several attempts at detox and at one  time in 1949, Helen, now renamed Anna, was one of only 200 registered  heroin addicts in the UK. Thereafter entitled to the drug on  prescription, as Virginia Ironside elaborates, sufficient was found  stashed in her house after her death to flatten the whole of the street.... she deserves a much wider audience than the three of us, oh and not forgetting Jennifer (Sturm) and Duncan (Fallowell) of course.</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : Virginia Ironside</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : plagiat Eagle Nest &gt; The Castle Kafka / Leav me alone &gt; La jalousie de Robbe Grillet</li>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\"><br /></span></span></p>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">&nbsp;</span></span></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Friends of Promise: Cyril Connolly and the World of Horizon: Michael Shelden: Livres anglais et étrangers" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:15:14" ;
    link:charset "28" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Martin Lewis</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : London</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : review in Strange Horizon + review editor of Vector, critical journal of british SF + judge Arthur C Clarje Award</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : gmail</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : sept 2008</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Everything is Nice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : books ; sf</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : anna kavan ; slipstream -&gt; : voir <strong>slipstream anthology</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img (couv Ice)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 2 like dont John Self</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review + quote Ice</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : John Self ??</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Ethereal, blonde to the point of translucency, she is never named either. / So he is traumatised, hallucinating and addicted. / She became addicted to heroin in her twenties following a painful  illness and struggled with the drug for the next forty years. The  failure of psychiatry and pharmacology is written clearly in this novel.  There are also points were the narrator seems to know the girl from the  inside, the first person narration appearing to give way to the third  person and the author and the girl merge.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1/ As in <strong>Ballard</strong>’s disaster novels entropy inexorably claims the Earth. The  first chapter gives us the intrusion of the dream-like into what we  initially perceive to be our world with the encroaching ice acting as a  metaphor. But it becomes rapidly more real, plunging us into a  Ballardian disaster novel in which entropy inexorably claims the Earth. 2/ From the second chapter, it also becomes clear that the world itself is  uncertain; it shifts – or should that be slips since this is  quintessential <strong><a href=\"\">slipstream</a></strong> – entirely into the realm of dreams. -&gt; what is slipstream by martin lewis : 3/ ref I think you can see a lot of <em>Ice</em> in <strong>Priest’</strong>s most recent novel, <em>The Islanders</em> – the unreliable narrator, the twisted travelogue, the undercurrent of obsession – and John Self <a href=\"\">makes a similar point</a> with respect to <em>The Affirmation</em>.</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:09:55" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom</strong> : Anthony Brockway</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : H</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Cardiff, Wales</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> : For further info, ideas, arts and media collaborations, contact me here:   Am NOT on Facebook or Twitter.</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : se rencontrer à Cardiff / archives Rhys Davies</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Babylon Wales - notes from&nbsp; the margins of welsh popular culture</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv Honeysuckle girl, livre hommage bio de Rhys Davies</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : rencontre, amitié, anecdote, inspiration mutuelle e/ AK et RD (devient R dans Asylum, devient héroïne d'un de ses livres). il fut son literary executor.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : outsiders - The relationship between Welsh novelist <a href=\"\"><span style=\"color: #990000;\">Rhys Davies</span> </a>and cult author <a href=\"\"><span style=\"color: #990000;\">Anna Kavan</span></a> is a fascinating one. I guess what drew them together must have been  their <strong>outsider</strong> status - Davies the closeted homosexual and Kavan the  secret heroin addict.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : secret heroin addict... not an overdose... After her death Davies penned the introduction to Kavan's collection of stories <em>Julia and the Bazooka</em> (1970). It was here that Davies first publically revealed her heroin  addiction. Incidentally 'bazooka' was Kavan's term for a heroin-filled  hypodermic... Surprisingly Rhys Davies declined an offer to write her biography.  Despite being her friend for over 30 years he claimed not to know enough  about her to perform such a task. Instead he wrote a thinly disguised fictionalised biography called <em>Honeysuckle Girl</em> (1975). This often overlooked contribution to drugs literature (I'm  surprised it hasn't been reprinted and given the full cult makeover  treatment) recounts her second marriage; her bouts in a Swiss  sanatorium; and life at her Kensington flat. As well, of course, as  describing in detail her addiction to heroin.<br /><br /></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : page wikipedia.en de RD et AK</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1) détails sur le jour de sa mort, destruction de peintures par RD et Marriott 2) Welsh writer David Callard's excellent biography <em>The Case of Anna Kavan</em> (1992).</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Sunday Confessions - dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 11:52:34" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "anna kavan | we bleed ink" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 14:43:01" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Frisbee</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : US</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p>I am a reader, blogger, bicyclist, and belles lettres aficionado.&nbsp; My original <em>Frisbee</em> blog (2006-4/16/2010 &amp; 10/9/2010-8/14/2011) can be read <a href=\"\" target=\"_self\">here</a>.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : a migré sur un nouveau blogspot ici : + ds son blogroll : dovegreyreader, asylum -&gt;  am a reader and a bicyclist. I began my blog  in 2006 when I barely  knew what a blog was.  Although most of my posts are here, Wordpress  hosted my blog for a year and a half, and you can read those posts at  You can contact me at</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : avril 2010</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>(60) Ices Cubes, Iced tea and Icebergs -&nbsp; 18/07/2012</strong></p>
<p>tagged <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Ice cubes</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">iceberg</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">Petermann glacier</a></p>
<p>à propos de thé glacé et de Ice...</p>
<p>I think I’ll reread Anna Kavan’s <em>Ice</em>, a surreal science  fiction novel about a post-apocalyptic Ice Age.&nbsp; The narrator is  obsessed with a beautiful girl, who flees from him all over the planet.</p>
<p>There’s a lot of ice, but I’m not threatened by it.&nbsp; At least it’s fiction.</p>
<p>+ couv Ice</p>
<p><strong>(61) Pay Attention to what they tell you to forget </strong>- 01/04/2012</p>
<p>We go to Ames to visit the Iowa State University library. &nbsp;It has an  outstanding literature section. &nbsp;When I had trouble finding the books of  Anna Kavan, a&nbsp; surrealist who wrote exquisite prose and who sadly  became addicted to heroin during a hospitalization in 1926, I found most  of them here, as well as Jeremy Reed’s biography,&nbsp;<em>A Stranger on Earth:&nbsp; the Life and Work of Anna Kavan,</em> and Rhys Davies’ fascinating novel about Kavan, <em>Honeysuckle Girl</em>.</p>
<p><strong>(62) irreplacable books fall appart</strong> - 10/01/2012</p>
<p>My 1970 paperback copy of Anna Kavan’s <em>Ice</em> fell apart, but I  hung on to it for the introduction by Brian Aldiss.&nbsp; Sometimes I have  the urge to read a post-apocalyptic novel (this one is more dreamlike  than SF, and Kavan, a surrealist and a heroin addict, was known for her  literary fiction) about glaciers…&nbsp; I do get a kick out of the cover with  the blurb at the top:&nbsp; “A man…a woman…a world that has succumbed to  ICE.&nbsp;&nbsp; Sci-fi at its best.”</p>
<p>+ 2 img couv Ice (une autre version, la SF!) et intérieur du bouquin</p>
<p><strong>(63) Bibliobits... &amp; the voices of Bloggers</strong> - 26/09/11</p>
<p>We all have our favorite bloggers, and I would like to call your  attention to the intelligent, reflective voice of Ellen Moody at <a href=\"\">Under the Sign of Sylvia</a>.</p>
<p>Ellen, a well-known English professor, writer, blogger, and leader of  various Yahoo groups, has recently written about changing names....By the way, Anna Kavan, one of my favorite writers, who originally wrote  under her married name, Helen Ferguson, renamed herself Anna Kavan  after a character in one of her</p>
<p><strong>(64) diary of the month</strong> -&nbsp; 29/09/10</p>
<p>A couple of years ago Nikki Sixx, the bassist for Motley Crue, wrote <em>The Heroin Diaries: A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star. </em>Ever&nbsp;since  I read the novels of Anna Kavan (a heroin addict who wrote beautiful  surreal prose), I’ve been more sympathetic to drug addicts. &nbsp;I’ll never  understand–I’m not an addictive personality–but it helps to read  historical records of these illnesses.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>(65) Naked lunch and Ice </strong>- 04/06/2008</p>
<p>I once listened to a record of William Burroughs reading from Naked  Lunch.   “I'm looking for a fix in Pleasantville, Iowa,\" he rasped.   Much laughter all around.  My eyes widened.  Marijuana:  okay.  Heroin:    no.Some drug literature, however, fascinates me.  Who can be consistent?    [LEFT:  detail of self-portrait of ANNA KAVAN] Anna Kavan, an English  writer whose heroin addiction shaped her fiction, is known as a “cult”  novelist (a phrase I recently applied it to Winifred Holtby’s socialist  novels, just showing you can apply it to anything). Her most famous  novel, ice, is sometimes considered science fiction, other times a  surreal allegory...</p>
<p><strong>(66) Long Distance Penelope Mortimer</strong> - 3/09/2009</p>
<p><span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Long Distance</span> goes over the edge  into feminist science fiction/allegory.  The anonymous amnesiac  narrator “runs away” from \"you\" to live in a  kind of shadowy  institution/sanitarium that is reminiscent of the imaginations of Anna  Kavan and Kafka... <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">ong Distance</span> does not hold up as  well as her other work, yet at the same time I intend to read it again  because there's so much in it.  I feel the same way about Anna Kavan's <span style=\"font-style: italic;\">Ice</span>, a 1968 novel which survived oblivion by  immediately being labeled science fiction.</p>
<p><strong>(67) bibliobits : VS Naiaul vs Jane Austen, Nicola Griffith on women in SF</strong> - 03/06/2011</p>
<p>le retour aux critiques de naipaul sur twitter !!</p>
<p><strong><a href=\"\">Nicola Griffith on Women in Science Fiction.</a>&nbsp; </strong>Nicola  Griffith, an award-winning science fiction writer, noted that when  readers listed their favorite SF writers in comments in The Guardian,  only 18 female writers were mentioned.&nbsp; 500 writers were listed.</p>
<div style=\"font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;\">She seems to think IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE.&nbsp; She thinks the gender parity is closer in the U.S.</div>
<div style=\"font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;\">et ds sa liste : kavan.</div>
<div style=\"font-family: Verdana,sans-serif;\"></div>
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<div class=\"posttitle\">
<h2>Bibliobits:  Ngaio Marsh, Booker Bestsellers, &amp; The Voices of&nbsp;Bloggers</h2>
<p class=\"post-info\">September 26, 2011 by <a title=\"Posts by Frisbee\" href=\"\">Frisbee</a></p>
<p>Don’t get me wrong:&nbsp; I love Dorothy Sayers’s mysteries.</p>
<div id=\"attachment_858\" class=\"wp-caption alignleft\" style=\"width: 106px;\"><a href=\"\"><img class=\"size-thumbnail wp-image-858\" title=\"ngaio-marsh-leaning\" src=\";h=150\" alt=\"\" width=\"96\" height=\"150\" /></a>
<p class=\"wp-caption-text\">Ngaio Marsh</p>
<p>But having finished <em>Gaudy Night</em> (too much Harriet Vane and  too little Peter Wimsey for my taste), I am turning to Ngaio Marsh  (1895-1982), another Golden Age Detective novelist. Born in New Zealand,  she wrote 32 novels about her series hero, Scotland Yard detective  chief-inspector Roderick Alleyn.&nbsp; Like Sayers’s Peter Wimsey, Alleyn is a  gentleman and Oxford graduate. Like Wimsey,&nbsp; Alleyn also falls in love  with a woman suspected of murder.&nbsp; And both Harriet Vane in Sayers’s<em> Strong Poison</em> (1930) and <em>Gaudy Night</em> (1936) and Agatha Troy in Marsh’s <em>Artists in Crime</em> (1938) (and subsequent novels) are originally uninterested in detective boyfriends.</p>
<p>The romance between Sayers’s&nbsp; brooding Harriet Vane and Peter Wimsey  is fey and unsexy, though.&nbsp; Harriet seems slightly lesbianish in the  presence of Peter,&nbsp; though she does come to the life in the presence of  younger men at Oxford.</p>
<p>Marsh’s Alleyn and Agatha are definitely heterosexual, and sometimes a  girl just wants to put her feet up and fall in love with a passionate  detective hero.&nbsp; OK, it’s not quite a romance, but I do like Alleyn.</p>
<p><strong>Book Scouts.</strong>&nbsp; Are book scouts with scanners ruining  public library book sales?&nbsp; People are rushing around sales, checking  the value of books on their scanners, and buying books cheaply so they  can resell them on the internet.&nbsp; This can be a problem for readers who  want to buy and <em>read</em> books.</p>
<p>Some public libraries are banning scanners from sales.</p>
<p><strong>Booker Prize Shortlist Bestsellers.</strong>&nbsp; The BBC says  37,500 copies of the books on this year’s Man Booker Prize shortlist  have sold since September 6, more than double the previous record set in  2009.</p>
<p>Sales and literature don’t always go together, though.</p>
<p><strong><a href=\"\"><img class=\"alignright size-thumbnail wp-image-5145\" title=\"EllenReading\" src=\";h=128\" alt=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"128\" /></a>The Voices of Bloggers.&nbsp;</strong> We all have our favorite bloggers, and I would like to call your  attention to the intelligent, reflective voice of Ellen Moody at <a href=\"\">Under the Sign of Sylvia</a>.</p>
<p>Ellen, a well-known English professor, writer, blogger, and leader of  various Yahoo groups, has recently written about changing names.</p>
<p>“FWIW, when I divorced my first husband, my lawyer told  me that in reality you can call yourself whatever name you want. For  some purposes you need to notify authorities: where, for example, cash  payments (social security), or some benefit or attachment to an  institution is in question.&nbsp; Since we were talking about divorce, my  question was, Did I have to go back to my birth name or could I keep my  first husband’s name? He said it was my choice. I decided to stay with  my first husband’s name because my original name yes had very bad vibes  for me. I didn’t want to be the person that I had been under my first  name and birth name.”</p>
<p>I find this subject fascinating, because it is a sensitive issue for  women.&nbsp; I kept my own name, because I had always had it, though I  preferred my husband’s name.</p>
<p>By the way, Anna Kavan, one of my favorite writers, who originally  wrote under her married name, Helen Ferguson, renamed herself Anna Kavan  after a character in one of her books.</p>
</div>""" .

