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This is METAFONT, Version 2.718281 (TeX Live 2012/Debian) (base=mf 2012.11.2)  19 NOV 2012 12:27
( ( ( (
The letter A [65]
The letter B [66]
The letter C [67]
The letter D [68]
The letter E [69]
The letter F [70]
The letter G [71]
The letter H [72]
The letter I [73]
The letter J [74]
The letter K [75]
The letter L [76]
The letter M [77]
The letter N [78]
The letter O [79]
The letter P [80]
The letter Q [81]
The letter R [82]
The letter S [83]
The letter T [84]
The letter U [85]
The letter V [86]
The letter W [87]
The letter X [88]
The letter Y [89]
The letter Z [90]) (
The letter a [97]
The letter b [98]
The letter c [99]
The letter d [100]
The letter e [101]
The letter f [102]
The letter g [103]
The letter h [104]
The letter i [105]
The letter j [106]
The letter k [107]
The letter l [108]
The letter m [109]
The letter n [110]
The letter o [111]
The letter p [112]
The letter q [113]
The letter r [114]
The letter s [115]
The letter t [116]
The letter u [117]
The letter v [118]
The letter w [119]
The letter x [120]
The letter y [121]
The letter z [122]) (
Uppercase Greek Gamma [0]
Uppercase Greek Delta [1]
Uppercase Greek Theta [2]
Uppercase Greek Lambda [3]
Uppercase Greek Xi [4]
Uppercase Greek Pi [5]
Uppercase Greek Sigma [6]
Uppercase Greek Upsilon [7]
Uppercase Greek Phi [8]
Uppercase Greek Psi [9]
Uppercase Greek Omega [10]) (
The numeral 0 [48]
The numeral 1 [49]
The numeral 2 [50]
The numeral 3 [51]
The numeral 4 [52]
The numeral 5 [53]
The numeral 6 [54]
The numeral 7 [55]
The numeral 8 [56]
The numeral 9 [57]) (
Dollar sign [36]
Ampersand [38]
Question mark [63]
Spanish open question mark [62]) (
Dotless letter i [16]
Dotless letter j [17]
German letter es-zet (sharp s) [25]
The ligature ae [26]
The ligature oe [27]
Scandinavian letter o/slash [28]) (
The ligature AE [29]
The ligature OE [30]
Scandinavian letter O/slash [31]) (
Exclamation point [33]
Spanish open exclamation point [60]
Hash mark (number sign) [35]
Per cent sign [37]
Apostrophe [39]
Left parenthesis [40]
Right parenthesis [41]
Asterisk [42]
Plus sign [43]
Comma [44]
Period [46]
Virgule (slash) [47]
Colon [58]
Semicolon [59]
Equals sign [61]
At sign [64]
Left bracket [91]
Right bracket [93]
Reverse apostrophe [96]) (
Grave accent [18]
Acute accent [19]
Hachek (check) accent [20]
Breve accent [21]
Macron (bar) accent [22]
Scandinavian circle accent [23]
Cedilla accent [24]
Cross for Polish l and L [32]
Circumflex (hat) accent [94]
Dot accent [95]
Long Hungarian umlaut accent [125]
Tilde (squiggle) accent [126]
Umlaut (double dot) accent [127]) (
The ligature ff [11]
The ligature fi [12]
The ligature fl [13]
The ligature ffi [14]
The ligature ffl [15]) (
Closing quotes [34]
Hyphen [45]
Opening quotes [92]
En dash [123]
Em dash [124]) ) )
Output written on cmssi17.2602gf (128 characters, 297512 bytes).