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SplineFontDB: 3.0
FontName: SansGuiltMB
FullName: Sans Guilt MB
FamilyName: Sans Guilt MB
Weight: Medium
Copyright: Created by RCA Workshop "Read the Fucking Manual" with FontForge  2.0 ( and Fonzie
FontLog: "FONTLOG for Sans Guilt+AAoA--------------------+AAoA-This file provides detailed information on the Sans Guilt font software.+AAoA-This information should be distributed along with the Sans Guilt fonts+AAoA-and any derivative works.+AAoACgAA-Basic Font Information+AAoA---------------------------+AAoA-Copyright (c) 2011, OSP ( three Sans Guilt fonts have been produce during +ACIA-Read The Fucking Manual+ACIA, an OSP workshop at Deparment 21 (Royal College of Art), using Gimp, Fonzie and Fontforge. They are different versions of Gill Sans based on three different sources.+AAoACgAA_Sans Guilt MB: Based on a rasterized pdf made with the Monotype Gill Sans delivered with Mac OSX.+AAoA_Sans Guilt DB: Based on early sketches by Eric Gill+AAoA_Sans Guilt LB: Based on lead type from Royal College of Arts letterpress workshop.+AAoACgAA-See:+AAoA- for Contributors+AAoA-------------------------------+AAoA-Copyright (C) 2011 OSP +AAoA- Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.+AAoACgAKAAoA-ChangeLog+AAoA-----------+AAoA(This should list both major and minor changes, most recent first.)+AAoACgAA-Acknowledgements+AAoA--------------------------+AAoA-If you make modifications be sure to add your name (N), email (E), web-address+AAoA(W) and description (D). This list is sorted by last name in alphabetical+AAoA-order.)+AAoACgAA-N: Antoine Begon+AAoA-E: +AAoACgAA-N: Sophie Demay+AAoA-E: Deniz Johns +AAoA-E: Alexandre Leray+AAoA-E: +AAoACgAA-N: Pierre Marchand+AAoA-E: +AAoACgAA-N: Afonso Martins+AAoA-E:  +AAoACgAA-N: St+AOkA-hanie Vilayphiou+AAoA-E:  +AAoACgAKAAoACgAA" 
Version: 001.000
ItalicAngle: 0
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Ascent: 800
Descent: 200
LayerCount: 2
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XUID: [1021 102 386186274 2675165]
FSType: 0
OS2Version: 3
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OS2_UseTypoMetrics: 1
CreationTime: 1299848038
ModificationTime: 1301394535
PfmFamily: 17
TTFWeight: 500
TTFWidth: 5
LineGap: 90
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OS2WinAOffset: 1
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HheadAscent: 0
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OS2SubXSize: 650
OS2SubYSize: 699
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OS2SupXSize: 650
OS2SupYSize: 699
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OS2SupYOff: 479
OS2StrikeYSize: 49
OS2StrikeYPos: 258
OS2Vendor: 'PfEd'
OS2CodePages: 00000001.00000000
OS2UnicodeRanges: 00000063.00000000.00000020.00000000
Lookup: 1 0 0 "'rtla' Formes alternatives droite-+AOAA--gauche (ARA) lookups0"  {"sous-table 'rtla' Formes alternatives droite-+AOAA--gauche (ARA) lookups0"  } ['rtla' ('DFLT' <'dflt' > ) ]
DEI: 91125
LangName: 1033 "" "" "" "" "" "Version 001.000" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" 
Encoding: UnicodeBmp
UnicodeInterp: none
NameList: Adobe Glyph List
DisplaySize: -72
AntiAlias: 1
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WinInfo: 57 19 8
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