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    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Mattviews</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : SF</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mai 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Outmoded Authors - a reading challenge for all interested in exploring authors who were kicked out of the \"in\" crowd. Owning a blog isn't required.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : AK ; fiction ; review</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review Charmed Circle</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : reading challenge, auteurs inconnus</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <em>A Charmed Circle </em>is so well-written and penetrating, with a  cold snap of a sterile voice that accentuates the hostile mood. The long  narrative prose that pierces into the mind reinforces an atmosphere  that under a superficial geniality runs a sinister current of tension  and repression. It delves on the motives, the unspoken words that which  justify the actions. Kavan meticulously metes out words that capture the  passing thoughts that are often overlooked but are key to the actions.  Despite the overall air of revolt and struggle for self-expression, the  novel asserts a sense of hope of overcoming mental capitulation.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : AK mentionnée dans plusieurs posts/ liste de livres pour le challenge (Ice : The biggest disappointment was in not finding \"Ice\" by Anna Kavan. I had  the nice man at the customer service desk look it up but when he told  me the paperback was 23.95 I hesitated to order it. He suggested the  library but I will wait to finish the others first ; SHHH : Anna Kavan's <span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Sleep has his House</span> (1948). I've never read any of her books. People have recommended Ice before ; Anna <span id=\"SPELLING_ERROR_1\" class=\"blsp-spelling-error\">Kavan</span> is on the list! I'm so pleased. I read <strong><span style=\"color: #000099;\">Let Me Alone</span></strong> a few years ago, and loved it. I hope I can squeeze in a read by her, maybe <strong><span style=\"color: #000099;\">Julia And The Bazooka</span></strong> ;</p>
</ul>""" .

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    dc:title "The hallucination of one moment did not fit the reality of the next. | Pechorin’s Journal" ;
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    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:40:15" ;
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    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Jon</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : H</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Londres</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : dans le blogroll de Writers No One Read</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Asylum - John Self's Shelves</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv Ice</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 19 comments : 1) compar aussi avec Ann Quin, Bernhard, Ballard, Lessing <em>Briefing for a Decent into Hell</em> , Robbe-Grillet 2) sur le style : The narrative integrity is fractured/disruptive + her repetition is in motifs and characters 3) <strong>ALDISS review</strong> : I first came across “Ice” in the mid-80s in Brian W. Aldiss’s  magisterial survey of science fiction, “Trillion Year Spree” in which  Aldiss enthused effusively about the book. I managed to find a copy of  Picador edition and started it with trepidation fearing that it might  indeed be opaque and viscous in the manner of Ballard or Robbe-Grillet. To my delight, I discovered that book was gripping, and the prose light    and smooth. The novel reminded me somewhat of Christopher Priest’s   “The  Affirmation”&nbsp; 4) + <strong>Kavan evening à Londres</strong> : There was an event I attended on Kavan at the London   Review Bookshop a couple of years ago with Aldiss, Priest and Doris   Lessing on the panel (plus someone non-science fictional from “The   Independent”). I do wonder what Kavan’s other books are like and whether   “Ice” was something of a one-off; several are in print from Peter Owen  (<a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\"></a>) + I went to the same event, and enjoyed it more than I expected. I wrote about both it and the novel shortly afterwards <a rel=\"nofollow\" href=\"\">here</a>. Haven’t read any of her other books yet, although I did pick up a couple on the strength of <em>Ice</em>. 5) commentaires qui pointente vers 3 autres billets de blog ayant réagi à celui de John au sujet de Ice + 1 billet sur la soirée Kavan evening et aussi : <strong>Interesting review, John, thanks – pleased to see someone else who both liked and was a bit befuddled by it…</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : lecture de Ice, avis et comparaison avec d'autres oe litt (neige+apocalypse)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : Anna Kavan is one of those writers I’ve been meaning to read for years, assured that hers was exactly the sort of <a href=\"\">low-tog-rating fiction</a> I claim to seek.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <em>Ice</em> (1967) was Kavan’s last published work before the end of  her life. That life is the one thing there’s no getting away from: like  the work, the basic facts are both easily known and unknowable. <strong>Google <em>Anna Kavan</em> and you can’t escape the central spines of her narrative. </strong>She was born  Helen Woods, and her early work (under her married name of Ferguson) was  eccentric but unexceptional. After she suffered what was then called a  nervous breakdown, she changed her name to Anna Kavan, a character in  one of her novels, and changed her literary style to match. (...) In his introduction, <a href=\"\">Christopher Priest</a> argues against reading the book as an allegory, because of its “lack of  exactness the reader can grasp”. Yet how else to read it? Priest in  fact goes on to accept that the book might be reflective of Kavan’s  mindset through her heroin addiction in later life: or, I would add, of  her broken state of mind generally.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : 6 liens internes vers d'autres ref litt dont The Affirmation de Christopher Priest inspiré de Ice</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : 1) compar litt : Name your own examples, but <strong>Ishiguro</strong>’s <em>The Unconsoled</em>, and <strong>Kafka</strong> (<em>The Castle</em>? <em>The Trial</em>?)  spring immediately to mind. It also fits into the <strong>subgenre of science  fiction</strong> which evades the usual pigeonholing; it shares with <a href=\"\"><em>On the Beach</em></a> a desperate inevitability (though is entirely devoid of Shute’s consoling patina of civilisation), and with <strong>Vonnegut’s</strong> <em><a href=\"\">Cat’s Cradle</a>: </em>the world is ending, with ice, and there’s no getting out of it. (...) Where some apocalyptic novels are analogues for the geopolitical fears of the times, <em>Ice</em> seems to retreat to innerspace for its conflicts. 2) site de critique de couv : + ref Faber Finds (couv aléatoire with processing) : +</p>
</ul>""" .

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    ] ;
    dc:title "Babylon Wales: Rhys Davies and Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 09:58:55" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan: Ice « Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 08:44:10" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Rhys Davies Papers" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:24:43" ;
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    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Graeme K Talboys</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mai 2007</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Grumbooks - observations on recently read books</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : bloglitt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : -</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :&nbsp;</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : Anna Kavan – a character’s name from one of her earlier works, adopted   by the author who went on to produce some astonishing work that is all   too sadly neglected these days, despite the unflagging championship by   her publisher. This was the first of her ‘new’ work, a series of  <strong>interlinked vignettes</strong> that explore her recent experiences of breakdown  and confinement in an asylum... This is down to the style. It is the simplicity that speaks of complexity ... the sense of isolation, of looking in on one’s self, of trying to make  sense of events when it is the world that seems deranged, of remaining  unobtrusive in a Kafka-esque world where standing up gets one noticed by  people one would rather not attract.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : And the overall effect is intensely human and vibrant, all too aware of  the <strong>prisons</strong> we make for ourselves as well as those made by others –  <strong>physical, intellectual, emotional, metaphorical, and symbolic.</strong></p>
</ul>""" .

