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name: Circles
type: meta
description: Circles have a precise mandate, formulated in their list of tasks. They execute concrete tasks and make decisions. Circles determine their own rhythm of meetings and report back to the floor meetings. We are currently considering whether circles should have one or two coordinators, or whether they are collectively run.

name: ⟷ Floor Meetings
type: meta
description: Take place once a month, in the format of a "serious apero". Every circle report their decisions and processes. Collective decisions in Floor Meeting are binding.

name: Parallel Entities
type: meta
description: People and collectives who are part of the active environments of the Meyboom organisation.

name: Floor Meetings
type: meeting
  - reporting by circles
  - sharing experiences, proposals and actions
  - proposing agenda points for the circles
  - determines the mandates and composition of circles

name: Admin & Finance
type: circle
pad: http://pads.osp.kitchen/p/meiboom-admin
contact: 2
members: Aernoudt, Shirine, Marialena, Gijs, Simon, Jesse
  - collecting and paying rent
  - strategies to deal with higher rent and energy prices
  - propose ways to create a financial buffer
  - contact with landlord
  - propose rent division and rent reduction systems
  - finding post-Meyboom location
  - creation of a new VZW/ASBL

name: Ecology & Representation
type: circle
pad : http://pads.osp.kitchen/p/meyboom-ecology
contact: 1
members: aR, Marilyne, Pablo, Shirine, Ludi, Jesse
    - representing the space
    - contact with similar organisations
    - external communication
    - 'facilitate a vision on who we are and who we want to be: inclusivity, diversity, profiles'
    - organising dinners, parties, studio visits, ...

name: Logistics
type: circle
contact: 1
members:  Aernoudt, Eyas, Chloé, Gijs, Erik, Clara, Puxe, Alice
  - housekeeping schedule and reminders
  - contact with landlord
  - contact with contractors for repairs etc.
  - contact with building security
  - managment of collective spaces of the building
  - IT
  - entrance badges

name: Visual Identity & Website
type: circle
pad: https://pads.domainepublic.net/p/csyhj447m4eoynbv
contact: 1
members: Doriane, Louis, Amélie, Tamara
  - defining a visual identity
  - maintaining website and online tools (mailing list, nextcloud, etc)
  - floor map
  - external communication
  - online calendar

name: Internal Care & Communication
type: circle
contact: 1
members: Olivier, Marouchka, Daphnee, Doriane (+ Pablo and Jesse at least for starting up)
  - welcoming new members
  - overview of members and contact details
  - organising dinners, parties, studio visits, ...
  - facilitate ways of getting to know each other's practice better
  - 'facilitate a vision on who we are and who we want to be: inclusivity, diversity, profiles'
  - contact point for difficult experiences, and conflict mediation
  - serious apero announcement & follow-up
  - communication about upcoming events
  - checking and adapting internal processes

name: Creation VZW/ASBL
type: temporary circle
pad: http://pads.osp.kitchen/p/vzw_creation, http://pads.osp.kitchen/p/meyboom-recipe-of-internal-order
contact: 2
members: Marialena, Shirine, Pia, Ludi, Aernoudt, Jesse

name: landlord
type: entity
  - contact with landlord

name: new VZW/ASBL
type: entity
  - creation of a new VZW/ASBL

name: other artists-run spaces
type: entity
  - representing the space
  - contact with similar organisations

name: other users of the building
type: entity
  - managment of collective spaces of the building
  - contact with similar organisations
  - strategies to deal with higher rent and energy prices
  - communication about upcoming events

name: audiences
type: entity
  - external communication