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digraph {
    node[style="filled", fillcolor=white, fontname="Karla", penwidth=2]

// HF/AK
   AK[label="Anna Kavan\n1939–1968", shape="rect", margin=0.25];

// Bibliography as author Anna Kavan
  Asylum[label="1940\nAsylum Piece and other stories"];
  CTN[label="1941\nChange The Name"];
  Lazarus[label="1945\nI Am Lazarus"];
  SHHH[label="1948\nSleep Has His house"];
  Horse[label="1949\nThe Horse's Tale"];
  Scarcity[label="1956\nA Scarcity of Love"];
  Eagle[label="1957\nEagle's Nest"];
  Bright[label="1958\nA Bright Green Field"];
  WAY[label="1963\nWho Are You?"];
  Julia[label="1970\nJulia and her Bazooka"];
  MySoul[label="1975\nMy Soul in China"];
  Parson[label="1995\nThe parson"];
// Writes
 	AK -> Asylum
 	AK -> CTN
 	AK -> Lazarus
 	AK -> SHHH
 	AK -> Horse
 	AK -> Scarcity
 	AK -> Bright
 	AK -> WAY
 	AK -> Ice
 	AK -> MySoul
 	AK -> Mercury
 	AK -> Parson
    AK -> Julia[style=dotted]
    AK -> Guilty[style=dotted]
    AK -> Eagle[style=dotted]

// villes & pays
   London_1915[label="1915–18\nKavan sent to boarding school\nBack to London"];
   Far_east[label="1919\nMarries Donald Ferguson\nCouple moves to Burma"];
   London_1925[label="1925\nLeaving her husband in Burma\nKavan returns to London"];
   SoF_25[label="1925\nMeets Stuart Edmonds\nSouth of France"];
   London_1938[label="1938\nSecond marriage dissolves\nKavan attempts suicide\nadmitted to sanatorium"];	
   SB_1936[label="1936\nTreatment of drug addiction\nat sanatorium Bellevue"];
   NY[label="1939,40,43\nKavan stopped by 3 times\nin New-York"];
   Carmel[label="1940\nKavan stayed\n6 months in Carmel"];
   Auckland[label="1941–42\nKavan spent\n22 months in NZ"];
   London_1943[label="1943\nWork at Mill Hill Hospital\nWork for Horizon review\nback to London"];
   SA_1947[label="1947,48,49\nKavan visits her mother"]; 
   SB_1947[label="1947,48\nTreatment of drug addiction\nat sanatorium Bellevue"];
// Autofiction
  Asylum -> SB_1936
  Asylum ->  London_1938
  CTN -> Far_east
  CTN -> London_1925
  Lazarus -> London_1943
  SHHH -> SA_1947
  SHHH -> SB_1947
  Horse -> SB_1947
  Scarcity -> SA_1947
  Bright -> NY
  WAY -> Far_east
  Ice -> Auckland
  Julia -> London_1915
  Julia -> SoF_25
  Julia -> SB_1936
  Julia -> London_1938
  Julia -> Auckland
  MySoul -> SB_1936
  MySoul -> London_1938
  MySoul -> Carmel
  Mercury -> Auckland
  Parson -> Far_east