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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Travels Through Iest: philistines" ;
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        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:title "Whirlwind | The Spider's House" ;
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    dc:title "Archives of Jonathan Cape Ltd - University of Reading" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 10:22:51" ;
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    dc:title "Anna Kavan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:07:57" ;
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    a z:Attachment ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Project MUSE - Nocturnal Transgressions in <i>The House of Sleep</i>: Anna Kavan's Maternal Registers" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-02 18:58:59" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Compte-rendu séance 9 octobre Data-Littérature et Digital History | Créer l'histoire" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:41:09" ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "Who Are You? - dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 14:40:26" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Fantastic tales - from Edgar Allan Poe to Angela Carter par Johansen, Ib: - Jydsk Antikvariat" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:11:34" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : 	Peter Wells</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : 	Napier, NZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer, 	film maker</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : Peter Wells writes books and makes 	films. His films include idiosyncratic documentaries about 	conserving at-risk architecture like a flamboyant 1929 picture 	palace, or a shoe-obsessed gay man who tells his life story through 	women’s shoes (made with friend and fellow film-maker Garth 	Maxwell). He co-wrote and co-directed ‘Desperate Remedies’, a 	feature film described as ‘Jane Austen on acid’. His books 	include award winning short stories and novels. ‘Iridescence’, 	for example, about an Englishman with a secret hiding in Victorian 	Napier. His memoir Long Loop Home looked back at his New Zealand 	childhood with the wry glance of loss and affection.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : 	blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 	2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : peterwellsblog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : sleepwalkers in the city</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img (w/ Ian Hamilton? in NZ)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 4 dont 1 qui mentionne la thèse de JSturm et 1 journaliste de D&amp;C : Dear Peter, <br /><br />Could you please tell me where did you get this  image of Anna Kavan from?  And would it be possible if I could have your  e mail?  As we would like to have her image to be feature in our  magazine (Dazed and confused). Please get back to me at  or voir les archives D&amp;C :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : autour de AKNZ, d'une photo</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : AKNZ / library</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : She talks about herself having the refugee mentality and wanting to find a room in the mansion of life. But she's vividly alive in her words</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : ref tjs : strange to think they lay gathering dust in a university archive in the  United States till an enterprising academic, Jennifer Sturm, came along.</p>
<p><br /><br /></p>""" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Miggy Angel</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : London</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> :</p>
<h4 style=\"text-align: center;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">I am a poet &amp; performer, a South Londoner currently living in Nottingham.</span></h4>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juillet 2010</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : We bleed ink - the online hovel of poet Miggy Angel</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> :blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : addiction ; existentialism ; the outsider ; writers</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">addiction</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">anna kavan</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">julia and the bazooka</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">miggy angel</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">short stories</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">the outsider</a>, <a rel=\"tag\" href=\"\">writers</a></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : couv Julia</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : <span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">whenever i  discover an artist who has something to say that i want to hear, i’m  firstly grateful for their work having found me &amp; then i’m sort of  shocked that it’s taken so long, &amp; left wondering where they’ve been  all my life. i just bought a brand new 2009 reprint of </span><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"color: #3366ff;\">anna kavan</span></a><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">‘s</span> ‘</span><a href=\";s=books&amp;qid=1280020059&amp;sr=8-3\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"color: #3366ff;\">julia &amp; the bazooka</span></a><span style=\"color: #000000;\">‘  for 2.99 from a bookshop in waterloo. <br /></span></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :&nbsp; <span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">apparently, she was a heroin addict for years, called her syringe her ‘bazooka’ – hence the book i was holding’s title...&nbsp; </span></span><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">‘julia &amp; the bazooka’ is a book for all those who’ve fractured but are well enough, for now, to hold a book &amp; read.+ ANECDOTE DE SA MORT : </span></span><br /><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">this is pure  zen buddhist insight, &amp; par for the course for those outsiders of  vision. as a result of some personal trauma, or at the behest of too  taut &amp; attuned sensibilities &amp; sensitivities, certain persons  are granted deep insights into the nature of existence. the route  towards equilibrium, as buddhists tell us, is thru making peace with the  essential emptiness that underpins all forms. it seems that anna kavan  did not make this journey. she died of a heart attack in her early  sixties, with, as the attendant policeman testified, enough heroin in  her possession to have killed the whole street. but she has left us an  unflinching body of work which maps the terrain of the wound. &amp; i  for one am grateful that she took the time &amp; effort.</span></span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : lien vers existentialism wikipedia</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<address><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"font-style: normal;\">j.g. <strong>ballard</strong>, no less, said of her,&nbsp;’few contemporary novelists </span></span></span></address> <address><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"font-style: normal;\">could match the intensity of her vision’. + </span></span></span><br /><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><span style=\"color: #000000;\">anna kavan is a reminder that </span><strong><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><span style=\"color: #3366ff;\">existential</span></a></strong><span style=\"color: #000000;\"><strong><span style=\"color: #3366ff;\"> </span>art</strong> comes not from a chin-strokers desire to ponder, but from the furnace  of crisis &amp; living hell, where art is groped at in the desperate  hope that it might offer respite, or please god cessation.</span></span></address> </li>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Heroines |" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:31:10" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dawn</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Southamtpon UK</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : library</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : mars 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Rooms with books - <span>Cicero  said \"A room without a book is like a body without a soul\".   I have  many rooms full of books...even the bathrooms!  How about you?  This is a  weekly blog about books I'm reading, enjoy!</span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : Kavan ; Short Stories</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review+quote Stranger Still</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : This book was much easier to read then <span style=\"text-decoration: underline;\">Let Me Alone</span>.<span> </span></p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :-</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "SONTAG &I: ANNA KAVAN / Mon âme en Chine." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-15 21:53:34" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Bazooka</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Paris</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : blogger</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> : commentaire le 16/10/2012 </li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2009</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Discipline in disorder -Before I would kill for a book now I sit down</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : et cette machine dans la tête, leitmotiv nuit</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : txt + img (AK brunette avant 1940) + quote</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 3 dont le mien</li>
<p>bienvenu(e)... merci pour ta participation... c'est marrant, plain de  fans de Kavan ici (P.A.,moi...). incroyable femme, bouquin  impressionant, auteur gravement sous-estime... <strong>xgatitox 18/03/09</strong></p>
<p>la rencontre entre Conrad, Virginia Woolf et Johnny Thunders. <strong>pornochio 25/03/09</strong></p>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : bio, Ice, Asylum, Mysoul + extrait Asylum</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : à l'origine la photo d'une femme...</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> : <span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">une  longue dérive faite de solitude et d’états limites; une suite de  suicides manqués, d’internements, de fuites désespérées à travers le  monde (Birmanie, Nouvelle-Zélande, Scandinavie, Afrique du Sud…), autant  de voyages rattrapés par l’héroïne ... <span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">La  fin viendra un jour de décembre 1968, sa fidèle seringue chargée  d’héroïne- son « Bazooka » comme elle se plaisait à la nommer- posée à  côte de son lit…</span></span></span></span></li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : 1) ref \"tel un Redon écrivain, un De Chirico liquide, une Delvaux hypodermique\" + Jean Rhys Kafka Aldiss 2) blog litt collectif, recommandé par claro, à effet miroir disorder in discipline (cinéma)</li>
<div id=\"_mcePaste\" class=\"mcePaste\" style=\"position: absolute; left: -10000px; top: 376px; width: 1px; height: 1px; overflow: hidden;\"><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">A l’origine, la photo d’une femme au visage serein, sourian</span></span></div>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan: a critical introduction (Livre, 1988) []" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:17:19" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<p><strong>ID</strong></p>
<li><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Dovegreyreader</li>
<li><strong>Sexe</strong> : F</li>
<li><strong>Localité</strong> : Tamara Valley, Devonshire, UK</li>
<li><strong>Profil</strong> : bookaholic / nurse</li>
<li><strong>Contact</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : self-portrait :</li>
<li><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : wp</li>
<li><strong>Crée le</strong> : 2007</li>
<li><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Dovegreyreader scribbles - a Devonshire based bookaholic, sock-knitting quilter who is a community nurse in her spare time</li>
<li><strong>Genre</strong> : post blog littéraire</li>
<li><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : sunday confessions</li>
<li><strong>Tags</strong> : -</li>
<li><strong>Médias</strong> : img (couv books dont bio Redd)</li>
<li><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 12<span id=\"comment-6a00d83451584369e200d835804e1469e2-content\"><strong>&nbsp;</strong></span></li>
<li><strong>Contenus</strong> : I now shamelessly beg from Peter Owen.Honestly what has happened to me?  They took instant pity and came up with a lighteningly quick copy of <strong>A Stranger on </strong><strong>Earth, The Life and Work of Anna Kavan </strong>by Jeremy Reed to help fuel my Anna Kavan-fest.<br />More Anna Kavan soon (ahem, I seem to be running low on these...)</li>
<li><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>Héroïne</strong> :</li>
<li><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : </li>
<li><strong>+</strong> : </li>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\"><br /></span></span></p>
<p><span style=\"font-size: 85%;\"><span style=\"font-family: courier new;\">&nbsp;</span></span></p>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Eve's Alexandria: \"Reality had always been something of an unknown quantity to me.\"" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:51:44" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : Adam Thornton</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Kitchener, Canada</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : technical writer</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2006</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Lemurian Congress</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog litt</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : 1960s ; AK ; books ; weather</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : 1 img (portrait W.Evans)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : 1 anonymous dit : anna kavan is the shit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : My parents bought me a collection of her stories (called \"My Madness\")  about ten years ago, apparently because it looked like something I'd  enjoy. But I didn't read the book until last summer. <strong>+</strong> The first blog entry I ever wrote had something to do with <a href=\"\">Anna Kavan</a>; I think I was reading her book \"Let Me Alone\" at the time... and tonight, waiting anxiously for a thunderstorm that is taking its  own sweet time arriving, I'm following it up with Kavan's \"Mercury.\"</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : the genius (and her madness) of Anna Kavan really got under my skin... <strong>It's taken a lot of effort to track down her novels</strong>... <strong>Kavan basically wrote the same story over and over again, and I don't mean that in a subtle way.</strong>.. Her books make me uncomfortable, partly because I can see so much of ME  in her characters, but mainly because they're so personal. Kavan writes  about herself in a uniquely ugly magic realism style; she's rarely funny  or hopeful, and the surreal elements just circle around and around,  repeating, never reaching a conclusion. I guess you'd expect that sort  of writing from a life-long heroin addict, though according to her  doctor the heroin was the only thing that kept her going at all.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> : AK &gt; redmood</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : weather (tag) : While you're waiting for the rain to come and the trees lean ominously  in the intermittent wind, Anna Kavan is certainly the author to read. <strong>+</strong> la notion de répétition mentionné qui se retrouve explicité dans un autre post sur le meme blog...</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Review: Ice, Anna Kavan « The Lightning Tree" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 17:22:32" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records in the Manuscript Collection at the Harry Ransom Center" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 13:04:31" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Aussie Book Review: In Her Blood by Annie Hauxwell |" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:36:30" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:04:13" ;
    link:charset "25" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Outmoded Authors: #1 A Charmed Circle, Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 16:55:31" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:11:33" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 13:39:21" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : elfy</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : Melbourne, Australie</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : An Australian fantophile who started a blog to read through all 300  issues of the Cerebus graphic novel. Cerebus is done and dusted, but  books are reviewed and Harry Flashman has taken centre stage.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : blogroll : Strange Horizons, SF ref</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : aout 2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : Travels Through Iest</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog lit</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : AK ; Doris Lessing ; Mercury ; philistines</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> : img (couv Mercury)</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : review de Mercury, critique (plotless)</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : Mercury/D.Lessing : I thought from what was said about Anna Kavan's Mercury that it would be<strong> litfic </strong>uncomfortably fitted into the fantasy genre. + ref Aldiss</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> :</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> :</p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Christopher Priest: The Glamour « Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 10:46:56" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "anna kavan « Search Results « Frisbee: A Book Journal" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-17 00:57:18" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Mon âme en Chine - Anna KAVAN" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:14:00" ;
    link:charset "5" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    a bib:Memo ;
    rdf:value """<!-- 		@page { margin: 2cm } 		P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } 		A:link { so-language: zxx } -->
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Nom/Pseudo</strong> : 	Peter Wells</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Sexe</strong> : M</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Localité</strong> : 	Napier, NZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Profil</strong> : writer, 	film maker</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contact</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : Peter Wells writes books and makes 	films. His films include idiosyncratic documentaries about 	conserving at-risk architecture like a flamboyant 1929 picture 	palace, or a shoe-obsessed gay man who tells his life story through 	women’s shoes (made with friend and fellow film-maker Garth 	Maxwell). He co-wrote and co-directed ‘Desperate Remedies’, a 	feature film described as ‘Jane Austen on acid’. His books 	include award winning short stories and novels. ‘Iridescence’, 	for example, about an Englishman with a secret hiding in Victorian 	Napier. His memoir Long Loop Home looked back at his New Zealand 	childhood with the wry glance of loss and affection.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Plate-forme</strong> : 	blogspot</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Crée le</strong> : juin 	2009</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Titre et sous titre</strong> : peterwellsblog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Genre</strong> : blog</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Libellé / catégorie</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Tags</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Médias</strong> :</p>
<p><strong>Commentaire</strong> : -</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Contenus</strong> : AK visit to Hawkes'Bay</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Point d'entrée</strong> : AKNZ</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Héroïne</strong> : ... every old mansion I approach I think of literature - and Anna Kavan in particular. One of the most brilliant passages in Jennifer Sturm’s ‘Anna Kavan’s New  Zealand’ concerns a visit to Hawke’s Bay. It is war time and the  Kavanesque narrator - a woman not unidentitical to the author Kavan - is  making her way out of New Zealand - one of the few places, ironically,  she felt at peace. But she’s bursting to get away. Kavan was also a  heroin addict, so probably New Zealand in 1942 wasn’t much chop.</p>
<p style=\"margin-bottom: 0cm;\"><strong>Hypertxt</strong> :-</p>
<p><strong>+</strong> : NAPIER : She knows Napier a little from her friend, Ian Hamilton. But on this day  - a day without time, lost to time, a day in which she can feel time  filtering away - she goes to a garden party at a large Hawke’s Bay  house. It’s raising money for the war effort. / SURREALISTIC : she finally gets on board on old tub. It calls in at Napier on its way  out on a tortuous trip across the ocean, evading Japanese and German  submarines at the height of the war....</p>
<p style=\"margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 14.0px Times New Roman;\">But it’s when she leaves she finds herself without transport. She has to catch a bus back to Napier. And  on this bus she sits, surrounded by strangers - all of whom must know  each other at least by sight. But nobody speaks. And it is this strange  silence which permeates her hearing. She feels she is suddenly on some  eternal trip - one which will never end. A trip through eternity.</p>
<p><br /><br /></p>
</ul>""" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "Snapshot" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:14:35" ;
    link:charset "1" ;
    link:type "text/html" ;
    a z:Attachment ;
    z:itemType "attachment" .

    dc:date "1940" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "J. Cape"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Asylum piece" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Since Anna Kavan died in 1968 there has been a strong revival of interest in her writings. Asylum Piece, a study of various aspects of insanity, first appeared in 1940 and still enjoys a reputation as one of its author's most original and perceptive books. It as, however, long been out of print.

Reviewing the original edition in the Sunday Times Sir Despond MacCarthy wrote:

'If Asylum Piece is not based on actual experience it is certainly an astonishing achievement. ... What is remarkable is that the subject of these stories not only kept the lamp alight in the fog of, at any rate, impending insanity, but was able to project dramatically the experience of fellow sufferers. That is just what the really insane can never do. ... There is a beauty about these stories which has nothing to do with their pathological interest, and is the result of art. Two or three, if signed by a famous name, might rank among the story-teller's memorable achievements. There is beauty in the stillness of the author's ultimate despair.'""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "29/09/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "AK: brilliant like ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "life & work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 13:18:59" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "African Alchemy" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Marya"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:description "additional material : catalog descriptions and critical citations" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Alan Gulette", "fan" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan was born Helen Emily Woods on April 10, 1901 in Cannes, France of English parents (Claude Charles Edward Woods and Helen Bright). She was raised and educated in Europe and California. While the family was in Southern California, the father committed suicide; Helen was thirteen." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:04:12" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Alan Gulette" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Alan Gullette"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "paintings" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan’s Beautiful Head" ;
    dcterms:abstract "painting / self-portrait" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:44:20" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Annie Hayworth" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Annie Hayworth"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:description "6 items : Introduction Kafka's sister ; Brian Aldiss archive (1943-2005) ; My Madness ; Introductions & reviews (1982-2004) ; Miscellaneous (1979-2004) ; Non-fiction (1982-2004) ;" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Brian Aldiss", "archives", "ville:Liverpool", "writer" ;
    dc:title "The Brian Aldiss Archive" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The collection is comprised of various typescripts and materials of Brian Wilson Aldiss 1925-., science fiction author." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 12:43:18" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Archives Hub" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "University of Liverpool"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand" ;
    dc:title "Jennifer Sturm | English | Faculty of Arts Staff | The University of Auckland" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Recent publications and contacts" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:13:22" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "University of Auckland"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "26th April, 2012" ;
    dc:description "Penguin Publisher" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "In Her Blood by Annie Hauxwell" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Apparently, the character of Berlin was inspired by Anna Kavan who wrote for many years while addicted to heroin- which makes for an interesting premise for the story in itself." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:36:29" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Aussie Hauxwell"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "quote", "tumblr", "writer" ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:abstract "quote Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 13:41:28" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "A writer's rumination" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Caitlin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "24/02/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "quote", "tumblr", "writer" ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:abstract "quote Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 13:26:04" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "A writer's rumination" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Caitlin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "24/02/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "quote", "tumblr", "writer" ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:abstract "quote Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 13:16:53" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "A writer's rumination" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Caitlin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "24/02/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "img", "tumblr", "writer" ;
    dc:title "A Writer's Ruminations" ;
    dcterms:abstract "portrait AK by Walker Evans" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 12:46:04" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "A writer's rumination" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Caitlin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "1975" ;
    dc:description "a welsh blogger writes about Rhys Davies's fiction based on Kavan's life." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Rhys Davies", "fiction" ;
    dc:title "Honeysuckle girl" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The relationship between Welsh novelist Rhys Davies and cult author Anna Kavan is a fascinating one. I guess what drew them together must have been their outsider status - Davies the closeted homosexual and Kavan the secret heroin addict." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:44:07" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Babylon Wales" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Rhys Davies"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "loneliness"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "resurrection"
    ] ;
    dc:title "lion hearted girl" ;
    dcterms:abstract "woman born inside the shell of a man." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:11:33" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "30/09/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "critique", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Beattie's Book Blog" ;
    dcterms:abstract "annonces*5" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:39:54" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Beattie's Book" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "bookman Beattie"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "08/05/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "Mercury", "blog", "institution" ;
    dc:title "In the Frame for May" ;
    dcterms:abstract "xpo sur Anna - Ice/mercury" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 15:54:42" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Bethlem Blog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Bethlem"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "dreams"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "firing"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "lit"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "literature"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "madness"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Only lately has the full realization of my..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“Only lately has the full realization of my position come home to me in all its horror and hopelessness.” - Anna Kavan, Eagles’ Nest, 1957" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:41:44" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "Sun, 07 Dec 2008" ;
    dc:description "Running from August 2008 until January 2013, was an online lifestyle magazine for women spotlighting the best in style, tech, food and culture. It was one of the very first “group-blog” style sites for women and was incredibly influential in both the women’s lifestyle blogosphere and the online feminist community." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "Jeremy Reed", "fortieth anniversary", "heroines" ;
    dc:title "Literary Heroines to Love: Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This week is the fortieth anniversary of Anna Kavan’s death. Although these days she remains largely unmentioned by the mainstream media, without her the modern literary landscape that we know and love would be much more barren. Canonised female authors from Anais Nin to Virginia Woolf owe much of their experimental style and strength of voice to Anna Kavan." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 17:33:46" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Bitch Buzz" ;
        a bib:Periodical
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jane Bradley"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "magazineArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "1941" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Jonathan Cape"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Change the Name" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Frustrated by her wealthy father in her attempt to attend university, Celia becomes hard and selfish, taking what she wants.

In order to escape from her parents, she marries the first man she meets and accompanies him to the Far East. After his early death, she returns to England with her baby daughter.

Celia becomes a successful writer and lives with a variety of men. She destroys the life of her daughter, and also that of the sister-in-law who befriends her.

