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digraph { graph[overlap=false] node[style="filled", fillcolor=white, fontname="Karla", penwidth=2] edge[penwidth=2] // HF/AK { HF[label="Bibliography as Helen Ferguson", shape="rect", margin=0.25]; } // Bibliography as author Helen Ferguson { node[fillcolor="#E7FFED"] Charmed[label="1929\nA Charmed Circle"]; DarkS[label="1930\nDark Sisters"]; LMA[label="1930\nLet Me Alone"]; SS[label="1935\nStranger Still"]; Goose[label="1936\nGoose Cross"]; Rich[label="1937\nRich Get rich"]; } node[fillcolor=white] // Writes { HF -> Charmed HF -> DarkS HF -> LMA HF -> SS HF -> Goose HF -> Rich } // villes & pays { London_1915[label="1915–18\nKavan sent to boarding school\nBack to London"]; Far_east[label="1919\nMarries Donald Ferguson\nCouple moves to Burma"]; London_1925[label="1925\nLeaving her husband in Burma\nKavan returns to London"]; SoF_25[label="1925\nMeets Stuart Edmonds\nSouth of France"]; countryside[label="1931\nDivorces Ferguson\nMarries Stuart Edmonds\nMoves to countryside (England)"]; SoF_32[label="1932–34\nTravels to\nSouth of France"]; It[label="1932–34\nTravels to\nItaly"]; } // Autofiction { Charmed -> London_1925 DarkS -> London_1925 LMA -> London_1915 LMA -> Far_east LMA -> London_1925 SS -> London_1925 SS -> countryside SS -> Far_east SS -> SoF_25 SS -> SoF_32 SS -> It Goose -> countryside Goose -> Far_east } }