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{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block title %}{{super()}} - {{page['request']}}{% endblock%}

{% block css_pad %}
        By using `export/txt` we can export the content of a pad as a css stylesheet.
        The second - more specific pad - is automatically created according to the page id.
        See at the bottom of the page the used script to load them inside of the style tags.
    <style class="ether-styles" data-pad="" ></style>
    <style class="ether-styles" data-pad="{{page['request']}}/export/txt" ></style>
{% endblock %}

{% block body %}
        CONTENT requested from the wikipage python module
    <main class="wiki-body">

        {#<div class="wiki-categories">
                {% for cat in page['categories'] %}
                {% endfor %}


        {#<div class="wiki-links">
            <h2>Internal links</h2>
                {% for link in page['links'] %}
                {% endfor %}

    SCRIPT is necessary as some browser (?) don't accept the `/export/txt` trick,
    so we load them into <style> tags through ajax 
        const pad_loaded = new Event("pad-loaded");

        // load content from the data-pad attr from .ether-styles tag
        $(".ether-styles").each( function(){
            $(this).load($(this).attr("data-pad"), function(){
                // dispatch an event when pad styling has been fully loaded
{% endblock %}