Set earlier in this century. Change the Name is among the best of Anna Kavan's novels written when she used the name Helen Ferguson. It combines a strong story line with a firsthand account of English rural life, and foreshadows Kavan's development as one of the most exceptional writers of her time.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "A." ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" .

    dc:date "1948" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Cassell & Company"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Sleep Has His House" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Since her death in 1968, there has been a strong revival of interest in Anna Kavan's work. Sleep Has His House, combining autobiography with surrealist experimentation, deserves to rank with the author's best works.

In her foreword Anna Kavan writes: 'Life is tension or the result of tension; without tension the creative impulse cannot exist. If human life be taken as the result of tension between the two polarities night and day, night, the negative pole, must share equal importance with the positive day. At night, under the influence of cosmic radiations quite different from those of the day, human affairs are apt to come to a crisis. At night most human beings die and are born. Sleep Has His House describes in the night-time language certain stages in the development of one individual human being. No interpretation is needed of this language we have all spoken in childhood and in our dreams; but for the sake of unity a few words before every section indicate the corresponding events of the day.'""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "A." ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" .

    dc:date "1957" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Eagles' Nest" ;
    dcterms:abstract """In this powerful fantasy Anna Kavan, whose work has become an international cult in recent years, describes the quality of life for an individual who cannot face the harsh impact of modern civilization. Exploring the shifting territory between the concrete world and the world of dreams, she questions both the ultimate reality of personal identity, and of existence itself.

Her narrator, reduced to the lowest depths of misfortune by some unexplained event, sets out on a Kafkaesque journey to the rock-fortress of Eagles' Nest, and finds himself in some far-off, alien landscape, now vast and arid, burning under a searing sun, now lush with tropical vegetation or drenched by torrential waterfalls. His struggles to meet his former benefactor and future employer, A., his sinister encounters with the master's servants and with the local inhabitants, and this hallucinatory visions, lead to a crushing denouement that brings final recognition of his role in the scheme of things.

First published in 1957 and now re-issued, this novel is one of the finest examples of Anna Kavan's powers to explore 'the nocturnal worlds of our dreams, fantasies, imagination and non-reason' (Anais Nin in The Novel of the Future).""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "A." ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" .

    prism:volume "The Glass Bottom Boat" ;
    dc:date "august 2007" ;
    dc:description "The song was subsequently released as a remix by The Declining Winter on their album Haunt the Upper Hallways." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Carta", "music", "remix" ;
    dc:title "Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "San Francisco post-rock band Carta entitled their song \"Kavan\" on their album \"The Glass Bottom Boat\" after Anna Kavan." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 13:48:37" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dcterms:alternative "Kavan" ;
        a bib:Series
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Recording ;
    z:itemType "audioRecording" ;
    z:performers [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Carta"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    z:runningTime "7'12" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "cover", "fan", "tumblr" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan: Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan: Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:17:19" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Casual Optimist" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Casual Optimist"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:shortTitle "Anna Kavan" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ] ;
    dc:title "can’t sleep so uh here’s what i’m reading at the..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "can’t sleep so uh here’s what i’m reading at the moment" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:14:06" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "August 10, 2008" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "fan" ;
    dc:title "Black Treacle: a story of Anna Kavan." ;
    dcterms:abstract "When I read the work of visionary writer Anna Kavan, I was immediately entranced.  I wrote Black Treacle as a tribute to her marvelous work." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:33:53" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Craig Laurance Gidney" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Craig Laurance Gidney"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "18 novembre 2012" ;
    dc:description "Compte-rendu séance 9 octobre Data-Littérature et Digital History | Créer l'histoire" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "data-littérature", "digital humanities" ;
    dc:title "Data-Littérature et Digital History : Créer l'histoire" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Questionner et interroger les rapports entre le numérique et l’écriture, tel était l’ambition de cette première séance du séminaire « Créer l’Histoire » de l’année 2012-2013. Quatre intervenants étaient invités à prendre la parole devant un auditoire composé d’enseignants mais aussi d’étudiants en Littérature, Histoire et Philosophie notamment : Alexandre Gefen, chercheur au Centre d’Étude de la Langue et de la Littérature Française (UMR 8599 du CNRS et de l’Université Paris Sorbonne) et fondateur de ; Gil, Bartholeyns, historien, titulaire de la chaire d’étude visuelle à l’Université Lille 3 ; Olivier Cadiot, écrivain ; Xavier De La Porte, animateur sur France Culture de l’émission « Place de la toile » consacrée aux cultures numériques. - See more at:" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:41:08" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
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            a foaf:Person ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:title "An unearthly whiteness began to bloom on the..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“An unearthly whiteness began to bloom on the hedges. I passed a gap and glanced through. For a moment, my lights picked out like searchlights the girl’s naked body, slight as a child’s ivory...”" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:11:12" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
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    dc:description "The Depot’s Cultural Icons project celebrates people who have contributed significantly to New Zealand’s creative landscape. It is a series of recorded interviews and programmes whose aim is to share the histories, stories and experiences of some of our most significant visual artists, architects, publishers, entrepreneurs, writers, musicians, arts commentators and philanthropists." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "New Zealand" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand", "video" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan by Jennifer Sturm" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Share


In This Episode

Dr Jennifer Sturm and friend Debbie Knowles discuss the life and work of Anna Kavan, an ‘unconventional’ and enigmatic personality whose experiences in NZ over 18 months in the 1940’s were written about in Sturm’s insightful book ‘Anna Kavan’s New Zealand’.  Sturm’s research and her discovery of previously unpublished short stories by Anna Kavan has contributed significantly to renewed interest in the work of a woman whose writing has been compared to that of Virginia Woolf, Djuna Barnes and Jean Rhys.""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 09:55:56" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Recording ;
    z:directors [
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    z:medium "56'14" .

    dc:date "19/08/06" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Change The Name", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Doom & Gloom From AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Change The Name" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 20:22:20" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Lemurian Congress" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Adam Thornton"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "03/07/2007" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "The Strange Case of AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "AK Life&Work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 20:10:27" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Lemurian Congress" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Adam Thornton"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "7/12/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "AK, De Quincey's heir, Kafka's sister" ;
    dcterms:abstract "drug addiction & quotes collage" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 07:20:12" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "sniffing keyholes" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "devotionalhooligan"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:language "en" ;
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    dc:date "16/09/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK, Asylum piece, 1940" ;
    dcterms:abstract "About Asylum Piece + Life&Work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 09:29:58" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Discipline in disorder" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:date "31/05/2007" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:subject "Guilty", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Guilty" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 12:32:11" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
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    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:date "26/05/07" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Guilty", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK, Doris Lessing and bath plugs" ;
    dcterms:abstract "serendipity, discovering AK Life&Work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 12:51:13" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
        a z:Blog
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    dc:date "03/06/2007" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Sunday Confessions" ;
    dcterms:abstract "bio Reed" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 11:52:33" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
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    dc:date "12/06/2007" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "WhoAreYou", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Who Are You?" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Who Are You" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 14:40:25" ;
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    dc:date "05/11/07" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:subject "TheParson", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "The Parson - AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about The Parson" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 15:34:21" ;
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        dc:title "dovegreyreader scribbles" ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:subject [
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    dc:title "The Anna Kavan Society" ;
    dcterms:abstract "One of the worst things about hell is that nobody is ever allowed to sleep there, although it’s always night, or at the earliest, about six o’clock in the evening. There are beds, of course, but they’re used for other purposes.” —My Soul in China" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:49:42" ;
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    dc:date "02/01/2012" ;
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    dc:title "Genius is of small use to a woman who does not know how to do her hair" ;
    dcterms:abstract "dédicace 2011 - Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 23:03:17" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "A Fluffy Blog" ;
        a z:Blog
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    dc:date "06/09/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
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    dc:subject "Work", "fan", "tumblr" ;
    dc:title "Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Kavan's Work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 22:56:00" ;
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        dc:title "A Fluffy Blog" ;
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    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 16:52:38" ;
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        a z:Website
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    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "wikipedia" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan (10 April 1901 – 5 December 1968; born Helen Emily Woods) was a British novelist, short story writer and painter." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:07:56" ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Gender in speculative fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:17:46" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    z:itemType "encyclopediaArticle" .

    dc:date "2000" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "David Tibet", "House of Sleep", "music", "remix" ;
    dc:title "Sleep Has His House" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Sleep Has His House is an album released in 2000 by English apocalyptic folk group Current 93. The album was written and recorded as a reaction to the death of David Tibet's father and prominently features harmonium. The lyrics were mostly written by David Tibet and the music composed by Michael Cashmore. The album title was taken from the title of a book by the British writer, Anna Kavan." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 14:11:24" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "David Tibet"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    z:itemType "encyclopediaArticle" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Slipstream (genre) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:17:01" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    z:itemType "encyclopediaArticle" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Speculative fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:17:21" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    z:itemType "encyclopediaArticle" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Women in speculative fiction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:18:15" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    z:itemType "encyclopediaArticle" .

    dc:identifier [
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    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "apocalyptic"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "cormac mccarthy"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "rubicon beach"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "steve erickson"
    ] ;
    dc:title "endvisions" ;
    dcterms:abstract "re: the apocalypse" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:27:13" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:date "28/10/2008" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:subject "Ice", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK, la ciencia ficcion extrana y alucinada : Hielo" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Neige + Life&Work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 07:52:57" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Lola Robles"
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        a rdf:Seq
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    dc:date "20/03/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "critique", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Winter Is Coming: Ice by AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:52:22" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Everything Is Nice" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Martin Lewis"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "06/08/07" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Reality had always been something of an unknown quantity to me" ;
    dcterms:abstract "About Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:51:43" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Eve's Alexandria" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Nic"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Express Media"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
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    dc:title "Express Media" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Express Media's mission is to provide support and development opportunities for young people in..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:10:55" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:date "05/04/2010" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Picador Books – Part 7 – AK, Ken Kesey, Maxine Hong Kingston, J K Klavans & Richard Klein" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Picador cover" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 16:16:13" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Eye Candy for Bibliophiles:" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
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    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "wikipedia" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan - Wikipédia" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan née Helen Emily Woods (Cannes, 10 avril 1901 - Londres, 5 décembre 1968) est un écrivain anglais. Elle publia au début de sa carrière sous le nom d'Helen Ferguson." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:06:35" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "AK Search Results F" ;
    dcterms:abstract "collection de post" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-17 00:57:17" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Frisbee: A Book Journal" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Frisbee"
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
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    dc:title "giraf giraffe" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:22:01" ;
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        a z:Website
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    dc:date "18/04/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:subject "Asylum", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Asylum Piece - AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 20:59:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "grumbooks" ;
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    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
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    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
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    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "02/09/12" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Books read in August" ;
    dcterms:abstract "SHHH" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 21:10:17" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "grumbooks" ;
        a z:Blog
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    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Graeme K Talboys"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
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    dc:date "Jul 31, 2010" ;
    dc:description "An online collection of Emily Hill's articles for The Evening Standard, Dazed&Confused, The Guardian and Spiked." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "paintings" ;
    dc:title "Kafka's sister" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:01:35" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a bib:Periodical
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Emily Hill"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "magazineArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "11/10/2011" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Mercury", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Portrait of the Artist as the Books He’s Loved | HTMLGIANT" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about list/canon/fav books... et AK" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 23:52:56" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "html giant" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Impossible Mike"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
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    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "27/03/12" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 16:25:12" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Imagined Icebergs" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Imagined Icebergs"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
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    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Schneetraum"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Anna Kavan
I was lost, it was already dusk, I had been driving for hours and was practically out of petrol. The idea of being stranded on these lonely hills in the dark appalled me, so I was glad to...""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:57:42" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "09/12/2011" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "blog" ;
    dc:title "On AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Life&Work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 16:30:54" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Jon Fortgang, writer and editor" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jon Fortgang"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "weebly" .

