clone your own copy | download snapshot


Design and creation of an online notebook plateform for a.pass research school.

to run in patternlab

rm -rf public && npm run serve

Snapshots | iceberg

Inside this repository




— Add README.md

Friday, 30th August 2019 - 16:01


Ludigave away

— Free the Century and Latin Modern cross

Friday, 30th August 2019 - 17:57


Sarah Magnanexposed

— first sketches organisation

Friday, 30th August 2019 - 18:02



— layouts and fonts

Monday, 7th October 2019 - 14:21



— layout in Inkscape en attendant patternlab?

Monday, 7th October 2019 - 16:53


Ali Raywhispered

— Added patternlab skeleton and first draft

Tuesday, 8th October 2019 - 11:37



— testing a new patternlab project

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 11:34


Ali Rayshouted

— Moving existing pl sources to the new pl project

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 11:49


Ali Raygave away

— Adding .gitignore

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 12:15


Ali Raylet the cat out of the bag

— Updating patternlab

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 12:16


Ali Raywhispered

— Reverting source directory to it's initial state

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 12:18


Ali Raysaid

— Deleting every pattern and adding a hello world

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 12:21


Ali Rayironized

— Coming back to the demo project as it doesn't work

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 12:31


Ali Raysaid

— Je suis complement bidon

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 12:41


Sarah Magnanlet out

— first setup for layout

Wednesday, 9th October 2019 - 17:14


Sarah Magnanwhispered

— array for keywords

Thursday, 10th October 2019 - 16:26


Sarah Magnanverbalised

— trying to make appear the pad creation in the same page

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 17:08


Ludilet loose

— colors and sizes

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 16:59


Sarah Magnantattled

— merge conflict

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 17:09


Sarah Magnanbabbled out

— create pad styling

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 18:38



— styles

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 17:13



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 17:13



— read content test with documentation

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 18:14


Sarah Magnanwhispered

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 15th October 2019 - 18:38


Ali Raycried

— Delete test patternlab project

Monday, 21st October 2019 - 10:25


Ali Rayexposed

— Moved article class to the right place

Monday, 21st October 2019 - 10:44


Ali Rayconfessed

— Cleaned up source directory

Monday, 21st October 2019 - 11:01


Ludibrought out

— read styles

Monday, 21st October 2019 - 13:42


Ali Raypeached

— WIP Reorganising templates and css

Monday, 21st October 2019 - 14:27


Ali Raystated

— Continued reorganising and added css tidy utility

Monday, 21st October 2019 - 18:43


Ali Raydisclosed

— Reorganising elements

Wednesday, 6th November 2019 - 16:19


Ali Rayverbalised

— Added an proto index view

Wednesday, 6th November 2019 - 17:19


Ludibrought out

— intro et update layouts

Wednesday, 20th November 2019 - 21:32



— ajout index

Wednesday, 27th November 2019 - 11:37



— keyword list et about

Wednesday, 27th November 2019 - 12:13


Ali Rayshouted

— Added a few styles to the list

Friday, 29th November 2019 - 00:46



— merging

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 10:40


Sarah Magnanemited

— indexation page

Friday, 29th November 2019 - 13:23


Sarah Magnanuttered

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Friday, 29th November 2019 - 13:23


Ali Rayemited

— Fix index.json

Sunday, 1st December 2019 - 14:27


Ali Raypeached

— Added text result list structure

Monday, 2nd December 2019 - 09:15


Ali Rayrendered

— More work

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 01:08


Ali Raycomplained

— More style

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 10:40



— merged

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 10:43


Ali Raylet loose

— Minor style.css stuff

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 10:45


Ali Rayemited

— cleaning

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 11:50



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 11:56


Ali Raysaid

— Deleted ref to homepage in urls

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 11:59



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 11:58



— styles Pad_manage

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 16:45


Ludibrought out

— merge

Thursday, 5th December 2019 - 09:22


Ali Raylet loose

— changes on the header and the index page

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 16:55


Ali Rayrendered

— npm files

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 16:56


Ali Rayadmitted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Wednesday, 4th December 2019 - 16:58



— merging

Thursday, 5th December 2019 - 09:24


Ali Rayconfessed

— Added pubdates

Tuesday, 10th December 2019 - 14:04



— sketches suite

Tuesday, 10th December 2019 - 12:10


Ali Raysaid

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 10th December 2019 - 14:05


Ali Raylet the cat out of the bag

— Sidebar among other things

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 10:40



— déplier replier

Tuesday, 10th December 2019 - 15:53



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 10th December 2019 - 15:55


Sarah Magnantalked

— toolbox au même niveau

Tuesday, 10th December 2019 - 17:36


Ali Rayargued

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 10:41


Ali Rayrevealed

— No-accordion side panel

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 15:01


Sarah Magnanlet loose

— some styles adjustments in menus

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 16:40



— trying to solve fonts

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 15:04



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 15:04


Ludigave away

— styles for cheatsheet

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 16:08


Sarah Magnanpublished

— merge

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 16:42


Sarah Magnancomitted

— fin tuning of toolbox and hierarchy

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 18:12


Ali Raycomplained

— A few context changes to match Django

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 17:07


Ali Raydivulged

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 17:12


Sarah Magnanbabbled

— merge

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 18:17


Ali Raysaid

— Cleaning and matching django logic

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 22:12


Ali Raysaid

— Little bit of cleaning

Monday, 16th December 2019 - 23:25


Ali Raysaid

— Reorganising and cleaning

Wednesday, 8th January 2020 - 10:28


Ali Rayexpressed

— Added a script to simplify django integration

Wednesday, 8th January 2020 - 17:05


Ali Raypublished

— A few adjustements to ease django integration

Wednesday, 8th January 2020 - 17:06


Sarah Magnanemited

— styling buttons forms basic pages and adding all types

Monday, 13th January 2020 - 18:16


Ali Raybrought out

— Added proto stylesheet for print

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 11:48



— gif test

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 10:36



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 10:36


Sarah Magnanuttered

— tableau gifs

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 11:35


Ali Raybabbled out

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 11:49



— gifs collec

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 13:59



— dossier gifs

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 15:23



— 3

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 15:28



— manifesto

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 15:36


Sarah Magnanlet loose

— trial gifs

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 15:31



— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 15:36



— gfs full serie

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 15:49



— black-back

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 16:18


Sarah Magnanlet loose

— cleaning gifs

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 16:31



— gif archive

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 16:34


Sarah Magnanshouted

— Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.constantvzw.org:osp/work.a-pass

Tuesday, 10th March 2020 - 16:32


Sarah Magnanshouted

— un peu de style pour le print avec un exemple concret

Wednesday, 1st April 2020 - 17:58


Ali Raystated

— Added proto-filtering by keyword

Friday, 4th September 2020 - 10:43



— gif resizing, random gif background and close button panel

Friday, 4th September 2020 - 18:45


Ali Raylet the cat out of the bag

— Fixed a lot

Monday, 7th September 2020 - 00:37


Sarah Magnanunwrapped

— styling the tags and thye read mode

Tuesday, 15th September 2020 - 13:57


sarahbrought out

— add an iceberg picture of the homepage with gifs

Wednesday, 30th September 2020 - 12:02