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django>=1.11,<1.12 pytz==2017.2 # Django CMS django-cms<3.5,>=3.4.5 # Optional, recommended packages djangocms-text-ckeditor<3.6,>=3.2 django-reversion>=2.0,<2.1 django-reversion-compare>=0.8,<0.9 # File management django-filer>=1.2,<1.3 cmsplugin-filer>=1.1,<1.2 Pillow>=2 # Exporting data to csv with unicode support unicodecsv>=0.9,<0.15 # Event list on the homepage (subscribe_tags) caldav==0.5.0 # Django compressor django-compressor>=2.2,<2.3 # Caching # python-memcached>=1.5,<1.6 python-memcached # Registration, so people can create themselves accounts django-registration-redux>=1.8,<1.9 # Markdown, to format article proposals Markdown>=2.1,<3 # Application publish django-admin-sortable2>=0.6,<0.7 djangorestframework>=3.7,<3.8 django-filter>=1.0.4,<1.1 django-cors-headers>=2.1,<2.2 django-ckeditor>=5.3,<5.4 # Upgrade to dj >=1.8 needs this django-formtools>=2.0,<2.2 # Upgrade to dj 1.11 needs this easy-thumbnails>=2.4.2,<2.5 # Upgrade to dj 1.11 needs this # see <> # see <> djangocms-attributes-field==0.3.0 # Typographical filters git+git://