    dc:date "08/01/2006" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "The Mysterious AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 15:45:21" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Kate's Book Blog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Kate Sutherland"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "november 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Kate Zambreno", "feminism", "memoir" ;
    dc:title "Heroines" ;
    dcterms:abstract "If you thought you knew a lot about the ‘wives’ of modernism and the various forms of silencing they suffered, Kate Zambreno’s Heroines will teach you more; if you didn’t know much, your mouth will fall open in enraged amazement." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:31:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Kate Zambreno" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Kate Zambreno"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Julia", "asleep", "fan", "tumblr", [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "quote"
    ] ;
    dc:title "All I wanted then was for everything to go on as..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“All I wanted then was for everything to go on as before, so that I could stay deeply asleep, and be no more than a hole in space, not here or anywhere at all, for as long as possible, preferably...”" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:10:13" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Ladice" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
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    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "consciousness"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "emotions"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "existence"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "intellectualized"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "real world"
    ] ;
    dc:title "You’re hopelessly intellectualized. You’ve..." ;
    dcterms:abstract """You’re hopelessly intellectualized.
You’ve thought all your emotions out of existence,
and left nothing but a bleak mental consciousness of yourself.
There you sit like a buddha,
examining your...""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:40:15" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "2001" ;
    dc:description "voir Philippe Forest, les Romans du Je" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "autofiction", "philip forest" ;
    dc:title "La Littérature onirique contemporaine : fragments d’autofictions ?" ;
    dcterms:abstract "« La Littérature onirique contemporaine : fragments d’autofictions ? (Michel Leiris, Marguerite Yourcenar, Elsa Morante, Anna Kavan, Unica Zürn et Georges Perec) », in Les Romans du Je, textes réunis par Ph. Forest et Cl. Gaugain, Nantes, Editions Pleins Feux, 2001, p. 343-365." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:13:58" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Les Romans du Je" ;
        dcterms:isPartOf [
            dc:title "éditions Plein Feux" ;
            a bib:Series
        ] ;
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dominique Peyrache-Leborgne"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Asylum Piece"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "depression"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "life"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "quote"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Last Life In Universe" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Literature Love Music Movies Madness Art Activism" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:52:06" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
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    dc:identifier [
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    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "cover"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "depression"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "mental illness"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "paranoia"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "short story"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Asylum Piece (1940), written by Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Asylum Piece (1940), written by Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:46:35" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "28/06/2011" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "blog sf" ;
    dc:title "Review: Ice, AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice review" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 17:22:31" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Lightning Tree" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jess"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "empty"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "existence"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "quiet"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "quote"
    ] ;
    dc:title "the literary sasquatch" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:14:35" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "lit"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "modernism"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "pomo"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "the yellow wallpaper"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "virginia woolf"
    ] ;
    dc:title "“My somewhat tortured love affair with modernism..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“ “My somewhat tortured love affair with modernism began when I was working in a bookshop in London, reading these amazing women writers of that period who I had never heard of previously, obscure..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:09:49" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "28/05/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "2666 and what I learned from AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice (compar 2666)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 13:29:23" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "motionless birds in their round air" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Melanie Joya"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "summer 1994" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "experimentalism", "feminism", "mental illness", "modernism", "surrealism" ;
    dc:title "Nocturnal Transgressions in The House of Sleep : Anna Kavan's Maternal Registers" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Despite the critical attention feminist theorists have paid both to redefining the boundaries of modernism and to recuperating \"lost\" twentieth-century women writers, there remains a conspicuous neglect of British experimentalists, among them, Anna Kavan (19021968).2 Although Kavan published ten of her eighteen novels and short-story collections between 1929 and 1947, the critical evaluation so far evades serious consideration of her placement in the history of modernist fiction by women; instead, it has focused on Kavan herself as a literary curiosity, driven by a raving solipsism.3" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-02 18:58:58" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        prism:number "2" ;
        prism:volume "40" ;
        dc:title "MFS Modern Fiction Studies" ;
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jane Garrity"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "lit"
    ] ;
    dc:title "photo" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:55:39" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "17/06/2008" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Guilty", "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "A 20th century author I had never read before…" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Guilty" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 23:39:55" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Floating Life" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Neil"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "01/10/2007" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "CharmedCircle", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "A Charmed Circle, AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "review/challenge Charmed Circle" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 16:55:30" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Outmoded Authors" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Mattviews"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "03/04/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Sunday Caught My Interest" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:52:05" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Reflections from Hinterland" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Patricia Burt"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "06/03/12" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "The hallucination of one moment did not fit the reality of the next" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 12:52:36" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Pechorin’s Journal" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Max Cairnduff"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:description "recent articles, personal photographies and archives of the Anna Kavan Evening at the London Review Bookshop in july 2007." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Peter Owen", "archives" ;
    dc:title "Peter Owen Publishers blog" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Showing posts sorted by relevance for query anna kavan." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:56:10" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Owen Publishers"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:description "Instant animal, les Nuits de la Phaune ne sont peut-être pas au goût du jour : elles cultivent six heures durant la force et la fragilité de ce qui se déguise et s’éveille dans la rencontre, dans le temps, dans l’espace, dans le vivant. Laissez vous bercer -ou secouer- ici par quelques unes des voix qui habitent nos Phaunes nocturnes, le temps de ré-interpreter un grand classique, dénicher les infos les plus authentiquement insolites ou pénetrer l’univers d’un illustre inconnu." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "remix", "sound artwork" ;
    dc:title "Ice Lady" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Vision sonore du monde tel que le ressent Anna Kavan, un monde où la glace a le pouvoir de tout figer pour l’éternité. Sauf le manque et l’hallucination. Voix : Floriane Pochon" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 14:06:29" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Recording ;
    z:itemType "audioRecording" ;
    z:medium "mp3" ;
    z:performers [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Floriane Pochon"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    z:runningTime "4'51" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "julia and the bazooka"
    ] ;
    dc:title "photo" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 16:13:06" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "mother"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "sadness"
    ] ;
    dc:title "La tristesse de ma mère éteignait toute luminosité dans la maison." ;
    dcterms:abstract """My mother’s sadness extinguished all brightness in the house.

 (My translation; Anna Kavan, Demeures du sommeil / Sleep has his House p. 24)""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:51:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "tap dancing in the wings" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "anna kavan author"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
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    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "art"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "helen ferguson"
    ] ;
    dc:title "works by helen ferguson aka anna kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "works by helen ferguson aka anna kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:33:58" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "archives", "publisher:Alfred Knopf", "ville:Austin" ;
    dc:title "Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.: An Inventory of Its Records in the Manuscript Collection at the Harry Ransom Center" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The firm of Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. was founded in 1915 in New York. The first book published by the firm was Four Plays, by Emile Augier, printed by the Plimpton Press. From the very beginning, the firm demonstrated that it would be unique, binding the book in orange and blue, and advertising the book by emphasizing its imprint, instead of its author or subject." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 13:04:30" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Harry Ransom Research Center" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
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    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "publisher:Peter Owen", "ville:Austin" ;
    dc:title "Peter Owen Ltd.: A Preliminary Inventory" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Peter Owen's papers including correspondance and materials related to Anna Kavan." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:30:48" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
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    dc:date "01/03/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "SF", "genre", "slipstream" ;
    dc:title "Quelques notes sur la science-fiction comme genre… ou culture" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Faut-il encore parler de la science-fiction comme « genre » ? Ou faut-il plutôt y voir une « culture », au même titre qu’on distingue ici des « cultures urbaines », là des « cultures jeunes » voire des « cultures d’entreprise » ou autres « cultures rock » ? - See more at:" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 19:10:53" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Res Futurae" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "rsf"
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        a rdf:Seq
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:language "fr" .

    dc:date "19/10/08" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "blog", "img" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan’s Nocturnal Language" ;
    dcterms:abstract "work & life" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 12:35:21" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "R J Dent" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "R J Dent"
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    ] ;
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    z:type "wp" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "books"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Eagle's Nest"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan, Eagle's Nest" ;
    dcterms:abstract """1957:
“ Everything appeared slightly distorted to me just then. I saw the station as the garishly lit shrine of some cult, dedicated to huge iron monsters, bellowing peremptorily at the timid...""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:24:20" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Rock Hyrax" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Nate Dorr"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
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    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "4/10/2010" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Julia", "automobile", "fan", "mountains", "quote", "tumblr" ;
    dc:title "AK, Julia and the Bazooka" ;
    dcterms:abstract "quotes Julia" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-19 11:06:17" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Hyraxical Apocrypha" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Nate Dorr"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
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    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "15/01/08" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "DarkSisters", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "The Dark Sisters by Helen Ferguson (AK)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Dark Sisters" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 16:33:17" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Rooms with Books" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dawn"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "08/07/08" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Stranger Still", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "A Stranger Still by AK (Helen Ferguson)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Stranger Still" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 15:38:10" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Rooms with Books" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dawn"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "06/01/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Lazarus", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK \"I am Lazarus\" - Spoiler!" ;
    dcterms:abstract "review Lazarus" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 17:22:08" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Rooms with Books" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dawn"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "12/03/08" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "Ice", "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "these are a few of my favourite…" ;
    dcterms:abstract "list fav books dont Ice+Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 12:51:29" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "le coin de Syl" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Sylvia K"
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    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "04/09/2008" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK (1901-1968)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "life & work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 15:54:49" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Logos (est. 1995)" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Russell Nc Neil"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "satoriworks: Doris Lessing reviews new Anna Kavan bio" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-01 15:28:25" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "19/09/12" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "blog sf", "fan", "img" ;
    dc:title "Updates: Recent Science Fiction Acquisitions N. XXXVIII (Spinrad + Harrison + Kavan + Effinger)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice cover + mix cover sf" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 16:44:46" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Science Fiction and Other Suspect Ruminations" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Joachim Boaz"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "31/05/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "blog" ;
    dc:title "Kavan’s place in NZ literary history (by Lawrence Jones)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "AKNZ" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 13:49:20" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Te Ipu Pakore: The Broken Vessel" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Sean Sturm"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "fiction"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "literature"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Suddenly I notice that one car has selected me as..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“Suddenly I notice that one car has selected me as its prey and is making straight for me through all the chaos. Come on, then! Knock me down, run over me, cut off my existence. I don’t want it -...”" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:39:12" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Julia", "asleep", "fan", "quote", "tumblr" ;
    dc:title "all i wanted then was for everything to go on as..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“all i wanted then was for everything to go on as before, so that i could stay deeply asleep, and be no more than a hole in space, not here or anywhere at all, for as long as possible, preferably...”" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:37:34" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "wanderlust" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "just another starving artist"
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    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "30 juin 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "MySoulInChina", "fan", "lit blog", "quote" ;
    dc:title "AK / Mon âme en Chine." ;
    dcterms:abstract "quote MySoul" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-15 21:53:33" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Sontag & I" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "persona"
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    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "4 juillet 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK (bis) / Obsessionnel." ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Julie et son Bazooka - l'oeuvre de Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-15 21:03:11" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Sontag & I" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
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    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "fr" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "07/11/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Lazarus", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Murmurations" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The Gannets ds Murmurations" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 12:07:55" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Stephen Bacon" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Stephen Bacon"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "21/10/09" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "blog" ;
    dc:title "Cold print" ;
    dcterms:abstract "list cold book : Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 16:26:15" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "STEVENHARTSITE" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Steven Hart"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:description "Anna Kavan lived 22 months in NZ ffrom 1940 to 1942. see Anna Kavan's New Zealand - a pacific interlude in a turbulent life by Jennifer Sturm, Random House New Zealand 2009." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "Ian Hamilton", "archives", "ville:Wellington" ;
    dc:title "Ian Hamilton papers" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The Alexander Turnbull Library is the research library within the National Library of New Zealand." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 10:11:02" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Alexander Turnbull Library" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "NLNZ"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "31/03/2011" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "AK : Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 08:44:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Asylum" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "John Self"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "10/05/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Christopher Priest: The Glamour" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The Affirmation inspiré de Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 10:46:55" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Asylum" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "John Self"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "27/10/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Lesser known Masterpieces of Literary Smut" ;
    dcterms:abstract "liste avec Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 12:22:16" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Moral High Ground" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "anna hedigan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "book covers"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
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    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "paintings"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
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    ] ;
    dc:title "the angels wanna wear my red shoes" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Moira Russell, Seattle, WA. Mosaic Musique Trntbl Tags Likes Stats *** Blogspot Goodreads" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 14:06:52" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "book covers"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "books"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Cover for Anna Kavan’s A Scarcity of Love" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Cover for Anna Kavan’s A Scarcity of Love" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:53:25" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
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    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
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    ] ;
    dc:subject "anais nin", "archives" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan: Letter to her publisher" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan: Letter to her publisher" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 15:51:42" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The red shoes" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Moira Russel"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:shortTitle "Anna Kavan" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:date "February 24th, 2011" ;
    dc:description "Michael Berger is a barely-published writer and book-seller living in San Francisco. He is one of the founding Corsairs of the Iron Garters Bike Club and is currently pursuing a degree in applied pataphysics." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "Ice", "Samuel R Delany" ;
    dc:title "Introducing Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "There’s an indispensable book called About Writing by Samuel R. Delany. In the first essay he cobbles together an eclectic list of authors that, ideally, the aspiring writer should read. Because Delany has read everything, you can bet his tastes are wide and varied. And it’s thanks to that book that I discovered Anna Kavan." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:36:19" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Rumpus" ;
        a bib:Periodical
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Michael Berger"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "magazineArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "06/07/12" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "AK: Asylum Piece (1940)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 21:41:54" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Dr Tony Shaw" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dr Tony Shaw"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "11/11/09" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "blog", "fan" ;
    dc:title "Ice by AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice review" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 17:46:52" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Beautiful Ordinary Life" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Tony"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "multiply" .

