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Title: 0.47 in 47 sec
Date: 2009-09-16 15:08
Author: Harrisson
Tags: News, Inkscape
Slug: 0-47-in-47-sec
Status: published

[![o.47]({filename}/images/uploads/o.47.png "o.47"){: .alignleft .size-full .wp-image-3407 }]({filename}/images/uploads/o.47.png)

Install Inkscape 0.47 pre release:  

Wow! This is mind blowing!

To get quadrichromical images from Inkscape, our "rock in the shoe" way
is to save vectorial drawing in SVG, and import it in Scribus. To get
the right colors, we recompose svg-rgb colors in scribus-cymk. It's a
fastidious work, and limitative, but it works very well. PDF we printed
this way are perfect. We feared that new release of inkscape would
disturb this way of proceeding. But we couldn't believe our eyes when
scribus perfectly imorted spiro curves and generated a ready-to-print
