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% New arrow heads for chemical reaction schemes
% Author: Thomas Schroeder
% Version: 0.7 February 3 2001
% macro chemarrow.sty based on TeXBook and a source file provided
% by Andreas Hertwig
% font based on by Ulrich Mueller
% TeX Usage of various Chemical Arrow drawing macros
% \chemarrow                                % simple unsized reaction arrow
% \larrowfill{90pt}                         % parameter is length of harpoon
% \rarrowfill{90pt}                         % parameter is length of harpoon
% \rightleftharpoonsfill{90pt}              % parameter is length of harpoons
% \leftrightharpoonsfill{90pt}              % parameter is length of harpoons
% \autoleftarrow{upper_stuff}{lower_stuff}          % sizes automatically
% \autorightarrow{upper_stuff}{lower_stuff}         % sizes automatically
% \autorightleftharpoons{upper_stuff}{lower_stuff}  % sizes automatically
% \autoleftrightharpoons{upper_stuff}{lower_stuff}  % sizes automatically
%\DeclareFontShape{U}{arr}{m}{n}{<9> <10> <10.95> <12> <14.4> <17.28> <20.74> <24.88> <29.86> <35.83> <43.00> <51.6> <61.92> <74.3> <89.16> <107.0> arrow}{}
\DeclareFontShape{U}{arr}{m}{n}{ <-> arrow}{}
% definitions taken from `am-plain.tex'
\newdimen\z@ \z@=0pt % can be used both for 0pt and 0
\newskip\z@skip \z@skip=0pt plus0pt minus0pt
\def\m@th{\mathsurround=\z@}%   from am-plain.tex
% dimensions used in calculating the `auto' fill macros
 \newdimen\autotop  \newdimen\autobottom    \newdimen\autosize
% Same as `\rightarrowfill' from the TeXBook, but with `\leftharpoondown'


% Same as `\rightarrowfill' from the TeXBook, but with `\rightharpoondown'





%  \cleaders\hbox{$\mkern-2mu\mathord-\mkern-2mu$}\hfill
%  \mkern-6mu\mathord{\textrm{\arro\symbol{65}}}$}


% Similar to `\rightleftharpoons from the TeXBook,
%    except using `\rightharpoonupfill' and `\rightharpoondownfill'.
% The first parameter is the length of the harpoons.
          \hbox{$\hbox to#1{\hspace*{.05em}\rightharpoonupfill}$}\crcr
        $\hbox to#1{\leftharpoondownfill\hspace*{.05em}}$}}}}\limits}

          \hbox{$\hbox to#1{\leftharpoonupfill\hspace*{.05em}}$}\crcr
        $\hbox to#1{\hspace*{.05em}\rightharpoondownfill}$}}}}\limits}

%   define the simplest possible chemical reaction right arrow, unsized

% Make a long leftarrow with its length specified by the passed parameter:
% Usage: \larrowfill{125pt}  or  \larrowfill{1.0in}   or   \larrowfill{2.2cm}
\def\larrowfill#1{\mathop{\hbox to #1{\mathstrut\leftchemarrowfill}}\limits}

% Make a long rightarrow with its length specified by the passed parameter:
% Usage: \rarrowfill{125pt}  or  \rarrowfill{1.0in}   or   \rarrowfill{2.2cm}
\def\rarrowfill#1{\mathop{\hbox to #1{\mathstrut\rightchemarrowfill}}\limits}

% Make a long leftarrow with its length slightly longer than the larger
%    of the lower and upper parameters:
% Usage: \autoleftarrow{upper_stuff}{lower_stuff}
    \advance\autosize by 2em%
    \mathop{\hbox to \autosize{\mathstrut\leftchemarrowfill}}\limits%

% Make a long rightarrow with its length slightly longer than the larger
%    of the lower and upper parameters:
% Usage: \autorightarrow{upper_stuff}{lower_stuff}
    \advance\autosize by 2em%
    \mathop{\hbox to \autosize{\mathstrut\rightchemarrowfill}}\limits%

\advance\autosize by 2em%
          \hbox{$\hbox to \autosize{\hspace*{.05em}\rightharpoonupfill}$}\crcr%
                $\hbox to \autosize{\leftharpoondownfill\hspace*{.05em}}$}}}}%

\advance\autosize by 2em%
          \hbox{$\hbox to \autosize{\leftharpoonupfill\hspace*{.05em}}$}\crcr%
                $\hbox to \autosize{\hspace*{.05em}\rightharpoondownfill}$}}}}%