    dc:date "06/07/12" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Mercury", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Mercury by AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "about Mercury" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 16:06:16" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Travels Throughiest" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "elfy"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "in progress" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Tulsa"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jean Rhys", "gender studies", "post-colonial literature" ;
    dc:title "Experimental and semi-autobiographical novels of the 1930s and ’40s written by Jean Rhys, Elizabeth Bowen, Stevie Smith, and Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "My doctoral dissertation explores experimental and semi-autobiographical novels of the 1930s and ’40s written by Jean Rhys, Elizabeth Bowen, Stevie Smith, and Anna Kavan with a focus on language, narrative self-reflexivity, and the subject’s ambivalence about her gender, national, and cultural identity." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-02 18:41:21" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Barbara Woodfin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Thesis ;
    z:itemType "thesis" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "mai 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "fan", "quote", "tumblr" ;
    dc:title "(unjustly(un)read - SHHH" ;
    dcterms:abstract "quote Sleep has his house" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-22 07:43:38" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "(unjustly(un)read" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "jzsf"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "allotments"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "heather and ivan morison"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "puppets"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "the hepworth"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "wakefield"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Tell me a story… Heather and Ivan Morison, Anna,..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "Tell me a story… Heather and Ivan Morison, Anna, The Hepworth Wakefield, 11 February - 10 June 2012. Full disclosure: I worked with Heather and Ivan, back in the day, when their work existed in the..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:09:24" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "25/07/2010" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Julia", "artist", "blog" ;
    dc:title "AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Julia + life&work" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 14:43:00" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "we bleed ink" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Miggy Angel"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "20/01/07" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "artist", "blog", "img" ;
    dc:title "Sleep Does Not Have His House: AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Sleep Has His House" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 15:11:07" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Burn Your Eyes Clean" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Wil Murray"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "03/05/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Guilty", "fan", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Winstons dad’s been to library" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Guilty" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-18 14:26:55" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Winstonsdad's Blog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "winstonsdad"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "short story" ;
    dc:title "Beyond The Lighthouse. English Women Novelists In The Twentieth Century" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Are novels by women 'different' from those written by men? If so, how? Do women writers possess a sense of humour? And why have so many of their novels been over- or under-rated? These are some of the questions raised in this stimulating book, which considers the work of some sixty British and Commonwealth women novelists of the twentieth century. Margaret Crosland's enthusiasm for her subject will encourage readers, both women and men, to study the modern classics which they had always meant to read, or re-read those they read too long ago. The author considers some pioneers, such as May Sinclair, and experimenters of different types: Virginia Woolf, Dorothy Richardson, Anna Kavan, Ann Quin; humorists whose humour is often `black': Rose Macaulay, Muriel Spark, Barbara Pym, Beryl Bainbridge, Fay Weldon, Ivy Compton-Burnett;" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:26:46" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "abebooks" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Margaret Crosland"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "october 1993" ;
    dc:description "including A Summer Evening by Kavan, Anna. Published by Faber&Faber." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "loss", "love" ;
    dc:title "Love & Loss: Stories of the Heart" ;
    dcterms:abstract "The works of Jane Bowles, Edith Wharton, Rebecca West, and other distinctive voices of the 20th century are gathered here for the first time in a collection of 18 variously lyrical, piquant and bold stories which explore women's lives and loves, embracing moments daring and commonplace, public and private." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:05:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "abebooks" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Georgina Hammick"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "1967" ;
    dc:description "The palace of sleep - Anna Kavan" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "House of Sleep", "night", "short story" ;
    dc:title "Stories for the dead of night" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Great teller of strange stories, old and new, in one unforgettable collection. THE SHADOW by Ben Hecdt - MISS GENTILBELLE by Charles Beaumont - THE CHASER by John Collier - TABOO by Geoffrey Household - REVENGE by Samuel Blas - THE PIT by Gwyn Jones - MAN FROM THE SOUTH by Roald Dahl - SREDIN VASHTAR by Saki (H. H. Munro) - THE DEMON LOVER by Elizabeth Bowen - SILVER CIRCUS by A.E. Coppard - PALACE OF SLEEP by Anna Kavan - THE WOMAN AT SEVEN BROTHERS by Wilbur Daniel Steele - A JOURNEY by Edith Wharton - THE LOTTERY - Shirley Jackson - TWO BOTTLES OF RELISH by Lord Dunsany - THE PROOF by John Moore - TURN OF THE TIDE by C. S. Forester - THE TELL-TALE HEART by Edgar Allen Poe - THE MIDDLE TOE OF THE RIGHT FOOT by Ambrose Bierce - THE ILLUSTRATED MAN by Ray Bradbury" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:23:49" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "abebooks" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Don Congdon"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:description "Anna Kavan: A visit." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "fantastic", "tales" ;
    dc:title "Fantastic tales - from Edgar Allan Poe to Angela Carter" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Indhold: The Green Lady : English folktale. The witches' excursion : Irish legend. Edgar Allan Poe: The black cat. E.E. Kellett: The Lady Automaton. W.W. Jacobs: The monkey's paw. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: When I was a witch. Saki: Sredne Vashtar. Graham Greene: Proof positive. Manly Wade Wellman: The theater upstairs. Leonora Carrington: White rabbits. Richard Matheson: Blood son. Anna Kavan: A visit. Patricia Highsmith: The empty birdhouse. Vonda N. McIntyre: Spectra. Russell Bates: Rite of encounter. Angela Carter: Penetrating to the heart of the forest" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:11:33" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "abebooks" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:description "Aswell Maty Louise editor." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "The World Within Fiction Illuminating Neuroses Of Our Time" ;
    dcterms:abstract "with an introduction and analyses by Frederic Wertham, M.D. Included are selections from E.T.A. Hoffman, Dostoevsky, Chekov, Henry James, Proust, Kafka, Aiken, E.B. White, Anna Kavan, Truman Capote, Edita Morris, Coates, James Still, Eudora Welty and William Faulkner" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:08:29" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "abebooks" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Aswell Maty Louise"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "1993" ;
    dc:description "amazon" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "David Callard", "biography" ;
    dc:title "The Case of Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Kavan's childhood was marked by an emotionally distant mother and a father who killed himself when she was fourteen. Twice divorced and deeply depressed, she coped by taking heroin daily for forty years. Despite her addiction and several suicide attempts, Kavan continued to write, producing novels and experimental stories that critics compared favorably to works by Kafka." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:16:27" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "David Callard"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "1986" ;
    dc:description "A revised and expanded version of Billion Year Spree and winner of the 1987 Hugo Award for the year's best nonfiction." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Brian Aldiss", "SF", "nonfiction" ;
    dc:title "Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This is an updated and greatly expanded version of Aldiss's highly respected Billion Year Spree (1973). The first ten chapters remain the same, with six new chapters added. Aldiss considers Mary Shelley's Frankenstein as the first modern science fiction story and contends that all current science fiction has inherited its literary form from that novel and its Gothic offshoots." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:47:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Amazon" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Brian Aldiss"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title " Anna Kavan: Livres, Biographie, écrits, livres audio, Kindle" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 17:19:59" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Cyril Connolly", "Horizon" ;
    dc:title "Friends of Promise: Cyril Connolly and the World of Horizon:" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This original book gives a revealing picture of the extraordinarily talented group of men and women who produced Horizon, the foremost literary review of the 1940s. Published monthly in Bloomsbury, Horizon was a cultural beacon during the dark days of the Second World War; it was brilliantly eclectic and fiercely independent. Its principal editor, Cyril Connolly, regarded the pleasures of life and art as inseparable, cultivating his love of literature with the same intensity that characterized his love of good food and fine wine, and beautiful women." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:15:13" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Amazon" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Michael Sheldon"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Laissez-moi ma solitude: Anna Kavan: Livres" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 17:19:31" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:description "founded by Victoria Walker, doctor of philosophy, Phd on Anna Kavan." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "London", "Victoria Walker" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan Society" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Founded in 2009, the Anna Kavan Society aims to encourage wider readership and increase academic scholarship of Kavan’s work. These pages provide accurate information about Kavan’s life and writing and news of Kavan-related events and publications. The society hopes to create a forum for information exchange and research collaboration, eventually producing a journal of academic work and hosting a Kavan conference." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:03:37" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Anna Kavan Society"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Rhys Davies", "archives", "ville:Aberystwyth", "writer" ;
    dc:title "Rhys Davies Papers" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Rhys Davies (1901-1978), novelist and short story writer. His archives  comprises literary and personal papers, 1901-1979 : manuscript drafts and typescript copies, mainly of short stories and plays, together with drafts and a manuscript text of his last novel Ram with red horns (Bridgend, 1996), set in south Wales. Also included are letters to and from Rhys Davies, mostly 1960s and 1970s, and papers relating to his friend, the novelist 'Anna Kavan' (Helen Ferguson, 1901-1968), including a short draft of a work of fiction in her hand." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:24:42" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "National Library of Wales" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "National Library of Wales"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "juillet 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "autofiction", "écrivain" ;
    dc:title "Compte rendu du colloque Cultures & Autofictions" ;
    dcterms:abstract "compte rendu du colloque Cultures & Autofictions, Cerisy la Salle, 16 - 23 juillet 2012 -" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:58:22" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "colloque Cerisy"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:description "Christopher Ondaatje is a trustee of the National Portrait Gallery and the author of Woolf in Ceylon." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "David Callard", "Jeremy Reed" ;
    dc:title "Unveiling Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Devotees of Anna Kavan may well be surprisedùand perhaps a little put offùthat Peter Owen Publishers has brought out another biography of the acclaimed and esoteric author (Asylum Piece, Sleep Has this House, Ice, and Mercury). However, Jeremy Reed's prying book, A Stranger on Earth, has unearthed original material that uncovers a whole lot about someone who went to great lengths to turn herself into an enigma for posterity." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:29:10" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Christopher Ondaatje"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "SF", "drug" ;
    dc:title "drogSF : stupéfiantes fictions" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Le terme de drogue recouvre une grande diversité de substances aux effets très différents. Les dépresseurs [barbituriques, opiacés, alcool..] provoquent une sensation de calme, un relâchement musculaire et la ralentissement des mouvements et des réflexes, accompagnés d’un sentiment de calme et de bien-être." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 18:54:43" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Le cafard cosmique" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Mr C"
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        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "juillet 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "autofiction", "écrivain" ;
    dc:title "Culture(s) et autofiction(s)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "On a souvent reproché à l’autofiction de n’être qu’un phénomène de mode franco-français, participant d’une décadence de la littérature vouée à une mort prochaine. Cependant, depuis plus de 30 ans, le concept, devenu le cœur d’enjeux théoriques, nourrit les débats universitaires et critiques. De plus en plus nombreux, toutes générations confondues, des écrivains — mais aussi des artistes venus d’horizons divers (de la photographie à la bande dessinée) — se réclament du genre. En outre, le concept franchit les frontières en épousant les spécificités culturelles et sociologiques des littératures auxquelles il s’applique." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:56:25" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "colloque Cerisy"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:description "Kate Zambreno is the author of a critical memoir - Heroines - on wives and myths of modernism." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Kate Zambreno" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "It has been said that Anna Kavan wrote in a mirror. The body of work left by the now obscure British modernist represented a constant inquiry into her own identity, and the invention of a personal mythology—or demonology, as it would become later in her career." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:15:32" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        prism:number "N°18" ;
        dc:title "Context" ;
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Kate Zambreno"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Dr Bluth", "archives", "ville:Marbach" ;
    dc:title "Nachlaß Bluth, Karl-Theodor" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Dr Bluth's papers" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 12:54:13" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Deutsches Literatur Archiv Marbach" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Deutsches Literatur Archiv Marbach"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "de" .

    dc:date "2004" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Doris Lessing", "essay" ;
    dc:title "Time Bites" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Towards the end of this long life, Goethe said that he had only just learned how to read. In this collection of the very best of Doris Lessing's essays - never before published in book form - we are treated to the wisdom and keen insight of a writer who has herself learned, over the course of a long, rich, life, to read the world differently." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:07:06" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Doris Lessing" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Doris Lessing"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "25/09/10" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "Bright Green Field", "Ice", "Scarcity of Love", "Stranger Still", "birds", "drug" ;
    dc:title "Agamben, Anna Kavan (irreparable)" ;
    dcterms:abstract "All AK // Agamben" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 22:31:41" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Driftwork" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Driftwork"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blog" .

    dc:date "october 2004" ;
    dc:description "Née en 1955, Anne Mounic est l’auteur d’une œuvre poétique, romanesque et critique. Elle a également traduit quelques poètes anglo-saxons, tels que Robert Graves, Stevie Smith ou Vincent O’Sullivan.  Elle est co-rédactrice de Temporel,, revue littéraire et artistique en ligne." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Djuna Barnes", "Katherine Mansfield", "essay" ;
    dc:title "Psyché et le scret de Perséphone - Prose en métamorphose, mémoire et création - Katherine Mansfield, Catherine Pozzi, Anna Kavan, Djuna Barnes" ;
    dcterms:abstract "L'auteur étudie dans cet ouvrage à travers quatre écrivains et poètes, Katherine Mansfield, Catherine Pozzi, Anna Kavan et Djuna Barnes les qualités de leur prose poétique dont elle montre comme elle se fonde sur réminiscence et imagination et échappe à toute forme de fixité. Le récit établit un lien au monde et à autrui en sa propre dimension temporelle, recréation, au présent, de l'unité de l'être, le sentiment parvenant, de façon semblable à ce que décrit Spinoza, à la conscience claire." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:23:49" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Editions Harmattan" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Anne Mounic"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Queen mary University London"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Victoria Walker", "thesis" ;
    dc:title "A Writers's Writer : Anna Kavan (1901-1968)" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:22:40" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Victoria Walker"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Thesis ;
    z:itemType "thesis" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "déclinologie", "roman" ;
    dc:title "Tombeaux de la littérature" ;
    dcterms:abstract "dossier Tombeaux de la littértaure -" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:32:37" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "collectif"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:description "" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "histoire littéraire féminine" ;
    dc:title "Y a-t-il une histoire littéraire des femmes ?" ;
    dcterms:abstract "reue Littérature-Histoire-Théorie n°7 -" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:28:53" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "collectif"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:date "2010" ;
    dc:description "obert Dion et Frances Fortier, Écrire l’écrivain. Formes contemporaines de la vie d’auteur, Montréal : Presses de l’Université de Montréal, coll. « Espace littéraire », 2010, 196 p.," ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "biography", "fiction", "écrivain" ;
    dc:title "Les fictions biographiques contemporaines, un nouveau sacre de l’écrivain ?" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Écrire l’écrivain, aujourd’hui, c’est ainsi croire à la vitalité d’un patrimoine littéraire transhistorique et transculturel ; c’est redécouvrir l’essence de soi dans la pratique de l’autre ; c’est remettre le savoir littéraire au cœur de la vie, c’est opérer, en toute connaissance de cause, la « resacralisation » de la littérature. Qui s’en plaindra1 ? (p. 176)

C’est en ces termes que Robert Dion et Frances Fortier concluent leur récent essai consacré aux formes contemporaines de la Vie d’auteur : la « fiction biographique » viserait ainsi à inscrire l’écrivain dans une double lignée, en l’insérant à la fois au sein d’une généalogie littéraire nationale et européenne et au sein d’une généalogie personnelle propre au biographe.""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 15:46:06" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Damien Fortin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:date "15 mai 2007" ;
    dc:description """Ice sur une idée de Graham F. Valentine
à partir de la lecture d’un texte de Anna Kavan. Mise en scène : François Verret""" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "François Verret", "Ice", "remix", "theater" ;
    dc:title "Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "François Verret monte Ice, une écriture scénique inspirée de l'œuvre éponyme de la grande voyageuse anglaise et héroïnomane Anna Kavan. Peut-être en est-il de l'écriture de François Verret ce qu'il en est du rhizome..." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 13:56:58" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "François Verret - La compagnie FV" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "François Verret"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:description "Goodreads is the largest site for readers and book recommendations in the world. We have more than 14,000,000 members who have added more than 470,000,000 books to their shelves. A home for casual readers and bona-fide bookworms alike, Goodreads users recommend books, compare what they are reading, keep track of what they've read and would like to read, find their next favorite book, form book clubs and much more. Goodreads was launched in January 2007." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "books reviews" ;
    dc:title "Books reviews Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:26:45" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Goodreads"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" .

    dc:date "21 december 2011" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "The Guardian" ;
    dc:title "Winter reads: Ice by Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "A frozen post-nuclear dystopia is the setting for this raw, brutal tale. It may not cheer you up, but it will compel your attention" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 16:34:04" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Guardian" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Hannah Freeman"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "2007-06-28" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "books"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Found Guilty: Anna Kavan's latest novel" ;
    dcterms:abstract "A lost novel from the writer Anna Kavan will be published next week, and I, for one, am delighted." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-07 18:49:05" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "the Guardian" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "(Prénom)" ;
            foaf:surname ""
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:shortTitle "Found Guilty" .

    dc:date "September 3, 2001" ;
    dc:description "Virginia Ironside is an agony aunt, columnist and author. She writes the weekly Dilemmas column for The Independent." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Virginia Ironside" ;
    dc:title "Heroin, madness and men: a hell of a life" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Self-loathing, abuse and drug addiction plagued novelist Anna Kavan but also inspired her best work, says Virginia Ironside. It's time her genius was recognised." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:39:31" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Independent" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Virginia Ironside"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "Saturday 05 June 1993" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "David Callard", "Doris Lessing" ;
    dc:title "Ice-maiden stung by a spider: 'Change the Name'" ;
    dcterms:abstract "ANNA KAVAN wrote quite a few novels, some under her own real name. She is better known in Europe, but if her reputation here is still small it is secure and growing. The nets of mystification she wove about herself have frayed a little, but her intention that her life should not be known frustrates biographers." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:26:23" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Independent" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Doris Lessing"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "Friday 07 July 2006" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Doris Lessing", "Jeremy Reed" ;
    dc:title "A Stranger on Earth by Jeremy Reed" ;
    dcterms:abstract "On the cover is an old snap of Anna Kavan tinted to make her look like somebody she never could have been. Before colour photography, it was a profession: tinting photographs, flattering the sitter. If it was the novelist herself who agreed to this enhanced Anna, then the picture is probably a witness to another of her attempts to be just like everybody else, and that is painful." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:15:43" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Independent" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Doris Lessing"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" .

    dc:date "07/10/2010" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Asylum", "blog", "quote" ;
    dc:title "AK" ;
    dcterms:abstract "quote Asylum" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-10-18 10:17:39" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Blog de Odette Habram" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Odette Habram"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "fr" ;
    z:type "ipernity" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "What's the Story: Reading AK's Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice review" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-16 18:10:39" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "lcrw" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "L Timmel Duchamp"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "Le mariage homosexuel validé par le Conseil constitutionnel" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-17 15:48:46" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "4th July, 2009" ;
    dc:description "The New Zealand Listener is the country’s only national, weekly current affairs and entertainment magazine. It covers the political, cultural and literary life of the country, as well as carrying television and radio programme listings for the main national broadcasters." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand" ;
    dc:title "Bottle blonde" ;
    dcterms:abstract "When the unconventional Anna Kavan came to 1940s New Zealand, she cast a cool eye on its inhabitants." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:13:19" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Listener" ;
        a bib:Periodical
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Lydia Wevers"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "magazineArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "mars 2007" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "autobiographie", "autofiction", "nouveau roman", "philip forest", "reprise", "roman", "écrivain" ;
    dc:title "Le Roman, le réel et autres essais - Philippe Forest" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Dans une série d'essais percutants, Philippe Forest trace une théorie du roman qui dessine un véritable manifeste." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-03 18:02:50" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        prism:number "081" ;
        dc:title "Le matricule des anges" ;
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "T.G"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:date "25 february 1993" ;
    dc:description "London Review of Books" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Cyril Connolly", "David Callard" ;
    dc:title "The Case of Anna Kavan by David Callard" ;
    dcterms:abstract "During the war Anna Kavan worked for nearly two years at the offices of Horizon. ‘Understandably, Connolly was never comfortable with Kavan,’ Michael Sheldon wrote in Friends of Promise, his book about Connolly." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:10:57" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Elizabeth Young"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "2012" ;
    dc:description "in-progress" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Matthew Weinstein", "film", "remix" ;
    dc:title "Hello My Name is Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "HELLO MY NAME IS ANNA KAVAN is a 15 minute 3-D animated film. It is based on the writings of british novelist Anna Kavan. Kavan herself becomes a character in the piece as she tells a story about her integration into B.F. Skinner's nightmare Utopia, Walden Two. As she narrates a tale of isolation and imprisonment (recurring themes in Kavan's fiction), memories from her life before her entrance into the community begin to surface, including a memory of a sadistic chauffeur which refers to another recurring theme in Kavan's fiction; cars and speed." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 13:17:32" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Matthew Weinstein" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Matthew Weinstein"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "april 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Ice", "Morison", "The Hepworth Wakefield", "exhibition", "remix" ;
    dc:title "Anna" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This body of work by Heather and Ivan Morison draws on the life and works of 20th century British novelist Anna Kavan (1901-1968). Kavan, born Helen Ferguson, produced a large body of elusive and strange work that operated somewhere between biography and science fiction, drawing on her own turbulent life. Anna is an allegorical piece of object theatre that tells a brutal tale of love and loss set against the approaching threat of ‘the ice’." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 13:39:20" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Heather & Ivan Morison"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "28/09/11" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Work", "house", "lit blog" ;
    dc:title "Whirlwind" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Life Work / Parson" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-17 00:17:02" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Spider's House" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Nina Allan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "wp" .

    dc:date "15/3/2005" ;
    dc:description "NooSFère ets une base de données sur la SF (critiques, revues, prix, événements, etc)." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Doris Lessing", "MySoulInChina" ;
    dc:title "Mon âme en Chine - Anna KAVAN" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Une femme rêve : Je suis seule dans un train, dans un compartiment de seconde classe ; au lieu de bagages, au lieu de cerveau, je porte une masse serrée de minuscules serpents gris dans mon crâne, (p. 14) De qui sont ces serpents ?" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:13:59" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jean Pierre Andrevon"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:date "16/3/2009" ;
    dc:description "base de données SF NooSFère" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Aldiss", "Ballard", "Ice" ;
    dc:title "Neige - Anna KAVAN" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Un personnage dont on ne sait pas le nom cherche, dans un, puis un autre pays, jamais précisés, une fille qui le hante et dont une seule particularité est mise en relief : Sa chevelure (...), d'un blanc argenté, celle d'un albinos, étincelante comme le clair de lune... Parfois un troisième personnage se dresse entre le quêteur et l'objet de la quête ; on n'en connaît que la fonction : Gouverneur." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:17:50" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jean Pierre Andrevon"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "fr" .

    dc:date "Jul 11, 2009" ;
    dc:description "Peter Wells is a writer and film-maker based in Hawke's Bay." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand" ;
    dc:title "Uncovering a real gem" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan's New Zealand is a modest looking book which holds within it a kind of time-bomb. The explosiveness relates to Kavan's strangely powerful, even hypnotic talent. Kavan was a bottle blonde who washed up in New Zealand at that most dangerous of hours - 1942." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 10:44:34" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "NZ Herald News" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Wells"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "1968" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "anais nin", "nonfiction" ;
    dc:title "The Novel of the Future" ;
    dcterms:abstract "In The Novel of the Future, Anaïs Nin explores the act of creation—in literature, film, art, and dance—to arrive at a new synthesis for the young artist struggling against the sterility, formlessness, and spiritual bankruptcy afflicting much of modern fiction." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:53:47" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Ohio University Press" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Anais Nin"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "april 2010" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "London", "second world war" ;
    dc:title "Urban Gothic of the Second World War : Dark London" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This book examines 'home front' literature of the Second World War, arguing that Gothic tropes and forms mark moments of fracture in the national mythologies of wartime home, city and fellowship. These works in the Gothic mode subvert mythologies of nation that are still influential today. Anna Kavan, Mervyn Peake, Elizabeth Bowen, Roy Fuller, Henry Green and others present counter-stories to the dominant national mythology of British survival and emotional resilience. In the texts of this monograph, the city grows strange, time distorts, and hallucinatory narrative voices depict a nightmare realm." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 19:00:15" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Palgrave Connect" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Sara Wasson"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:description "Antonia Owen, Peter Owen's daughter, is now at the head of the londonian publishing house." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Peter Owen", "publisher" ;
    dc:title "Peter Owen Publishers" ;
    dcterms:abstract "An enigma the author remains, but her talent was none the less remarkable, and her works have been compared to that of Doris Lessing, Virginia Woolf and Franz Kafka and acclaimed by writers from Anaïs Nin to J.B. Ballard." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:53:17" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Peter Owen" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Owen Publishers"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "2006" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jeremy Reed", "biography" ;
    dc:title "A Stranger on Earth" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Jeremy Reed’s biography of the novelist Anna Kavan draws on newly discovered original material to map out the enigmatic life, times and visionary work of a writer who renamed herself after a character in one of her own novels and did everything she could to resist biography." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 15:20:10" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Peter Owen" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jeremy Reed"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "14/06/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "blog" ;
    dc:title "AK and libraries" ;
    dcterms:abstract "comment PW découvre AK" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 13:47:45" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "peterwellsblog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Wells"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "16/06/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "blog", "img" ;
    dc:title "I love this photo of AK, The sleepwalker in the city..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "img The sleepwalker" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:00:06" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "peterwellsblog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Wells"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "03/07/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "blog", "img" ;
    dc:title "sombre indifference and a talking book" ;
    dcterms:abstract "driving & solitude" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:09:11" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "peterwellsblog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Wells"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "19/11/09" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "blog", "img" ;
    dc:title "AK's eternal journey...." ;
    dcterms:abstract "AK visit to Hawke's Bay NZ" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-14 14:16:57" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "peterwellsblog" ;
        a z:Blog
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Peter Wells"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "blogPost" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "blogspot" .

    dc:date "01/09/2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Brian Aldiss", "Cold War", "Ice", "drug", "publisher:Peter Owen", "tumblr" ;
    dc:title "AK, Ice" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Ice" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2012-11-15 00:27:43" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Practically Marzipan" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Aisha"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:type "tumblr" .

    dc:description "Publishers Weekly, familiarly known in the book world as PW and “the bible of the book business,” is a weekly news magazine focused on the international book publishing business. It is targeted at publishers, booksellers, librarians, literary agents, authors and the media. It offers feature articles and news on all aspects of the book business, bestsellers lists in a number of categories, and industry statistics, but its best known service is pre-publication book reviews, publishing some 8,000 per year." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "books reviews" ;
    dc:title "Book Reviews Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:23:45" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Publishers Weekly"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "Saturday 4 July 2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan by Jennifer Sturm", "saturday morning" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Auckland writer and researcher on two years in the life of experimental writer and artist Anna Kavan, in 1940s New Zealand." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:03:04" ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Recording ;
    z:directors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Radio New Zealand National"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    z:itemType "radioBroadcast" ;
    z:language "en" ;
    z:runningTime "23'47" .

    dc:date "01/05/2009" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jennifer Sturm", "New Zealand" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan's New Zealand" ;
    dcterms:abstract "New Zealanders live 'in temporary shacks, uneasily, as reluctant campers too far from home', wrote Anna Kavan in a London magazine in 1943. Her seemingly negative comments created a stir both in the UK and New Zealand and suggested Kavan felt nothing but antipathy for the country. However, in researching this prize-winning author of nineteen books, Dr Jennifer Sturm uncovered letters and unpublished short stories written during Kavan's sojourn in New Zealand that show a more complex, affectionate and significant response. - See more at:" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:09:38" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Random House" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jennifer Sturm"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:description "Jonathan Cape, publisher of Kavan's early works (The Dark Sister, Let Me Alone, A Charmed Circle, A Stranger Still, Asylum Piece and Other Stories, Change the Name), I am Lazarus: Short Stories" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "archives", "publisher:Jonathan Cape", "ville:Reading" ;
    dc:title "Archives of Jonathan Cape Ltd - University of Reading" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Jonathan Cape established his publishing company in 1921. The firm published both mainstream and more experimental literature, including a number of classic works and best-sellers, and was taken over by Random House in 1987.

The collection includes book files 1960-1995 (including editorial, production and publicity correspondence etc.); author correspondence 1920s-1960; ledgers 1920s-1980s; rights correspondence; managing director's files 1960s-1980s.""" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-14 10:22:50" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "University of Reading" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "University of Reading"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "20/04/2007" ;
    dc:description "Dai Vaughan has been described by the Review of Contemporary Fiction as \"one of the most skilful writers of our age\". A renowned documentary film-editor, his previous novels include Moritur, Germs and The Cloud Chamber. His latest work of fiction is Non-Return (Seren)." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Guilty", "Jennifer Sturm", "Rhys Davies" ;
    dc:title "Guilty by Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Rhys Davies, one of Anna Kavan’s few close friends, wrote an introduction for Julia and the Bazooka (1970), a posthumous collection of her stories linked by their common allusion to her heroin habit." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:55:18" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Dai Vaughan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jan Hanford", "fan" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Anna Kavan was born \"Helen Woods\" in Cannes, France on April 10, 1901 to wealthy expatriate British parents. Anna spent her childhood in several European countries, California and England." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:59:30" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "redmood" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Jan Hanford"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "24 september 2007" ;
    dc:description "Abigail Nussbaum ( works as a software engineer in Tel Aviv, Israel. Her work has previously appeared in the Internet Review of Science Fiction and the Israeli SFF quarterly, The Tenth Dimension. She blogs on matters genre and otherwise at Asking the Wrong Questions." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Guilty", "Ice", "Jennifer Sturm", "Strange Horizons" ;
    dc:title "Ice and Guilty by Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "About a year ago, I attended the guest of honor talk at ICon, the Israeli science fiction and fantasy convention. The speaker was Neil Gaiman, and his topic was dreams. With typical low-key irreverence, Mr. Gaiman sidestepped his assigned subject." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 11:08:24" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Strange Horizons" ;
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Abigail Nussbaum"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "23 Nov 2012" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Jean Rhys", "Victoria Walker", "WhoAreYou" ;
    dc:title "Ornithology and Ontology: The Existential Birdcall in Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea and Anna Kavan's Who Are You?" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This essay explores textual parallels between Anna Kavan's novel Who Are You? (1963) and Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). Paying close attention to the interrogative birdcall that haunts both texts, it examines how (post-)colonial situations and the experiences of namelessness and marital sexual violence lead Rhys's and Kavan's protagonists to doubts about their identity and existence." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 09:51:34" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        prism:number "Issue 4" ;
        prism:volume "Volume 23" ;
        dc:title "Women: A Cultural Review" ;
        a bib:Journal
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Victoria Walker"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "journalArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "25 Jun 2006" ;
    dc:description "Duncan Fallowell (1948) is a novelist, travel writer and critic." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "David Callard", "Duncan Fallowell", "Jeremy Reed" ;
    dc:title "Outside the asylum of her mind" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Since we often hear complaints about the puerile state of current publishing, it is as well to remind oneself that exceptional work has often had a hard time of it in Britain. Henry James struggled to sell his greatest novels. James Joyce was published in Paris. Ronald Firbank paid for his own publication. D H Lawrence was reviled. But because literature is about extending reality, not repeating it, there is some law of creativity which guarantees that the exceptional is what survives. So perhaps it is no wonder that the esoteric and beautiful writing of Anna Kavan refuses to go away - but it has been a near thing." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 12:22:40" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "The Telegraph" ;
        a bib:Newspaper
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Duncan Fallowel"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Article ;
    z:itemType "newspaperArticle" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "anna kavan | Tumblr" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-05-18 17:23:59" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "october 2011" ;
    dc:description "including The Gannets, short story by Anna Kavan." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "The Gannets", "birds", "short story" ;
    dc:title "Murmurations, uncanny stories about birds" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Freud observed that birds ‘don’t seem to be submitted to the same laws of gravity as us’, although without gravity they would die, as they need it to swallow. Birds are all around us; they could not be more familiar. And yet at the same time they are alien, unheimlich – uncanny. Award-winning editor Nicholas Royle brings together previously published stories by Daphne du Maurier, Anna Kavan, Russell Hoban and others with brand-new tales by contemporary writers including Bill Broady, Adam Marek, Regi Claire and many more." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:24:09" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "Two Raven Press" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Nicholas Royle"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Samuel R Delany", "creative writing" ;
    dc:title "About Writing" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Award-winning novelist Samuel R. Delany has written a book for creative writers to place alongside E. M. Forster’s Aspects of the Novel and Lajos Egri’s Art of Dramatic Writing. Taking up specifics (When do flashbacks work, and when should you avoid them? How do you make characters both vivid and sympathetic?) and generalities (How are novels structured? How do writers establish serious literary reputations today?), Delany also examines the condition of the contemporary creative writer and how it differs from that of the writer in the years of Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and the high Modernists." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 17:18:04" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "UPNE" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Samuel R. Delany"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:description "Organized into six series: I. Writings; II. Correspondence; III. Photographs; IV. Artwork; V. Personal Papers. The writings are arranged alphabetically by title. The correspondence is arranged alphabetically by correspondent then chronologically within each grouping. Art work too large for the oversize box is housed in Map Case 5:Drawer 11." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "archives", "ville:Tulsa" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan papers" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This artificial collection has been compiled from a number of acquisitions and included handwritten and typed manuscripts of novels, novellas and short stories. Also diaries, notebooks, photographs, personal memorabilia and correspondence with theater critic Raymond B. Marriott, George Bullock, Rhys Davies and letters, notes and drawings from K. T. Bluth to Kavan. Kavan's artwork, predominantly water color but including oil, pen and ink, and goache." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:39:45" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        dc:title "University of Tulsa, McFarlin Library, Department of Special Collections and University Archives" ;
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Mc Farlin Library"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:description "This material was accumulated by Richard R. Centing (Ohio State University) while researching a proposed biography of Kavan." ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Richard R. Centing", "archives", "biography", "ville:Tulsa" ;
    dc:title "Richard R. Centing collection of Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Handwritten and typed letters and postcards from various individuals who knew Kavan (including 5 handwritten letters from Rhys Davies and a typed letter from Raymond B. Marriott); photocopied or excised short stories, articles about Kavan, and bibliographic information, all from various sources; and reprints of photographs of Kavan and two of Kavan's paintings." ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-02-28 15:43:37" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Mc Farlin Library"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" ;
    z:language "en" .

    dc:date "1988" ;
    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Tulsa"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "thesis" ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan: a critical introduction" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-03-01 16:17:18" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:surname "Priscilla Diaz Dorr"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Thesis ;
    z:itemType "thesis" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "anais nin"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "Anna Kavan"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "impressionism"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "surrealism"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "sylvia plath"
    ] ;
    dc:title "threnody" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:40:23" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:subject [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "anais nin"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "franz kafka"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "impressionism"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "lost"
    ], [
        a z:AutomaticTag ;
        rdf:value "surrealism"
    ] ;
    dc:title "So many dreams are crowding upon me now that I can..." ;
    dcterms:abstract "“So many dreams are crowding upon me now that I can scarcely tell true from false: dreams like light imprisoned in bright mineral caves; hot, heavy dreams; ice-age dreams; dreams like machines in...”" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 13:33:43" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:identifier [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:title "show me a ditch, and i'll dive in it" ;
    dcterms:dateSubmitted "2013-01-28 11:18:27" ;
    dcterms:isPartOf [
        a z:Website
    ] ;
    link:link <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    a bib:Document ;
    z:itemType "webpage" .

    dc:date "1990" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 0330305328 9780330305327" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Pan Books"
    ] ;
    dc:title "My madness : the selected writings of Anna Kavan" ;
    dcterms:abstract "This selection from the writings of Anna Kavan includes the full text of \"Sleep has his House\" and her final visionary novel \"Ice\", along with the script of \"My Madness\", a theatrical portrait of Anna Kavan. It includes works from \"Julia and Bazooka\" and stories from other collections." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1970" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 0720603404 9780720603408" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Julia and the bazooka, and other stories" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Here are fifteen startling stories that reflect the weird, thrilling realm into which this brilliant English writer's dangerous life and powerful artistic drive propelled her - thirty years of seesawing stability and chaos: constant drug addiction, suicide attempts, productive work in painting and editing, two marriages and a son, long sojourns in mental hospitals, widely admired novels and short stories.

Her stories penetrate the black holes of human consciousness and perception, a region of hypnotic games and seductive hallucinations where everything is animate, where the vertiginous panic and tough pride of the outcast merge with a tender, tranquil appeal to what is beautiful and lasting.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1975" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 0720603439 9780720603439" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:title "My soul in China : a novella and stories" ;
    dcterms:abstract """Since her death in 1968 there has been a strong international revival of interest in Anna Kavan's work. The novella and short stories in this collection have been selected and edited by Rhys Davies from MSS found after her death. They represent both her early and later writing.

The novella My Soul in China belongs to the former category. Written after the failure of a second marriage, it contains autobiographical elements, including the experiences of mental breakdown and drug addiction. Its central character, a desperately unhappy woman, find temporary refuge, after the breakdown of her marriage, with an itinerant Australian. Their brief idyllic time together, spent at a lonely coastal retreat, is poignantly described. But when Kay's lover prepares to return to his family, she has once again to face the nightmare fear of mental isolation and loss of personal identity.

The nine short stories show the author experimenting with new ideas and reflect, sometimes wryly, some of the contemporary problems -violence in society, pollution - that concerned her. All, however, reveal the weird atmosphere of mingled fantasy and reality which distinguished Anna Kavan's work.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1992" ;
    dc:description "The loveliest thing about this adequately written biography (\"THE CASE OF ANNA KAVAN: A BIOGRAPHY\" by D. A. Callard) -- about a very depressing and depressed personality and creator -- is that it is mercifully short: only 159 pages -- enough to get the core available facts across and then end. D. A. Callard, author of a prior biography about another not-well-known writer, Evelyn Scott, is aware of how much lying a biographer can do and makes a virtue of his awareness by attempting to state facts and estimates about Anna Kavan's life that are proof-positive, not speculations." ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 0720608678" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "bio:David Callard", "publisher:Peter Owen", [
        a dcterms:LCC ;
        rdf:value "PR6009.D63 Z6 1992"
    ] ;
    dc:title "The case of Anna Kavan: a biography" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "D. A." ;
            foaf:surname "Callard"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "Library of Congress ISBN" ;
    z:numPages "168" ;
    z:shortTitle "The case of Anna Kavan" .

    dc:date "1994" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 0720609402 9780720609400 0720609844 9780720609844" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London; Chester Springs, PA; Chester Springs, PA" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "P. Owen ; U.S. distributor, Dufour Editions"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Mercury" ;
    dcterms:abstract "A man searches for a woman so he can save her from a sadistic husband, a search full of hallucinations which takes him across continents and seas. The novel is a drug-induced fantasy by a writer who died of an overdose, author of Sleep Has His House." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1995" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 0720609623 9780720609622" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London; Chester Springs, PA" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen : U.S. distributor, Dufour Editions"
    ] ;
    dc:title "The parson" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Oswald, an upright young army officer on leave in his native homeland, falls for Rejane, but she rejects any intimacy with him until she persuades him to take her to a sinister castle situated on a treacherous headland." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "2006" ;
    dc:description "Jeremy Reed's 'A Stranger on Earth: The Life and Work of Anne Kavan' (2006) is an interesting if liberal-minded exploration of the novelist and short story writer about whom relatively little has previously been known. This is partially because Kavan was a marginal literary figure during her own lifetime, but also because the secretive, obsessive Kavan, who destroyed most of her diaries, correspondence, and other private papers, wished to remain as much a mystery in death as she had been in life. As Reed acknowledges, his loosely-structured biography has been composed from the various scattered and frequently incomplete resources presently available." ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 072061273X" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London ; Chester Springs, PA" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "bio:Jeremy Reed", "publisher:Peter Owen", [
        a dcterms:LCC ;
        rdf:value "PR6009.D63 Z86 2006"
    ] ;
    dc:title "A stranger on Earth: the life and work of Anna Kavan" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Jeremy" ;
            foaf:surname "Reed"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "Library of Congress ISBN" ;
    z:numPages "207" ;
    z:shortTitle "A stranger on Earth" .

    dc:date "2007" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 072061287X 9780720612875" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "London; Chester Springs, PA; Chester Springs" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen ; distributed in the USA by Dufour Editions"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Guilty" ;
    dcterms:abstract "Guilty is narrated by Mark. He begins the novel as a young boy whose father has just returned from war. In spite of being garlanded as a hero, Mark's father declares himself a pacifist and is immediately reviled in a country still suffering from the divisions of war. When his father is forced into exile Mark meets Mr Spector, a shady figure who from then on is a dominant force in Mark's life, seeing him through his schooling, employment and even finding him accommodation. When Mark tries to break off with Mr Spector in order to pursue an engagement with the beautiful but docile Carla his life begins to unravel. Thwarted at every turn by a Kafkaesque bureaucracy he begins to fall prey to the machinations and insecurities of his guilt-ridden mind." ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Anna" ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:archive "/z-wcorg/" ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:language "English" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "" .

    dc:date "1935" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 9780720609554", [
        a dcterms:URI ;
        rdf:value ""
    ] ;
    dc:publisher [
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Peter Owen Limited"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "Helen Ferguson" ;
    dc:title "A Stranger Still" ;
    dcterms:abstract """A Stranger Still was first published in 1935 under Anna Kavan's early married name of Helen Ferguson. An intriguing, well-plotted story, it was much acclaimed at the time, and its freshness and vigour remain undiminished.

The wealthy Lewison family occupy centre stage. William, a widower, presides forcefully over his empire of Greater London stores, as well as over his sons, Cedric and Martin, and his impressionable daughter, Gwenda. A fictional 'Anna Kavan' appears as a young girl adrift from her husband and now in pursuit of romantic fulfillment. The story takes us from fashionable and Bohemian London to Paris, the South of France and Italy. The autobiographical element is implicit for those familiar with the author's enigmatic life.

Anna Kavan captures the ambience of the thirties with conviction, yet her pre-hallucinogenic writing has the uninhibitedness and immediacy of a novel of today.""" ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "A." ;
            foaf:surname "Kavan"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" .

    dc:date "2009" ;
    dc:identifier "ISBN 9781869791339" ;
    dc:publisher [
        vcard:adr [
            vcard:locality "Auckland, N.Z" ;
            a vcard:Address
        ] ;
        a foaf:Organization ;
        foaf:name "Vintage Book"
    ] ;
    dc:subject "AKNZ", "Jennifer Sturm", "biography", [
        a dcterms:LCC ;
        rdf:value "PR6009.D63 Z46 2009"
    ] ;
    dc:title "Anna Kavan's New Zealand: a Pacific interlude in a turbulent life" ;
    dcterms:abstract "New Zealanders live 'in temporary shacks, uneasily, as reluctant campers too far from home', wrote Anna Kavan in a London magazine in 1943. Her seemingly negative comments created a stir both in the UK and New Zealand and suggested Kavan felt nothing but antipathy for the country. However, in researching this prize-winning author of nineteen books, Dr Jennifer Sturm uncovered letters and unpublished short stories written during Kavan's sojourn in New Zealand that show a more complex, affectionate and significant response. Those stories are published here for the first time, along with a fascinating discussion of this experimental writer and talented artist, who struggled with bouts of depression and insecurity, as well as heroin addiction and a stream of unconventional love affairs. Kavan roamed the world trying to find a home, and although her stay in New Zealand was for less than two years, her stories reveal a country where she found temporary peace, a country she captures in a warm and astute gaze. This book provides an intriguing insight, not only into the life and writing of Anna Kavan but also New Zealand of the 1940s." ;
    dcterms:isReferencedBy <file:///home/aleray/work/> ;
    bib:authors [
        rdf:_1 [
            a foaf:Person ;
            foaf:givenname "Jennifer" ;
            foaf:surname "Sturm"
        ] ;
        a rdf:Seq
    ] ;
    a bib:Book ;
    z:itemType "book" ;
    z:libraryCatalog "Library of Congress ISBN" ;
    z:numPages "279" ;
    z:shortTitle "Anna Kavan's New Zealand" .